A Queen

Chapter 1,454 The Gods are Coming

Chapter 1454

Li Ge smiled and said nothing. After a while, she smiled: "Penglai"

The old man's name is Penglai?

He looked at her, his eyes were not cloudy, but as clear as water.

"You're getting old," she said, taking a sip of tea.

"So you are wrong"

"If there is a person in this world that I cannot see through, then she must be the one I must destroy."

"So you want to attack her?"

Singing Li twirled the teacup with his fingers. His delicate face and delicate smile slowly faded away, becoming distant and indifferent.

"But the problem is that I saw through her."


So the question is, should you take action against her?

After a while, Li Ge left the pavilion and saw Si Qinming standing in the quiet path by the lake.

This man stared at her with burning eyes.

Li Ge only glanced at him, smiled slightly, and left.

Si Qinming didn't say anything, he just pinched a flying leaf that fell beside him with his fingertips. With a flash of light, the flying leaf turned into a flying bird and flew up.

Blink and disappear.

Penglai Yunxiao Pavilion, when they returned to their residence, it was obvious that Nangongque and others from the residence next door would not come back at this time, otherwise it would be too embarrassing to meet each other, and they were afraid of continuing to be monitored.

It must be very painful for Nangong Que to think of being watched by his prey these past few days.

But when Dai Li and the others entered this residence, from a distance, Dai Li saw about five pavilions next to them. In the rain pavilion of that pavilion, there was a hint of purple standing there, with a fragrant charm.

That person is

It was just a pause. Dai Li walked into the residence without saying hello. Jing Jingyuan and others also saw the man. Although they were surprised, they all nodded politely and then filed in.

As soon as the door is closed,

Shut out the turmoil of Penglai.

The woman in the pavilion turned around, and the kneeling person in the room presented the previous letter.

She opened it and looked at it for a few times, then closed her eyebrows. The letter started to burn, and she could vaguely see four words at the bottom.

——The gods are coming.

And then turned into ashes.

She almost frowned slightly, waved her sleeves, and the man disappeared.

Staying alone outside for a long time in the quiet spring water

On Dai Li's side, everyone stood beside the soft couch on the ground. Qing Xin was lying on it, and Dai Li stood beside him. His fingertips came together and touched the center of his eyebrows. His pupils turned around, and a drop of golden blood condensed from his eyebrows.

The blood was as clear as crystal and like blood, it looked very strange.

But the smell is terrible.

Jing Jingyuan and others frowned. The golden blood had been forced out and dripped into Qing Xin's eyebrows. After a while, Dai Li quickly used soul control to place layers of soul marks on her body. He didn't know what the effect would be. But it seems very complicated. There is no one here who specializes in souls, so it is even more difficult to understand. But they all know that Daili will not harm Qingxin.

Time passed minute by minute, and it didn't end after two or three hours. Everyone had already left the room.

Only one Qingjun was left behind.

Outside, Ye Ziqing and Qianshan Muxue disappeared without a trace, and soon they disappeared without knowing where they were. However, Ning Jingyuan and Ming Jian, the two girls with disciples from other sects hanging above their heads, never left.

Si Qing looked at it with tears and said to He Jieyu: "Actually, I think their masters are quite pitiful."

He Jieyu: "What do you want to hint to me?"

Are you saying that my master is actually very pitiful?

Si shed tears but smiled silently.

He Jieyu pursed his lips and added: "Actually, my uncle is quite pitiful."

Just a pair of children, it looks like they were kidnapped.

Si Qing burst into tears: "It's because of my brother"

He Jieyu; "Well, so it's buy one get one free"

Si Qing burst into tears: ""

Suddenly she felt that after her brother woke up and became smart, she herself became stupid, otherwise how could He Jieyu counterattack.

And there's nothing to say

In the evening, the dim light poured in from the arched floor-to-ceiling windows, bathing Dai Li, Qing Jun cross-legged beside him, and Qing Xin on the couch.

Finally, Dai Li breathed out a sigh of relief and finished the action with his palms.

Qingjun stood up.

Dai Li turned to him and said: "I gave her the immortal's immortal energy and vitality, which can make up for the vitality she lacked before. With your curse gone, she should be able to wake up in the next few days. You don't have to worry. "

Qing Jun glanced at her, handed over a plaid handkerchief, and said calmly: "I'm not worried."

Dai Li took the handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his head. When he heard this, his eyebrows crossed and he smiled playfully: "It's a woman's patent to say something that doesn't mean what you mean."

Qingjun pursed his lips, took back the square handkerchief, and said, "You're tired, go back and rest."

He naturally knew that Daili was very tired.

Drag an immortal into the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and then go to great lengths to peel off his Immortal Energy through the Six Paths of Reincarnation

Such hard work can be seen from her pale face and weak breath.

But this person just wanted to act as if nothing had happened, and even made fun of him

In fact, I am just like a child, trying my best to pretend to be an adult to tell the world that I am okay.

This made him feel a little sad.

In fact, the girl under the peach blossom tree was happier.

