A Queen

Chapter 1074 Luoshui Qinyuan

Chapter 1074

There is only one kind of person in the Qin Pavilion - the people who play the piano.

There can only be two kinds of people who come to the Qin Pavilion - those who learn the piano and those who listen to the piano.

Nothing else.

How can such a pure existence exist?

Obviously Fenchuan is such a place where power is paramount, how could those big guys allow such a piano academy to exist?

Have you asked Sige?

Walking on the busy street, amidst the hustle and bustle next to him, Daili listened to Jie next to him saying in a low and cold tone: "The development of Qinyuan is very strange. The spread from the external southern areas has attracted many elegant people to the world. The great nobles highly praised it and used it as a springboard to gather a lot of external foundations. Later, they were introduced to Fenchuan half a year ago. The process was very smooth, with almost no obstacles, and the climbing speed was very strange."

"Then what? Got sniped?"

"Not yet, before those people took action, the Qin Yuan sent out invitations and invited many world-famous people and powerful leaders to come and listen to Qin...including people from the Four Pavilions and the four major families."

"Tingqin? Half a year ago?"

"Yes, listen to the Qin. After the piano music played by the master of the Qin Yuan, in just one night, the Qin Yuan established its foothold in Fenchuan...not about cultivation, not about the world, only about Qin."

After a pause, Jie frowned slightly and added: "Perhaps it is because of such indifference that these people allow it by default."

"Don't care about worldly affairs?" Dai Li chuckled and shook his head, "Jie, you have to understand that a person is just one person. Many people are not called many people, but organizations. There is no organization in this world that is completely indifferent to worldly affairs. . No matter what the motivation for founding the world is... it will eventually generate an extremely powerful force.

"What power?"


Networking is also a deterrent and can also be called background.

"The simpler the Qinyuan's positioning, and the more people only keep good Qin...the more terrifying its existence is."

"This is Qinchuan. Who are its disciples? Heroes in the world, children of aristocratic families in the world! People who can be simple and fond of Qin must also be people with a clear mind and more love than anyone else. Strong and love,

Even if the piano academy is an ordinary place for learning and listening to piano. If there is any difficulty...what do you think? "

Jie's face became solemn and he said in a low voice: "Help me with all my strength."

"Don't ask for anything, don't ask about worldly affairs, once something happens, just call and respond! This is the real power of the general trend... Qinyuan... I like it very much." Dai Li's smile was so bright, walking along the way, Jie found that he was passing by Those monks, no matter strong or weak, high or low, were all stunned for a moment, unable to walk, unable to take their eyes away...

The Lord seems to have missed one thing.

The ultimate posture is also a powerful and terrifying force.


The place of Qinyuan is not in the Holy Land, because it is not a powerful force. It is an ordinary piano courtyard, so it is located on the bank of Luoshui River in a residential area, so as not to block some ordinary people who are good at piano.

Otherwise, the threshold of the Holy Land would be too difficult to enter. However, the standard of this place by the Luoshui River is also very high. It is one of the few places that can connect the Holy Land with ordinary residential areas, because it is often visited by the nobles of the Holy Land, and it is also a place often visited by the nobles of the aristocratic families.

Luoshui is like water and the duckweed is crisp.

The gentleman is on green bamboo, in the middle of the curling water. Watch my beautiful lady’s glazed tears.

This is a ditty that many children in Fenchuan often play and sing. Luoshui is a place with the most gentlemen and beauties. Nowadays, it is even more remote and famous because of the existence of Qinyuan.

However, the Luoshui River today is much more lively than in the past. In fact, it was already lively in the past, but today it is even more lively...

"Because today is the Luoshui Festival, many adults from Fenchuan are here to celebrate the Luoshui Festival..."

"Why have you come here? Because there is a Goddess of Luo in Luoshui, and God of Luo is the best at playing the piano, so the Luoshui Festival is also the Qin Festival..."

The white-haired old man was fishing by the Luoshui River, and patiently explained to the young children around him who were curiously looking at the huge and quiet ancient building not far away...

"I know, I know... Many big brothers say that the master of the Qin Academy is the Luoshui Qin Immortal... he looks so good-looking~~"

As he spoke, the child opened his eyes wide and murmured as he looked ahead. The old man was confused and turned his head to look.

When he saw it, his eyes widened immediately, with the same expression as the child.

——Is there such a handsome young man in this world?


The ancient building of the Qin Yuan was originally the ancient site of a great nobleman standing on the bank of the Luoshui River. Later, when the aristocracy declined, it was renovated and used as the place of the Qin Yuan. From a distance, it is full of cornices, green tiles, carved eaves, and glazed tiles. It is lit with smoke and green, surrounded by towering ancient cypresses, and the green bamboos are dyed in the secluded area, adding a bit of suaveness and aloofness.

The most important thing is...the sound of piano comes from far away.

The sound of the piano comes from the hollow floating pavilion in this building. There are many people sitting leaning on the railings and looking at the quiet Luoshui in front of them. There are also some descendants of aristocratic families and strong men who have arrived.

