A Queen

Chapter 1,209 A difficult battle!

Chapter 1209

The physical body was destroyed by thunder, and there was no way to die!

And at the same time, someone else noticed...the main body.

Lou Lanting's clone died again!

Dai Li killed Po Jun directly with a sword!


When the second sword slashed Po Jun down again at a terrifying speed, Lou Lanting's body was replaced with flesh and blood, and he escaped again!

If the main body doesn't chase after him, he just throws his hand away and says domineeringly: "Clone, go over..."

call out!

The clone is gone.

That speed...

The moment of martial arts, the perfect level of Ying Xuan Ao, the dragon body speed is increased...

I couldn’t bear to look at it because I couldn’t see clearly!

Another square round!


Loulanting was blasted directly into the ground.

The body is covered by thunder...devoured!

Flesh and blood are constantly transforming and replacing...

But it can't keep up with the speed of destruction of Thunder.

Blood energy is of the dark type. Not only does it have no restraint effect on Lou Lanting's power, but it is also easily exploited. He can escape every time he is killed, just like the undead.

Daili had noticed it before, so he summoned the Thunder Dao clone to deal with this guy.

The effect is really good.

After a while, Lou Lanting was dying, his skin was pale and bloodless, and he was leaning against a big stone, panting.

"No energy left?" Dai Li looked down at him.

"Thunder is indeed the most destructive power in the world, and it is also the power that restrains me the most. It turns out that what I am most afraid of is your thunder path, but I have never seen you use it.

So I have been overly concerned and wanted to use the strength of Mo Yao and the two to deal with you first. Unexpectedly... you completely stripped it to your clone... no wonder. No wonder you only use a single power all the time."

Lou Lanting smiled bitterly. After countless calculations and precautions, he was finally defeated by the thunder method.

Or the thunder method of the clone!

"I didn't lose to you, I just lost because I used witchcraft, and you used... a particularly terrifying thunder path."

Thunder Road is still a particularly terrifying Thunder Road. Loulanting obviously meant something.

Daili didn't say much. Just glanced at him and turned away: "You are indeed one of the smartest people I know, and also the most tolerant. But don't underestimate others... These two are not so easy to use. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have just watched the two of us fight if I hadn’t tried my best until now.”

Dai Li said and looked at Mo Yao and the two people in the sky.

Meeting the eyes of the two of them, she suddenly raised her lips, "But I always keep my word. Since you are also my fellow countryman... I will spare your life and let you see how I can defeat the three of you by myself." of!"

After that...boom!

The main body and the clone suddenly flew up!

He said before that he would kill the three of them together. After all, it's difficult to do it. Now it's one-on-two!

Can she do it?

It seems that I was distracted just now, and Hu Yanjue was added to me. They already have three king-level combat powers.

One against three..you've done it.

"Three people" Lou Lanting looked at the place where Hu Yanjue died... and muttered quietly: "I didn't count you... I died in vain."

All died in vain.

Senior brother~~~ The people in Jiangwangge wanted to cry. The elder of Jiangwangge stared and adjusted his breathing. Sighing: "Evil talent, evil deeds"

Say nothing more. Go ahead and watch.

Let’s see if this lunatic can really defy the odds!

With one against two, kill four top ten elites in a short period of time!


"Coming up." Yanlu waved his hands slightly. The manservant he once thought was the most suitable turned out to be an opponent he had to take seriously.

"Well...you go first or me first?" Mo Yao raised his eyebrows slightly.

Their tone was quite relaxed. They seemed to be familiar with each other, but not too familiar. At least Mo Yao had attacked this person before. I can only say that... they were both from the East, so they could join forces appropriately.

"It makes no difference. If I can't defeat you, it will be you. If I can defeat you, it won't be your turn," Yanlu said calmly.

It is difficult for a person like Yan Lu to attack a person together with others, unless that person is already determined to die.

At this stage of their lives, it seemed ridiculous to attack in groups, and a wheel battle was already the ultimate form of humiliation.

Mo Yao didn't refute. Anyway, she was a soul master. There was nothing to say about joining forces. She would take action whenever it was appropriate.

But... what none of them expected was...


The main body and the clone...are so separated!

Lei Dao's clone rushed towards Yanlu! The clone of the main body rushes towards Mo Yao!

It is said that no matter how good-tempered and calm Mo Yao and Yan Lu are at this moment, their temperaments are ups and downs. ox! A gentleman leaves you alone!

This is a slap in the face!

Yanlu and Mo Yao both laughed, and then...


Two people instantly become four!

A clone, a clone again~!

They are all clones!

"They all used clones! It seems that Jun Zili has angered them!"


Yanlu has one clone and one body. Once separated, there are two talents!

The main body, pure Yang system, directly sacrificed a sword, a lightsaber!

If we were in the West, those believers might be so pious that they would call this the Holy Sword of Light. Dai Li has been Westernized in his thinking for a long time, and he has dealt with light believers every day, so he initially understood it as a lightsaber. But in fact, this is not a lightsaber. There is no light element in the world, only the energy of pure Yang. This is also the sword of pure Yang.

