A Queen

Chapter 1,272 It’s fate, you ghost! (Thank you for the birthday wishes, but today is not my birthday

Chapter 1272

First of all, the highest goal is naturally to purify these evil ghosts. This is very difficult. After all, they have been imprisoned for so many years without success, so Dai Li does not have high expectations. Her basic goal is to kill these evil spirits. Evil ghost. (Are you sure it’s not because you are bloodthirsty?)

Now that the goal has been determined, all subsequent considerations must serve this goal.

For a long time, Dai Li thought of a way.

"Boss Qilin, let me ask, if these evil ghosts eat your Taichi Light, will they die?"

Taichi Qilin looked at her again when he heard this, still meaning the same as before.


If it is illuminated, it will be annihilated, let alone if it is eaten.

"They won't eat it," Tai Chi Qilin reminded.

"Will do"

The Wanling Xie Blood Bead appeared in Dai Li's hand and he smiled evilly.

Tai Chi Qilin understood instantly, gave you a sinister look, and said: "Although it is difficult for my Tai Chi Light to kill them in the cave, if they swallow Tai Chi Light, even the Evil Ghost King will definitely die. , it is indeed possible to eat all the Tai and wrap it in these blood beads, but you have overlooked one thing."

"How are you going to wrap my Tai Crimson Light inside? This bead is an evil thing. Once it touches my Tai Crimson Light, it will be burned in a short time."

This is of course a problem. Dai Li took a pick: "If I get rid of the evil nature, I can only use the blood source energy."

"you can?"


Tai Chi Qilin was dubious, but in the end it was a hope, so he didn’t object, and then...

He lay lazily on the ground and took a nap.

Daili: "..."

Damn, will I die if you help me? ! !

Forgive her for thinking that this red unicorn was too cool and righteous before...it turned out to be a lazy person!

Dai Li, who was complaining in his heart, could only sit cross-legged on the ground.

She began to use her blood and her own special devouring talent to peel off and absorb the evil nature of the evil blood beads of all spirits...

I don't know how long it took, Tai Chi Qilin felt his nose was a little itchy, he opened his eyes and looked down...

Someone is scratching his nose with a dog's tail grass that can be turned into blood...

Tai Chi Qilin felt that the weak and well-behaved person it saw before was simply a ghost!

This is so courageous!

And what made it so painful was that when the man saw that it was awake, he said very confidently: "You have boogers on your nose..."

Booger, your sister!

If it weren’t for you, you would be the one destined for me! I'll spit on you to death!

Tai Chi Qilin snorted coldly, and the flames coming out of his nostrils almost scorched Dai Li.

"I'll go, what about you... Okay. I've done it. It's your turn, put the Taichiguang in it for me."

Daili is the kind of person whose mind can expand freely, and sometimes his nerves are so thick that they have no limits. Coupled with the incredible talent for adapting...

At this moment, she was completely talking to the stupid Samoyed at home...

"It's really good?" Taichi Qilin was very unconvinced: "The evil nature of this bead is very terrifying. Even the Evil Ghost King will take a while to absorb it. How can you peel it off in a short time?"

"Personal ability issues"

You damn ability!

"What about its evil nature?"

"Being absorbed by me"

Taichi Qilin was silent for a moment, and then said: "You are not an orthodox evil cultivator. You are not an orthodox demon cultivator. How can you absorb such a huge evil nature..."

“It’s still a matter of personal ability.”

The tsundere is so arrogant!


In the end, Taichi Qilin could only say lightly: "Maybe it's because you have reached a certain level of evil. I can't see it anymore."

Haha, thank you for your compliment...

Dai Li curled his lips, "Come on, you asked so many questions. You don't want to delay time to cover up that you don't know how to put the Taichi light into this bead."

After that, he was still provocative!

Fortunately, Tai Chi Qilin himself has a relatively gentle temperament... He just slapped Dai Li against the wall, and then started his work.

What a gentle ghost!

Daili stood up holding on to the wall. Rolling your eyes...

Compared with Dai Li's cautiousness, Tai Chi Qilin had it easy. Condensate too red light, spit out too red light, and then melt into it...

Three steps, completed in one go, but Dai Li knows how difficult and terrifying it is.

Especially at this moment, the energy intensity of Taichi Qilin spitting out Taichi light is very terrifying, and it is so pure that even Daili's eyes of reincarnation cannot look directly at it.

The level is too high and you will be blinded at first glance.


When a bead of all-spirit evil blood condensed with too red light appeared in front of the two of them, Dai Li frowned.

"Now here comes the problem... These beads are not evil, but they have also suppressed their vitality. I think it is unlikely that those evil ghosts will eat them... After all, they are not pigs and they will eat everything."

What to do?

Taichi Qilin used the ancient Buddha's excuse again - you are destined, you think about it yourself.

Dai Li was calm, and it was not even an idea. She was so calm that she cut an incision in her palm, and quickly smeared her own blood on the Wan Ling Xie blood beads under Tai Chi Qilin's astonished gaze. several layers.



Taichi Qilin looked at Zhuzi, then at Daili, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and he said something very serious and dull.

"You are indeed not human"


You know too much.

