A Queen

Chapter 1,459 Yunyutai

Chapter 1445

At the time of the drastic change in Beigong, in the Zombie Territory and the Zombie City, the prince presented a secret letter.

Mu Qingyan opened the secret letter with his fingers and took a look.

"Li Ge?" She held the secret letter between her fingertips, her eyes were as bright as the moon, with little silvery lights, but she couldn't see clearly.

General Wang Jue said in a low voice: "This person's origin is unknown, but he took the initiative to approach Master Yuan. It seems that he has noticed something. Do you want to"

"No, you are no match for her~~ There are not many people in the world who can be her rival."

"Lord, does he know who she is?"

The secret letter on Mu Qingyan's fingertips burned and turned into a gray lotus.

"When she recognized Yuan, I probably recognized her too."

These words were very strange, but Mu Qingyan said no more and only said softly: "Please withdraw all the people from Penglai."

"The other side of the gods"

"They won't move"

Mu Qing smokes at the fingertips, and the lotus blooms.

"At least not now"

This confidence is exactly the same as Dai Li.

The general Wang Jue nodded and disappeared.

"Penglai Jiuxiao, there are quite a few people going there," Mu Qingyan recalled the last note on the secret letter and couldn't help but narrowed her eyes.

How can so many people sleep in one house? ?

That night, Dai Li and Jing Jingyuan looked at each other.

"Suddenly I realized that Penglai is quite stingy," Dai Li said, laughing: "In such a big house, there are a lot of tea rooms and piano rooms, but there are so few rooms. Isn't this forcing people to sleep together~~"

Sleep together~~These three words are actually quite lethal.

Si Qinglei had already stood up and said, "My residence has been arranged. Brother, you can go to my place."

Her brother said with a sullen face: "Wherever the master is, I will be there."

Um? so,

Do you want to sleep together? Bai Shutang and others all looked at it.

"I guard the door," Si Qinming said, "I have always been like this."

Daili: "What? Why didn't I know!"

Everyone: ""

Si Qing raised her eyebrows in tears and looked at He Jieyu: "Ayu, do you want to come to my place?"

Before He Jieyu could speak, Daili said: "What do you want to do!"

Si Qing burst into tears: ""

What does your tone and expression mean?

At this moment, Qianshan Muxue and Ye Ziqing had returned to Ye Ziqing's residence.

In fact, both of them have residences, and they are both in Yunxiao Pavilion.

First, Ye Ziqing is the 1,000th generation Ye Xuanji, with a distinguished status. Penglai knows about Dahuang's affairs, so he naturally respects her. What's more, she teamed up with Dai Li to kill an immortal, which is not ordinary toughness.

Second, who is Qianshan Muxue? Outsiders don't know anything about it, but Penglai knows a little, so he also placed it in Yunxiao Pavilion.

However, the two of them went out to do errands together, so naturally they came back together. They did not go back to their own residences, but went to Ye Ziqing's place.

It's not far from that place.

There is already a person in this room.

When Qing Yi turned around and saw the two of them, she smiled and said, "Can you give me a room?"

"Of course." Ye Ziqing smiled slightly. For this person who he had known since his early years and had helped his little cousin many times, Ye Ziqing almost regarded her as a confidant. Moreover, Luan Qingyi and Qianshan Muxue had already had a close personal relationship in the past. People get along very harmoniously

"What do you think the room over there is doing at the moment?" Ye Ziqing suddenly spoke, and the two guests smiled.

“You’ll know just by listening to the sound.”

Then they listened.

Just heard

"Everyone, please don't sleep. The moon is bright and the night is quiet. We can do something special and meaningful."

If this voice doesn’t belong to that person, then who is it?

Upon hearing this, the expressions of the three people changed unexpectedly.

meaningful thing?

My cousin’s life is quite comfortable~

After a while, the three of them came to the platform in front of someone's house. When they saw it, their expressions were so wonderful.

A group of people are playing mahjong (how many of you are thinking wrongly?)

"Touch! What a fool!"


Penglai, the day of Jiuxiao has finally come.

There are many sects on Penglai Island, and the style of the Immortal Family can be imagined, but the most magnificent is still the one under the command of Penglai.

This platform is very large and round. It is about 900 meters higher than the flat base of the building in Da Penglai. It is supported only by a twisted auspicious cloud bracket. It is spacious and bright. There are endless fairy plants around it, with gorgeous colors and fairy spirit. The clouds and mist are shrouded, and at first glance it looks like you are in a fairyland

If Dai Li saw it, he would probably think that the Peach Festival was nothing more than this.

Will Sun Wukong come? ha!

But maybe if she comes, the first thing people see when they see her is that Sun Wukong is here.

The fierce and dangerous Sun Wukong

Unfortunately, Dai Li has not yet arrived, but many guests have already arrived in Taichung, and many immortals from Penglai have also appeared, most of them chatting with immortals from other forces, etc.

