A Queen

Chapter 1,381 Seal, treasure! Sent!


Dai Li held the seal in her hand. Originally, her concentration was left inside the seal. Blood dripping and soul testing were common methods, which were also the essence of concentration. However, after all kinds of methods failed, she realized that this seal was inside the seal. The seal feels a bit rough to the touch with your fingers

There are very tiny scratches on it. With her eyesight, she can easily see through the scratches. Are they densely packed with runes or words?

Anyway, she is illiterate in this regard and will never be able to figure out how to understand this thing.

People like Li Qing don't even know.

It seems like there are some people around her who understand this.

"Qingyi and Qianshan should understand."

Daili's first reaction was to think of these two people. Those who followed might not understand, or their relationship was not very good.

Like the first emperor or something like that

Thinking of doing it, he immediately contacted Qing Yi.

There was a reaction right away.

"You won't come looking for me if you have nothing to do. What's the matter?" Qing Yi's voice was clear and intoxicating. At this moment, he was shouting some brisk teasing, which made Dai Li feel a little embarrassed.

"Don't mention it, who said I came to you because I had something to do? In fact, I just used it as an excuse to come to see you. In essence, I still miss you~~"

"Humph" came a slight hum from Duan Qingyi's side. It was not as overbearing and naughty as an ordinary woman, but it added a bit of delicate charm.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

"I have a seal here, which is related to the treasure in the lake in the backyard of my city lord's palace. The lines on it seem to be some ancient runes, and I can't show you through the sound transmission here."

"Take the rubbing and send it to me for review. I'll check it out and give it to you."


With the help of Luan Qingyi, Daili Anran practiced in the city lord's palace while waiting for her reply. On the second day of her arrival,

What happened in Lichuan City spread quickly, and many surrounding cities knew that the Lichuan City next door, which was still in chaos yesterday and the day before, had a very strong and powerful city lord with very ruthless methods.

How cruel is it?

The first day the balance left Sichuan,

Clean up the forces in the city! That night, the tigers roared down the mountain and the chickens were killed to scare the monkeys!

"Junzi Licha! I want to see where such a pervert appears again in the Demon Realm."

"There is this person in the Demon Realm? Interesting! Check it out!"


Many city lords responded quickly, and those cottage bandits or forces that dominated the territory also received first-hand information.

Especially when the news of Wuthering Mountain's destruction came, they became restless.

The whole next day I was running at high speed, thinking carefully about countermeasures.

The same was true for one of the bandit dens under Wuthering Mountain.

"Boss, this gentleman comes from a bad place. He has a background, strength, and such a terrifying army. We are really no match for him. All she wants is for us to leave her territory, so why not"

The military advisor who whispered the suggestion was slapped out.

"Asshole! Do you want me to hand over the foundation I have built for thousands of years to others? Impossible!"

The leader roared angrily, very unwillingly.

Yes, who can be willing to do so!

Then a young boy who has just arrived has to make all the local snakes surrender to him.

However, just as they roared.


There were sounds of killing outside.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!!!"

The killing begins!

The leader's face turned pale instantly, and he suddenly understood that the most important thing for Junzi to stay away from that new city was not to avoid their sharp edges, but to put heads on his neck!

There are five or six cities next to Lichuan, one of the largest is Feiying City. This city is almost as prosperous as the Lichuan area. Of course, this is the original one. Lichuan was not as good as before half a year ago and went downhill. The momentum is very strong, and after what happened yesterday, as the city lord of Feiying City, Ye Feiying really needs to pay some attention.

"A total of ten bandits and the power dens were attacked at the same time in the Jiuzhaibagua Valley around Lichuan?" Ye Feiying, who was watering the flowers with a water bottle, asked while pouring the water.

"Yes, City Lord, after wiping out Huxiao Mountain last night, ten bandits' dens were attacked early this morning. Now that time has passed, I don't know what the outcome will be. However, according to the spies, Jun Zili's men are not the only ones who reported yesterday. The tens of millions of troops exposed”

The counselor's expression was very solemn.

Ye Feiying put down the float and said, "Where's the news from the Demon Realm?"

"Here, it has been found"

"very good"

Ye Feiying put down the water float, and the attendant next to him handed him a towel. He wiped his hands. After looking at the scroll, he sighed.

"I thought it was a ruthless person from the Demon Realm Military Department who was determined to reorganize Lichuan, but I didn't expect it to be such a person."

"What do you mean, the city lord, there is nothing to be afraid of?" another counselor asked.

Ye Feiying looked at him, threw the scroll over, and smiled: "29 years old in the Fusion Stage, my strength is still comparable to the second level in the Fusion Stage. I still won the first place in the famous Hundred Regiment Battle in the Demon Realm with nine people. The No. 1 on the third list even plotted against Gong Yangsun and the First Emperor's son on the day he came to Lichuan. He was suspected to be under the First Emperor's concubine~~~ He has a promising future and can be called a terrifying figure~~ You said it is not something to be afraid of?"

