A Queen

Chapter 1,433: Coward~ (Mu Xining Xianpa + 3)

Chapter 1433


Regarding the core question of Daili, Wu Qingsha really has no definite answer. He can only say: "Maybe you should ask Mo Ye, or if Mr. Mu really wants to make a guess, he can only confirm that you have the blood of the blood clan. Or Half of it." Wu Qingsha looked at Dai Li's eyes, glanced at her hair, and said lightly: "Maybe it has something to do with the Soul Clan."


Are these eyes and hair related to the Soul Clan?

Dai Li felt it was a bit tricky, "Speaking of which, the Soul Clan doesn't seem to get along well with the Blood Clan. It's impossible to have a child."

Her tone seemed to exclude herself.

Wu Qingsha's tone was very calm: "The truth is exactly the opposite. Legend has it that the Soul Lord and the Blood Lord once had a relationship and had a child. Of course, most people in the Sifang World don't know about it. I only found out about it from the Demon Ancestor. Such a little secret”

"So, what do you mean?" Daili's eyes flashed

It can't be her, right? Ye Ranqiu has a very good relationship with that Soul Clan woman. If she

"That child has been identified"

Wu Qingsha seemed to remember something and said: "That person is Mozi from the Soul Clan. He is also a very scary figure. There is a mysterious force loyal to her under her command. They have been against the Gods all these years."

After a pause, she looked at Dai Li thoughtfully and said, "If it weren't for that group of forces that have been containing the Protoss, I think the Protoss would have already freed up their hands to deal with you Nanlin people. However, there may be other concern"

Although the Protoss dominates the current situation, it is not a perfect rule, but is being restrained by several other parties.

"Superpowers such as Zombie Domain, Monster Clan, Penglai, etc. do not want the God Clan to dominate, and there are also voices of opposition within the seven tribes, so they have been fighting in private over the years, which has also given rise to the God Clan's ambitions, but on the one hand, contain"

The situation in front of us is a double-edged sword, and it can easily turn into a battle involving all the clans. For example, isn't the Wind King the result of the last confrontation?

Dai Li held his chin with one hand and narrowed his eyes, "That's it. Do you think it's possible that they were twins back then?"

Is this another sister joke? Are you looking for a professional sister?

Fifth Qingsha looked at her coolly,

"I don't rule out this possibility. After all, you are very compatible in every aspect. I don't know the rest. After all, those people above all have bad tempers. They like to be secretive, but they don't want you to know anything."

Those older generations are so annoying.

Daili sighed together with her.

Fifth Qingsha's visit this time is to express the attitude of Demon Realm to Dai Li in private, and also hints at some things about Dai Li. Since Dai Li has no grudges, then the covenant is considered to have been reached verbally.

"Then from now on, we are considered our own people?" Dai Li smiled charmingly.

Wu Qingsha paused with her fingers, glanced at her lightly, and stood up: "That's right."

"There are many people guarding the area outside the stalemate. There are generals from all forces. Please thank me for the teleportation array specially opened by your lord, and say goodbye."

She nodded to the general Wang Jue and stepped into a teleportation formation on the side.

Due to the internal teleportation, the forces outside did not know that Fifth Qingsha was coming to the Zombie Territory.

Fifth Qingsha left.

After Dai Li finished drinking a cup of tea, he understood a little more about the identity of the general Wang Jue. He secretly thought that the tomb he dug back then was really a big deal. This guy is a general. Where is Mu Qingyan?

Without waiting for Daili to ask anything, Jiang Wangjue said calmly: "The master said you can leave."


Dai Li was startled, "You mean, she let me go?"

"Yes, since you are no longer in trouble, there is no need to stay in the Zombie Territory and leave on your own." Wang Jue gave Wang Jue a serious look, but this sentence seemed to be a paraphrase of Mu Qingyan's words.

Dai Li could imagine Mu Qingyan's indifference and indifference when he said this.

With a thump in his heart, Dai Li chuckled and then left.


Pavilion Pavilion, Splendid Champs, a huge attic, there is only the first floor, four pillars support a huge glazed roof, overflowing with light, the inside is very empty, with jade inlays and carved lanterns, there is only a huge mist Sifang hot spring pool.

Mu Qingyan sat in the pool, leaning against the cold jade, closing her eyes, looking slightly tired.

The mist of moisture circled her face, unable to cover up the sadness.

After a while, she opened her eyes: "Even if I die for a while, my habit of sneaking in and spying on people bathing has really never changed."

Dai Li, who appeared strangely in the air, touched his nose and smiled softly: "I thought I could avoid your eyes with my progress."

"Is that my fault?" Mu Qingyan was calm and composed, but her voice was very light: "Didn't I let you go? Why are you here again? I always don't like disobedient people."

"Well, I think women always say what they say, but they may not mean what they mean in their hearts."

