A Queen

Chapter 1,474 The Prince of the Sea!

Chapter 1474

Chapter 1474


The majestic and sharp sword energy is like an iceberg blowing from the cold snow, cutting it.

In the core, two people face each other. On one side is the domineering emperor, and on the other side is the mist of Yiye*.

One breath.


The *rain suddenly covered the overbearing, the one-sided rain was endless, every drop was a sword, and every sword was a murderous intention!

Swish, brush, brush!

Not only was the Emperor trapped and forced to retreat, but others nearby were also deeply disturbed.

Group attack, *Yu Jian

Finally boom!

The Emperor was hit!

The corners of his mouth trembled and blood spilled out.

The eyes of the people in Chaoxianju below are wide open, have they lost? The Changhuang actually lost!

If the Changhuang was repelled, he would be injured. Just like Nangong Que, he had to sit cross-legged on the ground to recover from his injuries. Others would not take advantage of this to deal with them.

But as a result, their side will lack combat power.

Fortunately, their number is three to four times that of Jingjing Yuan and the others!

When there are many people, there will be chaos!

The vigorous and chaotic battle, life and death, in full swing, plus the explosive treasure boxes one by one, the scene effect is very magnificent.

In the audience, someone from the Protoss side chuckled: "The Human Emperor is really amazing. Even if their own strength is far inferior, the resilience given to them by heaven and earth is unparalleled. It is really eye-opening for us."

After a pause, the attendant smiled and said: "But this girl from your Penglai is quite powerful. She obviously learned the top skills of your Penglai, but the ones she used were not."

What does this mean?

Or is it hinting that you, Penglai, also defected to the Zombie Territory?

Qingyuan Shangxian was unconvinced.

Duanrong and Fangfang just smiled, but Mu Lanxun frowned, now was not the time for her to take action, so

A man stood up.

A person who can also represent Da Penglai.

"*Junior Sister, since you entered the door, Senior Sister has not sparred with you." Ye Xiangrong's cool and indifferent voice made Yiye*, who had just defeated the Changhuang, frown.

Ye Xiangrong has been in Penglai for many years and is from the Ye family. Her background is much more tyrannical than hers. If she wants to take action now,

Yiye* thought for a moment and said: "Senior Sister invited me,* I dare not refuse to do so."

Ye Xiangrong came to power, which almost represented the internal division of Penglai, and also represented the tendency of the Ye family.

Nangong Que watched Ye Xiangrong come on stage coldly, and he didn't seem so happy.


First, the position of the Ye family is indeed very important, but Nangongque hopes that he can control the Ye family and then join the Protoss in order to get the greatest benefits, rather than Ye Xianrong, his own Ye family!

Second, this woman has always been difficult to figure out, and she is also very unkind to him. Now she suddenly appears. Is it because the Ye family has some thoughts, or is it because of her sudden appearance?

Nangong Que was suspicious, deep, and naturally overthinking, but Yin Shang only thought about taking three breaths before laughing and worrying about drinking.

Ye Xiangrong

After taking the stage, Ye Xiangrong asked: "Junior sister, it seems that you always use the sword you have learned before, but why?"

Kazuye* did not expect that the other party suddenly said such a sentence, and she could not tell whether the other party wanted to warn her or test something. Anyway, she answered truthfully: "A person once told me that no matter what secret technique I learn in the future, it is only my own." Things are the best”

What's yours is the best?

Sanshangxian was stunned by these words. He glanced at Daili with a rong face and secretly thought that with such knowledge and mind, it is no wonder that Yiye* is so determined.

What a person can achieve depends largely on the kind of friends you make

Obviously, Yiye* has benefited a lot from friends like Yuan.

Ye Xiangrong also smiled when he heard this, "Really? Then senior sister, I will teach you how to use the sword."

Two of the most outstanding disciples of Da Penglai were about to fight fiercely, suddenly!

hold head high!

The dragon roars!

The identities of Dong Gong and Bei Gong appeared!

The dragon body circled the sky. After three collisions and fights, the Prince of the East Palace suddenly dived downwards.

Like a sword!

direct thrust

The bow hid the blood and stood up, the god raised the bow, drew the bow and loaded the arrow!

Gui Jianchou behind him grabbed the sword on his waist, and the terrible darkness flashed in his eyes, but it was obvious that Bai Shutang and the others moved faster than him, and they turned into a zombie in an instant.

That zombie aura shocked Xiao Xiao who was sitting here. Ah, these zombie zombies are so pure. Although I had already known from the intelligence that these people were the highest-ranking zombie nobles in the zombie domain, I didn’t expect a His cultivation level is not bad at all

He has both bloodline and strength, but he still respects Yuan, who is not Zheng. What is the intention of the person from the Zombie Realm?

