A Queen

Chapter 1,218 Why don’t you praise her yet!

Chapter 1218

"The gentleman is number one... He has five hundred thousand points! Why is it so high!"

"Fart! You forgot that she broke through the sixth ring with one move, beating everyone in seconds, including Wanqi Jianhan and others, the points are all counted... 500,000 points..."

The first place in the ranking, with a score of 500,000 points, is naturally the word "junzili".

And below, the second place, Wanqi Jianhan, has a score of 120,000 points.

The third place, Qianshan Duixue, scored 100,000 points.

The fourth place is in Tsing Yi. .

Fifth place, ruthless.

Sixth place, Mo Yao.

The seventh place, banquet law.

Eighth place, Linghu Bai.

The ninth place is Loulanting.

The tenth place is Hu Yanjue.

It's dramatic to say that it was said to be the most promising to win the championship before, but this time it was ranked tenth.

It was indeed the most subversive Qishan Road assessment in history. No one in the Qishan Hall knew what to say.

Si Ge, who is regarded as the most powerful force in Fenchuan, also silently complained about himself.

After the Chibi List came out, Chi Ling glanced at the hero statue. .

The lights were bright and there was a roar.

After a moment, everyone took another look.

Only thirty of the three thousand heroic statues remain.

"Thirty seats! Could it be..."

"Does this mean that only 30 people can be selected to Qishan Road?"

"So young...this year is already super powerful."

Amid everyone's doubts, Chi Ling's huge face remained expressionless: "You are indeed beyond my expectations this year... The average level is too poor, most of you are weak enough!"

Well, nine out of ten of the three thousand examiners blushed.

"The fifty people in the fourth ring are pretty good. Their level has been improved. Especially some of them, I have to admit that they are excellent. Of course, there are also some people who leave me speechless."

When Chi Ling said this, Dai Li silently glanced at Qing Qing, using a clone to join the battle was really stupid. . I don’t know who this person is. Is he an old man with a twisted mind? Logically speaking, no, otherwise Sekirei would not turn a blind eye.

And Wuqing’s face was calm…

She looked at Qianshan Muxue again, and what she saw was the other person's eyes drifting towards her.


What's that look in your eyes?

It's like I've done something bad again.

Dai Li twisted his mouth, and suddenly heard Chi Ling's tone worsening,

"In terms of talent, there is a huge gap between the top fifty people and the people below. However, there are many people among the fifty who are not very different from each other, but the gap in strength is huge. Why? It's because you don't work hard enough. Not persistent enough, not courageous enough!”

"At this point, Ye Yeqing, Ruo Qingyi, Chu Xiuling, Guijianchou, Zhongli Guiwan, Jingjingyuan, Mingjian, Snow Fish, Xiao Bai, Chuanxiayue, you guys are really good...always. They all stick to their own path, are decisive and calm, have firm principles, and have great character. Although they may not be among the best, their future is limitless."

The people who were named were naturally surrounded by everyone's eyes, but Chi Ling was indeed right. These people all abide by their own principles and work unyieldingly...

For example, Mingjian and Jingjingyuan undoubtedly came from the weakest counterattack. .

Of course, when it comes to counterattacking the most powerful one, isn’t it Junzili?

Why hasn't Seki Ling praised her yet?

"As for those who are said to have extraordinary talents, such as Luan Qingyi, Mo Yao, Linghu Bai, Wanqi Jianhan, and Yanlu, the five of you are the best."

Forehead. . Still no mention of Junzili, not even Qianshan Duixue.

Everyone feels strange,

Suddenly, Chi Ling said: "You must be thinking why I haven't mentioned Junzili yet."

Yeah yeah! This is very wrong, you know! Those who don’t know think you don’t want to see her!

"Junzili...how is she?

You all know it, and it would be boring to mention it again. . But I would like to ask Jun Zili."

Um, Sekirei also has something to ask?

Dai Li came back to his senses and looked at Chi Ling's giant face, "Lord Chi Ling, just ask."

"Are you a boy or a girl?"


Daili must have been heartbroken at that time. Heartbroken, he smiled in embarrassment and said, "Female"

There were various exclamations from the audience. .

A woman, indeed a woman. .

"The girl is good, the girl is good" the men were all happy.

Women actually don’t have to worry about it. . Originally, the Queen of the Demon Palace had attracted countless female fans, plus what Dai Li said during the battle with Wanqi Jianhan.

——You men are nothing more than that.

Then after defeating this guy and leaving Red Cliff, I will say another sentence...

Haha, what a crazy fan!

So when I heard that Daili recognized his woman, hehe~~

The whole place rioted.

Bao Zifeng silently sharpened the butcher knife... gritting his teeth.

"Women...interesting! I don't know how many sessions have been held on Qishan Road, and I don't know how many talented elites have gone through it, but there is no one who can give me such an impression as you...even the first place in the golden session has never been , but you two are both amazingly talented and beautiful..."

Chi Ling was obviously deeply moved by the first place in the golden class, "She was only 35 years old back then, and you...were only 25 years old. If you include Luo Qingyi, Qianshan Muxue, Guijianchou and the rest of you, you are considered... He is the youngest among the previous examinees... In the past, most of the youngest ones were 28, 29."

