A Queen

Chapter 1110: Man, a sword, come!

Chapter 1110


Dai Li counted and found out that fifty hidden masters from Peach Blossom Land had arrived, all of them were at least king level, the king level of blockbusters.

Well, this wrist is a bit thick, and the slap from Feng Wang hurt a bit.

The Wind King's face turned green.

Especially Feng Shaoling, he weighed the pros and cons in his mind, and finally decided that if this matter was brought to the family, he and Feng Zijun would have to be punished. The latter had already died, and he was undoubtedly the one to suffer...

In fact, it’s not that Feng Wang didn’t know about this, it’s just that what they reported to the police was a little different from the truth. Um, you know~~ When a child comes home and says he’s wronged, why can’t he say that he bullied others first? Of course, he’s talking about why they’re so bad. , and the Feng King clan itself is small-minded and will definitely retaliate, so he was allowed to find Qing Yi to take revenge.

As a result, if the truth is revealed now~~

Or should I expose it in front of the world’s heroes and forces~~

Feng Shaoling was certain that the failed Feng Zijun would be completely expelled from the family tree to beautify the family's reputation.

And he...

At least it must be considered unfavorable by people within the clan~~

This turned out to be a bit serious.

Feng Shaoling turned his eyes and was about to say something. Bao Zifeng had thrown him directly to the ground, with the tip of the knife pointed at his nose, and sneered: "It's useless what you say, King Feng has great control over you, right?" , you want to bully people, right? I can’t kill you, so in the future you, the Feng King clan, really don’t come to Fenchuan. Be careful that there are pits on the ground, you could fall to death... Of course, none of you can even think of entering our Taohuayuan. We will also tell that strong man about this. People who see our Peach Blossom Land in the large group domain in the future, hehe~"

The trump card finally appears!

The people of the Wind King clan were breathing unsteadily.

Feng Sanshao, who had always been so noble and elegant, always carried a strong lighting effect wherever he went, was completely embarrassed.

Only then did Dai Li realize that Peach Blossom Spring had roots in the Daqun Domain, right. They should be under the command of that peerless powerful man. Also, although the people in Taohuayuan avoid the world, they are not completely indifferent to foreign affairs. Some even have influence in large group areas, and they also know how to stick together. There are still people in large group areas. There is a paradise!

very good.

Farewell, this thigh holds you well, Sajia can rest assured~~

The proud Dai Li looked at the embarrassed Feng King clan. Of course he smiled rudely.

It feels so sour!

However, when the matter has developed to this point, it must be resolved, and the world cannot laugh at it, so Master Fen Sanye Shi Shiran appeared on the stage. "Oh, little Baozi, why are you still as rude as before? Come on, put away your kitchen knife. You have to chop meat and steam buns when you get home~~"

He clicked Bao Zifeng's kitchen knife, and the knife shrank immediately. He held it and handed it to Bao Zifeng's hand. Then he said: "This matter, the main reason is that there are unscrupulous descendants from Feng King, no wonder they... and those in our Qishan Pavilion are at fault. I will also watch and deal with it."

"Watch and deal with it?" The flesh on Bao Zifeng's face trembled again!

"No, we will definitely deal with it." Mr. Fen was serious and winked at Bao Zifeng again. Bao Zifeng's eyes flashed and he hummed: "That's alright, Mr. San. I'll give you face, but you really need to deal with the offenders in your restaurant." Otherwise, who will obey your Qishan Hall in the future? Those who don’t know may think that your hall has become a means for some people to commit crimes. They will do evil things to any beautiful female nuns they like... I think my daughter is lucky. , protected by the kind-hearted girl, the other girls are unlucky for some reason, there must be more than one!"

These words made many female cultivators feel anxious, secretly thinking that some female cultivators who had disappeared or died had all blamed the Wind King clan for this!

One by one, they glanced at each other with cold eyes...

It’s completely different from the envious and adoring look before!

Black, so dark!

Feng Shaoling couldn't even think of opening her mouth, fearing that Baozi Feng would spit on her again, but Feng Wenlun spoke up and said: "Senior, we, the Feng King clan, will handle this matter impartially. If there is any mistake, no dividends will be paid. But I don’t know how the senior’s daughter is doing now? But is she safe?”

Gentle, friendly and honest! Everyone's attitude suddenly relaxed a lot.

By the way, Feng Wenlun's words made Bao Zifeng very surprised, and Dai Li's eyes flashed.

This guy is a character! At least it's much better than Feng Shaoling, who shows off his sharp edge. He can recover some of his previous disadvantages with just one sentence.

Maybe the weakness suppressed by Feng Shaoling before was just a disguise~

"My daughter, thanks to Miss Bai Jin from the Demon Palace, she devoted all her efforts to save her, and my son-in-law, who is incomparable in resourcefulness and invincible in strength, risked his life and death to save her. By the way, where is my daughter?"

Your daughter is already standing in front of a person.

Dai Li looked at Dai Li, who was very close at hand, and looked at him silently for a while, seeming to care about each other without saying anything.

But after a moment, both of them laughed.

They looked at each other and smiled after being reborn.

But Shang Bieli will never forget in this lonely cave that this person held her and never left her, and put hope in her hands with his own hands.

It is also because of this that she must hold on to this hope and resist the injustice of God...

