A Queen

Chapter 1,442 The Romantic Young Master Li Duanyan

Chapter 1442

This person seemed to have said before that she was unpredictable, just as Si Qingte said.

"No need to predict~" Li Ge hugged his legs and raised his head to look at the moon. In fact, he was just bathing in the moonlight.

"I know the emperor's mind and can see into the minds of many people, including you. Do you believe it?"

For some reason, the girl's tone, posture and temperament at this moment gave Dai Li an aura that was both familiar and strange.

The emperor's mind.

This word is not ordinary domineering, and naturally it is not something ordinary people dare to use.

Daili looked at her deeply and asked her quietly through the railing: "Then can you guess whether I will sleep in the same room with you next?"

Li Ge turned his face, his eyes were wrapped with the ribbon, and the corners of his mouth were light and seemed to have small dimples.


"Okay, good night then. I also use my thirty-sixth sense to guess that you will leave tomorrow to do your big things - if Penglai has what you want."

"Good night" Although this was the first time he used the word "good night", it didn't stop Li Ge from instantly understanding its meaning and applying what he learned.

Then Dai Li turned around and stayed in the study.

She didn't feel uncomfortable, and Li Ge didn't care either.

As if that's how it should be. (Have you guessed who Li Ge is?)


At the same time, on the highest mountain in Xiao Penglai, the mountain road is rugged, but there are peach and plum trees in all kinds of colors and beauty. At night, the bright moon and stars in the sky cast a soft and mysterious silver gauze on the whole mountain. In this vast light, how many farmhouses and simplicity are there in the mountains?

But the peak of the mountain, the tip of the cliff. A tall but slender figure has her hands folded across her chest. She is pretty on a peak, with the bright moon in the sky. It is so huge that it makes her look as thin as flying smoke.

Appropriately enough, she seemed inseparable from the moon.

Maybe it's because her hair is flowing with moonlight, making her look like the moon.

Qingjun stood behind her. Say softly: "You are a little uneasy."

“Be prepared for danger in times of peace.

We are only uneasy if we are afraid of hurting ourselves. You and I are no longer afraid of any harm, so why are we uneasy?"

Qingxin's voice was too cold. It can make people feel that this night is really too cold.

Qing Jun frowned; "If this is uneasiness, then I should indeed be a little uneasy. I hope you are well, even if you are alone with the stars and the moon every day."

He was never afraid of death, but he was afraid of the death of his relatives.

That white hair was his deepest pain.

Qingxin stroked her arms lightly, her skin cold. She frowned slightly: "Sometimes life may not be happier than death, but probably most people can look down on this. But they can't accept other people."

After a pause, Qingxin suddenly changed her tone to a somewhat cold tone, becoming ethereal and deep.

"Jun, what do you think she is doing now? The Sun of the Nine Heavens"

"She will come." Qingjun didn't know why he was so sure. But he did think so, without any consideration.

"Really?" Qingxin closed her eyes and said softly, "Then I am indeed uneasy."

This uneasiness. Coming from worrying about that young and lively girl

I don't know if it's because of her gray hair or because she's really getting old. These days, she keeps thinking of things from the past. Suddenly, she realized that during those long years, the only bright color she had was not given to her by her brother or niece.

But the girl who squatted in the wind and snow on a snowy night and drew circles

The carefree girl who sat next to her and gave her mooncakes

Qingjun touched his broken arm, but found nothing.

I also seem to see my current appearance in the hazy moonlight

The person who once called him Zhuo Yihang

A clear sigh leaked from her, or his mouth, or soul.


The day before Jiuxiao Day, in the early morning, the sky was clear and the breeze was blowing. The mountains and rivers around Yunxiao Pavilion were particularly intoxicating. Amidst the rippling blue waves, a man walking from the covered bridge on the water not far away looked at it from a short distance away. Among the thirty-six residences, his eyes paused at one of them, and then he behaved naturally and elegantly, gently straightening his robe and hair, and then walked over.

He paused three steps in front of the door and said in a graceful voice: "Li Xiuyan from Penglai pays homage to Master Yuan."

After a moment, the door opened. Si Qinming, whom he had just met the day before yesterday, was beside him. Li Xiuyan smiled and walked in. After only two or three steps, he walked into the main hall and saw the water outside the arched side door. There was already one person sitting on the floating terrace tea seat.

It was the same, and Li Xiuyan regretted that his casual grooming just now was not enough.

Or useless.

Any magnificence will turn into mediocrity in front of this woman.

However, Li Xiuyan is also a famous celebrity in Penglai and even Penglai. He has always been excellent in etiquette. Even if he is stunning, he is not obscene. After being dazed for a few seconds and regaining consciousness, he was very cheerful and cheerful. He walked forward and said: "Yuan The beauty of the adults makes it inevitable for ordinary people like Yan Yan to be rude."

Si Qinming did not speak, but his fighting strength was not far away like a piece of wood, but Jiang Li and the others were not there.

It seemed like there were only three of them in the huge floating loft.

