A Queen

Chapter 1,440 Nangong, Night

Soon they entered the land of Penglai.

Palace attic, flying palace, fairyland landscape, water fairyland, prosperous, ethereal, fairy-like, magical, this is probably the 100% effect of integration.

However, Dai Li's heart is no longer here, and after traveling to places such as the Flower City, Magic City, etc., her resistance to these fairyland has become much stronger. Perhaps the most beautiful thing is her mother's look back and smile among the orchids.

Therefore, she is very calm. In the eyes of others, she is extremely indifferent. Ge Qing swallowed his saliva and secretly thought that Yuan's true identity in this Zombie Domain must be terrifying. Otherwise, how could he have such great concentration?

Of course, Ge Qing also noticed that there was actually one more person in Daili's group.

An ordinary girl with blind eyes.

Not on the original list.

"Master Yuan, the day after tomorrow will be the day after tomorrow. You can go to Penglai now to have a look, or you can stay in the residence we have arranged for you in Penglai. You see."

For ordinary guests, such as those from Fenxiang Valley, Penglai's attitude must be - you have to come however I arrange for you to come!

But Zombie Realm is different. Ge Qing adheres to the instructions of his masters and respects some special groups in particular.

Well, he had some doubts about himself. Even if Master Yuan did not come from a terrifying background like Zombie Realm, he would subconsciously surrender and respect this man. That was the humbleness from the depths of his soul.

"Go to your residence first"

Daili figured that she had to find out the internal structure of Penglai first. Besides, Ge Qing led the way, mostly just going through the motions, like a monkey walking around.

Naturally, Ge Qing did not dare to refuse the decision to leave, so he just turned the other way.

The beautiful land of clouds and mist to the east of Penglai. Among them is Qiushui Lake, with willow trees on the banks and beautiful lotus flowers in the lake.

"This is Yunxiao Pavilion. There are thirty-six residences in total. Lord Yuan invites you."

Ge Qing's words undoubtedly told Daili and the others that they regarded the envoy from Zhanyu as one of the thirty-six most distinguished guests.

It is said that all the top forces in the entire Sifang World will come, and being ranked one of the thirty-six is ​​also the respect that Zombie Territory must earn.

But you don’t say it. How do people know?

It must be hinted at.

Dai Li and others naturally understood it instantly. Walking on the water covered bridge towards one of the thirty-six water pavilions.

"This is your residence. If there is anything else you need to give me, just ask. Ge Qing will be on call."

After Ge Qing retreated. Bai Shutang smiled softly: "So I heard that although Penglai has a peaceful appearance, it is also at the top. Although it is not arrogant than those of the Immortal Clan, it is also arrogant. I didn't expect to see it today."

Of course he knew why, he just felt a little emotional.

"Any arrogance depends on the person," Dai Li said lightly. Standing on the covered bridge, I looked at the scenery in all directions of Yunxiao Pavilion. There was an island on the opposite shore, and the fairy spirit was extremely prosperous.

"That's where the Penglai sects gather, right?" Dai Li leaned on the railing and narrowed his eyes: "Asi, go check out the situation in Penglai. I need to know who can make the decision."


Si Qinming responded lightly, glanced at Li Ge, who had no sense of presence at the side, and disappeared.

The speed was so weird that no one in Baishutang noticed it at all.


A few people only had this thought in their minds.

Si Qin ordered. It is no longer Si Qinming of the Si family.

In the silence, Jiang Li suddenly whispered: "Sir, according to the information we have received, there should be people coming from the Blood Prison of the Nine Heavens, as well as the Soul Clan and the God Clan."


Dai Li gently placed his hand on the railing and smiled, his eyebrows twinkling.

"That would be perfect."

This smile was so beautiful, it was as if all the scenery around her rotted away in an instant, leaving only her shallow yet profound smile.

Needless to say, the people in Baishutang were slightly stunned by the woman Jiang Li.

But Li Ge is the calmest

Nonsense, people can’t see it, so naturally you’ll be calm!

Just as the five of them were about to enter the house, someone from another residence in Yunxiao Pavilion not far away happened to fall in front of the court, and they happened to meet Ge Qing who was about to leave.

To be polite, Ge Qing pressed down the flying sword that was about to fly, and looked at the guests led by his junior brother. His eyes were fixed at first sight, and he secretly said in his heart that the name was not worthy of the name. He felt that he was more charming than the rumors said. How many

But he still saluted gracefully.

"Ge Qing of Qingdan Pavilion, I have met Mr. Nangong"

The so-called Lord Nangong is naturally not named Nangong, but a member of Nangong.

Those who come to represent Nangong must be the most outstanding bloodline or the most authoritative member.

And this person

Daili, who was leaning on the railing, turned sideways and happened to meet the other person's eyes.

One to the left and one to the right, separated by the railing, the adjacent lake and the beautiful mountains and rivers are all within sight.

Wearing a maroon robe with a jade belt around his waist, he looked graceful and luxurious. His brown hair was tied up with a very handsome and majestic three-clawed headband, giving this man a somewhat evil look.

