A Queen

Chapter 1448: Turning rain and clouds! bloodletting! !

Chapter 1448

Naturally, he also looked at the Yin family members who looked horrified at this moment.

A smile.

"Use your own blood to suppress and curse the Ji family. The prosperity of the Yin family is the decline of the Ji family. The decline of the Ji family is the prosperity of the Yin family. What an interesting method."

"It's a pity that your Yin family's blood is enough to revive Ji family."


Dai Li turned his right wrist slightly, with such beautiful eyes and such a clear and quiet tone.

"Then, let's borrow some blood."

She had just spoken.

At that moment, the direction suddenly changed.


When the eyes rotated, a huge spiral vortex was formed. The aura was a bit similar to the Rashomon gate opened by Shang Chaoge, but it was much more terrifying than the aura.

If Rashomon is a place where life is maintained and death is buried, and living creatures fear death, then this eye gives living beings a sense of fear that their own destiny is being taken in and controlled.

In particular, there are clearly six inverse and interlaced six-fold spirals in the vortex, just like six overlapping holes embedded in it.

Finally, someone stared wide-eyed and breathed rapidly, such as a great emperor of the Yin clan, who roared at Yin Leng: "Run!!!"

He felt the terror of the whirlpool, and something was wrong with his mind, as if he was passively irritated. reason! ! !

While roaring, he turned into a laser and rushed towards Random.

The emperor attacks the addition phase

The strongest attack!

There is more than one emperor!

It seemed that this eye ignited the panic of all the strong men of the Yin family. In the blink of an eye, ten black shadows jumped out of the space!

Two great emperors! Eight supremes!

The eight supremes rushed to the place where Qingjun and Qingxin were, and the two great emperors rushed to Suiran!

In addition to the great emperor who just showed up,

Those are the three great emperors!

Haha, three great emperors and eight clones, this lineup is hiding in the dark, which makes many forces present have a hard time.

How did the Nima Yin family enter Penglai with so much hidden fighting power?

You must know that so much combat power is enough to bury them in Penglai silently-unless Penglai intervenes!

In other words, the Yin family's combat power puts them in danger.

Although this danger does not seem to be directed at them

But that woman! Or the Ji brothers and sisters!

The combat power was completely exploded by one eye, like a firecracker, turning into a stream of light and killing both sides. The speed and the madness made the Penglai emperors have no time to react.

Two great emperors, no, three great emperors have already arrived in front of me one after the other.

Three great emperors!

The clone of Daili Lightning moved instantly!

My first reaction was to stretch the space with my finger, and a thunderstorm fell from the sky!

A total storm!

The second reaction was a grenade mountain and a Five Elements Breaking Void Finger in one hand!

The thunder method was violent and locked on one of the great emperors instantly!

There are two more emperors

The attack has been launched!

Extremely fast!

Amid the surging light waves, Daili's body has been shrouded in light


The evil sickle made a cut from top to bottom, and she walked out of it holding the sickle, the second clone.

The body is completely covered with demonic armor.

"It's the unique Demonic Armor of the Demonic Ancestor of the Demon Realm!"

"How come she has the Demonic Armor and it's still intact!!"

"The power of this demon is different. Isn't it a demon?"

"No, she is"

The horrified sounds of these people could only be stuck in their throats.

Who else could the two clones be? But they couldn't shout because the attack on the field was too fast.

The demonic sword has already cut through an attack, and the sword's light is approaching the great emperor!


Blast the emperor out with his shield and his men!

He was outrageously tough and ruthless.

And the surging powerful demonic power suddenly reached the level of seven to eight million clouds

They are all at the level of the Mahayana stage, but their combat power is close to that of the Great Emperor!

The fourth level of combat power was defeated again!

"Both clones are as powerful as the Great Emperor," someone murmured.

The person who is the main body, it is said that there are two clones and one main body, but the one with the weakest main body has already drawn it with a finger at this moment.

The clean fingers of a building are the ever-changing machines, and the tip of the finger is where the edge of the machines lies.

Is it an immortal weapon?

Those fingers clamped the emperor's sword.

That sword is very domineering, not even an immortal weapon, but it is not far from it. As long as this person's Dharma is a sword, if his sword is amplified, its power will be very powerful, and it will be the strongest among the three emperors.

But it was still pinched by two fingers.

Holding the sword between two fingers, Dai Li glanced at the emperor.

In one glance, two streams of blood flowed from her fingers, instantly covering the sword.



The sword, which is comparable to an immortal weapon, was included in the blood flow, melted in the blink of an eye, and was sucked into the blood flow.


"Poof!" The great emperor was backlashed and retreated in horror.

It was too late, the blood instantly solidified into a sword blade with a single stroke of her fingertips, and she cut it!

split into two.

Crisp and neat.

The blood burst out, but formed a stream of blood in front of her eyes. With a swipe of her finger, the stream of blood flowed down.

Jing Jingyuan and the others all felt that the current Dai Li was unreasonably powerful, inexplicable, and outrageous.

They didn't even see any amazing secret techniques she used, only pure power, pure, and a body that seemed to be combined with a thousand machines.

