A Queen

Chapter 1,446: White hair looks good (please believe I am my biological mother)


On Xiao Penglai Mountain, he was holding the white-haired and frail girl with one hand. He turned his head and saw an emperor who was so angry that he smashed down a magic weapon that looked like a bronze hammer.

The hammer was very fierce, and the emperor even had a Dharma behind his back.

The Dharma sign is also a hammer!

Also, when you reach the level of the Great Emperor, it is easy and natural to have a whole set of attack methods higher than others, so his hammer is his strongest blow!

It seems that he is afraid that he will not be able to kill the person below!

In fact, I frowned a little when I saw Tranquility and Mingjian here.

There is a problem with this emperor. Generally speaking, no matter how angry he is, for the younger generation whose external aura does not exceed the Mahayana stage and whose performance does not exceed the Mahayana stage, no matter it is the good face or instinctive habits that are common at the emperor level, they will not You shouldn't be so serious about coming up with the strongest attack

Fa Xianjia's main body magic weapon, and his own strongest move, shouldn't this be a desperate fight against his own powerful enemy?


Others are sensitive, suspicious or shocked, but Daili is extremely pure, quiet and calm.

Also silent.

It was so silent that the whole sky seemed to be quiet.

No wind, no clouds, no breath.

She doesn't move!

But a figure broke away from her body

split into two.

That was a bolt of lightning!

With a complete lightning physique, the whole person is like lightning!

The pressure of thunder is similar to thunder!

The moment the bolt of thunder came out, everyone's faces changed!

Damn, this breath is not


A bolt of lightning struck the giant bronze hammer.

There is a kind of speed called overwhelming!

clang! ! !

It's like hitting a bronze bell hard,

Everyone heard an extremely loud sound.


The lightning clone in the crack shuttled through it


Strike with one palm!

The power of thunder, dragon body and dragon statue, the secret of martial arts!

Power, speed, toughness!

That palm hit the emperor directly in the face

The emperor also reacted quickly. Although his fist was half an arm's length in front of his cheek, his cheek was painful from the burning and sharp thunder, and the surrounding wind and clouds roared with the thunder.

But his hand is also raised!

Peng! ! !

Palm to palm! !

In an instant of collision, the huge thunder energy and the pressure of the emperor swept across like a mushroom cloud that suddenly exploded.

The surrounding space is swept by wind and waves

Upon seeing this, the other Supremes joined forces to block the

These wind waves were blocked and hit the barrier, but they could not flow back because the pressure of the two people had completely resisted everything else coming in the opposite direction.

What a terrifying power! Is this her clone? Or the original body!

"Get away!" The Emperor roared angrily, and the Dharma above his head suddenly emitted a burning green light, and the green light attached to his body.

Covered in bronze armor, he looks like a mighty bronze armored general!

Turning his hand, a bronze glove covered with spikes was placed on the big glove!

Shockingly, the strength has increased by no less than five or six times!

And the spikes were shining with green light, which was obviously poison!


Dai Li swerved his body and avoided the punch like a ghost, as if he had anticipated his movement and avoided it perfectly!

However, the opponent's hand moved horizontally, and his arm was like a knife, slashing towards her body!

Ah! Peng! ! !

Arm to arm!

Perfect block!

Block like a cross with a knife!

The expressionless Lightning raised his long leg and gave it a hard shake!

A kick kicked the Emperor in the abdomen.

The powerful cannon shoots out

The emperor flew hundreds of meters away from the tearing wind and waves. He couldn't even breathe. He paused!

Looking up suddenly, he had already seen the thunder phantom flying in the sky and the eyes looking down at him.

The lightning is bright.

Pupils shrink unconsciously

All qi machines are locked, and all spiritual energy is condensed.

The palm of her right hand was pressed down, and her left hand held his right hand.

This posture looks like holding a gun and aiming it

Cold, decisive, murderous!


When the huge thunder light condensed in the palm of my hand was like a mountain,


The emperor was frightened!

The body is about to move


The Second Ultimate Thunder of the Six Paths of Infinity!

——Thunder Mountain!

A mountain, a huge thunder mountain, condensed instantly from Dai Li's palm, and then exploded down in an instant!


Hit the great emperor directly and blast him to the ground.

Peng! ! !

In the land of Penglai, all aspects of material are extremely tyrannical. Such an attack, such an attack that could suppress the emperor, only cracked the floor on the surface. However, the emperor was suppressed under the thunder mountain in extremely embarrassed state. The Dharma Prime roared, Roaring, he himself roared, roared!

Everyone watched this scene.

People in Penglai are somewhat incompetent.

By the way, did they misunderstand the roles of both parties? The emperor of Penglai Island was actually suppressed without any backhand power?

This powerful female emperor!

"Sir," many supreme beings had to submit to their subordinates because the other party was a powerful emperor!

And now, they must prevent her from killing an emperor after the other party has killed twenty or thirty young men!

"Your Excellency, please" Li Xiuyan and his master were speaking to prepare for diplomatic negotiations, asking the other party to be cautious, but what happened!