Clench your fists, she can't be a cripple, so she won't be,

Others also saw Shang Biejie in front of Dai Li.

To be honest, Shang Biejie has returned to her original appearance at this moment. She was originally the most standard lady, with both talent and virtue. Her unyielding pride after experiencing painful torture has fully tempered this temperament of winter snow and cold plum. , at this moment, narrowly escaped death, the restrained cold fragrance is clear and bone-chilling.

In this smile, bloom.

Feng Wenlun was stunned.

Is this the girl that his two younger brothers have framed?

Others were also stunned.

"Damn it, what kind of beast does this have to be to do something to a girl like this?"


The law does not punish the public, and the more people who speak against Feng Wang, the less likely he is to pursue him. Moreover, the people here have a high background, and there are many people who dare to speak out. Therefore, the impression value that Feng Wenlun had just restored was suddenly wiped out. .

When Bao Zifeng saw this handsome man with short hair, he blinked. Then he waved the kitchen knife and roared with great anger.

"son in law!"

Awesome and inspiring, shaking the mountains and rivers...

The expressions of Gong Zangxue, Ye Ziqing and Luan Qingyi are all...


(⊙﹏⊙)b? ? ? ?

son in law?

Bao Zifeng had already grabbed Dai Li's hand that he subconsciously wanted to shrink back. Tears welled up in my eyes.

"Son-in-law, it turns out you are still alive~~ I knew you couldn't bear to leave your beloved wife and leave this world~~ Now that you and your husband are reunited, it's really God's gift and it's really wonderful~~"

Chun Shisanniang thought that this person might have studied Huangmei Tune as painstakingly as she had, but was missing an orchid finger.

It just looks a bit like mourning.

And can’t you pay attention to the changes in other people’s expressions~~

The expressions of some people and their admirers~~

Seeing Bao Zifeng rub his nose and tears on the back of her smooth and delicate hand. Daili could only make this sound: "Uh..."

What should she say?

This guy's kitchen knife was still shining brightly!

She doesn't want to eat buns!

Little did he know that Bao Zifeng's large-scale performance had a purpose. Shang Bie knew it at a glance. Suddenly I couldn't help but hold my head in laughter, and had to give a reminder.




Oh, well, my daughter has spoken out. Bao Zifeng wiped the gum from the corners of his eyes, narrowed his eyes, and swept over some people in the audience.

Xiangxi Palace: Damn it, this bald, wretched man’s eyes are so provocative! What do you mean?

Ye Ziqing: I am her cousin!

Qin Ji: Well, I've tried to keep a low profile. How do you know about me?

Snow Fish: See what I do?

Gong Zangxue: Get out!

Zi Weiyang: I seem to have been shot again.

Huang: You can see me behind your back, do you want to be so serious?


After skipping blockbusters such as Su Li, Zhongli Guiwan and so on.

Holding Qingyi: Senior Bao. This doesn't seem to be part of our previously agreed upon plan.

His eyes ended on Luan Qingyi.

With a flash of eyes, Baozi Feng scratched the back of his head and smiled.

Tsing Yi curled her lips. She glanced at him like a spring breeze.


But Bao Zifeng has no regrets.

——I just want Jiang Zi to declare that this man is my son-in-law and my daughter! But there are a lot of threatening girls here, I'm going to have cramps just looking at them!

After the random group threatened to demonstrate, many people actually decided that Jun Zili was divorced from his wife, oh, no. Mr. Lang!

"Sorry, my son-in-law is a little excited"

Daili felt that he and Biejie were deceived by this bald head. The relationship between husband and wife is a bit confusing.

Arranged marriages?

It seemed like she was causing hatred again. What were the two young men from Peach Blossom Land looking at?

Just when Dai Li and Shang Li were helpless...

Bao Zifeng suddenly felt a chill running down his spine and looked back subconsciously.

He suddenly stared straight at Huang.

"That was you just now?"

Huang raised his eyebrows: "No"

In the crowd, Mo Yao was still in Qingyi, or there were two or three people from Wangge and Jiange...

They all looked at Huanghou.

There is someone behind me.

one person.

White clothes, dark hair, and glazed sword.

He appeared inexplicably from the illusory blue sky and white clouds behind Huang.

There are too many people wearing white clothes here, especially female cultivators, but apart from Ye Ziqing's coolness and fluttering, Snow Fish's clearness and agility, and famous swords' elegance and splendor, few others can wear white clothes like their own. smell.

The white robe moves gently in the wind, and the hem of the clothes is like flowing waves.

She appeared, carrying a layer of endless glazed snow.

A sword, awe-inspiring and isolated.

A person comes slowly.

cloud? So cool!

Snow? Too crispy!

She is a sword, a sword as glazed as snow!

Luan Qingyi was heartbroken, it's finally here!

The expression of Feng Wang was a little strange. Feng Wenlun looked at this person and saw that he was another person with a completely restrained aura.

Why did he always feel frightened when he met this man's eyes?

How many Hanbao will come out of this Qishan Road assessment?

However, the people of Feng King didn't think much about the origin of the person in front of them. They were more worried about the consequences of the Taohuayuan group's troubles. Feng Shaoling's eyes were gloomy and fierce. This matter had been exposed. He wanted to change his family. The disadvantage of punishment is that he must win the first place in this assessment, at least the top five, so as to ensure that he is confirmed as the successor by the family... (To be continued)



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