Xiang Yunhong glanced around, and when he saw Xie Huan and Kun Yan, his expression was slightly strange, and he said to Hua Yushang beside him: "I admire them for being able to talk and laugh like this after being counterattacked and humiliated like that by the famous sword. a bit"

Apart from the slight difference in strength, Xiang Yunhong didn't think highly of Kun Yan at all. Even if Kun Yan created a Yan sect in the Flame Mountain, it was still full of loopholes in his opinion, having controlled the army since he was a child. As a mob, not to mention his character, just because this person repeatedly took the lives of his subordinates was enough for him, the most affectionate person, to despise him a hundred times.

Hua Yushang agreed with him on this point. She didn't have much respect for the children of these aristocratic families, especially Xie Huan. If such a scumbag didn't have a family background like the Xie family to build up strength, he would probably be like Lian Yuanying now. The deadline has never arrived.

However, if you don't like them, you won't like them. This young couple with very high IQ and EQ did not encounter any difficulties in Fenchuan. Firstly, the family behind them is not weak, and secondly, the communication between the two The circle is very good, spreading from Fenzhou, and the relationship network laid down by their elders in Fenchuan has been very easy to control after they entered Fenchuan. Now, the people sitting with them are second only to the fourth in Fenchuan. The noble children from the big families all have very good character, because Hao Qin brought the two of them together...

It was just that it was still early for the Luoshui Festival to start, so they started chatting, and their voices dropped as they talked, because Hua Yushang frowned, and the man's eyes were so wanton.

Wu Yarou also felt it. She turned around and saw that her face darkened slightly, "It's him."

"Who is that person? He looks scary." Xiang Baobao also said a little weakly. She has always been lawless. Although she learned it well in Fenchuan, she is not afraid of trouble by nature. She just suddenly saw the floating pavilion on the side. The person was still trembling with fear.

There was a group of men in black, the others were all standing, except for one who was sitting, with a very slutty posture, long hair, unruly and evil, the cuffs of his black clothes were tattooed with crazy bloodshot streaks, and his handsome face was full of coldness and wantonness. His expression, especially his eyes, was very *when he glanced at Hua Yushang

Xiang Yunhong had already noticed this person, his eyes turned cold, but he listened to Lezhengshi and warned in a low voice: "Don't mess with that person."

Who is this person? Many people here are speculating. For example, Nuoshan, Qin Lanfeng, and the two Baili brothers have high status. They came here to join in the fun at the same time, bringing with them the connections they just made contact with. But obviously this It is easy to meet acquaintances at different times and places. For example, they also saw Xiang Yunhong and others. Regardless of whether they were good or evil, they were still more or less acquaintances, so when they saw each other, they just nodded slightly and had no friendship.

And they are quite afraid of some people here, such as people from the Kun family and Xie family, and many people here... It is very likely that among them are people from the Four Pavilions, and they may also come from other powerful forces. ,

For example..Split Cloud!

"Who is it?" Xiang Yunhong asked.

"People from the Devil's Palace"

The Devil's Palace...this name is much scarier than the Xie Jiakun family.

"Murong Qiu Shui from the Demon Palace Killing Sichuan Palace is also one of the examinees this time... This person has the Qiu Shui Army under his command. His power is very terrifying, and his own strength is even more powerful. His methods are just like the devil's way, ruthless and ruthless. He is A man whose methods are comparable to those of Xie Ru... He caused a lot of troubles after he came to Fenchuan, and many examiners were brutally beaten by him. It was only after Qishan Pavilion issued a warning that he restrained himself a little, but in fact Just like that, he still has a vicious style."

Wu Yarou's explanation in a soft voice was very detailed, and her words were full of fear. This made Hua Yushang shake her head towards Xiang Yunhong. It would be better to do less than to do more. They can't afford to offend such people at the moment. This is the Qinyuan here, and the other party should still respond. It won't be too much, and since they are all evaluators, they won't be able to tolerate it if it really breaks out.

Xiang Yunhong frowned and was about to drink when he suddenly heard an unscrupulous voice coming from behind.

"Murong Qiushui, I heard that a fierce man recently emerged from your Shachuan Palace. He completed a large number of tasks in just one month and was promoted to Shaohou in one fell swoop. He is much more powerful than you were back then."

This was the first person who dared to speak to Murong Qiushui out loud - and still used such a provocative tone to pick on him.

Murong Qiu Shui, who was drinking, narrowed his long and narrow red eyes. Without saying anything, his subordinate sneered: "I don't know where that kid came from. He is hiding his head and tail. He just cheated by relying on some connections. Otherwise, where would he be?" Can you compare with our master?"

If he considers Murong Qiu Shui as his master, he must be from the Qiu Shui Army.

"Really, I'm more curious about who can be promoted by the adults of your Demon Palace like this~~" The tone was still half-smiling but not smiling.

Baili Fengjiang looked around with his big copper bell eyes and looked at the young man with bone ornaments all over his body.

"No need to look, that person is the Bone Transformation Dragon, known as the Bone Transformation Dragon" Baili Fengxue said expressionlessly.

"Scare, let me tell you, one of the local snakes in Fenchuan... has always been unruly, no wonder he dared to get into trouble with Murong Qiu Shui" (To be continued)

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