I have seen too many beautiful men, not to mention that I used to be able to beat 99% of the handsome men when I disguised myself as a man. Therefore, no matter how handsome this handsome man is, it doesn’t matter in Daili’s eyes. It’s just that the surname is Nangong.

The handsome man appears to be around 20 years of age. He is young, handsome and has no lack of calmness and content. Therefore, he has a very strong sense of presence. The two disciples Ge Qing is leading have a faint sense of awe and fear, and the presence of those behind him Feeling like an ant

That's fear.

Who is this person?

"You are Lord Yuan of Zhanyu. You are in Xia Nangong Palace. I have long admired you."

I have long admired your sister! I just appeared in front of everyone in the world, and I only showed up once at Xian Duandu, and the interval was less than half an hour.

Long time admiration~hehe~

Dai Li glanced at him coolly, walked directly into the room, etiquette?

She told the other party with absolute indifference that there was a kind of person, even if he was rude, others would not dare to think so or say so.

Anyway, although the two lead disciples were surprised, they didn't think it was inappropriate. Zombie Territory, it was more polite to follow the fairy clan who always refused to deal with them and didn't go on a killing spree.

But other people don't think so.

"Master! This woman is simply..."

The short man behind Nangong Que looked gloomy. Eyes full of murderous intent

Nangong Que waved his fan gently and smiled: "It's not easy to deal with the master in the Zombie Realm. I still want to live for a few more years~ But when it comes to dealing with women, using force is always the worst way to deal with women."

He sneered and walked into the house like a spring breeze.

He didn't take the two lead disciples seriously at all.

Ge Qing and Ge Qing looked at each other and flew away without stopping.

After flying a certain distance, the junior brother said: "Nangong Que. It is just as rumored. He is perverse and cruel. If the other party hadn't been from the Zombie Realm, he would be so beautiful. I'm afraid he would have been taken over long ago."

Ge Qing frowned: "Nangong is one of the eight immortal clans and has always been strong. Nangongque has already been one of the ruling elders of Nangong at a young age. He is naturally not a fool, but he is particularly fond of women. This time, the Nine Heavens On the same day, female disciples from all over the world gathered together. I hope there will be less trouble."

"But when it comes to appearance, I have never seen anyone who can compare with the one just now, not even the ones from Penglai."

"Don't mention this kind of thing. I see that Master Yuan is not an easy character to get along with. I always had a creepy feeling when I came into contact with her before. When I look at her, I feel that all the secrets in my heart are hidden."

"Really or not, so scary"

The junior brother didn't quite believe it and muttered, "I'm not from the Soul Clan."

The two talked back and forth. Also flew away from this area.

On the other side, Dai Li, who had entered the attic, was sitting on a soft cushion. Jiang Li has already poured the tea

Li Ge smiled softly and said, "I think I should avoid it now."

Dai Li said quietly: "You can go to the room and wait for me."


Bai Shutang sprayed.

Li Ge tilted his head, with the same smile on his face, "Okay, I won't lose anyway."

Then she actually entered the master bedroom! ! ! !

The expressions of Jiang Li and these people were complicated for a while, but they were all a little suspicious.

Who is this Li Ge?


Everyone sat in front of her.

Young Master Fusu said softly: "He is a very famous person in the Nangong Que Immortal Clan. Don't look at his calm and gentle appearance, but in fact he has vicious methods. Under his control over the years, many Immortal Clan forces have been annexed. Come on, the Nangong family is one of the two factions of the Immortal Clan that is close to the God Clan. He himself has a very good relationship with the God Clan, so he has won over many people."

Jiang Li also nodded, thought for a moment, and said: "The immortal that Lord Makura killed before was actually a member of the Nangong clan." His mother clan is also one of the eight major clans of the immortal clan, named Ye."


Dai Li twisted the purple jade tea cup with his hand and smiled: "What a coincidence?"

It's more than just a coincidence, it's almost like they are on opposite sides of the road.

"It is worth mentioning that Nangong Que was not only born in Nangong, but his mother was born in Ye." Although Dai Li has a very high status in the Zombie Territory, the information is not under her control. At present, the Vatican has also been controlled by the Shang Dynasty within five years. Taking over the past training again, so now she is alone

But to get information, these people would bring it up without her asking.

"Ye?" Dai Li stroked his eyebrows and thought thoughtfully: "He is the Ye clan among the immortals. Legend has it that there are seven immortals in the clan, Ye with unparalleled bloodline?"

"Yes," Jiang Li said seriously: "The Ye clan has always been mysterious, but it seems that the Ye clan has a curse. Men tend to die young, and this has been the case for thousands of years. As Yin rises and Yang declines, only the most outstanding bloodline remains in this clan. , among the others who married out, there are in-laws like Nangong."

"How many men die young? I've heard of it, but I didn't expect it to be so absolute. Could it be that no one is left alive?"

“Never heard of it so far”

"It seems that I am not the only one who is not favored by God." Dai Li chuckled, "But we are of the same blood. The Nangong, Yin, and Ye clans are probably all close to the gods, but they all have some grudges against me, so this "The Day of the Next Nine Heavens"

Her expression was a little deep.

"I'll be very busy"


Everyone in Baishutang lowered their heads: "I am willing to serve you."

————————(To be continued)

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