A Queen

Chapter 1,164 500 Teleportation Positions

Chapter 1164

By the way, it is worth mentioning that each of the 3,000 examiners were selected from the first iron-blooded test. Even a grand master has the means to save his life, so unless there is an overwhelming power gap, he is a monarch. Firstly, it is not necessarily 100% sure to directly kill an examiner who is at the peak of Grand Master level, just like Dai Li who was at the Grand Master level in the past could still escape with his life from the King level.

In the same way, the second level Sword Lord may not be able to completely defeat the first level.

This is a battle of life and death for everyone, and also a battle of trump cards....

At this moment, in a low ruins at the left end of the fifth section, a man was sitting in the shadowed corner of the ruins. He tried his best to control his aura, trying not to let out any traces. Of course, the energy he had consumed in the chaotic battle before cultivation was also Avoiding those powerful evaluators.

"Damn it, you put more than five hundred people in a small area and killed them every step of the way. It was a complete massacre!"

Thinking of the group fighting that broke out just after being transported to the seventh ring, he still has lingering fears...

The group killings carried out by those masters...slaughtered several people in one move, killing them without even having a chance to use the Burning Essence and Blood Escape.

"That was the first level of the monarch level, and they died like that! General Wangge Feng Yingxun, Jiange Geng Qingmu, and those few people...it was an instant kill. We were no match at all...too strong! Those five hundred teleportation positions were directly They took over and left..."

While he was chanting, he was frightened, and suddenly...he heard something coming to his ears.

"Five hundred teleportation points. What do you mean?"

His scalp instantly became numb. He looked up and saw a handsome man with short hair and wooden clogs leaning against the door of the ruins. Give him a sidelong glance.

Asked calmly: "Answer my question"

One look, the energy is locked, the space is bound...

Completely unable to move.

The man's expression was stiff... "Junzi...Li", that famous new and powerful man, although he was not as powerful as famous masters like Geng Qingmou, he did not fall behind in terms of reputation. The main reason was that this man rose too fast. , too tough...and that almost unparalleled love luck.

certainly. It's also because this person is ruthless.

Legend has it that her strength is barely comparable to the second level of the King level.

By the way, there was indeed no trace of this murderous god in the previous melee. I thought she was in another section.

"The five hundred teleportation positions were the teleportation arrays that we inadvertently triggered during the previous melee. Three of them were activated in total, because Wangge Feng Yingxun and Jiange Geng Qingmu were the strongest at that time. They directly seized two teleportations. Teleported away and entered the second ring. Another position... was also snatched away by a master from the West after a fight... Only one could be teleported. After they teleported away, the teleportation array was scrapped..."

After saying that, the man smiled bitterly: "I thought I escaped with my life, but I didn't expect to meet you..."

"I'm sorry too, but thank you for the information." Dai Li pointed his fingertips a little, and the man's eyebrows turned red. Sitting there motionless.

fall from the sky.

Killing is worth 10 points.

"No wonder my soul thought just missed it for a moment. When I looked back, I found that Geng Qingmou and the others were missing. It turned out that they were entering the second ring through the teleportation array... The so-called carry of 500 people. It should mean that there are only 500 people in total. In the single-player teleportation array, if you want to grab the first position, you can only grab the teleportation array. The order is different, and the kill score is also different..."

Dai Li chuckled, five hundred teleportation positions, five stages...one hundred teleportation points per section.

However, there should be no more than a hundred assessors killed in the fifth section now.

The teleport bit... is still there.

Just when she was smiling. There was an icy sound of wind behind me...

A hook with his fingertips.

The sword light twisted~~~


A nimbus was torn apart!

The man who was attacking outside was startled when he saw Dai Li's twisted sword light. Damn it! What a powerful sword. What a fast sword!

This gentleman is not easy to mess with!

He suddenly burst out with the strongest speed and wanted to escape..

As soon as I turned around, my head flew up...

When the blood sprayed, Dai Li walked out of the ruins and smiled lightly: "Since the sword is out of its sheath, why not stain it with blood?"

With just these words, all the assessors who were quietly monitoring Dai Li within one kilometer felt a numbing feeling of terror...

Daili's words actually entered their minds silently...

not good! They've been targeted!



One by one, they burst out of their hiding places and fled in all directions...

And the moment they escaped... it was like hundreds of randomly scattered rays of light... the sword came out!

Thousand Machine Sword Network!

The huge terrifying sword network, with this ruin as its medium size, stirred up a terrifying whirlpool of sword energy, and a thousand flying swords roared... and made a sharp and cold owl sound...

Puff puff!

Penetrating the bodies of each assessor...

Take away every soul.

For a moment...

Whoosh, whoosh, the thousand-handled sword returned to its scabbard without interruption.