Someone's emphasis was completely like a hooligan. Mu Qingyan frowned and suddenly

Two hands went around her neck.

It turned out that the man was already kneeling by the pool and had his arms around her neck.

The long ash hair of the man behind slowly fell on her shoulders, gently touching her snow-white skin.

Mu Qingyan's eyes darkened slightly.

"There is always a reason for one person to be good to another person, and I also know that you are good to me. Although I don't know what our relationship is, maybe it was in the previous life. Even if I can't remember the previous life, as long as you are the curtain Qing Yan, no matter who I am, I would like to treat you as a close friend and you will live up to your expectations in this life, so don’t be angry, A Yan.”

Such a low and gentle tone

Mu Qing's eyes were filled with smoke, misty and hazy, and she said softly: "I'm not angry."

"I'm just afraid that I can't help but kill you now. I want to go back to the past so much."

She took Daili's right hand and reached into the water below.

Only then did Dai Li feel that the water in the hot spring pool was extremely hot.

It can completely melt a master in the integration stage, and even a master in the Mahayana stage can't bear it.

She used this kind of water to bathe in.

"Such a temperature, but I don't feel the slightest bit. When time brings only numbness, then as long as I am not numb at all, it will become crazy."

Five years ago, I wanted to strangle you so that you could wake up

After pulling back from the brink, there was panic.

You can only stay away, stay away again

In the silence, there seemed to be only the sound of the mist. Mu Qingyan closed her eyes, feeling very tired.

Suddenly, she heard the person behind her gently touching her face and saying, "Don't worry, no matter how crazy you are, you are still Mu Qingyan. No matter how I change, we will still be part of the same family~~"

She is so determined and charming.

Just like the filthy old man on the roadside seducing a little girl with a lollipop~~

Mu Qingyan opened her eyes, turned around, and looked at Daili.

He didn't care about his body being seen by her.

His eyebrows are clear and his expression is calm.

Said; "What if I said you were a man all your life? And you owe me your whole life?"

A minute later, someone left the bath space with frivolous steps, holding on to the wall just like she had when she left the bath in the room before, but her expression at the moment

Feeling like wandering in heaven

man man

Last life? I still owe Mu Qingyan my whole life.

Dai Li wanted to spit out a mouthful of blood.

How to break this game! How to break!

Behind him, in the bathing pool, Mu Qing curled up his cigarette and spit out a word in a sultry and enchanting way.



After that day, Daili still faced the wall for a long time, suppressing the state. In any case, Mu Qingyan was indeed very, very good to her. No matter how much she was afraid and wary of him in the past, after being rescued twice , if she still doubts the other party, she is stupid.

Besides, whether a person treats you well or not, the person involved can at least feel it 70-80%, let alone her who is already sensitive.

So, as long as you are nice to me, I don’t care who you are, where you come from, or what your purpose is for coming to my side.

Grace is grace, she remembers it clearly.

After calming down, Dai Li borrowed the power of Zombie City's spies to report his safety to Ye Ziqing and others.

It is also the power of Zombie City that she can use with confidence. Otherwise, if she has to contact Ye Ziqing and the others now, she is afraid that the information will be easily stolen by the immortals or gods.

But there is another problem right now.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Dai Li looked at Si Qin Ming with burning eyes. After the other party called her Lord for the nth time in a day, she finally spoke: "I said Si Qin Ming, does your sister know that you are doing this?"

That girl is so cold and arrogant. If she knew that her brother had become her subordinate, her tone would be

Si Qinming was startled and then said: "She knows and will not stop her."

"It's true. She helped Jie Yu anyway. I can't bear it if you are so polite to me."

Si Qinming thought for a moment and found a piece of paper in his hand.

"My sister asked me to hand this over to the master five years ago."


Dai Li tore it open and looked at it for a long time with a strange expression.

Mu Qing, who was playing the piano not far away, smiled calmly: "What did the girl say?"

"Well, it probably means that she doesn't care about other things. Anyway, she just wants me not to tease her innocent, cute and kind brother. I think her main meaning is to let me let go of her brother and just tease her. Si Qinming, you have a good sister. ah"

Si Qin ordered: ""

I don't study well, Master, don't lie to me.

Mu Qingyan: ""

This person becomes even darker after he dies. These two brothers and sisters must have been tricked to death.

However, Si Qinglei has always been generous, and he is quite open-minded about this matter.

That's what the letter actually meant. Instead, it felt like thanking her for fulfilling Si Qin's mission.

Dai Li was thoughtful and looked at Si Qinming, a super handsome man, "Si Qinming, are you really sure to be my subordinate?"

Si Qin Ming: "My lord, please call me Ming" was a very straightforward response.

What a mouthful.

"Well, I'd better call you Qin, otherwise it will sound weird. It feels like my life, my life." r1152

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