A Queen

Chapter 1,466: Switching sides, Lotus Treasure (please see the author’s message)


At that glance, Dai Li had the urge to shudder, but in the end he still smiled back.

The other party remained calm and turned away.

The people in Penglai came to their senses and smiled: "I thought I lost a genius from all over the world, but fortunately..."

You think you're lucky, but others don't

Dai Li felt that the expressions of the Fifth Peerless people were a bit strange.

As expected, Gong Zangxue, Chun Shisanniang and Fifth Qingsha both came over.

Almost all have the same focus.

——Meet him halfway.

Did we just meet him halfway?

I spent so much time trying to find it, but I finally met him on the way to Penglai?

This is not Love Around the Corner.

At this moment, Duanrong Shangxian just said that everyone should sit down

Fifth Jueshi and Fifth Qingsha both went to the first ring, also on Dai Li's side. However, Ruan

She walked to a seat next to Tianduyu and sat down.

Audience: ""

This plot goes too far, I can’t accept it!

Fifth Jueshi and Fifth Qingsha received a lot of looks for a while, but they remained calm and Shi Shiran walked to his place.

But they glanced at Daili, which was meaningful.

Obviously, Ruan's defection is a trump card for the God Clan.

The target is of course you!

Dai Li narrowed his eyes. No wonder, the gods were so calm and there was no big battle. I'm afraid they followed her previous words. On the surface, they absolutely couldn't attack her, but they could use fake hands on others.

For example, Ruan

It is only natural that Ruan from the Demon Realm and Junzi Li from the Demon Realm should fight.

If Ruan defected to the God Clan because of this, there would be logic to follow.

After all, there is no room for two tigers in one mountain.

Of course, it is unknown whether it was because of Dai Li that he took refuge, or whether he was already taken in by the Gods during the years when he disappeared.

All in all, the God Clan's move is vicious enough. If it had been taken into account, then the Demon Realm would have become very ridiculous in recent years. Who knows how many secrets of the Demon Realm this Ruan has betrayed in the past?

The Demon Realm is also a very powerful force. It is not too much to say that it is comparable to the four Penglai sects. After all, the Demon Realm is the base camp of the entire demon cultivator. There are many people and they are all good at fighting.


"The Protoss is the Protoss! How could such a mute suffer a loss? Sure enough, he fought back."

"I'm afraid Ruan is just using it to deal with Jun Zili."

"But now that Jun Zili is as powerful as Yuan, is Ruan still more powerful than her?"

If Ruan is the myth of the past, then Junzi Li and Yuan are the new myth. This myth is valid for the Eye Clan and the Soul Clan.

Ruan wants to subvert this myth and snipe her?

There was a sudden change of circumstances.

The Third Immortal of Penglai remained calm, and the Immortal of Qingyuan lightly touched his sleeves and said, "Everyone, today is the day of Jiuxiao."

A cold and clear sentence brought the focus back instantly.

Everyone then became serious, yes, this is Penglai Jiuxiao, and the most important thing is the Jiuxiao Ceremony

Those countless treasures

Dai Li found that besides Linghu Bai sitting next to him, there was still an empty seat.

The Donghuang Qianjun on the opposite side obviously would not miss the opportunity to rush for the throne, so they smiled far away and said: "I didn't expect that there is still an empty seat next to Your Excellency Yuan. I don't know who you want to sit next to you."

As soon as he said this, many people looked at Prince Beigong, Ying Zheng, Yin Shang, and Qin Zhige.

On the other side, Fifth Qingsha, Fifth Jueshi and others who had just sat down also received a lot of sad and ambiguous looks.

Suddenly I feel that this kind of polarization is a bit strange~~

The representative of men and women killing each other!


Some people are so bitter in private that they curse.

Dai Li glanced at the Donghuang Qianjun, "If I can have the final say on this matter," she turned to Gui Jianchou and smiled elegantly: "Little kid, do you want to come to my sister's side? My sister loves you~ "

Ghost Sword Worry: "Cough cough cough"

Why did I get shot again! ! !

When Gui Jianchou's beautiful face was half red and half blue with shame, he said angrily, "No"


Dai Li turned his face, with a gloomy look on his face, and breathed out like a blue: "I'm old, my hair has turned white, I'm really disliked."

The person who was domineering and cool before is now possessed by Lin Daiyu, and her realism is 200 times off the charts.

Gui Jianchou twitched his eyes and said, "Actually, I don't have this kind of hair."

"She's very pretty," Dai Li added seamlessly, then smiled casually, with a pretty eyebrow, and said quietly: "Women with soot hair have more temperament."

People from the opposite soul realm

Someone looked at Mo Shaoxuan's similar but different ash hair color to Dai Li's

Mo Shaoxuan: ""

Mo Yao: ""

What a profound skill this is. After praising oneself, one also praises the top heir opposite him, and the praise is so pleasant.


Many meaningful words.

Tianduyu narrowed his eyes. If the other party hadn't been a woman, he might have

Do it you! I'll kill you! I can't walk when I see a beauty!

Tai Shi Yuan across from him wanted to poke this guy in the forehead with her finger, but due to her own magnanimity, she just glanced at him.

Definitely a roll of the eyes!

Linghu Bai lowered his eyes and sighed silently.

Why was she just sitting here, suddenly feeling worried about her future?