With a clang, they were all sheathed. Dai Li frowned slightly, his expressionless face scanning the few places where the blood had escaped in the air.

Of the fifty assessors hiding within one kilometer, thirty will be killed! Twenty great masters, ten first-level monarchs...

There are also twenty more powerful ones with self-protection magic weapons... seriously injured blood escape!

Blood Escape, a really annoying ability... and a substitute puppet.

She hates these little rich people.

Unless she uses the power she doesn't want to use now, it will be too difficult to kill these fifty people in one blow.

"As expected of someone who took part in the third level assessment...he still has some tricks up his sleeves." Dai Li Mimi glanced at one place thoughtfully.

On the other side, in an area three kilometers away, a woman who used a powerful detection disk to monitor this scene gasped and cursed secretly: "Fuck! Who the hell told me that Jun Zili from the Demon Palace is a soft spot of the Demon Palace? Is Persimmon here? This is clearly the Great Killer. She is at least a second-level medium-strength person. Plus her eye skills...are too tricky!...Cross her off the hunting list immediately."

"Yes, Miss." The man next to him immediately crossed out Daili's name on the list. On the list of three thousand, he had already crossed out more than fifty names...

Does this mean they have slaughtered more than fifty people?

"Miss, there are not many people in the West participating in this assessment, only ten. Not counting His Highness Linghu, you and Young Master Ying are the strongest... Although this Junzili is not weak, he is not strong enough to let you, Miss." To the point of being afraid..." This man was very puzzled...

In the west, this remote and strange area, Linghu Bai is a scary name, but underneath, it is Young Master Ying and Miss Cat who are the most famous. Young Master Ying is famous for his swiftness and ruthlessness, and his hunting methods are appalling, like an eagle. Generally everywhere.

Miss Cat is petite, cute, and exquisite, but she possesses a very powerful force of violence. They are all the best in the West who participated in the Qishan Road assessment this time. Their strength is firmly in the third level of the monarch level, which is terrifying.

"You know nothing!" This short girl who looked like she was thirteen or fourteen years old was very rude and forceful in her words and deeds. She looked at the man with disdain and snorted: "Have you forgotten how perverted that Mo Yao in the East is? Although this Junzili is definitely not as good as Mo Yao, but what people who know soul magic are best at is pretending to be pigs and eating tigers... Just now I felt that this person seemed to be able to sense me... If it was an illusion, it was the heaven and the underworld. It is destined that I will not be her enemy now. If not, then this person's strength must be at the third level of the monarch...not much different from me. To fight such a powerful enemy in the first round is to seek death!"

Sensing Miss Cat? It's impossible, they are three kilometers away from each other... How terrifying is that soul thought? And it hasn't been detected by their counter-detection...

Although he didn't believe it in his heart, the man didn't refute, but said respectfully in a low voice: "Miss, now that you have hunted to two hundred points, why don't we go find the teleportation array now, otherwise

It would be a shame if people like Geng Qingmou got there first."

"Geng Qingmou? What the hell are they? They're just small fishes. I want to compete with people like Dong Guo Ziyi... The seventh ring is the easiest time to hunt for points. It's harder to kill if you go inside... .But it really can’t be delayed for too long.”

Miss Cat thought for a moment and left with this entourage.

As soon as she left, Dai Li, who was three kilometers away and killed an assessor again, said softly: "Young Master Eagle? Miss Cat?... The West is really powerful, but ten people participating in the competition have such power. Reader... This lady cat's skills are good, she even made a hunting list... She is quick enough, but the seventh ring is indeed the best place to hunt for points... There are also many powerful ones who have not yet entered the second ring. People are ready to hunt for points in this ring..."

Dai Li put away Qianji and suddenly raised his eyebrows.

"To the left... people are gathering! It seems that another teleportation point has been found!"



There are only 100 teleportation slots in a section. If 600 people compete, 500 people are bound to be eliminated.

So the competition is quite fierce.

The teleportation positions were found one by one, and if you were lucky you could sneak through them, but if you were unlucky you would have to face endless battles, and it was common for you to be beaten to death by a group of people.

The light spots are decreasing at a rapid speed..


A monk who was blown away by a punch exploded into powder in the air. Ming Taihe raised his golden fist and sneered: "A mere first-level monarch dares to compete with me for the teleportation position. You are seeking death!"

"Dongfang Mingtaihe, if you have the ability, just go and compete with our masters from Fenchuan. What's the point of showing off with us here!"

The dozen or so monks who were trying to besiege Mingtai River were shouting.

"Ha, you are a bunch of idiots. The first round is to eliminate you weaklings and to give points to us strong ones. If I don't kill you, who will I kill? As for you Fenchuan masters, I will naturally follow you later. Let them fight! As for you... just die obediently!" (To be continued)


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