A Queen

Chapter 1,274 Treasure, Treasure, Treasure

Chapter 1274

See the results below for the points required.

Damn it!

One hundred and fifty thousand points!

Haha, in fact, what bothers her the most is not the 150,000 points, but the purchase authority...

——Only available for purchase by Hall Master level and Immortal Hall members.

Is there any point in being angry?

Therefore, there are too many benefits for those who determined to be called the Immortal Palace after Daili.

But right now...

Qingli Yuan Lei Dan is right in front of him.

Although his heart was hot and he was dancing hula crazily, Daili's face was calm. He went to see the Qingli Yuan Lei Dan in the glass bottle and glanced at Taichi Qilin: "Just take this, you don't need it. The stuff fooled me, but it was barely useful to me... what about the others?"

"Others?" Taichi Qilin had long known that this man was a man of good looks and degenerate, and that his nature was very bad, greedy and wretched...

"And this, those evil ghosts failed to absorb it... so they left it behind."

Dai Li took a look and said, "Wan Ling Xie Blood Bead... Haha, boss, I originally grabbed this thing, and it also belongs to me. Are you embarrassed to give it to me as a reward after picking it up? How can you be a unicorn? You can’t be so shameless”

"It's different from before. Part of the blood and essence of the Evil Ghost King is also in it."

"so what?"

Are you here to collect debt?

Tai Chi Qilin stared at Dai Li for a long time and said, "I can only give you two more treasures at most."

"Okay, then can you give me some of your Qilin blood and scales, the kind that won't harm you~~" Dai Li said these words a little cautiously, but his eyes were fixed on Tai Chi Qilin. "Delicate body"

Those eyes are so hot~~

Tai Chi Qilin's body trembled and he glared at her: "Impossible! How can I, the majestic Tai Chi Qilin, give you my own blood and scales... But I have others~~ Do you want dragon blood and dragon scales?"


"True Dragon"


Dai Li was really surprised and looked at Taichi Qilin suspiciously: "Do you have a real dragon body?"

"No. I just got part of it by chance during the training. If you want it, I will give it to you as a reward."

The dragon blood and dragon scales of the real dragon... Daili didn't expect that his harvest would be so great this time... His heart was already throbbing.

"Okay." Although she was rude, she was not greedy. She had carefully grasped Taichi Qilin's temper and bottom line, but she really didn't expect that this guy would be so easy to talk and generous.

Qilin is dignified and gentle... which makes sense.

Tai Chi Qilin raised his claws, and in front of Dai Li's eyes was a small bucket of dragon blood and ten dragon scales.

This dragon scale is different from those sub-dragon scales. That's the difference between crumbs and diamonds.

Ten slices. Each piece is two meters in diameter, very large, and has a majestic dragon pattern on it. The texture is obvious.

When ten pieces are stacked up, the majesty is like that of a master in the integration stage.

These are just dragon scales.

The dragon's blood is sealed and its aura is not revealed.

But Daili knew how terrible it was.

She also knows her value, this small bucket of true dragon blood. It's worth at least 200,000 points, plus the dragon scales... it's definitely more than 300,000 points. It is still the kind that has a price but no market.

She didn't expect that she would get such a treasure before she even got 300,000 points.

"It seems that the conditions didn't mention that you can't exchange treasures for points... I exchanged these for hundreds of thousands of points in minutes."

But the farewell party?


Not to mention that she had the confidence and courage to rely on her own strength to get 300,000 points, and she didn't even bother to rely on this trick. Otherwise, what's the difference between her and those losers who rely on their family for their jobs?

the most important is!

She couldn't bear it!

Each of these three treasures can greatly improve her strength. You can't buy them normally, so you only sell them if you are stupid!

Put away all the treasures. Dai Li has a treasure in his hand, and I have the same feeling in the world.

Seeing that Dai Li was planning to leave just like that. Taichi Qilin tilted his head: "Now the place below is where the Buddha's voice remains.

It is extremely beneficial to your cultivation, and the effect is hundreds of times better than outside. However, this effect can only last for ten days. You can go down to practice."

Tai Chi's reminder made Dai Li happy, but he winked: "Hey, is this why you can't bear to leave me?"

Are you trying to tease even Qilin?

"...you can go now"

Dai Li slipped away with a stab.

Run faster than anything else.

The place where the Buddha's voice remains can be called an ethereal realm. As soon as he entered, Daili felt that he could enter a state of enlightenment at any time.

Damn it, this unexpected copy really made a lot of money!

Sitting cross-legged on the throne where the Evil Ghost King used to sit, those purified spirits were now very well-behaved and were taken away by the Taichi Qilin. I heard that they were going to be reincarnated~~


Qingli Yuan Lei Dan, a small bucket of true dragon blood, ten true dragon scales, and a bead of evil blood of all spirits.

The first thing Daili picked up was the All Souls Evil Blood Bead, which should be called the Spirit Bead at this moment. It contains part of the Tai Chi Light Essence, part of the Evil Ghost King's blood essence and blood energy of millions of creatures... Although this thing is not as good as the previous three. It's a treasure, but it's also a treasure.

Holding the Wan Ling Xie Blood Bead, Dai Li directly started the cultivation mode.

