A Queen

Chapter 1,116 Feng Shaoling, take it!

Chapter 1116

But he immediately lost track of him again.

"Who is this person? He's so powerful..." Huo Jiangli filtered through his mind, but still couldn't find the identity of the other person, so he narrowed his eyes and continued climbing up.

"It's six thousand meters, Xiao Xie, where are you?" Dai Li is now at an altitude of six thousand meters, and Scorpion...

"I'm eight thousand meters high! On the right side, there is a platform grotto. It is hollow inside and has hollows on top! There are many red cliff fruits... but that bastard is about to find the entrance. There is a spiritual fire inside. There are so many, come quickly!”

I go!

Can this smelly scorpion fly so far at this height? Even though he is his spiritual pet, Daili still feels sour...

"Wait for me! Just come!"

The movement of the spiritual fire attack here is so loud that it can basically be sensed at an altitude of four thousand meters. When people like Huo Jiangli and Xie Ru come up...

time is money! It’s wealth!

Dai Li gritted his teeth and took out two bottles of spiritual blood...

He drank it and grabbed another green fire in his right hand...


"Come on!"

Blood energy, explosive! Blood lines pop out from both hands...

Lei Yuan surges, clatter!

The body is covered in thunder...



No need to focus on anything, she is already flying!

Go, go, go!

Half a minute!

Here at an altitude of eight thousand meters...

Feng Shaoling's face was expressionless as he attacked a point on the mountain wall again and again. This point has begun to crack.

He was pretty sure there were redbill fruits in this place,

Lots and lots of red cliff fruits, because the spiritual fire breath leaking from the cracks in the stone is so powerful. I am restless, how many red cliff fruits are there?

But he didn't know why the spiritual fire inside was so restless. Was it attacking the intruder? Someone went in?

He looked around the ring and found that there was no other entrance to enter, and the gaps were so tiny. Who could shrink in size and crawl in under such gravity?



Anyway, you’ll know once you make an entrance and take a look!

However, when he attacked this point with all his strength, he didn't notice that someone had silently arrived below.

"It is indeed Feng Shaoling." Dai Li looked at Feng Shaoling from below. His eyes flickered for a few times, and he sent a message to Scorpion: "Xiao Xie. He is about to break through the mountain wall. When he breaks through the hole later, you can lead all the spiritual fire to that point..."

"Well, but those spiritual fires may not all attack him. After all, he is not stupid and will run in here..."

"He won't get a chance to get in."


"I still have some of the spirit-inducing fire potion I used before..."


Scorpion understood instantly and was immediately overjoyed. He quickly moved to lead the spiritual fire to the cracked mountain wall...

Puff, puff, puff!

The giant wind knife formed by Feng Shaoling's Wind King struck the stone wall for the fourth time.

Make a sound!

It finally broke!

When Feng Shaoling's eyebrows were filled with joy... his face suddenly changed drastically!

Inside the cave entrance was a huge and violent fire!

Damn it! Why are there so many spiritual fires!

Feng Shaoling, who was just about to escape, heard the cold wind coming from behind...

With a thunderbolt, the four-fold fused square formation wheel rotated in Dai Li's hands... Boom!

A palm suddenly stamped on his back!

Wow! Baoguang rises!

Body protection magic weapon! It’s still a purple-level peak magic weapon!

"Sneak attack! Humph! Looking for death!" Feng Shaoling dodged and the light from his body leaked out. After driving back most of the thunder, Chao Daili, a rugged man, looked at him coldly, and the energy in his body surged wildly.

Well...this person is at least seven counties strong.

Daili suddenly forced out some of Feng Shaoling's trump cards. But she was not surprised. This was within her expectation. The Seven Counties... were still within the estimate.

"Looking for death? Are you sure?" She chuckled, a bit like a drake.

Will I tell you that I've put a fire starter on you?

Feng Shaoling already had a wind whirlpool in her palm...



Those spiritual fires behind... rushed out!


The mix of yellow and green almost blends together!

No. Soon, flying wolves and tigers transformed into flying wolves. The lion and other spiritual fire beasts roared!

This roar frightened Xie Ru and others who were four to five thousand meters high. They all guessed that the spirit fire was moving. Everyone knew that the spirit fire represented the red cliff fruit. Naturally, they were even more impatient, and they all took out many treasures regardless of the consequences. Replenish energy and then speed up the climb..

At this time, when the huge herd of spirit fire beasts rushed out, Feng Shaoling, no matter how strong he was, could not break through the obstacle at once. He could only retreat and resist. What made him unbelievable was that the big man didn't even have a spirit fire attack. !

"What tricks did you use! Why..." Feng Shaoling was shocked and angry, but she could only watch as the guy dodged and entered the cave entrance, turned around, and grinned at him: "Because you are too ugly."

Then he waved his hand, clang!

A potion bottle shattered.

The gas dispersed, causing many spirit fires to avoid it in disgust, and they all rushed towards Feng Shaoling!

Damn it, it’s the spiritual fire aversion potion!

No wonder!

One is attracted and the other is disgusted, which naturally provokes all the spiritual fires with low IQ to surround him!

