A Queen

Chapter 1,408 Shock!

Chapter 1408


Vibration in a wide area!

"Death Xun? It's the soul energy of Yin Shisan"

"He was killed? He was separated by a gentleman!"

"Junzili has obtained the treasure of Emperor Siam!"

Regardless of the forces outside Siam or the forces within Siam, everyone is actually very happy at this moment.

Why is it Junzili! Those barbarians in the Demon Realm are going to benefit again?

Why aren't they Siamese? If I were from Siam, I, Siam, would definitely protect her...

The major forces are in a state of ups and downs...

On the small island next to the Mausoleum Island, a man contacted someone.

"The Ninth Young Master, the Thirteenth Young Master has died."

"Huh?" Even if the Ninth Young Master only uttered a single tone, it was extremely cold. The man was immediately frightened and said cautiously: "He was killed by Jun Zili. This Jun Zili was suspected by the Thirteenth Young Master before. The people of Daxia are not dead yet..."

"The remnants of the Ji family?"

"No, it seems not from the Ji family, but from the Ye family."

"The Ye family... is interesting!"

"This person is very evil in his cultivation. Now he is less than 30 years old and he has obtained the treasure of Emperor Siam."

"What did you say! Less than 30?" The coldness over there suddenly rose and fell.

"My subordinates dare not hide it"

After a moment of silence, the other person smiled sternly: "That's really hard to keep..."

In the Xuan Palace, on the corridor balcony of a certain attic, the Fifth Jueshi was leaning on a pillar to water the flowers. After listening to the report of her spies, she just finished watering a pot and put the kettle aside. She wiped her hands and said, "It seems like it still needs to be done." Move..”

Move, move who?

Who moves?

The place not far from this attic is also the most tranquil and forbidden area in Xuan Palace.

The Lord of Xuan Palace leaned against the pillar and sat on the jade steps, twirling the beautiful and detailed small lightships with his fingers.

An old man next to me was placing lanterns.

It's a very inconsistent match, but the temperaments of the two are completely harmonious.

"Aren't the magicians of your Si Tianjian always powerful? How come you can't guess that the ones who take the biggest advantage this time are not Siamese?"

The Lord of Xuan Palace was so malicious that he poked the old man's scar, and the other man moved his beard up and down, and said calmly: "Compared to our Si Tianjian's defeat, your Xuan Palace has gained nothing this time, no matter if it is your extraordinary The eldest disciple is a newly recruited disciple. His performance this time is not very impressive. The younger one is just fine. He is still too young. Even the older one...do you have some plans?"



When you ask a magician to guess, do you respect the other person's profession, or do you have extreme contempt?

The Lord of the Xuan Palace is graceful and elegant, but her face is covered with a mask, so her face cannot be seen, but her tone is very casual and calm.

"Sometimes when you take a step back, the sea and the sky are brighter... This Siam Emperor's Mausoleum is not just the Siam Emperor's Mausoleum... It's better for these two girls to stay calm despite the storm... After all, I'm just these two apprentices."

"Good master~~"

"Compared to you, it's indeed a lot better... A girl from the Si family who is as beautiful as the world doesn't want to see you... After all, what kind of master would give up and take care of people within a month of joining them~ Just forget it. , if you have nothing to do, you just go around carrying melon seeds to others and chatting about how your apprentice and my apprentice are having sex..."

"..." A certain magic stick master felt that this conversation could not continue.

Shaking off the water drops on his hands, the old magician smiled: "The outcome will be decided today... I won't say any more, Si Zun called me."

The old magic stick is gone.

As soon as he left, there was another person where this person was just now.

Appearing out of thin air, she is more ghostly than a ghost, but she is extremely beautiful. This kind of beauty is far better than that of young beauties like Si Qinglei. It is not because of her lack of beauty, but because of her underlying temperament.

How much has this woman... gone through?

That’s why it has such a strong charm.

The Lord of Xuan Palace turned his head to look at her, "A rare visitor..."

"It seems like this is my first time coming to your place..."

"How does it compare to Zombieland?"

"It's all the same. It's the same to me everywhere in this world."

"Then why did you come to me? Are you here to verify my identity? Or..."

The two of them smiled and said nothing.


Someone was already waiting outside the tomb.

Of course, those big OSSs wouldn't do something as unsightly as squatting here and waiting for someone. They just sent their subordinates.

For example, those spies or strong men with excellent stealth skills...

But it’s not like there aren’t some Mahayana masters setting up a thought of soul supervision here.

Wait, wait... a large stream of light flew out of the gap in the bun's tomb!

Like a hundred flowers blooming, they fly out in all directions!

"Someone's out!"

"They want to escape!"


These streams of light were very fast and their aura was very strong. They burst out suddenly and in huge numbers. The first reaction of these spies was to chase them!


A large number of spies and experts are chasing these streamers, and one of them has already taken action!


"Eh? Bug?"


"not good!"

When the killed Liuguang himself was revealed, these masters reacted quickly and moved the tiger away from the mountain!