Moreover, the world said that foxes are cunning, charming, and bring trouble to all living beings. Why did she feel that compared with this man, she was just a fake fox? This guy was the real vixen!

Just when Gui Jianchou was blushing and even Jing Jingyuan felt that the child was pitiful, a man came to the side of Dai Li, lightly lifted his clothes, and Shi Shiran took a seat.

Purple clothes and gorgeous clothes, graceful and luxurious.

Dai Li turned around and looked at her, she smiled faintly: "I don't dislike you."

Zi Weiyang.

Jing Jingyuan and others have already learned her identity from Penglai Shangxian.

It feels complicated.

The second owner of Yanyu Chonglou has a very high status, but he has always been low-key and reserved in the past. How much is hidden in the Ghost Crying Gorge?

They didn't notice any of them.


Look at Liu* on the other side

Suddenly I felt that it was indeed not easy to build a building in the mist.

At that time, those present realized that there were only two empty seats left - the first ring.

“There are so many forces in the world, and we may not all be able to come, but there must be some that should come but don’t.

"Like Blood Prison, like Dark Bamboo"

In the Blood Prison, whether it was Jun Zili's complicated and inescapable blood relationship with the Blood Clan, or the confrontation with the God Clan, he should have someone come.

Anzhu, the head of the Eight Imperial Domains, the Eastern Emperor is here. If it doesn't come, is it because the Eastern Emperor is respected?

This is so out of line with normal rules.

But they did not come, and there were two empty seats directly opposite Dai Li.

Penglai didn't seem to care. The Qingyuan Immortal raised his hand and said, "Jiuxiao, look at the sky."


Everyone looked up at the sky, only to find that the sky was already filled with purple clouds

"Jiuxiao is a strange phenomenon of heaven and earth?" Daili was surprised, Zi Weiyang said lightly: "Don't you know what Jiuxiao is?"

Without waiting for Daili's answer, she said, "I really don't know."

Damn it!

The feeling of being despised.

"The so-called Jiuxiao is the time when heaven and earth reward those who practice Taoism. Nine stars are connected, the purple sky covers the sky, the stars turn around, the earth grows jade lotuses, and the lotus treasures are hidden in them."

As she spoke, the purple clouds in the sky overlapped to the extreme, and it was like a dark sky. Under the richness, it was like a black curtain of splashed ink. In the black curtain, spiral stars appeared, flying in the sky in special trajectories. Shuttle, just like painting.

It was a very shocking scene.

The coverage area is very huge. It can be said that as far as everyone can see, there are about a million miles around in such a strange phenomenon of heaven and earth.

Or is this the case in the entire world?

Dai Li didn't know, she only knew that the aura of heaven and earth was so strong at this moment that it was so frightening that her Lei Yuan was ready to move.

At this time, she suddenly saw that the core shape of the platform was like a huge jade lotus blooming from Penglai Island, slowly growing out

The whole body is like jade, but it is made of a fusion of various jade, flawless and colorful.

It grew like that in front of tens of thousands of people.

It's thrilling and wonderful to open.

The jade lotus born from the earth is hidden in the lotus treasure?

Dai Li seemed to be able to see the lotus seeds on top of this huge jade lotus, which were full and magnificent.

Is that the ultimate treasure?

Almost everyone was looking at this Jade Lotus, and even the immortals could not restrain their gazes.

"Anything to eat?"

The sudden but pleasant voice came, and many people came back to their senses and saw clearly that it was Dai Li's question. Before Donghuang Mo Dao and Nangong Que could hold him back, the Donghuang Qianjun were already impatient and ridiculed: "What? Lord Yuan, don’t you know what Penglai Jiuxiao’s lotus treasure is? Is it really true?”

Before he finished speaking, the girl opposite said sharply: "I am thirty-five years old. I am already in my thirties, but my knowledge is shallow. I really don't know what Jiuxiao is."

So humble, so humble

Thirty-five years old, I'm thirty-five years old, and I just killed an immortal~

Then everyone over 35 years old felt like they had been shot!

Whether it's the knees or the heart

One hit kill!

Including Tianduyu, who has always been regarded as a top genius, he put down his cup.

Well, I can’t drink this glass of wine.

As soon as the group killing skill was activated, Donghuang Qianjun was surrounded by the eyes of all kinds of stupid*brainless broom stars, and only fell silent when Donghuang Mo Dao silently held his shoulders.

Donghuang's face can't stand being humiliated. Brother, please be calm.

"Haha, what a cousin, this girl really is"

Different, more than different.

Prince Nishimiya thought to himself that if his cousin didn't like him, he might be tempted as well.

Prince Beigong chuckled, she always does this

How much others can bully her.

"Ahem" Ordinary Immortal said with a smile: "I think this session is probably the one with the most participation by the younger generation. It is normal to not know something. Yes, this Nine Heavens Sun is a gift from heaven and earth. Bless us cultivators, this Jade Lotus, even the Jade Lotus of Heaven and Earth, blooms once every ten thousand years and bears fruit every ten thousand years. This fruit is naturally a treasure in the lotus, and there are various treasures hidden in it."

"It's just that those who can know the treasures, those who are virtuous will live in them, and those who are lucky will receive them. To get them, it depends on the monks themselves."

The coffin is finalized, which means you watch and grab this treasure yourself. r1152

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