He only felt a flash of light and shadow in his sight, and the man disappeared.

On the ground, many young masters watched the man fall where the Great Emperor hit him, which was not far away from them.

That person was like a flash of lightning, her eyes were cold, she looked down at the Great Emperor under Thunder Mountain,

The emperor is struggling, and the thunder mountain is dissipating

Without saying a word, she put her hand directly towards his head.

That hand has five fingers as long and smooth as jade, with five thunder whirlpools condensed on the fingertips.

The vortex is more magical than a black hole, and shines brighter than the stars in the sky.


In the distance, there were roars from Penglai and many Penglai areas.

That was when the strong man from Penglai finally reacted,

In fact, it took less than three minutes from the beginning to now, and more than ten breaths from the time the Emperor took action until the Emperor was knocked down.

And this eleventh breath.

The strong man gets angry and scolds

Lightning fell from her palm.

The fifth level of thunder method, five elements breaking virtual finger, metal, wood, water, fire, earth and thunder, one kind of thunder method with one finger.

Five fingers are the perfect and complete five-layer thunder method!

First: Taishan Lei Zhenzhi, soil

Second: colorful dragon, wood

Third: The Milky Way hangs in the sky, water

Fourth: Beacon fire plays on the princes, fire

Fifth: Peerless King Sword, Gold

When these five levels of thunder are condensed from the fingertips to the palm of the hand, and merged, when the lightning falls

7 million Lei Yuan, perfect absolute control, reaching the fourth level of Void Mystery!

When they merged, the aura made the powerful emperors roaring and approaching from a distance instantly frightened, "Heavenly punishment!!!!"

boom! ! ! !

Heaven's punishment falls!

Covering the entire emperor.

What is the name of this great emperor?

Most foreign guests don't know.

Anyway, I only know that he is Mr. Junyong’s master, and then

He died.

He was struck to death by divine punishment.

The flying ashes are annihilated.

Xiao Han and others were thousands of meters away, watching the man lightly press down with five fingers to inflict heavenly punishment, which turned a great emperor into ashes and annihilated him.


Luo Shibai, who didn't know when he came to Jingjingyuan, swallowed his saliva and said, "Junior sister, I bet a load of cucumbers that this woman is definitely an ancient immortal from the Zombie Realm."

Jing Jing ignored him.


In fact, you can be my great-grandfather~~

The moment the emperor fell, the emperors from Penglai rushed over in a few seconds of silence.

The storm is coming, and most people dare not move.

But during the fierce battle, Qing Xin was placed on the ground by Dai Li on the mountain, half of her body already petrified.

About to spread to the chest

"Why?" Daili's expression was very calm. It was because he was so calm that few people in the distance could not say a word.

But Dai Li can only say three words in a thousand words.


Qingxin looked at her. She was so tired, but she still smiled slightly and said, "I can only say it's unlucky. It's too unlucky for you to come."

Her hand was not yet petrified, her fingers fell on Dai Li's face, and she lightly traced her eyebrows, "It seems like many years have passed. Ten years have passed. You have grown up and become so beautiful."

Then, she frowned and sighed: "I have white hair, doesn't it look very good?"

The voice was very gentle and delicate, as always.

Everyone knows that Qing Xin is not someone who cares about skin and skin. She is the brightest and cleanest breeze on the mountain. She should be free and ethereal, but she can live peacefully in that small place.

How could such a person care about skin?

I just don’t know what to say.

"You don't have gray hair to look good. You see, I dyed my hair smoky gray, which is popular this year. It's very personal."

Dai Li slowly lifted up a strand of her white hair with his fingers.

The white hair is crystal clear, without the dryness and age of the old man's hair, only as vast as snow.

But it eventually declined and went into decline.

The petrification has reached his chest.

Half of Qing Xin's arm has also turned into stone.

Tranquility's long brow can kill a hundred flies.

She doesn't recognize this Qingxin, maybe only people from Daxia do.

But it is not difficult for her to see the great influence this woman has on generation and separation.

She even thought this woman was another Ye Ziqing.

Especially since she is also eternally confused, and if she dies after being separated from her mother, the damage will be fatal!

It's like a nightmare!

But since he knows that eternal confusion is a taboo, why does Qingxin choose this method?

"Ali" Qingxin said softly.

"I can't lie to you, lest you blame me."

"Your mother's soul was mutilated and seriously injured from the beginning. On that day, it was not entirely because of limitations that she suppressed her strength. It was because she could only exert so much power. Therefore, a soul like hers could not survive in exile in the vastness. If you persist too long, no more than thirteen years."

Qing Xin's words made the expressions of Jing Jingyuan and others change drastically!

Thirteen years, almost ten years have passed now! ! !

how so!

He Jieyu subconsciously looked at Dai Li, but saw that she was very calm.

It was as calm as a pool of stagnant water.

Qing Xin stopped talking.

She was too tired. These years of living on her last breath had consumed all her life.

The decision to give it a try today was made a long time ago.

Qingjun knew it, so he didn't say anything.

Perhaps the only thing she owed was this younger brother. r1152

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