The maids of the Fairy Family in Taichung are constantly coming and going, with graceful and graceful postures. They hold plates of precious and delicious pearl fruit delicacies and wine in their elegant manners, and slowly come back and forth with steps like floating clouds.

There are 13,000 seats in the venue. They are enlarged and arranged around the edge of the entire stage, but they only occupy less than 1% of the space. There is a huge open space in the middle. Looking from one end to the other, Fully three thousand meters away

There are nine rings of seats in total. The first ring is naturally for the immortals, as well as representatives of the strongest group of forces. The second ring is the next level, the emperors, the third ring is the supreme, etc., followed by some A moderately powerful figure.

"Taiqing didn't know that Fei's blood was only in the third ring. Could it be that they are not the ones representing Kunwu and Taiqing?"

Logically speaking, Taiqing Kunwu's power class should belong to the first ring, but the representative is not noble enough, so he can probably be classified into the second ring, but it is the third ring.

It shows that they are not representatives of these two major sects.

Xingxiu's Xinghui is also in the third ring, but he is indeed a representative, but not noble and powerful enough. Xingxiu is one of the 24 King Realms, and is not ranked at the top, so naturally he will not be in the first or second ring.

He knew it himself, so he was not dissatisfied. On the contrary, Feixue's face was gloomy: "I am only in the third ring! It makes no sense. I want to see who the people in the second and first rings are!"

With a glance, Xiao Han from the Xiao family and Dan Ziqiu from Luo Dan were both in the third ring like him.

This result naturally gave him a lot of psychological balance, but he also thought of something.

"Yesterday, my father informed me that the family still needs someone to take my place, representing Kunwu. It is because this Jiuxiao day is unusual, so my position was moved to the third ring, and people like Xiao Han have been moved to the third ring. At first, everyone represented their respective forces like me, but now they are all in the third ring, so"

Obviously, the forces behind Xiao Han and the others have begun to change their strategies.

When Gu Ze and Li Duanyan appeared, the eyes of the forces present became incomprehensible. They might not have been able to react at that moment before, but after careful investigation, they naturally found that these two people played a key role in it. Small, otherwise Da Penglai could hook up with Na Yuan so quickly?


Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that these two people took the greatest credit, but they got a lot of benefits, but some were extremely unlucky.

for example


"People who live in chaos"

"It's that person"

Luanxianju is second only to Penglai, and their rights in Penglai are very important. Once the previous incident was exposed, they shouldered a lot of responsibility. After all, whether it is the Yin family or Nangong, these two families can sneak in so quietly. With many subordinates and no second giant like Luan Xianju to arrange things, how could they do it? Is Penglai made of mud?

Therefore, in just one day, Luanxianju's reputation in Penglai was greatly reduced. After all, who doesn't like people who eat both inside and outside.


"It seems that Luan Xianju didn't pay much. Look at their momentum, as if nothing happened." Dan Ziqiu said while eating the fruit.

"The crime of Chaosianju is no greater than the destruction of the family. Da Penglai does not have enough reason to completely destroy it. In this case, it is not good to do anything to it on the day of Jiuxiao. At least not on the surface, but secretly, you see Luanxian now Even if they were unscathed, you can imagine the price they would pay secretly if they wanted to keep that person."

that person?

Dan Ziqiu was not stupid, and he immediately found traces of that person from Xiao Han's subtext.

That person came from one side of the road with most of the disciples of Luanxianju.

Wearing a bright brown robe, he has a calm and restrained temperament. His eyes are deeply sunken, and his eyes look very deep. As for his eyebrows, they are sharp and powerful.

"The Changhuang of Luanxianju is the same as the ordinary disciple Ye Xiangrong. They were both personally taught by Immortal Master Penglai ten years ago and only came out this year. They were supposed to have a bright future, but they were messed up by that incident. Jie Jie~ It’s hard for him to be so calm at this moment, who let him be used as a pawn by Nangong Que?" Dan Ziqiu touched his chin and smiled.

Xiao Han did not dare to underestimate this eldest emperor. According to their family's information survey, the threat of this eldest emperor was no less than that of Nangong Que.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that he is a fighter with deep and cunning central control among the younger generation.

The Changhuang arrived and happened to pass by Gu Ze and the others.

His steps paused.

The three people looked at each other, and the people in the chaos behind them sneered.

The cold hostility is on the verge of breaking out.

Li Duanyan and Li Duanyan were also very calm, and they also maintained their composure towards Changhuang, who was much higher than them.

The emperor only said coolly: "I have to thank you two."

This man has always been aloof, and he was speaking aloof at the moment. His voice was deep and rich, like a copper bell.

Gu Ze himself was dull and replied: "No need, it's just my job."

There is nothing technical about this answer.

"Really, but I think the help of you two is very important. Otherwise, I, the Emperor, will be framed."

The Changhuang looked at the two of them, his eyes seemed to be kind, but how much cold and murderous intention was behind it?

People around me can tell by thinking about it with their toenails. r1152

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