A Queen

Chapter 1,211 With such beauty, why do you need soul skills?

Chapter 1211

After a pause, he looked at the person not far ahead.

"For example, the eldest lady of the Xian Yuan clan seems to be especially concerned about Mr. Jun."

Not everyone can notice it, but those who are interested can always find that Tai Shi Yuan's gaze is too weird.

Maybe Jun Zili is too good, and even a noble and powerful girl like Tai Shi will not be spared?

"Tai Shi Yuan..." Huang smiled and then thought thoughtfully: "The Xian Yuan family is lucky. She is obviously a forbidden bloodline that should perish, but she survived... I don't know who is so capable. It can eliminate blood vessels and eliminate drugs..."

Of course, she quickly raised her eyebrows, her eyes passed over many people, and then landed on the screen.

"If you really want to eat this delicious food...even though there are many people who love it...there is only one who poses the greatest threat."


On the big screen, "Jun Zili can defeat Yan Lu and Mo Yao one on two, he is indeed very powerful." Linghu Bai said this in a cold tone, which not only showed her recognition of Dai Li's strength, but also indirectly exposed her She was afraid of this person from the beginning.

"It's not bad." Just like this moment, Qianshan Muxue was also always indifferent. He glanced lazily, and there was a faint and clear glimmer in his eyes: "But it's not a complete defeat..."

Um? Qingyi frowned, Wuqi narrowed his eyes, and Wanqi Jianhan in the middle seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

And Linghu Bai's eyes flashed.

at the same time...


Among the ruins, Yanlu turned over the rubble on his body. His body was dirty and bloody, but he was very calm and patted the dust on his body. He stood up slowly holding on to the wall and looked up at the sky.

Mo Yao. Mo Yao, whose soul was seriously injured...has disappeared!

It disappears in one moment and appears in another moment!

Settlement vs. instant!

Everyone was scared!

what is that!

a finger,

He clicked on Dai Li's eyebrows, right in front of Dai Li, face to face, black robe against red robe.

It was Mo Yao, she was seriously injured. But it is a hundred times more terrifying than before it was seriously injured!

Her soul is invisible to all.

But everyone finally saw her eyes clearly.

It was the violet rising from the depths of darkness.

Violet is in full bloom, it is a mandala and a flower from the other side.

It was a dreamlike scene. The sky-wide purple stream of light bloomed from her body and spread across the vast sky, just like a canvas with a white and blue background that she had used beautiful purple oil painting lines to express freely.

Then...so beautiful!

Face to face, Mo Yao looked at Dai Li. With her face covered with a veil, under Dai Li's control...she clearly maintained her own sense of existence. The majesty that comes from the soul.

Evenly matched?

It’s still true king versus king!

It is also the final decisive battle!

At that moment, someone heard Dai Li say something with a very serious expression and tone.

"The soul skill derived from the dharma of your life... It seems that you must be able to kill me... They say that people can eat a chicken drumstick before they die. So... can I take a look at your real face?"

When Dangli said this, many people were like this - o(╯□╰)o.

Tang Junyi and others rolled their eyes. Boss, you must have done this on purpose because your cousin is not watching you!

Jun Zi Li... is still as sexy as ever~~ But...

I like!

Many people's eyes lit up, to be honest. They really wanted to know Mo Yao's true face.

Is it overwhelming, or is it not worth mentioning? Maybe his face was disfigured... I heard that spiritual practice is very dangerous.

"No," Mo Yao said lightly. No room left at all.

"Um, can I have a chicken drumstick?"

"There are no chicken legs." Mo Yao frowned slightly.

"You won't even give me a chicken drumstick...so stingy." Dai Li smiled, his smile was frivolous and slightly sinister, with a smile on his face: "I have very bad habits...I want what others don't give me. .”

She raised her hand. .

But Mo Yao's jade-white porcelain fingers were cold, her eyes were cold, and her tone was even colder.

"Native Soul Skill - The Other Side"

At your fingertips, purple light blooms.

Daili was covered in purple light, and also penetrated by an absolutely purple, absolutely beautiful and extremely beautiful Bianhua flower...

Penetrating, penetrating, penetrating...

The whole sky seemed to be soaked in purple.

That is the ultimate in beauty and the ultimate in destruction.

With one finger, Junzi, who had just been able to kill Yanlu and Mo Yao in an instant, was about to be annihilated by his soul in the blink of an eye.

Hiss~~Jun Zili’s soul aura disappeared!

After the death, Lou Lanting lowered his eyes and sighed softly, while Yanlu frowned slightly, as for the distance...

Wanqi Jianhan gently clasped the sword on his waist with his palm, and frowned slightly.


At the source and core of purple, there is no trace of Jun Zili anymore...

Just as Mo Yao was about to take back his hand, he suddenly felt a slight touch on his face.

Also cold....

How can it be! ! ! !


The purple light dissipated, not naturally...it was forced back by the strange and alluring black and red light.

