A Queen

Chapter 1,123 Another sword second

Restriction... Dai Li immediately thought of Chi Ling and couldn't help but roll his eyes. Can't we leave some bugs? Dear!

"Be careful to cover up. If someone climbs there first and wants to get in, give him a break!"


"...By the way, have you seen Qianshan, my cousin, and the others?"

"No...it seems like they are not in this area."

"Thousands of mountains are there"

"Boss, the goddess is very powerful. How do you know she will always be there? Anyway, your area seems to be the weakest...the top experts are not here...you can work hard and see if you can dominate. .”

The weakest? Try hard?

This is so hurtful.

Dai Li raised his eyebrows, but it was nothing more than domination...

"Wait for me, I'll be right back!"

Spiritual blood on the left hand, spiritual fire on the right...

Someone has started crazy climbing mode again!

Xu Yidao had better digested the effects of the many elixirs he had just swallowed, and was about to climb when he saw...

Where are people?

Damn it!

The person is missing!

It was still there when I looked up just now...

Did this guy drink Red Bull?

The most intense fight was at a distance of 9,780 meters, and it was also the slowest place for everyone to climb.

They are not climbing at this moment, but are resting and replenishing energy...

Further down, five hundred miles away, Suli was sitting on the platform drinking water... looking up from time to time, and as he looked, the person next to him spoke.

"This type of assessment is very detrimental to our piano cultivators."

Suli didn't speak.

The man continued: “But we are still more than enough compared to others.

I just don’t know how Zhongli is progressing in other places... Compared to people like Hu Yanjue, he is undoubtedly at a disadvantage..."

Su Li finally said: "First, for Zhongli Guiwan. If the relationship is not very close, you should either call me Young Pavilion Master or Senior Sister. There is no other title. Secondly, her advantages and disadvantages are irrelevant. You and I can evaluate it. In fact, for people like them, it is the same no matter what the environment is... Absolute strength is an absolute advantage, understand?"

Song Peibai's face was slightly embarrassed, but he immediately regained his composure and smiled: "It's the first time I've seen you talk so much. In fact, when you get serious, you're very beautiful~~" (Lactic Acid Brand Artistic Man)

Su Li turned away his face. She was so speechless that she twitched her mouth. Why didn't she like to speak so much?


Because there are not many people who can keep up with her in terms of IQ and EQ!

In Qinhuang Pavilion, the only peer she could often talk to was Zhongli. As for Song Peibai...

Couldn't he remain silent when he couldn't grasp the point of her words?

You have to speak for yourself! !

If Su Meiren wasn't born with the ability to roll her eyes, she would have rolled her eyes long ago...

She could only drink water in silence...

She'd better go hiking, otherwise she'll get edema...

Just when Suli was about to leave, he suddenly heard the following...

"Beauty girl?"

Su Li lowered his head and saw who was the man with short hair flying and climbing the mountain on two wooden clogs?

That smile is so dazzling.

All right. This person's face can always increase the favorability value of 99% of the creatures.

She must be one of them.

"You're here." Su Li curled his lips.

"Yes, I kept you waiting for a long time~" Someone climbed up with a yellow plum tune in his hand...

Lady? Song Peibai next to him changed his expression and was about to scold...

"It's not a good habit to tease girls occasionally."

"I think so too" Dai Li had already arrived.

The eyebrows are picturesque. Smiling brightly: "You mean... we should keep teasing?"

Haha, Su Li finally smiled and laughed freely.

"It's too much to act like a disciple as soon as you meet." Song Peibai suddenly interjected lightly.

He always thought that he was outstanding, but this person... was really disgusting.

Dai Li took a glance, the pretty face... was pretty cool. But there is a smell of lactic acid~~

"Are you from the same sect?"

"Yeah." Suli's smile faded and he responded a little casually.



The two of them talked too quickly. The response was too fast and contained a lot of information. Song Peibai hated this kind of atmosphere and was about to speak...

"I have something else to do, so I won't say any more...I'm leaving!"

"Not with me?"

"You can't catch me"


Su Li watched Dai Li jump up, and turned to look at Song Peibai, who had a cold expression and dark eyes. Before he could criticize Dai Li for being disrespectful and disrespectful, he stabbed him with a knife.

“See clearly someone’s strength before provoking them.”

Song Peibai subconsciously raised his head.

...The playboy who had disgusted him so much just now was jumping back and forth between rocks and trees like a vigorous fox...

After a while, it was more than a hundred meters away.

This speed...


"Even so, she is just a reckless woman with good physical strength! She has nothing but skin and charm..."

Virtue, don't you usually hang out among the nuns with your skin and some piano skills? What are you doing...

I really thought no one else knew about it!

Su Li had already stood up and coldly applied the second blow.

"She is the one whom Uncle Qin Master praised personally."

“I even praised it twice.”

Instant kill.

Perfect instant kill.


After Su Li and the two knew about Dai Li's arrival, others soon knew about it too!

For example, Huo Jiangli and others were resting and taking drugs above.

This platform has gathered a lot of people.

As soon as Dai Li appeared, these people all became alert.

However, they were wary of this man, but he seemed not to notice them at all. He only glanced at them and prepared to continue climbing up.

Feng Shaoling is not here. It looks like it's going up, which is not good.

