A Queen

Chapter 1,207 The extremely perverted and twisted man touching corpses

Chapter 1207

Mo Yao seemed to hear a deep and cold voice.

"The Curse of the Corpse Binding Ghost"

Spell! ! Mo Yao's brows straightened up, and his soul aura emerged, shielding!

When the voice fell, like the devil's claws, thousands of evil and strange black and green flowing lines escaped from under the five fingers. They were densely packed. In the blink of an eye, Dai Li's place was intertwined into a huge silk cocoon. Although the winding speed was It was quick, but extremely creepy.

Just watching it makes my heart tingle. It is a very strange feeling, just like when you watch The Grudge, you are inexplicably affected by a kind of horror...

Because they saw countless twisted dead faces formed on the surface of the silk cocoon. The faces were expressionless, extremely stiff, and had countless muscles. But after looking at them for a long time, they twisted into ferocious grimaces, grinning ferociously,...

"Ugh~" Many people on the Chibi Plain turned pale, felt extremely uncomfortable and wanted to vomit, and felt uncomfortable all over. On the other side, people like Emperor Ming also had unattractive expressions.


"What a powerful sorcery. That gentleman will be in trouble."

"Such a weird and terrifying evil spell is impossible to guard against. That Mo Yao's methods are so powerful!"

Emperor Ming and others were actually surprised that Mo Yao was from the Xuantian Sect, but the Xuantian Sect did not have such magic. Could it be that it was newly researched? This doesn't seem to be soul magic...

In doubt.

Yanlu on the big screen suddenly frowned, and Mo Yao also blocked the threads shot towards her, and both of them looked at the cocoon formed by the corpse-binding ghost curse.

"Loulanting" Mo Yao had no expression on his face.

Yanlu looked at his opponent, "It's you"

Lou Lanting smiled: "I'm not here...how could it be me..."

Just as he finished speaking.



Red light, ferocious, tearing, breaking. It only happened in a split second, so fast that neither Mo Yao nor the two of them could react.

In the violent release of red light, the terrifying blood light was like lightning, directly splitting open the ghost cocoon, heading towards the east...

It’s the direction of the transmission bit!

Does she want to seize the teleportation position?

No, it’s a long-distance attack!

Triple instant eye technique! Photograph, shock. bite! And then..the sword!

The time of soul attack!

Exploded out. The thousand opportunities in his hand had turned into a bloody sickle. Dai Li flicked his arm!

Thousand Machine Sword Network!

Seven swords descending the Tianshan Mountains!

The blood of the sword divides the ghost hero!

Central Plains is a little red!

Jiangchuan Undead Dragon!

The fusion of four sword combinations!

Thousand swords?

No, it’s a ten thousand sword attack!

The sword net stretched out by ten thousand swords slaughtered the space crazily, and in the blink of an eye, it covered the sky above the east where she rushed out. There's no one up there, who is she targeting?

The huge rotating sword net kills at high speed for three breaths...


A green light appeared boldly in the high-speed rotating sword net, and the body kept flashing, as if many shadows were being crushed. But blood and flesh were scattered for a moment. He escaped from the Thousand Machine Sword Net with that weird shadow body.

Revealing a black shirt.

Dai Li looked at him, his eyes flickering... With the spell and such a weird ability to replace flesh and blood, this guy's level of perversion was beyond her imagination.

"Show weakness and get tied up. Make me numb and careless, then lock my position and force me to appear... I really saw you right... You are very difficult to deal with now."

Who is the person who speaks slowly?

It's better to say that two people are talking together.

Yanlu and Mo Yao looked back and forth at Loulanting, which was almost the same as the two above, but one was dressed in green and the other in black.

"Clone... continue to clone." Mo Yao said lightly: "I didn't expect that there would be such a capable person among us... In terms of the realm of clones, you should be the highest."

As mentioned before, the avatar stage is incarnation. The seven stages are instantaneous, continuous, advent, combination, and hegemony. Most elites are in the incarnation and brewing stage. The powerful ones can summon instant clones to achieve unexpected instant killing effects, while continuous ones are a bit abnormal.

As long as it can stay outside for more than three minutes, it is called a continuous clone.

Lou Lan Ting's clone has obviously existed for no less than three minutes, and has two abilities activated.

The continuous alter ego of stripping.

Even if it continues, it is still peeled off. The difficulty can be calculated directly to 10,000 points.

It can be said that not even one of a thousand first-level kings may reach this level.

This undoubtedly proves Lou Lanting's realm and talent in this area, which is enough to instantly kill almost all of the three thousand assessors.

At least Mo Yao expressed his admiration.

Dai Li secretly sighed, Daxia was indeed a place full of outstanding people, and these perverts kept appearing one after another.

Lou Lanting smiled: "My little ability is the same as your and her soul talent. Who here doesn't have some special abilities... It's you, Mr. Yanlu, I can't see your ability yet. "

Yanlu had no expression on his face and just said: "Your body is still a little weak."

Want to use the main body alone to force out my strength?

"It is indeed a little weaker." Lou Lanting nodded, "But the power of poison has never been dependent on one's own strength."