The training mode is that the main body and the clone are at the same time.

The main body absorbs the spirit beads, and the clone absorbs the Qingli Yuan Lei Dan.

Division of labor and cooperation, this is also the benefit of independent clones. Talents are separated independently, and cultivation is carried out simultaneously. It is much faster than gathering together to practice step by step. The more powerful the clone, the faster the cultivation speed, and the speed of strength improvement. faster.

For example, after having a clone, Daili's progress from the king level is even faster than before the Nascent Soul stage!

what does that mean?

It means that her talent potential has begun to show its advantages! And it is this advantage that the big forces are looking for!

The main body absorbs the spirit beads very easily, without having to think about anything.

First, the endurance limit of the two souls is too high and cannot be digested. Second, the physical condition is sufficient. Not to worry about not being able to bear it, thirdly, the huge Qishan Crystal has also tapped out a lot of her potential. There is no feeling of being stuck in a bottleneck when her potential is exhausted. As long as she is willing to practice, she can break through! Until the limit of this potential was reached~~, but she had two epiphanies in Longrui Temple. This limit has been raised again...

The generation is expected to be before the Mahayana period. Her cultivation speed can still be at such a high speed.

Three days later.

The Wan Ling Xie Blood Bead was completely absorbed by Dai Li. Tai Chi Qilin was right, if it was outside. It would take her at least a year to absorb it, and the fastest would be ten months, but here it only takes three days!

And it also brought an increase in the total blood energy of Daili Shiwan! The total amount of blood energy was increased to 250,000 clouds, finally catching up with the standard equipment of the emperor-level armies. I wanted to cry when I was about to leave. This is the first time I won’t hold back. I’ll go!

However, the clone's absorption speed is not as fast as the main body. After all, the main body has the strongest talent. The talent of the clone lies in the control of lightning, not the absorption of the half-dragon body...the absorption speed is only half of the main body.

From here we can see that the vampire prince body + double blood spirit = 2* (half dragon body + spirit).

"By analogy, my current prince's bloodline should be comparable to that of a real dragon..." Dai Li was sure, but he didn't take the time to compile such data. Regardless of the clone's absorption, she picked up a bucket of dragon blood and thought about it. He took out a small bottle and filled it with one-fifth of the dragon's blood.

She wants to keep this dragon's blood for Demon Scorpion to use... In fact, if it weren't for Demon Scorpion now entering the growth stage of cultivation. She really wanted to give it to her now... she could only wait for it to break through.

Pick up a bucket of dragon's blood, gurgling, gurgling, dragon's blood goes into your throat~~

It's hot, extremely hot, and the whole body glows with red light...


On the sixth day, the clone completely absorbed the Qingli Yuan Lei Dan. She absorbed 250,000 Yun of the 300,000 Yun Lei Yuan! After the absorption is completed, the clone enters the thunder method comprehension period, digesting the previous soul comprehension progress...

On the eighth day, the main body finished refining the dragon blood, which directly increased the total amount of blood energy by 200,000. Half of the dragon blood power was used by her to nourish the body and the statue of the pure-blood king. She also had a huge appetite for blood. She can't even grab it, but she also knows that she has to lay a good foundation. Her physique, king's statue and dual-blood soul are all her natural attributes. As she grows, these natural attributes must also grow to keep up with the future!

But she hasn't reached the middle level of prince yet... There's no way, the prince realm is too vast, and Dai Li can't reach the limit of the middle level prince yet.

Maybe..millions of blood energy?

The absorption work is completed, the main body has 45 Yun blood energy, and the clone has 370,000 blood energy... Daili does not comment on her own strength, she can only say... Zhu Zhong, who almost killed her before, can now be beaten by her in seconds. .

Then there are the dragon scales...

"It's only two days, maybe not enough time, but it's okay to wait for the special circumstances to pass and delay it for a few more days."

With her strength greatly improved, Dai Li was no longer in a hurry to go to the Demon City. She estimated that with the Demon Palace's ability, after knowing that her strength had improved so much, she might say, "It doesn't matter, let's do it again" after she failed to complete the condition. "

Ha ha!

When Dai Li thought about it, he smiled instead. He smiled and suddenly heard: "What are you laughing at?"

It turns out that Tai Chi Qilin is back.

Daili means telling him about your affairs.

Tai Chi Qilin shook his head: "If you can't enter the Immortal Palace like this... Are the younger generations of you humans already so high?"

"No, I guess those palace masters just want to sharpen me and scare me... my background is too shallow."

The main body is like a real dragon body, and the clone is a half-dragon body. The soul, speed, and strength are all lacking. This is too shallow...

Tai Chi Qilin chuckled and snorted: "Then are you going to leave seclusion?"

"No, I will practice for two more days."

"That's fine. Anyway, Longrui Temple is not very stable now, so there is no benefit if you go out."


"It's nothing... just mind your own cultivation."

After Tai Chi Qilin finished speaking, he lay down on the ground and took a nap. He was sleeping again!

Are you a pig~~!

Dai Li rolled his eyes behind him, he hated such appetizing people the most!

However, when Dangli started refining dragon essence, he found a problem... (To be continued) R752

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