A Queen

Chapter 1,405 Escape!

Chapter 1406

"Want it?" Si Qinglei suddenly looked at him, and the look in his eyes was particularly interesting, making Dai Li shiver.

What is this woman planning?

"Since you want it, why not give it to you!"


The small bottle was thrown over.

Before Dai Li could react, the man touching the corpse had already bowed his head and expressed gratitude: "The chivalrous female Bo Yuntian!"

It seems you were the one who repeatedly reminded us that our girls are dangerous! This person is definitely a traitor~!

Dai Li twitched his eyes and stared at Si Qing in tears: "Don't tell me that you have a crush on me."

At the end of the day, you still tease me! Lou Lanting was also confused.

"Maybe~" Si Qinglei suddenly looked back and smiled, touching the heart.

Lou Lanting was speechless, so the beauty trick really worked? But the problem is that this man looks fat now, which makes him off-putting. Could it be that he had a deep love for him in the past? Or does this woman really have such strong tastes?

She obviously looks like a stunning, high-quality, high-ranking goddess, but why are her eyes so blind!

"That's good. I happen to only sell my body and not my art. It would be difficult if you fell in love with something else."

Man, I can barely give it to you.

The other three were speechless.

Boom, boom, boom!

The entire hall shook violently and was about to collapse!


The four of them rushed towards Narashomon.

At this moment, Rashomon shook violently and the sea of ​​blood surged.


Originally, Daili and the other four were a little worried about how to get out through the Rashomon Gate. After all, they did not have much of the Seven Stars Spiritual Blood in their bodies. Now that they had the blood of Young Master Si that was most lacking before, they were of course confident.

He just rushed directly into the Rashomon Gate.

At that time, a group of people outside Rashomon Gate were ready to go. Watching with eager eyes

Suddenly, they felt the ground shake. Before they could react, they saw four rays of light erupting from the Rashomon sea of ​​blood.

"It's them!"

"They're out!"

The speed is extremely fast, and he can escape in the blink of an eye.

However, He Jieyu's hand was grabbed by someone.

At the same time, Gong Zangxue, the third emperor Ji and Meng Bingxun heard the message in their minds.

"The Emperor of Siam is awakening and his tomb is about to collapse. Let's go!"

The four people reacted immediately. escape!

He actually reacted faster than the others, which made Yin Shisan feel that something was wrong, and he was about to catch up. Suddenly the body started shaking

No, it should be said that Rashomon began to shake.

"It's Rashomon!"



Rashomon tilts down suddenly because the entire door tilts down directly from this space.

Countless amounts of Luo Sheng's blood poured down!

No! ! !

Everyone was horrified and ran away in fear, not caring about the treasure inside. What's more important than life?

Both Yin Shisan and Fifth Eternal Entropy looked towards the gap inside Rashomon, and the first thing they saw was naturally the shaking sarcophagus. My heart skipped a beat at that time, and then I looked at the empty hall, oh!

Just the coffin of the Siam Emperor!

It seemed that something had happened, which caused the powerful fat man and the Si family brothers and sisters to flee.

give up!

Yin Shisan made a prompt decision. Go straight to the direction where the four Daili people fled!

He was like this, and the rest of the group had no choice but to give up the treasure place that seemed to be within easy reach.

What's more, Luosheng's blood and water are pouring back here, making it extremely difficult to get in. There is no need to think about it when you come out. If you go in, you are seeking death!

Brush brush brush. A stream of light flies away

Has anyone noticed that one of the people leaning against the wall in the corner was the one who stayed at the end and did not leave. After those people disappeared around the corner, this person took a step forward and walked step by step on the surging blood of Luo Sheng. Entering the mausoleum


The huge mausoleum was only a blink of an eye for the fleeing Dai Li, not to mention that she used her maximum speed to escape. Fortunately, He Jieyu was also extremely fast, even faster than Lou Lanting, with the ice element. It is indeed true that it can solidify space resistance.

Lou Lanting was much slower than them, hanging behind, and Tou Yin Shisan and the others were chasing closely, getting closer and closer to this guy!

"Those descendants of yours? Let them come over, otherwise you will be dead!"

"I told you they are not my descendants!" Lou Lanting shouted and whistled.

After the two of them rushed out of the entrance of the mountain mausoleum, hula!

A swarm of ferocious beasts are coming~~

Rush directly into the opening.

"Stop them! Let's go!"

Daili couldn't care less about this bitch. After all, he had obtained the treasure, and the most important thing now was to escape!

"You can just run away on your own. I'm not as fast as you, so I'll be in trouble." He Jieyu didn't really understand why Dai Li had to drag her away with her, and the treasure wasn't on her, so the wisest way was to do it herself. Escape alone, that way the success rate is higher.

"Who is Yin Shisan? He is extremely vicious and cunning. He will arrest you to threaten me. You can't take risks." Now that Dai Li has gained wisdom, how can he expose his weaknesses to the enemy, especially the unscrupulous enemy?

He Jieyu's eyes flashed and he said nothing, but he activated the ice energy and froze all the resistance in the space in front. Furthermore, these ice forces twisted out countless ice edges, which densely intertwined the Shinto and the Tower. In the blink of an eye, a huge and strange maze is formed. The ice cubes are like mirrors, and the vision is intertwined and distorted, making people feel like a dream.

