A Queen

Chapter 1,108 Red Cliff Forest, Red Cliff Peak, Red Cliff Fruit!

Chapter 1108

What does it look like specifically?

Slender and sharp mountains rise from the ground like stalagmites, like five-finger mountains separated...

Or maybe it's like a sword...

Thousands of meters or ten thousand meters high.

When you meet him, you will see the sharp edge and the majestic momentum.

The colorful clouds are lingering, and the various green plants growing from the mountain peaks or the waterfalls flowing down seem to have existed for tens of thousands of years, which are very natural and full of vitality.

Very ancient, very fairy.

Is this a world that just came into being?

Dai Li thought of Zhangjiajie, enlarged countless times.

Everyone glanced at it, and there must be at least tens of thousands of sharp mountains in front of them.

A very huge assessment scene.

It's hard to imagine that it was formed in just a few breaths... Is this the power of Sekirei?

In shock, everyone suddenly heard Chi Ling's dull and ruthless voice.

"The first level is to cross the Red Cliff Forest, climb the Red Cliff Front, and get the Red Cliff Fruit. Each Red Cliff Fruit represents a different point. Those whose points are less than 1,000 within twelve hours will be removed from the list. Those who succeed will enter the next level."

I didn't expect that the opening scene would be such a naked treasure hunt. It was undoubtedly a competition in speed, detection, strength and luck...

Twelve hours, neither too long nor too short, just the right amount of time to fight.

"It seems that compared to the previous regional assessments, the assessment is much more rigorous. In the past, it was mostly divided into potential assessments in various aspects. Here, the competition method has been such a direct one from the beginning..."

There is no doubt that there is a poison in the urn. Only the strongest ones can survive.

But this is what the examiners like the most. After all, they are all the proud ones of heaven, and they all have a murderous spirit in their bones.

Chapter 1108

In front of you is the huge abyss red cliff forest. Many people are undoubtedly standing on the edge of the cliff.

There were twenty examiners for this level, standing on the edge of the cliff in a row, each holding a crystal panel in their hands, and one of them was Yu Ran.

Yu Ran held a crystal panel in his hand and looked at the light spots on it. It was like a display screen. It could display the Chibi Seals of all examinees here, as well as the names of the marks on it. It's clear to the eye (it feels like I'm writing a science fiction article, it hurts).

Who she ordered. Those people are the first wave of people to enter the Red Cliff Forest.

There are differences before and after, and most people want to be in the first wave.

However, the examiner also chose randomly, which is also luck.

Yu Ran's speed is very fast, and his fingers are thin and long. It crackled and lit, and it made a crisp sound. Dai Li suddenly thought of playing Lianliankan on his iPad, and he suddenly felt embarrassed.

"Okay, now all the assessors with the glowing Chibi seals on their palms are listed out."

Light up!

"Holy shit! It's me, it's me, it's me!" A young man shouted happily, while pushing through many other envious and jealous people and ran to the edge of the cliff.

One hundred people came out in a row, and everyone was very excited!

They are the first wave!

A hundred people were also named in the other queues, but one team was particularly miserable.

Because the examiner is a fat man and his fingers are thick enough. He wanted to click on this person's name. Well, his fingers covered several people's names. So there was some entertainment.

Everyone on his side is going to feel pain.

Until a gentle little girl kindly reminded me: "Senior, you can press down with one palm and try together, maybe you can be faster than them."

Ya! The fat man's eyes lit up, "So smart...what's your name?"


"Good boy, it's you!"

He found Yan Qi's name and slapped it on the panel...


The palms of the examiners' palms lit up!

Oh my god, there are benefits to staying with this little beauty!

It's exactly what Yan Qi said. The fat man's queue speed was so fast that he could hit a hundred people with just two slaps... so he was extremely nervous~~

"Damn fat man! You'll be relying on a pig's trotter soon!" A thin man cursed.

"Little plum. You said it wrong. That's not one pig's trotter, but two!" Yu Ran added nonchalantly.


The whole audience burst into laughter.

It's hilarious...

"You're laughing! Get off here!" A row of examiners waved their hands in unison, and slapped the backs of these two thousand people with a big palm of light!


Two thousand people were shot out like bowling balls...

Suddenly chaos breaks out!

Take off?



“Ouch, ow, ow, ow~~”

The screams were earth-shattering!

Daili and the others were dumbfounded as they looked at the person whose average level was at least the Grandmaster level... falling parabola!

Falling in various postures!

Some plummeted!

Some parabolas are thrown away...

There are those who throw things far away, and there are those who throw things close...

The closest one hit the cliff. Dai Li looked down and saw that the man was like a wheel, banging, banging, banging, hitting... and rolling down to the bottom infinitely.

Sprinkle blood along the way.

Is this random release without rules?

Is that person dead?

The expression of the person behind was very strange.

Yu Ran was surprised: "Hey, it turns out there is a gravity limit. It looks like there is at least a hundred thousand times gravity... This is better and more interesting, don't you think so~~"

It's your sister!

Dai Li and others raised their foreheads... It seems that Qishan Lu particularly likes this gag about Gravity God Horse, but it is also the most effective way to test one's physical fitness, and it has proven to be successful time and time again.

Soon, the second wave also came...