"Bastard...bastard! Get out of here!" Feng Shaoling was as furious as a demon, with all his firepower...

There are more than seven counties.

Daili had already blocked the entrance of the cave with a huge stone.

Blocking out the roaring outside.

Lift your eyes and look in front of you...

Dai Li opened his eyes wide.

This space is really huge, almost hollow in the middle. Looking up, you can see a hollow space at least three thousand meters high.

Similar to bamboo knots.

There is treasure hidden inside.

——A large number of red cliff trees grow on the inner stone walls, with red red fruits hanging on the branches.

There are thousands of them at least!

Look at the size of these chibi fruits. At least there are 20,000 or 30,000 points!

Let me go, it is indeed a huge fortune!

"Boss, don't stay still! Pick the chibi fruits quickly...that kid outside will come in soon!"

The devil scorpion, which turned into a stream of light and quickly picked the red cliff fruits with pliers in the red cliff tree, was like a hard-working tea-picking girl. Shouting now.

Of course Daili came back to his senses, and then his fingertips shot out many lines of blood...


Crazy picking mode is on!


One hundred, two hundred, three hundred... five hundred...

While Dai Li was brutally sweeping away the Chibi Fruit, he was also feeling the rising power of Feng Shaoling outside.

Eight counties, nine counties!

This boy's strength lies in Jiujun!

"Oh, boss. This guy is very strong, even stronger than me..." Scorpion gritted his teeth. "Almost at the level of a second-level monarch."

"Can you deal with him? Otherwise, the two of us can kill him if we work together."

"Not to join forces" Dai Li firmly refused.


"I can kill him alone, and the two of us joining forces will expose our identity."

ha! Scorpion was shocked, are you kidding me? Before, it was just three counties that were dying. Are you going to nine counties now?

"But don't you think there's no point in killing him directly? Why don't you kill him step by step?" Dai Li's words made Mo Scorpion suddenly feel that this person had stirred up some bad water.

"So, how to play?"

Boom, boom, boom!

The rock was finally defeated!

Feng Shaoling, with fire in his eyes, fought his way out of the group of spiritual fires and rushed into the hollow world!

And the moment he rushed in!

The scorpion soul is dizzy!

not good! Feng Shaoling was only stunned for a moment. This time was shorter than both Mo Scorpion and Dai Li expected. This kid has a soul defense magic weapon!

——On the importance of reincarnation posture.

But the blink of an eye is enough!

One punch!

Dai Li's punch slammed into the door in front of Feng Shaoling, who was stunned for a moment!


Smash him against the mountain wall!

This is the first punch! Slap you in the face!

Feng Shaoling naturally knew who this person was. That big bastard!

Just like crazy, huge power gushes out!


Hit the air!

What a speed!

Feng Shaoling became alert and pressed her left hand on her abdomen!

Prevented Dai Li's kick! Block with your right hand! Blocked Dai Li's left hook!

"Despicable and shameless bastard. You are looking for death!" He grabbed Dai Li's legs and hands, and the wind swirled in his palm...

Originally, he thought it would be blood and flesh splattering, but the problem was...

Nothing can break the skin!

This person is actually a rhinoceros spirit!

Feng Shaoling suddenly had this idea at that time!

But just when I thought about it, Peng! ! !

He was punched in the face!

This is a right hook!

The second punch is to hit you in the face!

Although there were no fatal or serious injuries, but... a slap in the face is absolutely intolerable!

"Get out of my way!!!"

boom! ! ! !

Thousands of wind knives roared and cut out...

Spread across a large space. Those red cliff trees were cut off one by one!

The power of "Wind King's Strategy"!


Ha, angry!

Dai Li curled his lips. It flew out, touched his feet, and spun around. The dragon power of the body and the power of the blood clan body condensed into one force, in the center of the fist!


A punch hit the ground and cracked!

Large pieces of flying stone floated up and bounced towards these wind knives!

Bang bang bang!

Intense criticism...

Stone powder is flying all over the sky...

In the flying dust, Dai Li subconsciously looked at her ears. Damn it, her earrings were blown out by the wind knife.

Forget it, it's a very common thing, just for disguise.

After a moment, Feng Shaoling waved his arm to disperse the powder, but the person in front of him disappeared.

He turned around and glanced.

The large red cliff tree was leaning this way and that, and Feng Shaoling's eyes turned red. But when he saw that there was not a single fruit on the red cliff tree, his eyes turned blue again!

Almost all the red-bill fruits have been picked, leaving only the top row of red-bill trees that have not been picked... It's a big income, at least a hundred red-bill fruits, if they are all picked. You can definitely pass the assessment directly!

But here comes the problem.

Picking chibi fruits or chasing people?

Of course, chasing people!

Kill her and get the treasure!


Feng Shaoling rushed out instantly!

Outside the grotto, Dai Li was already facing those spiritual fire beasts. The effectiveness of the medicine on his body was already very weak, and Feng Shaoling's hatred value was gone, so these beasts naturally pounced on them one by one!

"Well done!"

As soon as Dai Li saw each other, he raised his foot and kicked away a yellow fire flying wolf! Kick it!

Roar! ~The Green Fire Lion pounces! (To be continued)


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