Daili's back was straight and he was sitting on the bamboo mat, holding a wine glass in one hand with wide cuffs. It hangs down, revealing some traces of the curve of the bright wrist, as smooth as gelatin, shining like a crescent moon.

When he heard Li Xiuyan's very appropriate and comfortable words, his eyes were filled with mist that could not be seen clearly. He turned his head and raised his lips slightly: "Master Li's words are somewhat exaggerated."

Li Duanyan was startled, and faced the other party's clear and deep eyes, feeling a little awe-struck in his heart. Just as he was about to speak, he saw the mist of the other party dissipate and turn to the mist, which made him instantly feel calm and like being eaten by a dog. It's unnatural, it can't be natural

Besides, she said: "But probably all women will like it,"

She likes it, she said she likes it

Like a ruthless witch.

Li Duanyan finally let out a breath and took the initiative to pick up the teapot and pour wine for Dai Li. The aroma of the wine hit him, and he smiled: "In fact, most men also like to praise women. This is a common problem among men. Women are like water. Duan Yan has always felt that they should treat each other gracefully."

This view is in line with the style of many philanthropic scumbags. This person has the reputation of being a romantic man in Penglai.

Dai Li smiled casually: "I think so too."


From the other party's smile, although he was still stunning, Li Duanyan showed a certain degree of magnanimity and frankness.

In an instant, the respect and amazement for the beauty changed to a little recognition.

There is a feeling that the heroes see the same thing.

Li Duanyan was a little more calm, and he raised some points in a calm and measured manner. He listened for the most part and occasionally interjected a few words, which made Li Duanyan realize that the other party really belonged to the type of person he admired most.

The atmosphere becomes more harmonious

Until Li Duanyan was still not satisfied, he drank a glass of wine and laughed heartily: "I haven't had such a happy chat in a long time."

"There are many talented people in Penglai, why can't you find someone who can make you chat happily?"

Dai Li smiled, she knew that this man had a wide circle of friends on Penglai Island.

Even the relationship in the entire Sifang world is very good.

He is a master of diplomacy.

Of course, what she cares most about is the other person's background.

His master is one of the inspectors of Da Penglai who monitors Little Penglai.

And this man is well informed.

"Master Yuan doesn't know something. Penglai is a prosperous place for the Immortal Family, but it is not gentle inside. Although my brothers and sisters are talented, they mostly focus on the content of cultivation. If I want to talk to them about romantic affairs and where to eat and have fun, "Yes, people are afraid they will alienate me." Li Duanyan is an elegant and casual person, with a strong literary style of the princes of the Wei and Jin Dynasties. He dislikes old-fashioned things, and he can naturally get along well with Dai Li's temperament.


"But there are exceptions. The person I have the best friendship with is like a piece of wood. I'm not afraid of Mr. Yuan's jokes when I talk about it. Compared with him, I just talk."

After saying this, the man smiled. It seemed that he had a really good relationship with that man. Dai Li smiled softly and took a sip of wine: "Actually, your temper is quite to my liking. But why did you come today? I You should be able to guess a little bit about why I asked you to come."

Suddenly, he turned from Fenghuaxueyue. Li Duanyan was not embarrassed at all, and still smiled: "Of course I know that if you come from Tangtang Zhanyu, even the master of the Biao Mansion and the other noble people from the three mansions can only be your subordinates. Your high status is my master. I have to be polite when I come to interact with you, but you invited someone like me. My senior brother said that I am very lucky, but I said that luck and misfortune are unpredictable."

"Why, are you afraid that I will eat you?"

"Ha, I'm not afraid of this. I'm just afraid that I won't be able to help Mr. Shang Yuan and I won't be able to help. Or I'm afraid that I won't be able to help."

The implication is that his principles cannot be exceeded.

Dai Li smiled knowingly, his eyes wandering over the faint rivers and lakes outside.

"I just want to welcome back the two people in Xiao Penglai."

Not taking away, but welcoming back.

This word made Li Duanyan feel a little more serious, and he also felt a little confused. Could it be that there are still people from Zhanyu in their little Penglai?

It doesn’t matter who you are replacing, it’s *.

"It's not difficult. If the mortals in Little Penglai leave voluntarily, we Penglai Island will never keep them. We just have to look at the people. For example, if this mortal has a special status or his own cultivation talent is extraordinary, it will be difficult for Penglai Island to let him go. "

Dai Li is not worried about talent or anything like that. After the battle between Qing Xin and Qing Jun, their foundation was almost destroyed.

As for the identity~~Although Ji's background is not small, after all, it is an extinct clan. Unless it is for some purpose, Penglai should not be happy to keep such a hot potato in its hands.

After all, the Yin family is watching eagerly.

But that's not right. If they didn't care, why would Penglai keep them till now? It stands to reason that the Ji family should have put pressure on them long ago.

Dai Li pressed his temples lightly and looked at Li Duanyan. His eyes were deep and unpredictable, which made Li Duanyan feel uneasy again, but he didn't say anything.

There are some things that cannot be taken proactively. (To be continued)

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