A Queen

Chapter 1,167 What does she want to do?

Chapter 1167

The young man with a playful smile like a flower opposite Kun Lie didn't care at all about Kun Lie's increasingly cold expression, as if he was happy to stir up his anger.

Kun Lie turned his face, glanced at this man, and pursed his lips very coldly: "Qiao Ningdong, before I kill this man, should you care more about your own life and death?"

"Hey, Kun Lie, we people in the beautiful sea of ​​flowers are not easy to offend...especially me, who is a little green among thousands of flowers...you can't afford to offend me."

"Really...I really want to try it"

The two of them revealed their murderous intent in the blink of an eye... and took action!


On the other side, Dai Li kicked Kun Yan's body.

"It's only 14 points. It seems that this kid didn't kill many people in the first ring... He is too weak after all. It would be great if he could call his brother and give me some practice... Now it's impossible The evil spirit cannot be tempered."

Dai Li shook his head, passed over this man's body, and as soon as his soul dispersed, he was ready to find the second person...

Since she is not in a hurry to move forward and has to find someone to practice her skills with, she doesn't mind finding those...enemies who look unhappy!

They can only be regarded as enemies, because they are no longer worthy of the word enemy.

"One kilometer away... Xie Ru, one and a half kilometers to the left, Xiahou Dun... very good, they are all in the fifth section... I saved myself from running away."


At this moment, someone also started his own hunting journey!

A path that everyone can’t figure out!

And one kilometer away... Xie Ru was in a good mood, because...

"Haha, let's see who it is...Xiang Yunhong, right, and your little wife...I was lucky enough to catch you two good friends of Jun Zili~~" Xie Ru licked his tongue cruelly, The look that fell on Hua Yushang was particularly evil and cruel.

Xiang Yunhong and Xiang Yunhong looked at each other, said nothing, and took action together!

Join forces!

Spells, swords, and souls connected together to fight for their lives!

The two people who were not at the level of kings at first seemed to show their strength at the level of kings! This man Xie Ru was a little surprised, but he became even more excited.

"The prey is too weak to be interesting. The more it struggles, the more interesting it becomes...go to hell!"

Fire technique, with a flick of his hands, two thick fire whips struck from the left and right sides!

Bang bang!

Xiang Yunhong's attack was defeated in the blink of an eye, and his body was whipped by a powerful fire whip!


The armor cracked, and the two of them retreated several steps after landing. Hua Yushang was slightly weaker and could not fight back immediately. Phew~~ the fire whip had been whipped again!

This time... towards Hua Yushang's face!

The whip even instantly sprouted dense spikes following his thoughts!

Xie Ru has always been cruel and ruthless, especially towards the weak. With this whip, Hua Yushang's face will be burned... and of course, her head will also be exploded!

Although the assessment test does not mean death, it will still cause huge soul trauma. This was revealed after the first assessment. Now the battlefield environment in the third level is obviously more harsh, which is bound to cause powerful damage to Hua Yushang. Influence...

Vicious! Xie Ru's move was so vicious!

"Beast!" Xiang Yunhong cursed secretly, and the man was already blocking the front, using his strongest sword...

Sword spiral!

The spiral sword element and the cone-shaped sword energy stabbed towards the long whip!

boom! ! !

The sword spiral indeed pierced the long whip, preventing the whip from lashing, but Xie Ru smiled coldly...


The tail of the whip is curled, from behind~~


Hit Xiang Yunhong hard on the back!

Flying swords of flesh and blood, jagged bones...

Seeing that the fire whip was about to whip Hua Yushang again, Xiang Yunhong's pupils expanded rapidly...

"The second sword,

Spiral, go! "

The second sword! All the energy in Xiang Yunhong's body is accumulated in this sword...

A desperate fight!


"Yun Hong~~" Hua Yushang watched the last struggle of the man standing in front of her, Wei Ran, and the chord in her heart... was finally completely stirred.

Totally aroused!

——It is said that the moment a man completely conquers a woman is when he blocks everything for her.

The most manly, the most domineering, the most addictive!

At this moment, Hua Yushang's heart is as tough as iron, and Hua Yushang, who was only slightly tempted before, is finally completely tempted, but...

Xiang Yunhong has been forced to die!

boom! ! !

The sword breaks, the whip breaks!

Xiang Yunhong vomited a large mouthful of blood and his body was shaking, while Xie Ru... his expression finally turned gloomy.

"Very good... You have used the Spiral Sword of the Xiang clan beyond the standard... But you must die, and your woman will die a hundred times worse than before!" He walked over, But he found that Hua Yushang had already grasped Xiang Yunhong's sword.

The sword was pointed at him.

At that moment, Xie Rujuebi was stunned.

This woman is...

Also planning to fight to the death?

Does she think everyone has the opportunity and potential to fight back?


"I think this sword is more suitable for you to commit suicide. But if you promise to surrender to me and be my woman, I might consider letting you go." Xie Ru smiled sinisterly, stretched out his hand, and the fire whip was like a vine. regeneration...