A sword of pure Yang makes heaven and earth right.

Yan Lu, who sacrificed the Pure Yang Sword, instantly changed from an ascetic male god to a very ascetic pure Yang male god.

——It can be understood as that of Tang Monk.

This sword is so strong that 300 counties have it!

The clone did not attack directly, but shot from a long distance with his hands forming a diamond seal.

As his clone flew out, the diamond-shaped seal expanded, and the space was directly imprisoned into a diamond-shaped space.

Generation and separation are precisely among them.

The talent of this person's clone is the talent of space!

The main body is pure Yang, the clone space! This is an extremely scary combination...how scary is it?

Chunyang is extremely domineering, and almost no attribute power can restrain him. Thunder method is one of the very few.

But what if you add space?

space. What a mysterious and mysterious power, the number of people with this talent is ten thousand times less than those with thunder-type immortal roots.

"Dimensions of the world, seal it!" Yanlu's clone spat out coldly, and then...

The diamond-shaped space was compressed dramatically!

Dai Li directly felt the compression force that suddenly intensified a hundred times.

Crush, endless crush.

And ahead...the Sword of Pure Yang has arrived!

On the other side, Mo Yao is still the same as before, with the soul mark of his body. The clone is...


Suddenly there is a giant statue in the sky?

No. It should be said that it is the existence of a complete soul body, which is completely different from bloodline or skill talents such as the bloodline colossus. It comes from the depths of the soul. It comes from the hidden side of a person's soul.

It is another mysterious power, full of mysteries similar to ancient runes or soul secrets.

Emperor Ming became drunk as soon as this thing appeared.

"Fa Xiang! How could she have a Fa Xiang? Fa Xiang only exists during our integration period..." Emperor Ming asked himself in astonishment, causing Liu Hongxiu behind him to narrow his eyes. "I've heard people say... if the soul talent reaches a certain level, you can awaken the Dharma in advance. This is the Dharma of your life, which is different from the Dharma in the integration period."

Who has heard of it? Yuan Qi beside him was thoughtful, Empress?

However... The gentleman is in danger. It would be better if the main body and the clone work together to deal with one of them. At this moment, she decided to deal with both of them separately.

It's very difficult, too big.

If she hadn't been too strong, her physique, speed and soul would be superior to others. They had long thought she was seeking death.

Instead of seeing it as her challenge.

But now it seems... the challenge may fail.

Tai Shi Yuan folded his hands on his chest and watched quietly. About to lose?

On the other side, the young man with the long sword on his back lowered his eyes. If you lose, just lose. Just find your place later.

But at this moment, not long after arriving, Jin Kuili, who was hiding in the crowd, had a cold light flashing in his eyes.

"Young Master... I didn't expect these people who were tested on Qishan Road to be so powerful. If they can be absorbed..." Jin Kui'en wanted to remind his young master not to forget to recruit people. Although there are big forces such as Yanyu Chonglou here, they might be able to recruit them. How many people are there...

Jin Kuili is not an idiot. He naturally knows that to strengthen the family, new blood is needed, but he feels a little unhappy in his heart...

There is such a person in such a small place? Although the strength is not as good as his, after all, there is a big gap between the first level and the second level, but it is still unhappy.

"Let's talk about it after the assessment is over." Jin Kuili felt that his main target was Tai Shi Yuan.

After that, he started looking for Taishi Yuan...beauties were more conspicuous, but he actually saw a lot of beauties, which made Jin Kuili very surprised. How could there be beauties of this level in such a small place...

After watching for a while, Jin Kuili's mood improved a lot, and he also felt a little jealous. With his status, he had many beauties in Siam, but none of them could reach the level of women here. No.

The main reason is that such women either have strong backgrounds or have amazing abilities, or they have already been occupied by other top figures. For example, there is no one in the circle of Prince Beigong who has a large number of stunning beauties and talents. His cultivation talent is also extraordinary.

He once heard people in that circle say that in their circle, the women they play with are no longer limited to their skin and looks, but also have talents, and both their own talents and backgrounds are indispensable.

The beautiful Xishi in Shangougou has no attraction to them at all. In this life, only a beauty of Tai Shi Yuan's level can be called a winner in life.

Haha, Jin Kuili thought, but he also knew that he was capable. If he was too good in Siam, he would definitely not be able to get his turn, but in Fenchuan... he could do it.

Although he thought this way, Jin Kuili still suppressed his thoughts and locked his eyes on Taishi Yuan. He was about to go over to say hello, but saw her expression...

surprise? stunned? Amazed?

He even smiled slightly.

Jin Kuili subconsciously turned his head to look at the big screen. Amidst the gasps around him, he couldn't help but look at the big screen carefully. After just one glance, his brows were deeply depressed and his eyes widened.

How can it be!

————————(To be continued)


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