If the purple light is the flower of the other side, then the black and red light is a twisted and arrogant evil flower. It is extremely beautiful, with wanton curves and sharp edges, blooming endlessly.

In such a blooming state, Mo Yao couldn't move at all because... his soul was imprisoned.

She stared straight at the person in front of her.

The conversation started.

"As a soul master...you should know an iron rule..."

"At the end of the underworld...not only the other side is forgotten, but also the evil spirits of reincarnation."

Who is this person with this soft and hoarse voice, whispering like a night spirit, seducing people?

It's Jun Zili, just like the person before, his hair, face, everything remains the same, just... his eyes, his demeanor...


A complete evil spirit.

She pinched Mo Yao's chin through the black veil with her slender and graceful fingers, her eyes were wild and cold, and the corners of her mouth were curved in an evil way.

Lawless, many people have described Dai Li this way before, and Mo Yao has also heard of it. But it has never been this close.

The other side is forgotten, reincarnation is evil, reincarnation presses the other side, forgetfulness is not evil.

I see.

Mo Yao took a deep breath and closed his eyes: "I'm defeated, kill him."


A cold and evil laugh came, and Mo Yao suddenly felt a slight cold feeling on his lips. Slide slowly.

That scene made everyone's eyes widen. A gentleman is away from this...

Mo Yao suddenly opened his eyes, and when the murderous intent broke out, he saw those eyes. Then the fingertips slid across her lips, hooking and tugging.


The veil was flung out by the fingers.

Mo Yao's face... was exposed naked in front of Dai Li.

But with their backs to the screen, people on the Chibi Plain could only see his back. No, they could also see Jun Zili's evil expression in that second...

That expression... clearly told them... that it was amazing.

Then. The evil gentleman curled his lips and raised his eyebrows. Laughed.

"Why use soul magic when you are so beautiful? You can kill someone with one look, and you can charm an entire city with just one smile."

Hiss~~This is such an evaluation! Although it has a bit of a frivolous and dissolute feel about a nobleman staying in a brothel overnight. But it is undoubtedly highly rated.

Lou Lanting and Yan Lu, the body-touching man and the abstinent man, only glanced at each other. The former smiled and said, "I agree with this." The latter remained silent.

The default is no objection.

How beautiful is this?

"Fuck. Frontal, frontal!"

"Sekirei, face on!"

Maybe it's the effect of resentment.

The sometimes naughty Sekirei finally got a close-up!

Mo Yao's face...

The violet eyes are comparable to the delicate face of Qianshan Muxue, three parts elegant, three parts indifferent, three parts comfortable, and one part deadly demonic.

That is the magic from the soul, one look is enough to make you sink.

What's more... there is a purple and silver tattoo under her right ear on her neck.

The lonely flower on the other side of the underworld.

The slender growth is just on the soft and white neck, and also under the delicate and sexy ears...

Absolutely sexy location.

The space suddenly froze.

Everyone was staring at the two people... and watching someone holding someone's chin.

Uh... don't put down those claws yet!

This is the real glimpse of ten thousand years...

Thousands of years later, someone's eyes flickered, and suddenly he no longer looked evil, but looked at himself and Mo Yao opposite him with a strange expression.

Mo Yao: "Recovered?"

Dai Li: "Uh..."

Mo Yao's expression was inexplicably profound: "Junzili...even if you were in the evil state of eye magic before...this time, I will remember it."

The look she looked at Jun Zili was...deep, too deep, as if it was going to burn her directly into the depths of her soul.

Then he turned around and shot down, saying lightly to Yanlu: "Dongfang has been defeated, let's watch the show."

Yanlu glanced at her: "It's rare to see you not angry... I thought you would fight her at all costs."

Mo Yao's face was expressionless: "She would say this is sacrificing love."


It seems that with that person's base nature, he would indeed say that...

Yan Lu turned his head and glanced at Dai Li in the sky.

But no matter what...she won.

"What kind of pupil technique is that?"

"I don't know, it's a very scary pupil technique. It seems that Mo Yao said it was the evil pupil technique."

While these people were discussing, Dai Li was ashamed. She herself did not expect that the effect of the 15th Eye Technique, Moment of Evil, would be so powerful, transforming herself directly into an evil form, with a demonic soul that could withstand Mo Yao's natal soul. Skills..

But it is also very dangerous. If the other party wants to fight hard, she may not be able to withstand it.

"The soul skill... is very scary... but did I tease her just now? Oh my god, this woman won't hold a grudge against me, will she?"

Dai Li, who looked domineering in everyone's eyes and had already killed many stepping stones to reach the top of his life, suddenly shuddered and looked up at Wan Qi Jianhan in the middle area.

I also saw his sword that seemed to be coming out but not coming out.

He is looking at her.


Dai Li suddenly felt a creepy feeling.


Suddenly, a loud noise made Zuo Wei and Wanqi Jianhan turn their heads.

That's... an extremely huge translucent thing... what? It's hard to see clearly because the space is completely unclear, as if that space has been controlled. (To be continued)

ps: No more updates today, eh


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