25 years old!

If admitting the identity of a woman before satisfied some of the beautiful thoughts in everyone's mind, then now it is just a few more tricks to make up for it.

"25 years old……"

how can that be possible!

The veteran kings present were all blushing and couldn't believe it, and people like Xie Ru couldn't believe it even more.

"25 years old!!! Can you reach the peak of king level at the age of 25? This is impossible!" Feng Shaoling screamed.

Groups like him and Xie Ru were all at least 50 years old, and most were centenarians. It was unimaginable that there were people less than a quarter of their age. . He has reached the peak of king level!

To put it bluntly, to reach the peak of king level, they need to be at least three hundred years old, and what about the other party! 25 years old, the youngest and immature one who can only act like a teenager in the world of immortality... is already at the peak of the king level!

Not to mention that the younger generation can't stand it, even the veteran strong men feel like they've been pushed to death on the beach by the back waves.

"What, are you questioning me?" Chi Ling seemed to be angered by the shouting of Feng Shaoling and others, and he pressed down with pressure, boom!

Everyone was suppressed and fell to the ground, unable to move.

In such a situation, no one else dared to doubt it, not to mention that Chi Ling also mentioned that Luan Qingyi and others were obviously not lying in favor of Jun Zili alone, so...

"25 years old... is really a monster." King Yan shook his head and sighed, and said to Yan Qi beside him: "You have good vision."

Yan Qi: "..."

It's not my business!

"25... is much younger than me." Zhongli Guiwan sighed softly. Su Li glanced at her and suddenly said: "Don't worry, for her, age doesn't matter, as long as she looks good." (Jun The goddess was silently hit, but she was hit accurately...)

Zhongli returned late: "..."

What do you mean? . And you know her too well!

In fact, the fact that he is 25 years old is quite hateful. Envy, jealousy, and hatred are human nature. Daili is undoubtedly being envied, jealously, and hated by all kinds of people at this moment, but when a large number of people look up at this person...such as Dong Guozi Yi, Ming Taihe, Yun Yiyi, etc. all had strange expressions as soon as they looked at them.

That beauty makes people want to die. .

Well, the hatred and blood tanks were cleared by more than half in an instant.

Then he could only smile bitterly.

Dongguo Ziyi shook his head and turned his face away: "I finally understand why Master and the others say beauty is alluring."

But he was just sighing, and he didn't have the unbearable thoughts of ordinary men.

As for the Mingtai River. .

"Fuck, if I had known that this person looked like this, I wouldn't have fought with her even to death."

To be able to make even a rough guy who has never shown pity to women have such thoughts, it is conceivable that the beauty of Goddess Jun is really very destructive.

Yun Yiyi looked at Dai Li's side from a distance, remembering the scene when he was instantly killed... He closed his eyes and sighed softly.


"Okay, the results of the Qishan assessment have come out. These 30 people are the candidates who can finally enter Qishan Road... The 30 statues are your rewards and the entrance to Qishan Road. Only you can enter Qishan Road through these statues. ..When you enter and the results of your entry are all within your own control. As for others, anyone who leaves their name on the red cliff will be rewarded. Just put your hands on it..." Chi Ling said. It just disappeared.

And those thirty statues stood in the vast Red Cliff Plain, and everyone suddenly heard a rumbling sound, and turned around to see that there were 365 names on the huge Red Cliff, which were obviously considered to be rewards by Chi Ling. people.

The one at the top of the ranking is naturally Junzili, with the biggest and most conspicuous name.

Looking at the statue...who are the 30 people?

The statue in the central core has been transformed into a beautiful woman wearing red robes and short hair.

There were nine people watching around.

There are twenty people outside

Thirty people in total.

"The gentleman leaves, the sword is cold, thousands of mountains are snowing at dusk, green clothes are gathered, ruthless, ink lines, banquet rules, Linghu Bai, Loulan Ting, Hu Yanjue, Yun Yiyi, leaves are clear, clouds, phoenix, Zhongli returns late, Xiangxi Palace, famous sword, quiet and far away, fish in the snow, Nie Yongshang, Tang Shubai, burn all night, the river keeps flowing, Xiao Bai, Chuan Xia Yue, Fu Ruoshui, Wan Ai Danlin, Su Li, Ghost Sword Worry, Chu Xiuling."

These are the thirty people selected to Qishan Road.

After seeing where his statue was, some of the thirty people must have been convinced. One of them, Fu Ruoshui, breathed out softly and smiled bitterly after Fu Chong came to him: "I thought I could get the first place." As for the results, the results are hanging on the back... This class is really abnormal."

"Now you know that there are people who are better than others, but there are indeed many powerful people in this class. It's no problem for your strength to be in the top five in previous classes, but this time you will be ranked 30th." Fu Chong smiled lightly. .

Fu Ruoshui glanced at him, "Do you mean this class is already the strongest?"

"Almost...it's almost the same as the golden class. That class also had many heroes coming together, and the competition was very fierce. It's just that there were more people selected in that class than yours, and the top people in your class It’s even better than that one, so overall it’s about the same.” R1152

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