There are also two clones that have grown in the same abnormal way.

Killing the emperor is like slaughtering a dog!

Jing Jingyuan and others suddenly understood why Qianshan Muxue, Mu Qingyan and Ye Ziqing were so secretive about the last battle that Daili had fought five years ago.

This person did it on purpose.

That battle made her what she is today!


At the same time, the other two great emperors were caught off guard and were restrained by lightning and demons!

The sword fell.

Dai Li only said two words: "bloodletting"

What a cruel word, she said, bloodletting!

Whose blood should be shed?

The blood of the Great Emperor!

The blood of Emperor Yin!

The blood of the three great emperors was released from three directions, forming three blood streams flowing directly downward.

Where are Qingjun and Qingxin!

One for Qingjun and two for Qingxin!

The hot blood poured into their bodies, Qingxin aside, the gray mist blocked it, but anyone with a discerning eye on Qingjun's side could see the dense runes appearing on his skin.

Cursed seal.

After the decline of the Ji family, they were cursed by the Yin family using the most vicious methods.

However, all descendants of the Ji family have short lifespans that limit their strength. They can only practice for three hundred years. Their destiny is cut off and their lives are miserable and lonely!

The more you cultivate, the weaker you become, your lifespan is extremely short, and your nature is lonely.

This is not a portrayal of the three Ji family members.

Siblings like this, there is also Handan Xuanye, that is, Ji Xuanye

But Dai Li has found a way.

bloodletting! Let it go!

Use Yin's blood to get rid of Ji's curse!

Let the Ji family awaken!

But has anyone noticed that the vortex in the sky has no special function and has not shown any power so far? It is just spinning slowly like that.

On the contrary, the gray energy on Qingxin's body rotates at the same frequency as it.

Si Qinglei noticed this, and she even noticed that her brother didn't come.

He didn't even come, which showed that she had 10% control over the situation.

It's really scary.




"help me!"

Yin Leng is one of them. The emperor has been bled, what can they do?

Jiang Li and the other three have arrived in front of them

Zombie, this is real Zombie.

When Zheng Yi took action, he completely revealed Dai Li's identity and also exposed her current trump card.

Jun Zili is from Daxia, Nanlin, and the Demon Realm. Now, she is from the Zombie Realm!

The abyss of the dead zone!

"Save me" The cold head was pinned to the ground by Bai Shutang. His face was so familiar, his skin was pale, and there was an extremely evil twisted black line on his forehead.

Such a weak and gentle scholar, a scholar who He Jieyu once found refreshing.

One hand pressed the cold head, and the aura of the Mahayana period was suppressed. His finger stabbed directly into his heart, creating a human hole. With a hook of his fingertip, blood came out.

Zheng is still a vampire and has always been the originator of blood control.

"Hanba" Li Duanyan's master took a deep breath, "Boss Duan, you didn't tell me that they are from the Zombie Territory"

Li Duanyan exhaled: "It's too late to say anything. I was scared and it's useless to say anything."

It's really useless.

This scene was so heartbreaking that Xiao Han and Dan Ziqiu, who were not compatible with the Yin family, could not help but feel sad.

But they seemed to see this cold person staring at someone, as if asking for help.

that person is


A person's voice is cool and indifferent, but it can shake the mountains and rivers. It comes from afar and floats into everyone's ears in the blink of an eye.

After a while, they saw a person. .

A fairy from Penglai.

An immortal was actually dispatched. Apparently Penglai felt that this matter was a big deal and they couldn't pretend to be dead.

Otherwise the impact will be too bad.

But one immortal is enough.

This immortal has white clothes and a white beard, with white hair and a childish face. He has an ethereal air of immortality.

This man is called He Xian, and is known as He Lao.

He stroked his beard, looked at Dai Li, and said, "Little girl, can you tell me who you are?"

Without waiting for Daili to speak, he sighed again: "I was stupid. Since that person said you are the Yuan of the Zombie Realm, then you are the Yuan. Then can you tell me that you did this? What do you want? "

What do you want?

It's a very aggrieved, innocent, and tangled tone.

The responsibility has been passed on.

Blame me?

Chicken thief, old fritter, insidious!

Dai Li calmly put a few big seals on the door of this immortal old man!

Silently wiping the blood on her fingers, she said nothing, but her aura was terrifying, and she even faintly suppressed the old man!

Mr. He frowned slightly and subconsciously glanced at the pupil whirlpool. His frown deepened. What was that whirlpool?

It actually made him feel palpitated.

There is a vague feeling that a storm is coming.

Just as he was about to speak, he heard that Bai Shutang, who had almost drained Yin Leng's blood below, leaving only his breath, stepped on Yin Leng's head with his foot, licked the blood on his hand, and said with a smile; "There's no need for more, Mr. He." Ask, before we came, the person who once said that no matter whether Master Yuan is right or wrong, all we in the Zombie Domain can do is be obedient."

No matter what is right or wrong, just obey.

If you want to turn the clouds over, I will turn the rain over for you!

This is the master of Zombie Domain. r1152

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