The counselor turned pale.

The other counselors gasped.

"Such a person is unique and the strongest genius in Siam. No wonder the Demon Realm would give her such a huge army to command."

Ye Feiying smiled again: "Unfortunately, I must tell you that this is not the army of the Demon Realm, but her private army! A mere 29-year-old man with no background has already raised such a huge army!"

"If there isn't a huge force hiding behind her, this person is extremely terrifying!"

Who is Ye Feiying? He has been the Lord of Feiying City for a thousand years. His eyes should not be too sharp and his horizons should not be too high. When he says it is extremely scary, that means it is extremely scary.

When other people get a tip like this, their fear and horror are hard to express.

Just when they each reacted in shock

The news came that most of the ten villages were slaughtered and all the remaining people were conquered. Then millions more heads were added to the stone wall.

Until I can't let go anymore

The city lord said: "Can't let it go? Then take down the ugly ones and hang the good-looking ones."

His cruelty and ruthlessness were so outrageous that the defenders around him could not help but scold and curse him. Some even traveled thousands of miles to the main palace of Lichuan City.

Then his head hung on the stone wall.

Five days passed in a row

No one dared to say another word, because a certain city lord who had always been sharp-tongued was no longer too lazy to argue with others. He had not even shown his face for several days, just killing and killing!

Kill everyone who refuses to accept it!

Kill everyone who messes up!

Everyone who doesn’t want to stay is leaving!


Sweep away with the power of thunder!

Against this background, the city of Lichuan was peaceful. However, two days ago, there was a fight that disturbed the people and the troublemaker was killed on the spot!

Vatican, keep your word!

City Lord's Mansion, keep your word!

Wow! So domineering!

There was no fighting incident in the next few days, and the prosperity and stability greatly impressed the merchants and tycoons in the surrounding cities.

They don't care who becomes the city lord, as long as it allows them to do business in peace.

Naturally, the casual cultivators didn't care. Anyway, this city was very prosperous and stable, and it was enough to ensure safety, so

A large number of merchants and casual cultivators flocked to Lichuan.

These two groups go hand in hand, with many business houses, prosperity, and good cultivation backgrounds! Casual practitioners are happy to come!

If there are many casual cultivators, there must be many people buying it, and businessmen will be happy to come!

So within ten days, Lichuan returned to its former prosperity and even prospered.

The results of this change quickly spread to the ears of some powerful people

Lichuan, Junzili, this place and this name quickly spread among Siam, and over there in the Demon Realm

The First Emperor Ji just glanced at the secret report and was as calm as water and had to deal with other official documents by herself.

Maybe this was just what she expected.


"finally reached"

Dai Li didn't expect that it would take ten days before he received a reply from Luo Qingyi, and he realized that the ancient text was very complicated, especially since the words were mixed together and scrambled. Therefore, it was not only necessary to translate, but also to reorganize, which was extremely difficult. It is mixed with seven ancient characters and another character that ordinary people don't know at all.

"Soul text?"

"Yes, some soul texts that are unique to soul-based sects are difficult for casual cultivating soul masters like you to know. However, sects like Xuantian Sect have systematic inheritance. The other seven texts will be learned by me in a short time. I figured it out within a few seconds, but I spent some time looking up this soul text. What’s in the letter is the translation, and it’s the method to find the treasure.”

Dai Li had already seen the translation and couldn't help but sigh: "It turns out it's so difficult. I think those generations of city lords must have seen these words, but they couldn't piece them together and translate them. Thanks to your help, it's useless for you to be like this." Lots of time and energy”

She was just about to say thank you when Duan Qingyi said quietly: "I wouldn't help an ordinary person like this. If I were not an ordinary person, I wouldn't be able to thank you for my help."

"Then how about I promise you that I'll warm your bed when we meet again someday?" Someone turned on the teasing mode for another second.

Duan Qingyi was silent for a while, and suddenly a message came back: "When you were talking just now, my mother just came over."


Dai Li quickly hung up the message.


"It turns out that the treasure is indeed at the bottom of the lake, but it is covered up with the hidden dragon soul sound array. As long as you recite the ancient spell in the translation, reach soul resonance, and test the soul master's identity and potential, you can open the sound array."

Dai Li couldn't help but hehe. This soul master tower really specializes in the arts. Finding treasures depends on the profession and professional level.

"You're crazy, aren't all soul masters good at soul writing and ancient writing?" Anyway, I don't understand a word of it!

Although Dai Li complained, she was glad that the treasure was found in Nanxun, otherwise it would not have been her turn to get it. r1152

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