A Queen

Chapter 1,118 Who are you waiting for?

Chapter 1118

In the blink of an eye, she appeared.

Qianshan Muxue tilted her head slightly and looked at her. Her face was so exquisite that it could be called a work of art. The second time she looked at her, it became blurry.

It was a strange feeling, but the other party's indifferent demeanor was still fresh in people's minds.

"I want the earrings in your hand." Suli didn't expect Qianshan Muxue to say this.

So straightforward and calm.

A very powerful force that cannot be rejected.

Whether it's personal charm or aura.

Su Li raised his eyebrows and spread his palms, "This?"


"Why should I give it to you?"

"Your life, take it, you choose one"

Perhaps this was the first time in his life that Suli had encountered such a cruel multiple-choice question.

Still coming from such a worldly person.

Sure enough, it is still a sword.

Su Li felt the cold sharpness of the opponent.

Even the glazed ice and snow has no murderous intent.

Looking into Qianshan Muxue's eyes, she squeezed her palms and narrowed her eyes: "Can I ask a question?"

"Yes, but I may not be able to answer."

"What's your relationship with Junzili?"


It was a very calm and ordinary answer. I thought it was a loved one or relative...

After all, there are more than ordinary women who have a relationship with Jun Zili, but I didn't expect that such a cold and unparalleled person would also be cheated.

——Same as Ye Ziqing.

But it seems that they are all from Nanlin. That Junzili may have a lot to do with Nanlin.

"Is this what friends need to do?"

"You have a lot of problems"

"Because I'm curious about you"

Qianshan Muxue looked at Su Li, the fingers of her left hand were stretched out, and a green pine needle fell on her fingertips.

"Her things. I don't want them to fall into the hands of others for no reason."

As she said that, she raised her eyes, and Su Li felt there was ice in her eyes.

"Too much curiosity is not a good thing..."

Pine needles brushed her cheek.

Death is close at hand...

At that moment Suli thought he was going to die.

Death bloomed behind her.

Turning to look at the giant roc with a green fire and a blue head that was killed by a single blow, Suli's eyes flashed, he turned his face, and threw out his earrings.

"It's yours"

When the earrings are thrown out, something is actually thrown back. Su Li caught it in the blink of an eye. Both the person and the earrings were gone.


After a while, Su Li frowned and whispered slowly: "This spiritual fire beast is at least Feng Shaoling's first level of strength, but she killed it like an ant..."

There was a pause. She opened her hand, looked at the ring in her hand, and took a look.

Three hundred red cliff fruits are clearly visible.

Su Li's expression was strange... and his tone was gloomy.

"Maybe I should pick up things full-time... People in Nanlin are all crazy!"

So perverted!

In addition, Junzili doesn’t regard the Chibi Fruit as the Chibi Fruit!

One hundred and three hundred will be given away!

How willful you are! (Beauty Qianshan is so willful! Someone seemed to say that the long-awaited first meeting was too bland? Do you think Qianshan is the kind of person who cries and cuddles as soon as they meet? She is the most reserved, okay! Don’t be in a hurry ..)


On a platform of Chibi Peak 10,000 meters away.

"Hahaha" Dai Li laughed.

"Hahahaha" Demon Scorpion laughed.

"Hahahahaha!" Dai Li laughed again!

This time the devil scorpion stopped laughing. He just shook his scorpion tail and shouted: "Stop haha, hurry up, count how many chibi fruits we have swept in total! Don't count the previous ones!"

"I have six hundred here! What about you?"

"I have seven hundred!"

Hey, that’s thirteen hundred!

This is the income of the Chibi Peak team this time~~

"In addition to the original one hundred and thirty... I have a total of seven hundred and thirty."

"Haha. I have a lot more than you. I have nine hundred."

The total is one thousand six hundred and thirty...

Get rich!

Anyway, at this moment, Dai Li touched his chin and smiled broadly: "Hey, even if we go to sleep now. When we hand in our results, we can also say to the people in Qishan Hall... Hey, count me every point."

How can we live with one dollar per dollar?

Ha ha!

One person and one scorpion continue to enjoy themselves secretly.

But he calmed down after three minutes.

Scorpion handed all the fruits to Dai Li and grinned: "Half of the time has passed now, boss, you have to be careful not to be exploded! Otherwise these Chibi fruits will be gone."

Dai Li grinned and smiled: "I think before I get blown up. I will definitely blow up others first."

One person and one scorpion looked at each other,

It blew up a lot of people.


The murder and treasure grabbing mode is actually as expected by Dai Li. After half the time passed, everyone entered this mode in perfect agreement. Some took the initiative to search for prey, while others became more alert, hiding and sneaking...

Strong people are undoubtedly the most advantageous, such as Snow Fish and others, who are basically the kind who run rampant, as long as they don't encounter the other party.

The entire Chibi Forest is actually very big. There are several groups of people who can foresee some opponents that they are afraid of, but they will never encounter most powerful enemies. If they do encounter them, it only means that you are a bit special. Too much!