But they were not all insect puppets. One of the masters had a sharp gaze and he was chasing a person!

Hit the palm directly in the back!

The opponent struck back with a sword, rustling wind and snow...

Frozen Sword!

"He Jieyu!" The tall and mighty man's eyes were cold, "Why are you..."

He Jieyu was indifferent and said nothing.

The other party gritted his teeth and sneered: "Very cunning...but how far can she escape!"

Although this man had deep murderous intentions, he was hesitant to take action against He Jieyu... until he got a message, his face became happy, and he turned around and flew away.

Have you found her?

He Jieyu felt uneasy and was about to follow when he suddenly heard a loud rumbling sound, the tomb was shaking!

Gong Qing and the others were still frightened when they escaped. She turned to look at the crumbling tomb bun with countless cracks. Her heart was still undecided. What was going on? That energy just now was...

Si Qing's teary eyes were dark and dark, and the glimmer of light was covered by the darkness.


At that time, in the main hall of the tomb, the man was standing next to the sarcophagus. He looked at the runes on the sarcophagus for who knows how long, and he curled his index finger...

After a while, the thoughts in her eyes disappeared, and she looked at the coffin lid. She moved her fingers and traced them on the coffin lid. It was the runes on both sides of the coffin. She had written them down perfectly at this moment, but the order was different. , as if the ancient runes were double nested,

She actually learned it after just a few glances? And he also applied what he learned and used them to break the seal on the coffin?

When the last stroke was finished, she withdrew her hand and watched the coffin lid slowly open.

Reveal the person inside...

Emperor of Siam.


Another place, a small island a hundred thousand miles away. This island is neither big nor small, and the scenery is very charming.

Lou Lanting and Dai Li landed on the beach. The former smiled and said happily: "I didn't expect that the two of us can work together so happily. Let's work together more in the future."

"In the future?" Dai Li curled his lips and suddenly moved his palm...


A big man in Loulanting was overthrown and pinned to the ground by this guy!

"You had planned it from the very beginning... You used your plan to bring me and the Si brothers and sisters into the main tomb, and borrowed our blood to awaken the Siam Emperor... Although I don't know what your purpose is, but you are still plotting against me like this. I really like it.”

Dai Li's words made Lou Lanting smile. Even when he was pinned to the ground, he was very gentle and elegant: "You were indeed wary of me from the beginning... Anyway, you have lost nothing now, right? You have gained two." Treasure..."

"My blood~"

"Just one drop. I'll get some pig liver or blood poison to replenish it. I'll make sure that you'll be full of energy and vitality every ten times you come to Kui Shui."


Dai Li slapped the guy on the head, "I can't afford pork liver, so I want you to buy it? How about mental damage compensation!"

And this thing?

"Your soul nerves are thicker than Bimeng's legs, and you will also suffer mental losses?"

Snap~! Another slap!

"give or not!"

"Here, give..."

People who can rely on their face obviously have to rely on their hands... This kind of gangster has the most shocking lethality. Even though he has calculated against this person, Lou Lanting still can't change the sad fact that he is pinned to the ground by this gangster and unable to move.

Lou Lanting was just thinking about what to do to make this man stop slapping his ears. Someone already said: "That's good, give me your courage."


Between life and courage, Lou Lanting, who has always been greedy for life and afraid of death, easily chose the former.

After gaining the courage, Dai Li showed a smile, and then gave Lou Lanting a hundred blows with pleasure before twisting his wrist and humming: "Those who come out to fool around will always have to pay back..."

Then her expression suddenly stopped, because as far as she could see, just above the water area the day before yesterday, a huge hole was torn open, and a mass of people... appeared!

It's dark and gloomy.

"Ha~ I really want to pay it back..." Lou Lanting, who had a bruised nose and swollen face, took a breath, and Chao Daili shouted: "Don't run away yet!"


When Dang Lili saw that the black military flag looming over the army was a hydra, his eyebrows moved. When he saw the cold and vicious snake-like man at the front of the army, his heart shrank.

It's him!

"I'm afraid I won't be able to escape... I'm surrounded," Dai Li said calmly.

Lou Lanting sat up on the beach and smiled: "You don't want to run away either."

"But with so many experts dispatched and the ninth son of the Yin family coming in person, it seems that the Yin family really values ​​you... Am I taking advantage of this?"


Dai Li's answer was very awkward. Lou Lanting sighed, "My psychological quality is really good. It seems I don't have to worry about whether you will die in peace..."

"Can you speak human language?"


The Mausoleum of the Siamese Emperor was shaking, but Gong Qing and others were facing each other with strange expressions.

Si Qinglei and Si Qinglei were the highlights, the other members of the council family were unwilling to move but did not dare to move, Gong Qing was indifferent, and Si Tianjian, represented by Yu Huaxuan, did not dare to move without permission.

But there is no way that the Si brothers and sisters could swallow the treasure like this...

In such an atmosphere, everyone quickly felt something strange and all looked in one direction.

"There seems to be something big going on over there..."

"Is there a big force coming with troops?"

"Who is it?" R1152

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