A Queen

Chapter 1363: Very Courageous

In fact, everyone didn't know much about what happened last time. They probably knew that their aloof and charming leader had some unspeakable secret with this leader. Since it was a secret, they didn't want to discuss it, especially since there seemed to be other people that day. Another great person is here.

Everyone pretended to know nothing and started talking to each other. After a while, the Third Emperor Ji came. She was standing in the corridor on the second floor. Chaodaili said, "Come up and down."

It wasn't particularly polite, but it sounded like someone familiar.

Daili didn't think deeply and just went upstairs.

Seeing the Third Emperor Ji standing in the corridor, she smiled: "If you are grateful but don't want to commit yourself, then there is no need to say anything, but you can buy me a drink."

Daili's speaking style does not belong to the Chinese restraint and elegance. It should be said that it is closer to the Western humor and humor. Well, it is also very direct.

The Third Emperor Ji is also familiar with this person's style. She knows that the other person has a habit of teasing women. What kind of weirdness is this~

She pursed her lips and said calmly: "Someone wants to see you."

"Ah? Well, I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do, so"

"If you have already guessed who wants to see you, then there is no need to say some words, but you can go in and talk to her."

What does it mean to repay the other person with his own way! Dai Li really wanted to poke this arrogant Emperor Ji's nose, naughty!

But Daili still went in.

In the huge study room, a woman was sitting behind the table, seemingly reading a scroll. After Dai Li and the Third Emperor Ji walked in a few steps, she put down the scroll and looked up.


If the coldness of the ice blade is texture, it is isolation and indifference beyond nature.

Then this person's indifference is highly derived from her lofty status.

indifferent. It also has height.

And some people's height is deliberate, and some people's height is natural.

This is the case for people who are born noble and people who are indifferent the next day.

Her indifference does not make people uncomfortable, but it makes her feel that this is the way it should be.

Seeing the First Emperor Ji's incomparably beautiful face again,

Dai Li couldn't help but praise a few times in his heart and sat down. Cross your legs. He folded his hands and lazily put them on his lap, smiling: "I wonder what the First Emperor Ji wants to do with me."

You probably won't talk about what happened before, right?

Daili's eyes narrowed slightly.

"You are enough to be reused by the royal family." The First Emperor Ji's words did not contain any emotion, like a plain reading of a script.

Then here comes the problem.

Who would you let reuse?

Daili's eyes flashed as he heard the subtext. Laughing: "Your Highness is trying to win over me?"

"Everyone gets what they want, no matter how to win over each other." The first emperor's posture did not change at all, straight and handsome, and her eyes were so indifferent and deep that it made people feel empty.

"You helped Tingyin. If you don't care about love, you naturally want power. Power, only my royal family can give it to you, and I can do it too."

If you are not motivated by love, you are motivated by power. What a determined tone! It makes me deny it as if I am plotting against the Third Emperor Ji.

The Third Emperor Ji glanced at the two of them, was she also shot in silence?

However, even most royal people cannot achieve the calmness and confidence of the First Emperor Ji. Only those who are truly in power can have it.

The Third Emperor Ji couldn't do it. The First Emperor Ji can.

This woman really saw it

Dai Li Dingding looked at the other party, his eyebrows curved: "It sounds very reasonable. But I don't like to get involved in the fight between your first or second line."

The First Emperor Ji lowered her eyes and said coldly: "You don't have such a bad character like getting something for nothing. If you were afraid of trouble and couldn't solve it, you and I wouldn't be meeting today." She suddenly glanced at Luo Daili's face. , met their eyes.

"In other words, lack of courage is just because there is not enough temptation."

Damn it! This woman is so insightful! He was completely naked in front of her!

Daili even suspected that the other party had such a special ability to listen to people's voices.

Even though he was furious in his heart, his face remained calm as always. Dai Li took a sip of tea and smiled: "Just now, His Highness seemed to say that it was not about wooing each other, but about each needing what he needs. In this case, the relationship between us is not that of superiors and subordinates, but of superiors and subordinates. Equal, right?”

If not, she leaves immediately.

The Third Emperor Ji frowned, equal? Jun Zili is equal to her, the imperial sister who has always been supreme and has never bowed her head in the Demon Realm except for the Great Emperor and the Demon Ancestor?

It's a bit weird.

The reaction of the First Emperor Ji was much smaller than that of the Third Emperor Ji. She just tilted her head slightly and said lightly: "Equality has nothing to do with verbal agreements, but comes from your own feelings. If you are not humble, Who can stand above you?"

Aiya, I go!

Dai Li was instantly convinced that the first emperor's rank was much higher than that of the third emperor!

Idealism, materialism, and other ideological realms are all picked up by her, and she can discern opportunities just like picking out things from a bag.

No wonder the First Emperor is revered in the Demon Realm, and there are very high calls for her to ascend to the throne.

It seemed that Junzili was somewhat suppressed by his imperial sister, and the Third Emperor Ji was not surprised by this result.