Hua Yushang took a deep breath, and Xiang Yunhong held her other hand with difficulty.

"We will never be separated in life or death, and we will never abandon each other in life or death," Xiang Yunhong said softly...looking at her.

"bring it on"

Either fight to the death, or...self-destruct!

Would rather die than surrender!

There is something touching about this scene.

Xie Rui was even more gloomy, "I hate greasy people like you the most!"

"Me too... I hate other people's displays of affection."

This sound.

The two people showing off their affection were stunned for a moment, then turned around to look...


Xie Ru was beaten to death by a dragon claw on the wall of the ruins.

One slap...killed him.

Meat everywhere.

Dai Li stood on the top of the ruins wall, looking down at the two people who were stunned, with a chuckle on his lips: "It seems that the effect of being implicated by me will last for a long time... This scumbag is quite capable of causing trouble... But it's okay now." Okay...you continue"

After a pause, she suddenly flicked her hand and threw out a fiery red crystal.

Xiang Yunhong subconsciously caught it.

"You have broken through the bottleneck. Using this thing should allow you to successfully reach the Jun level... With your ability, you may be able to enter the top two hundred... I hope to see you in the third ring."

Before the two of them could speak, Daili had already left.

When the two of them took a closer look at the fiery red crystal, they were both overwhelmed by the powerful power contained in it!

this is...

"Fire Flame Crystal? At least it's the Fire Flame Crystal Essence. Just such a piece is enough for the two of us to break through. She's too generous." Xiang Yunhong simply didn't know how to describe this human being.

Hua Yushang was thoughtful... "Huo Yanjing? It seems that...she has gone to the Beihai side?" She didn't think too deeply, just paused, and said to Xiang Yunhong quietly: "How to pick up girls?" I’ve already given it to you, not to mention this fiery crystal marrow.”

Xiang Yunhong; "..."

Why do I suddenly feel that the painting style of the girl I love is wrong? Why does she look sour?

At that moment, Xiang Yunhong sank into serious injury and incomparable happiness...

Both of them forgot to discuss what Daili was doing.

I also didn't realize that after Daili killed Xie Ru just now, there was a vague evil aura on his body...


The ninety-minute start of the Red Cliff Battlefield!


Wenge Yin Ruzhang... was instantly killed under the ruins in the middle of the fifth section!

Ninety-five minutes...

Prince Zakuye of Goryeo...killed him instantly under the remains of the chariot on the right end of the fifth section!

One hundred minutes.

Lanshan Nuoshan North, kill in the fifth section area...

Flash kill, flash kill, flash kill again!

An accurate and efficient instant kill...it's better to say an assassination, a purposeful assassination!

Because apart from these people, the light spots nearby, or even the light spots next to them... have not faded at all!

It's strange that when a light point passes by two or even three other light points... one of the light points dies, and then the light point continues to move forward...

That's the one who died!

Don’t kill others!


"Am I the only one who noticed that when these people died... this light spot kept passing by?"

Professional passerby?

And this professional passerby still bears the name Junzili.

Many people laughed and then looked unpredictable.

Is it Junzili?

When more and more people noticed that the light spot representing Jun Zili was moving from the middle area of ​​the fifth section to the fourth section in a straight line, and many people died along the way, it was precisely these people who had a grudge against her and An enemy that has yet to relent.

If this is all a coincidence, then they can only say that the world is too dangerous.

"If it was Jun Zili, it would be too scary. How could she find the location of these people so accurately all the way and kill them in such a short period of time... Even if the strength gap is not small, these people are not idiots. Let’s run away from the club!”

None of the examiners on Qishan Road should be underestimated, but they were killed all the way with the speed of a sickle harvesting wheat...

This high-efficiency killing still shocked many people, including the adults in the Qishan Road Assessment.

"What is she going to do!"

"Can't you take the assessment well? Can't you go to the third ring!"

"You have to do it like this!"

Complaints are complaints, but people like Yu Ran are silently lighting a candle for those who died and the forces behind them~~

Especially Kun Yan and Xie Li, who were the first to be killed...

These two people died so tragically,

As for the Xie family and the Kun family...the two families are filled with passion.

Was he just killed like that? Such an important assessment in the third level... was missed in seconds! I didn’t even see how the other party took action!

Xie Ru was the worst... He didn't even see anyone...

Of course, they are still lying dead... they have to wait until the second refresh time before they can leave the battlefield.

"If Junzili did all of this, then she must have done it on purpose!"

Someone calculated that in just twenty minutes, from the fifth section to the edge of the fourth section, she had already taken away thirty members of the Xie family, the Kun family, the Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion, and those suspected of being under the command of Liyun and other forces. assessor...

Life is like a dog, everything will be killed instantly!

The people from these forces are furious!

They do not place all their hopes on the elite bloodline such as Xu Yidao. There are even other members of their subordinates participating in order to seize the resources that may be allocated in the Qishan assessment and finally keep them for their own use..R1152

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