Third, fourth, fifth...

Through these people who were counted, Dai Li could see some familiar faces, such as Chai Zijun, Huo Yanxiao, etc. These people now would not take the initiative to retreat when they saw her. Instead, they smiled at her as if to please and were friendly. Saying hello means apologizing... This is also human nature, bullying good and fearing evil. They could only bow their heads to such a bad guy like Shang Daili.

It is no longer a level opponent.

If the threat wasn't too great or too much, Daili wouldn't have the heart to spend too much effort to deal with them. Naturally, the grudges were forgotten with a smile.

As the number of people decreased, I don’t know whether it was intentional or unlucky, but the last wave of generational departures was coming.

Yu Ran glanced at her: "Oh, where are you last~~"

"Thank you for your kindness." Dai Li was smiling but not smiling. This woman did it on purpose.

"No, it's just a matter of your character."

"Really..." Dai Li turned to look at the stunning beauty who had just walked out beside him, raised his eyebrows and smiled: "If you weren't here, I'm afraid I would really doubt my character."

This stunning beauty just glanced at her lightly and said softly: "No need to doubt. You can be sure..."

"Normally, I wouldn't be so unlucky unless I was influenced by you."

After a pause, she turned to look at another stunning beauty next to her.

"You think so. Sister Ziqing"

It is said that a lot of people spread rumors in the last wave~~

Xiangxi Palace, Su Li, Chu Xiuling, Gui Jianchou, Zhongli Guiwan, Xie Ru, Xu Liu, etc.

Also includes Ye Ziqing.

It seems that many experts have gathered in the last wave. Maybe the people in Qishan Pavilion are preparing to adjust the balance of strength and weakness at this stage, so that the weak ones can go first. The strong ones are all behind.

Anyway, she glanced away and saw that among the more than 1,900 people who passed by in a row, at least more than 100 were elites on the list.

Although there were some people whose names she didn't recognize, she registered them in her mind just by looking at them.

So many people are so unlucky~~

Dai Li suddenly felt much better. (This person has always been broad-minded. He can use other people's tragedies to comfort his own tragedy).

Someone felt balanced in his heart. On the other side, Ye Ziqing, who was gently called by Luan Qingyi, turned his head and looked at Luan Qingyi with a pair of eyes.

One green and one white.

The wind picked up.

The temperaments compete silently, and yet seem to merge... others are shocked to see them.

Although she is in Tsing Yi and has an ordinary face. Why does it feel so beautiful?

Luo Qingyi, a genius who inherits the noble bloodline of the seven clans and extraordinary IQ, can kill blockbusters instantly. How about facing Ye Ziqing who is as misty and cold as a cloud?

A moment.

"Yeah" Ye Ziqing responded.

Sure enough, he was much colder than before. He put on his green clothes and narrowed his eyes. There were ripples of broken light in his eyes, but luckily he didn't ignore them.

It was already better than she expected. (It seems that you are famous in my cousin’s heart~~)

But others were surprised.

First, Luo Qingyi knows Jun Zili, well, he also knows Ye Ziqing! How many people's hearts are like knives, damn! Is this gentleman Li going to contract all the beauties? However, some optimistic people think that it’s no wonder Ye Ziqing had a good attitude toward Daili before. It’s probably because they were acquaintances in the past, so it’s not like they were related in that way~~

Second, Luan Qingyi actually participated in the competition!

No one from the Aristocratic Family or Jiuge was very happy about this. They thought there was only one Luan Yidan, but it turned out that there was also a mysterious Luan Qingyi...

"Luan Qingyi...Brother, this woman..." Xu Yidao clenched the knife on his waist and frowned. He was better at using force, but he really didn't have much confidence in an unfathomable person like Luan Qingyi.

Xu Liu's expression was indifferent. He paused for a moment and looked at Qing Yi. Then he looked away and said solemnly: "She is not your opponent."

"Weaker than me?" Xu Yidao breathed a sigh of relief, but he couldn't believe it.

Xu Liu glanced at him with a strange expression.

"What I mean is that you don't need to worry about her level... because she is no match at all."


Xu Liu ignored his brother's shock. He just looked at some people and squinted his eyes. According to his information, the top people in Jiuge were the most. The people of Qinghuang and Fengwang should not be underestimated. There were Snow Fish and Followers in the north. Among the people in Tianqiong Sword Valley, there are Dong Guo Ziyi, Yan Lu, and the mysterious woman in the east. There are also a few people in the west who are very scary, and there are also some people in the Demon Palace with distinctive and ruthless styles...

It's not easy for the Xu family to get ahead.

At least one promise and one knife are not enough.

On the side, Kun Lie was full of confidence and said calmly to Yiye Xiaoxiang beside him: "After the assessment is over, you will understand what kind of man you are marrying."

Yiye Xiaoxiang didn't look at him, his eyebrows were light.

"that's not important"

Kun Lie sounded like he thought it was Yi Ye Xiaoxiang who didn't care about whether he could get good grades, but that he cared about him as a person... The corner of his mouth suddenly curled up, and his eyes were deep. Originally, he didn't care much about this woman forced by the Xie family. I have a good impression, his wife should be of a more noble status, at least an elite disciple in the Nine Pavilions, or...(To be continued)


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