But there is one exception.

For example, these people all took the initiative to run to a place!

——Big Chibi Peak!

"The Red Cliff Forest is divided into four parts. There are ten medium Red Cliff Peaks and one Great Red Cliff Peak in each of the southeast, northwest, and southeast parts. It has been six hours now, and these guys will probably run towards the Great Red Cliff Peak next..."

In this process, killing and killing are realized.

Such as generation and separation.


The Great Chibi Peak is far away from Daili in this direction, but the mirage-like phantom can be seen from a distance.

Continuously rushing. Fighting all the way.

The rugged man who became the incarnation of Dai Li gained a bad reputation and was called a wild man by many people who had narrowly escaped death.

The wild man is very cruel, killing all people with one blow!

But he took the initiative to ask for mercy and gave him the Chibi Fruit. His life will be spared.

And she won't take away all your chibi fruits...

Such as now.

Yan Qi's group, uh, including Xiang Yunhong and Hua Yushang.

There were twenty people in a group, some were strong, some were weak, and some were sword masters, but their strength was too weak, and they were completely incompetent in front of Dai Li. As soon as they met, they recognized the notorious wild man, and they all burst into tears.

Then Qi Qi took the initiative to take out the ring.


The wild man glanced at Yan Qi. "You are beautiful"

Yan Qi's face turned pale, uh... should I thank you~~ "Thank you..."

She turned her face and looked at Hua Yushang again, "You look good too."

Miss Hua: "..."

Strong. Are you a full-time robber and part-time molester?

Very sincere.

How should I react?

Xiang Yunhong had already stood in front of Hua Yushang, frowning and looking at Dai Li with cold eyes.

Dai Li looked at him and smiled.

This smile made everyone nervous.

"This handsome boy is so good-looking, his skin is so smooth."


I like men... Yan Qi breathed a sigh of relief, and the expressions of Hua Yushang and his wife... Is this the rhythm of a double kill?

"Okay, I won't rob beautiful people. As for you..."

She glanced at the others.

Everyone else put on their most perfect posture and temperament...

"You can tell at a glance that you are all poor! They are so ugly and pitiful. I can't even bear to pick your storage ring."


The wild man left in a arrogant manner, leaving behind a group of people squatting on the ground quietly growing mushrooms.

What does it mean to be an ugly poor guy...

People also have inner beauty, okay?


In Chibi Forest, maintaining a fighting state is a very reckless thing. Because dissatisfaction with the shortage of combat power will make your situation extremely dangerous, so at some point, you must take some rest and replenishment.

The same is true for generation and separation.

There is a clearing surrounded by several red cliff peaks, next to the river halfway.

There was a sound of water rushing, and someone was sitting cross-legged on the ground with a big pot on the bonfire. Something was simmering in the pot, and the lid was open. You can see that there are crabs, fish and shrimps and other seafood in this pot, as well as many seasonings to remove the fishy smell, including bamboo shoots... It has been simmering, and someone sitting next to him is adding firewood and cooking with his right hand. Spirit fire, cook the spirit fire into balls of liquid beads, and then throw them in...

Scorpion counted, and now the boss has thrown at least a hundred yellow fires in...

"Boss, if you cook such a pot of yellow fire food, it will kill people..."

Scorpion was a little worried.

"Then don't drink"


The Scorpion immediately fell silent and went to collect firewood...

"It smells so good. When can I eat it?"

"Come on, wait a minute, I'll add this first." Dai Li suddenly took out a bottle, and the bottle cap flicked with his fingertips, and milky white milk gurgled into the pot.

The aroma of milk and seafood...

The firewood that Scorpion was holding suddenly fell to the ground.

"I want to eat~~"


"What are you waiting for?"

"Waiting for someone... to see if I can meet anyone I know. I have a hunch that someone will come looking for me."

"Who are you waiting for?"

This ethereal sound made Scorpion suddenly on guard, and Dai Li had already looked across the river.

There is someone opposite.

White clothes are fluttering, and thousands of mountains are covered with snow.

The two looked at each other and smiled.


Sitting face to face with a table, the green mountains and green water are so beautiful.

The beauty in white is also so beautiful.

It's that big guy who's not frustrated at all.

Dai Li took a bowl of soup to Qianshan Muxue and said with a smile, "Don't you ask me why I know you are here?"

Qianshan Muxue took it, her slender fingers whiter than the white porcelain bowl. Hearing this, she glanced at Daili, lightly and faintly.

"Are you asking me to praise you?"

"Am I such a superficial person?...Shouldn't you praise me?"

"Your dog's nose has always been so sharp. It's very good."


"Shouldn't you say thank you?"


Dai Li took another bowl of soup... Scorpion opened his eyes wide and was about to stretch out his pliers to take it...

Dai Li drank it himself.

Scorpion: "Junzili...I have never seen you so focused on sex and neglecting pampering!"

Pay more attention to sex than pampering?

Qianshan Muxue looked at the Scorpion and said, "It's a good pet..." (To be continued)


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