The labyrinth of top ice magic.

One of the most terrifying large-scale ice spells in Xuan Palace, the famous stunt of the Lord of Xuan Palace, maze.

Such a terrifying maze would be difficult even for people like Yin Shisan. .

Only Meng Bingxun, who is also proficient in ice magic, can't do it, and Gong Qing, who is also from the Xuan Palace and is a disciple of the lord of the Xuan Palace, can't do it even more, so

Lou Lanting shouted from behind: "Miss He, there is me behind you~~"

He is the most unlucky!

Who cares about you!

He Jieyu didn't need to hold on to Dai Li to fly, the ice crystals condensed directly behind him, and a pair of ice wings suddenly appeared.

Wow~ The speed suddenly increased four to five times!

"Beautiful!" Dai Li couldn't help but praise.

"Nothing compared to your wings"

"I'm talking about people~"


I was teased again for no reason.


Inside that opening. Yin Shisan and others have already begun to slaughter the ferocious beasts that rushed in. It is expected that they will soon reach the ice palace and catch up with them.

In the ice palace, the Third Emperor Ji looked at the terrifying ice palace that appeared in the blink of an eye, and couldn't help but be speechless, "He Jieyu's handiwork? It's so amazing~"

Meng Bingxun was indifferent: "The secret method of Xuan Palace is already powerful, let alone the supreme secret method of the Palace Master's lineage, which is no better than Gong Qing. You, my little junior sister, have learned it only after joining for a few years. I'm afraid it's not an ordinary ice body."

Gong Qing remained silent.

The Third Emperor Ji's eyes flashed, and she remained silent. There were only two possibilities. One, dissatisfaction, I don’t want to say it, it’s not like that. Because Gong Qing had obviously taken great care of He Jieyu before, and it didn't seem like he was jealous and ostracizing her. The style is not the same either.

Second, it cannot be said, which means that He Jieyu's physique is very terrifying and is a secret of Xuan Palace. It's hard for her to say it, and she can't say it, so

Sure enough, you can’t underestimate people in this world~~

now. In front of Luo Sheng's pond.

Daili and He Jieyu have arrived, the exit is above!

The two of them were about to fly upward



Twelve attacks came at the same time!

Peng! The hammer was raised. The three attacks were blocked. Dai Li and the two of them dodged in an instant, barely able to avoid this joint attack that was terrifying in both quantity and quality!


Whose ambush is this? !

At the same time, twelve figures jumped up from the gaps in space and the ground!

One of them waved his arm, and the strong wind swept up a large amount of blood in Luoshengfen Pond, and Chaodaili and the two of them fell down!

They were so poisonous, they actually wanted to use Luo Sheng's blood to seriously injure their bodies!

But when He Jieyu pointed his finger, the blood poured down into ice, and with a swipe of his finger, there was a crash! The frozen blood rushed towards the opponent in an instant!


It hit the shield and broke into pieces.

"Ha, it turns out that I wasn't really strong before~" Mian, who controlled the shield, showed a faint and idle smile, which was many times more sinister than before.

Dai Li felt that this person was a bit strange, his eyebrows twitched, and he glanced at some people beside him.

Mian, Luo Song, Lingduan, Yu Huaxuan, yes, and eight other young monks.

All of them have majestic equipment and noble postures.

"Nine clans of the Twelve Councils! Apart from Si and Yin, is one Luo family enough to make the entire council obey?" Dai Liliang smiled mockingly and glanced at Lingduan. Wasn't this person at odds with Luo Song? Why did you obey this person?

Ling Duan was indifferent and silent, but the other members of the Council family were not so determined, and all of them frowned.

Mian suddenly smiled: "Don't sow discord~ One Luo family is naturally not enough, but I can probably represent the Yin family. Yin and Luo Jia together are enough~~ The eleven council families jointly ambush, you deserved to die."


He gave the order!


All twelve people pounced on Daili and the two!

The average strength is at the second level of the combined stage. Twelve people like this

And what followed was a riot in which Yin Shisan and others forcibly broke into the maze!

Gong Qing and the others were just about to exit the maze.

At this moment, Dai Li moved his palms towards He Jieyu. His movements, postures and expressions were exactly the same as before, which meant that you were watching from the side, I'll do it!

Ouch, as manly as ever~

He Jieyu looked calm and said, "I can rebuild the maze for one minute, but will it be enough to stop them for one minute?"

"It doesn't even take half a minute." Dai Li snapped his fingers and laughed, and the huge body was shot out like a cannonball!

A hammer transforms into a needle, what needle?

Dinghai Shenzhen!

It was a stick like Optimus Prime. When the lightning and the main body were combined, the four mysteries of shadow, death, paralysis, and evil were all empty!

The fourth level of void-level mysteries is used on the Immortal Artifact Thousand Machines, plus three million thunder yuan and one million cloud blood energy.

"Break it for me!"


Stab it with a stick

Penetrating with overwhelming force, penetrating with unlimited domineering power!

Seven of the geniuses of the family, including the Eleventh Council, were stabbed over with a stick, and their half-immortal armors were shattered on each one of them! He saved his life, but was seriously injured, only four streaks of light (to be continued)

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