After getting the beads, Tai Chi Qilin took Dai Li into the blood-red cave entrance. Through the platform on the cave entrance, they could see the depths of the blood-red world below that were like the Hell of Hell. They were clearly those evil ghosts, because Because they were severely injured outside, most of the evil ghosts were recuperating at the moment. On that huge rock, there was the evil ghost king lying on his back.

This world is very quiet, with only the sound of rolling lava and hissing roasting.


"No! Tai Chi Qilin, I will not hand over the All Souls Evil Blood Bead to you! Don't even think about it!"

Suddenly, the sound coming from the entrance of the cave made many evil ghosts stand up and look over.

There seems to be a roar from the Tai Chi Qilin: "Humble and stupid humans! This bead is an evil thing and cannot be touched by you humans. Give it to me!"

"Only a ghost would believe you! After I hand it over to you, you will kill me!"


Such a sound came from the entrance of the cave. The evil ghost king suddenly opened his eyes and looked straight at the entrance of the cave. Through his eyesight, he could see a person running fast inside the entrance of the cave, followed by Taichi Qilin~~

Blink. Tai Chi Qilin caught up with her!

A swipe of the claw... was about to kill her.

That man is also ruthless. He was so angry that he shouted: "It's useless even if you kill me. You don't want these beads..."

Then, she threw the bead directly~~

"No!" Tai Chi Qilin flew out. I want to catch that bead~~

A ghost claw had already come from the sky and grabbed the bead before Tai Chi Qilin was about to touch it.

"Evil Ghost King!"

The Tai Chi Qilin was frightened and angry, and spit out Tai Chi light at the ghost claw. But the evil ghost king has retreated bravely... holding the evil blood bead of all spirits and returning to the throne in the depths, holding the bead. Laughing wildly: "Wanling Xie Blood Bead, I didn't expect you to come back to my hands! Tai Chi! Just wait! When I absorb it, this world will never trap me again!"

"Evil Ghost King, give it to me. Otherwise..."

"Otherwise! You can't kill me here! Huh! You should consider running away now, otherwise I will absorb it..."

The Evil Ghost King sneered. Grabbing the Wan Ling Xie blood bead, he swallowed it in his mouth!

The Tai Chi Qilin turned around and left bitterly... and flew into the cave~~

After a while, one person and one Qilin were lying in a certain opening with their buttocks sticking out, waiting quietly~~

All right. It's actually not quiet.

"As expected, he fell into the trap. Fortunately, you are insidious."

"Is this what you said in human language?"

"I am Qilin, not a human"

"Hmph! My plan is good, but it's a pity that your acting skills are... Jie Jie, too leaky~~ There are leaks everywhere~~"

Tai Chi Qilin, who was so noble that even a hair on his body could be kneeled down, licked and worshiped by the monks, was disliked by the same person for the nth time in his life.

Its nose hummed with flames; "How good do you think you are... But you haven't succeeded yet... Maybe the evil ghost king is treacherous and didn't fall for it."

As soon as it finished speaking, the Evil Ghost King roared in pain: "Taichi!!! Damn Taichi! Ah~~~"

The evil ghost king's stomach crack shot out violent light, spreading from his stomach to his whole body, and his body was stretched open rapidly...

"No!! Don't!! No...I know I was wrong! Don't kill me, no~~"

The Tai Chi Qilin was stunned when he heard the evil ghost king's fearful and fragile cry, and those evil ghosts were in such pain and vulnerability in their own king's capital, and were illuminated by the Tai Chi light, they also fell down one by one. Lying on the ground, trembling, begging for mercy...

The light shines and the evil nature bows its head.

Tai Chi Qilin was thoughtful.

"Death is always the biggest threat" Dai Li Liangliang spat out, and then added: "Bullying the weak and fearing the strong is the servility of living beings"

I don't know how long it took, but when a large amount of too red light occupied the entire flame world, Daili seemed to hear the faint voice of Buddha. When he looked up, he saw that the uneven textures on the six stone walls of the large space were filled with too red light. It flows, revealing Buddha statues one after another, as if thousands of Buddhas are coming, and the Buddha's light is vast.

They recited the sound of Buddha, and the sound of Buddha formed large golden characters, weaving and crisscrossing, wrapping up the evil ghosts one after another...

Not a single evil ghost dared to resist, they were all obediently covered...

Daili had closed his eyes and listened quietly to these Buddhist sounds... As he listened, he seemed to be asleep...

But her soul drifted to another vast and vast space.

Thousands of Buddhas smiled at her, among which there was a very large ancient Buddha sitting in the center, holding a flower in his palm and smiling at her.



Most of the monks in Longrui Temple have not left yet because they got a piece of news.

——A big shot came to Longrui Temple!

The identity of this big shot is far higher than that of the two brothers and sisters of the Jie family, and even Fengshen Yingqi cannot compare with him. (To be continued)

ps: Well, first of all, thank you for the birthday wishes from so many people. I am very grateful. I turned on my phone in the afternoon and saw so many blessings. I was shocked at the time. Although I knew you said my birthday was coming soon, I felt the same at the time...Gregorian calendar 514, Dansu! My mother taught me seriously that a birthday in the lunar calendar is called a birthday, and 514 in the Gregorian calendar does not necessarily equal 412 in the lunar calendar! So... I made an mistake~~ But I still want to thank Shu Nian for the cake, and I’ll add an update today, thank you.


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