Seeing that this guy still had the strength to climb up, E Hongyuan couldn't sit still. He stood up suddenly, and Xiahou Dun, who was sitting cross-legged not far away, also looked over coldly.

Since E Hongyuan couldn't hold it any longer, he didn't mind watching the show from the sidelines.

If he couldn't even defeat E Hongyuan, he would definitely not be his match.

After all, he was a newly rising son of the Demon Palace, and many others paid attention to him. Huo Jiangli slowly opened his eyes and looked at him coldly.

Said a word.

"Jun Zili. Don't embarrass our Demon Palace."

On the Red Cliff Plains, the Water Mirror Technique finally became more serious. It captured what everyone wanted to see, but it made the people in the Demon Palace look down upon.

For example, the old leader of the Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion chuckled: "It seems that the habits of your Demon Palace are still the same... How can the world be equalized if there is internal injustice~~"

What about internal strife?

Anyway, the only person in the Demon Palace is Jiang Zi, so others are not surprised.

It's just that the people in the Demon Palace are face-saving and don't tolerate ridicule. so...

Duan Ze smiled: "Our Demon Palace has always had peace within the world only after it has become peaceful. How can heroes be born if there is no chaos? It's not like raising sheep. Those who are obedient are useless people."

Haha, it seems that the people in Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion have always been very obedient.

The old man from Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion's expression froze and he continued: "It depends on how they perform..."

——Everyone, please look at the big screen.

Dai Li glanced at her and said, "You are quite free to meditate where you are without climbing up or killing the people here."

Fuck her!

This was not the first time that Huo Jiangli was slapped in the face by Dai Li, but being so naked... his face still hurt a little, so he sneered: "If you lose, I will naturally take action..."

Supreme above me?


"Then you don't have this chance."

As soon as he said these words, E Hongyuan suddenly felt the overwhelming murderous intent coming towards him... Cang!

His sword was drawn out reflexively. But...it can't be unsheathed at all!

Because of fear...

"Damn it!"

He gritted his teeth, frightened, suddenly!

Here comes the sword!

Ping Zhongyuan!


Wow! Blood line cutting. straight..

A broken arm and a sword fell to the ground with a clang.

E Hongyuan covered his right arm and quickly pressed the blood point of the wound while looking at Dai Li in disbelief...

Everyone present was frightened.

Including Huo Jiangli and Xiahou Dun...and there was another person next to him, Ran Lao.

He frowned and looked at Dai Li. The light in his eyes flickered.

What an amazing Jun Zili.

From the days of Qinyuan to now, there are already seven counties with strength!

Defeat E Hongyuan instantly with one sword!

If they knew that she had killed Xie Ru with one sword before. Maybe you won't be so surprised.

But the people on Chibi Plain were frightened, the people in Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion were dumbfounded, and Emperor Ming and others were also speechless...

Seven counties, this is seven counties?

Demon Palace, what did you feed her?

It grows so fast!

"Haha, in fact, many people don't know that some people in our Demon Palace are very low-key. We usually won't take action unless others come to our door. Fortunately, you people in the Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion are very well-behaved and are not the first to take the risk. forward.."

The people of the Confucian and Taoist Pavilion are heartbroken, eldest sister, it was obviously the people of the Jiange who lost the battle, why should we be involved in the Confucian and Taoist Pavilion again! (Um, isn’t it that your Confucian and Taoist Pavilion has always been mean-spirited?)

However, Chun Shisanniang did stir up the hostility of Xiajiange.

Logically speaking, this person should be protecting Jun Zili... Yu Linglong rolled her eyes helplessly because she was angry.

The mistress is having sex with someone, and the Thirteenth Mother is annoyed~~

Of course, even if he is not annoyed, this person is still eager to provoke some enemies for Junzi Liduo. In her words, that is: "Don't you think she has no sense of belonging to the Demon Palace~~It doesn't matter~, seduce her more Some enemies are surrounded on all sides, so she naturally knows how strong the thighs of our Demon Palace are!"


Having such a scheming mistress is unfortunate.

But His Excellency Gong Zangxue just looked at it coldly and didn't stop him... Could it be that he also wanted Junzili to stay in the Demon Palace?


Huo Jiangli's eyes flashed on the big screen. Dai Li looked at him and smiled: "Huo Jiangli, I said you have no chance to take action...unless you and I fight!"


Huo Jiangli tilted his head slightly, and tapped the hilt of the sword on his lower waist with his fingertips, "Seven counties... may not be invincible, Jun Zili."

Does this person really think that seven counties can rule the roost here?

So childish!

She probably still doesn’t know how big the gap is between Shachuan and Jiangxuedian!

But suddenly!

Wow, Xia Houdun on the side finally got up and said: "Jun Zili, I think you have no chance to go up to the top today." (Want to know more exciting news about "A Female Emperor"? Open WeChat now and click on the upper right corner " +" number, choose to add a public account in Add Friends, search for "wang", follow the public account, and never miss every update again!) (To be continued)

ps: Another month has passed. I originally planned to update both girls and women next month, but the idea of ​​this article is too long. I can’t finish it now. If it is updated twice, it will be even slower. I’d better try my best to update this and finish it as soon as possible. , and then more imperial treasures.



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