His first clone has already arrived beside him, standing side by side, one in green and one in black.

The green one uses poison, and the black one uses spells.

This person is totally evil inside and out.

He is gentle and clear, like a gentle and kind-hearted person.

The people in Nanlin were unbelievable.

Dai Li asked: "You are very powerful with these two hands. You have touched a lot of corpses to study them."

"Yeah...I remember the first time we met,...it was in the morgue," Lou Lanting said slowly. (I seem to have created another pervert, and the male god has been destroyed by me again~~crying!)

The morgue... Of course Dai Li remembered it, so he chuckled: "I have touched corpses for so many years, and now I want to break up. I think there is something you must get on Qishan Road."

"Yes..." Lou Lanting nodded, raised his eyebrows, and looked at her: "That's why I must kill you."

"Kill me? I thought you wanted to kill all of us." Dai Li glanced at Mo Yao and the two.

The two people also looked at her, their eyes a little obscure.

"Although the two of them are strong, you are the greatest threat..."

"So sure?"

"Of course. I have always believed in my intuition...although when I first saw you, I didn't expect you to be as capable as you are now." Lou Lanting folded his hands and smiled reservedly.

"Junzi...Li" he smiled: "You have deliberately forced out my clone...what are you waiting for now? Your ambition is no less than mine. No matter what, you have to defeat the three of us one by one. Well... Of course, the same goes for you two... If you don't take action, the five people over there won't hold back... There are only two teleportation slots."

Lou Lanting looked at Wanqi Jianhan who was still in the middle.

Mo Yao tilted his head. His eyes were slightly dark: "It seems that I have been despised. Yanlu, I think you are too."

Yanlu has always been relatively cold, so he looked at Daili after hearing this. Just like when I met Dai Li on the river bank before, he was indifferent and reserved: "I despised you at first, but now you despise me, it's okay."

Damn it. Is it because I despise you? It’s Loulanting, okay! This hatred is worth it!

Dai Li complained in his heart and smiled on his face: "Look what you said. There is still an agreement between us..."

"I remember" Yanlu nodded.

"Very good" Dai Li nodded, then glanced at the three of them.

It seems that these people rarely take the initiative to reveal their strength, unless they can kill with one blow.

All of them are very cunning.

Can't you be more domineering?

"First of all, I want to make it clear that I don't look down on you two. But this perverted man who touched corpses that I have known for many years did say the wrong thing just now."

What words?

The perverted man touching the corpse twisted his eyebrows and looked at Dai Li...

Did he say it wrong?

Dai Li lowered his eyes and gently touched the handle of Qianji with his fingers. "I'm going to kill you, not one by one."


A twist of the wrist. He raised his eyes and said calmly: "It's better if we come together."


boom! The sudden burst of energy... is still mad blood, still dual-core.

But... one hit kills!

Jiangchuan Undead Dragon!

The dragon is still an immortal dragon, but it is an immortal dragon that slaughters the world!


Stegosaurus Assassination!

One blow covered the two people in Loulanting...

300 counties, the top kill of the first level king level!


boom! The reaction of the subject or the clone at that moment was completely different!

The flesh and blood of the main body is replaced again...


The main body escapes from the bleeding light, and the black-clothed clone is covered by the curse seal. The black light flashes enchantingly, and you desperately resist. This is not a success, but...


The black clothes were penetrated violently!

The curse seal breaks down...

One blow is enough to kill the Lou Lanting clone!

Huh la, Lou Lanting escaped three thousand meters away. His aura was still a little unstable. He took a shaky breath and looked at Dai Li who was three thousand meters away.

There is a spiral field around her body, a killing and blood field, which is at least ten times more powerful than the field in Jiangwang Pavilion!

Kill without limit and destroy the army.

When the killing reaches the limit and the killing state is absolute, then it is breaking the army!

How many people in this world can understand the realm of killing? How many people can understand the realm of killing to the absolute!

How many people... Sha Pojun!

"The realm of breaking the army...the third level...cannot fight in close combat"

Of course, you can't fight in close combat. Originally, Dai Li's physical defense was almost abnormal, and now he has the Pojun realm that increases the bloodthirsty attack in close combat. How strong is his close combat ability?

The soul magician Mo Yao naturally retreated in an instant. As she was retreating, the center of her eyebrows... displayed the soul mark again!

Same as before?

No, this time the soul seal was enlarged seven or eight times, and the color of the soul seal turned purple-gold.

Damn it, this woman has hidden at least 70% of her soul power!

Quack, it's not just physical energy that can change the environment. When a person's soul is strong enough, it can change the world!

At this moment, including Loulan Ting, whether it was the banquet rules or Dai Li, they were all under Mo Yao's control.

The real Xuantian secret method - Soul Seal!


The soul mark emitted an absolute purple soul light, which swept across Chao Daili's body, as well as Lou Lanting and Yan Lu.

Light is emitted at 360 degrees. (To be continued)

ps: The writing of these chapters is not smooth, the concept is not good, my balls hurt, and the rhythm is a bit stuck.


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