Dai Li thought and smiled casually, "I wasn't too relieved before, but I can be relieved now."

Um? The third emperor Ji was surprised when he heard Dai Li say: "Positioning is a science. I, Jun Zili, don't want to stand on the side of the loser. Well, I'm glad that we had a good cooperation today~~"

She drank the wine in the glass, stood up, and when she turned around to leave, she smiled brightly at the First Emperor Ji.

"Your Highness made a mistake before. It was not because of lack of courage or lack of temptation, but because he played hard to get."

After that she left.

As soon as they left, the third emperor Ji Cai said: "Play hard to get? She is too courageous!"

Who are you trying to catch? The first emperor? Her royal sister?

Suddenly she had the feeling that after the other party had teased her, he had teased her sister again~~

The fifth peer stood up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, the moonlight shining on her

she says

“Very brave”


After a superficial confrontation with the two emperor concubines, Dai Li did not take the fight between Lao Shizi within the royal family to heart, which was troublesome. Just because the strength is not enough!

If you are not strong enough, everything will be trouble.

At present, strength is the most important thing.

Dai Li led the macho group to eat and drink at Ziteng and then left.

However, a group of people did not return to their base. Instead, they each went back to their own places. Gao Daxiong went back to the Gao family, Meng Jiangnu went to her sister's place, and Li Shang and Dai Li returned to the Demon Palace.

Wanqi Jianhan and others have their own places to go, but there is only tranquility far away.

Meng Jiangnu: "Go to my place. My sister will definitely like you."

Gao Daxiong: "My sister who has been bullied for decades still has the courage to say such things to the group. You should go to my house~~"

Xie Liancheng: "You can go to my place"

Jingjingyuan just replied: "No need"

She looked at the misty moonlight in the sky: "I think it's good to stay outside."

Although her tone was so indifferent and clear, and there was no trace of sadness or melancholy, it made Gao Daxiong, Meng Jiangnu and others feel nervous.

We have always known that their deputy team members do not know what loneliness is. But he is an extremely lonely person

"Okay, just go back on your own, be careful on the road and don't get robbed~~" Dai Li warned lazily. Then he glanced far away at Jingjing.

"I don't worry about you being outside, just come with me."

how to say. Still quite domineering.

After Li Shang smiled, Jing Jingyuan tilted his head: "Okay"

As expected, only the leader of their deputy group can control them.

After all, Jing Jingyuan also has almost 20 million points and magic crystals on his body, so it's really uneasy to be alone outside. So it is inevitable to go back with Dai Li.

However, the three of them did not go back to the Demon Palace directly, but took advantage of the moonlight to return to Wanbaozhai with Xiangxi Palace.

"Hey, the size of this branch is pretty good. If you have any needs, you can mention them first and I'll look for them."

If we talk about cultivation talent, it is the most important one. Then there are only five people in the entire Demon Realm who are as talented as Xiangxi Palace in terms of business talent. What’s more, this girl’s emotional intelligence is also very high, and she handles things clearly. Now Daili and the four people directly put forward their needs. In less than ten minutes, she Just made four lists.

"This is where the display cabinets you need are located. Just go and get them yourself. Fortunately, you three have everything you need."

Then he said to Dai Li: "You don't have that much inventory unless you go to my main store."

Such a huge store is only a branch, so what about the main store? Daili and the other three secretly lamented that this woman was indeed far beyond their imagination.

Maybe they didn't know her well enough.

At least Dai Li knew nothing about this man except that he controlled Wanbaozhai and was close friends with Qing Yi.

Her background is just Wanbaozhai? But Wanbaozhai is not her background, but the power she controls. What's behind her?

Daili didn't think much about it and just followed Xiangxi Palace.

In total, she has a total of 40 million points and 40 million magic crystals. Naturally, it is most economical to exchange the points for treasures in the Demon Realm point system, but for the magic crystals, it is better to go to Xiangxi Palace.

Don't let the rich water flow to outsiders' fields.

After being generous enough to buy almost all the spiritual blood, 10 million magic crystals were consumed in this way, but Daili didn't blink an eye. However, in addition to the spiritual blood, she also had some special mineral treasures to buy, and then I spent another 10 million scattered magic crystals, and finally

"There seems to be nothing to buy," Dai Li sighed.

Xiangxi Palace rolled his eyes: "If you say this, you will be beaten to death! Who makes your cultivation so weird that you have no need for magic weapons and elixirs~~"

The most annoying expense for immortal cultivators is saved like this! The higher the level, the poorer the monks are, naturally they feel miserable.

"Then you should still have 20 million magic crystals. You can consider applying for a card from our Wanbao Trading Company. In the future, you won't need your points card from the Demon Realm. After all, it will be difficult for your card to be used universally after leaving the Demon Realm."

Dai Li was surprised: "I don't know about this, but is your Wanbao Trading Company's card okay?" (To be continued)

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