Daili didn't know what Qingjun was thinking, but she just felt that this person made her feel at ease just like before.

"I got it, Lord Sect Master." She patted his shoulder casually and walked past him; "Then I'm going out, and you can take care of yourself. Your cultivation level has suddenly returned and needs to be consolidated."

As he passed by, Qingjun seemed to smell a faint fragrance, which was different from before. He raised his brows slightly and suddenly called out when Dai Li walked out.


"Huh?" Dai Li turned to look at him, a little strange.

Qingjun looked at her, his expression as silent as an unchanging rock, as quiet as an ethereal landscape.

He was so serious and serious, which made Dai Li feel solemn inexplicably.


"Why do you keep calling me Zhuo Yihang?"

I heard her calling him this many years ago, but I didn't know why.

It doesn't sound like a funny nickname, but a real man's name.

He didn't care much before, but now he suddenly wants to ask

"Ah?" Dai Li thought it was something important. After being stunned for a moment, he smiled. It was a gentle smile with a slight bow of his face, and his eyebrows rose.

"Probably because what I like most in the world is Lian Nishang, and Lian Nishang's favorite is Zhuo Yihang."

"Qingjun, I thought you looked a bit like Zhuo Yihang when I first saw you. It's a pity that you don't have Lian Nishang by your side, so you're just a bachelor!"

After being teased again, the leader of the sect, the male god Qingjun, was silent for a second, and then asked quietly: "So, the person you like is Lian Nishang?"

Dai Li was stunned again, and then his smile suddenly widened and was uncontrollable. A flower could bloom from his eyebrows, brightening the entire dusk.

He left without saying anything.

Qing Jun behind him had a strange expression, and he sighed quietly after a long time.

She really likes to practice neon clothes

Who is Lian Nishang?


(The male god Qingjun is actually a cute guy with a low emotional intelligence~)


When Jing Jingyuan and others outside saw Dai Li coming out, they didn't notice the person's aura or pale face, but the person's smile that had not faded away.

It's so bright and conspicuous that it can cover up any traces.

So pleasant.

I haven't seen her smile like this in many years.

Some people were not only in a daze, but also laughed after a while.

Since she is happy, how can others not be happy~

After a while, Dai Li and others sat on the platform outside, drinking wine.

Jing Jingyuan asked her: "That time five years ago, were you ready early in the morning? Burning everything?"

Famous sword supplement: "Break and then stand up"

Dai Li nodded and looked at the edge of the water where the red clouds filled the sky: "Before that, I was stuck at the threshold of soul breakthrough. At that time, I had realized that what Qingxin told me was that my mother could not wait that long."

"I have no choice. The Siam Imperial Mausoleum was my opportunity. Only Chibi can transform me."

In order to shorten the time and improve herself, although that road was the hardest and most dangerous, she still had to give it a try, but the success rate was not very high. Naturally, she would not tell people like Jing Jingyuan about her decision. If she did, they would He would definitely overturn everything to help her instead of arriving later.

It's a big difference if it's just a mouthful.

But she didn't expect that these people would arrive so quickly. If Mu Qingyan hadn't intervened, the consequences would have been serious, so she was actually very scared.

Thinking about it now makes me feel cold.

She could fake her death back then, but Mingjian and the others couldn't.

So she was indeed a little apologetic at the moment.

Although I had guessed some clues from Mu Qingyan’s attitude from the beginning, I still felt like I was rolling my eyes and having brain congestion when I actually heard this damn admission.

However, these women are all gentle people, but they are quiet and silent.

Dai Li smiled dryly: "Don't be angry, give me a smile~"

Jing Jingyuan: "Your cousin is not angry, why should we be angry?"

Yes, this is angry

Daili had no choice but to drink three glasses of wine in a row

"Don't drink too much." Although He Jieyu was indifferent, he happened to be the gentlest among the three.

Well, Tranquility and Mingjian are actually darker.

"Senior Sister is still the best"

"If you drink too much, you still have to tease us with unscrupulous words. If you have the ability, why don't you drink water~" Senior Sister said calmly,

If you can, drink water~!

I can’t drink you to death!


Honest people are actually quite powerful when they are black.

After ten glasses of wine, Dai Li left.

Looking at her leaving figure, the others in Jingjingyuan had deep expressions.

In that case, he was able to break and then stand up again. Since Daili was willing to do it, he was naturally somewhat confident. The basis of this certainty was definitely not because of Chibi.

And Mu Qingyan knew it but didn't stop her, so he was definitely more sure that she wouldn't die than Dai Li~~

So what is hidden in her body?


Dai Li went out to meet someone.

Penglai's Ten-mile Pavilion is located in the most vast and beautiful place, not far from Yunxiao Pavilion. It is connected to Yunxiao Pavilion and the Penglai Station, which is extremely beautiful.

A person in the pavilion is more beautiful.

After Dai Li walked in, the man turned his head and smiled charmingly.

"Congratulations, Xiaojunjun, you finally stand out."

"Really? I want to twist off your head and kick it to the ground." r1152

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