Is that really what it is?

Xiao's thoughts are unpredictable, Bai Shutang and others are ready to go

The dragon's tail in the East Palace was grabbed!

The North Palace's dragon claw grabbed the East Palace's dragon tail.


Forcibly throwing away the swooping Dong Palace, the main body roared again, the purple light all over the body surged, and the nine claws seemed to overlap.

a claw


Tear the sky apart!

Bang bang bang!

Nine giant waves in the sky!

That overwhelming immortal level!

And under the cover of one claw, the dark golden dragon scales on Donggong's body glowed inch by inch, and his body expanded three or four times.


Huge waves rise out of thin air!

Huge waves hit the table, and a claw split the air!

Immortal, fear of being an immortal!

Prince Nangong and Prince Xigong were both stunned and then helpless.

Damn it, they are all dragon princes. They are only half-immortal, but they are already immortals!

Next, their ancestors must be of various kinds: "Look at their princes."


The two immortal-level princes were definitely the strongest attacks in this wave, and even seriously affected the fighting below.

Dai Li raised his eyes and saw whether Beigong was at the Immortal level.

"It seems that he is more than three hundred years younger than Dong Gong." Dai Liyou remembered Long Ma telling her.

Three hundred years is a long time for her, but Beigong has closed the gap and is on the same level as East Palace.

"No wonder he rebelled against the Dragon Lord of Beihai and massacred so many sea tribes. However, the Dragon Ancestor favored him over the demon tribe. The strong one has always been the king." Xiao Yi thought of the information he had just received last night and couldn't help but take a breath. .

Beigong is a very scary person, much more powerful than East Palace, and extremely difficult to control, maybe this is the only one

He looked at Dai Li.

Look what I do! Dai Li rolled his eyes at this guy and said calmly: "Linghu is very powerful, Shanpup is no match for her."

The dignified Kunwu half-immortal was beaten like a dog.

It is evident that the demon tribe has become abnormal.

"Haha, that's natural in our demon clan. She is also the best bloodline, not inferior to the dragon clan." Xiao said lightly, and suddenly asked: "What is the bloodline of your Excellency I don't know Yuan?"

"Don't you think this question is a little rude?"

“I’d rather apologize after I find out.”

Dai Li looked at this person, not caring about the fighting on the stage, and her eyes flashed with a rich silver light.

King Li, who had been paying attention to Xiao on the opposite side, saw Xiao, who had always been cunning and cunning, shake his hand and drop the cup in his hand, while Yuan who was talking to him smiled meaningfully.

What the hell? Scared?

"Chi" King Li suddenly said.

"Yes" Chi responded in a low voice.

King Li said something, Chi nodded, then looked to the other side

Dai Li noticed Chi's gaze and smiled back.

You're a handsome man, smile and be easy to flirt with.

And just after she smiled


The North Palace and the East Palace landed at the same time!

His body is dripping with blood, but full of the beauty of wild fighting. He is the most powerful dragon and the most noble prince. Even if he is dressed in rags, he is still handsome!

So Daili was very handsome and whistled

Dong Gong's expression was stifled, this gangster!

Beigong smiled slightly, so this will make you happy?

At this moment, the whistler suddenly revealed his murderous intent!

The body explodes away!

moment of light and shadow

He Jieyu has a sword behind him!

Daorong, the immortal who lives in chaos! He actually made a sneak attack!

What a fairy!

To cover up his unpreparedness by surprise, almost no one would have expected that if Daili hadn’t had the Six Paths of Reincarnation Eye, if he hadn’t

"Damn it!" Dai Li is like the aurora in the sky, so Ye Ziqing and Qianshan Duixue are the coldest and thinnest stars!

The Xuanji Heavenly Disk and the Glazed Sword erupted at the same time

boom! ! !

He Jieyu couldn't blink as he watched the three waves of attacks blast past her back. What was left of her was filled with terrible burning heat or coldness. The dual feeling of coldness made her have the illusion of being in death purgatory.

There is light behind me, a little burning pain

Suddenly her arm was pulled gently, and a hand was pressed on her back. Coolness and warmth flowed in. When she raised her eyes, she saw Dai Li's frown.

Originally, He Jieyu's back was scratched by the immortal-level attack, and He Jieyu would be seriously injured even if he didn't die. However, the speed of death was too fast, so he directly dragged He Jieyu over and pressed his hand.


The six paths of reincarnation are reversed!

The frozen wound on her back burned and recovered in the blink of an eye

"Can the six reincarnations reverse the injury?" Some immortals were frightened and felt more and more terrible.

Well, he has indeed recovered. Ye Ziqing glanced at a piece of white snow

Wow, the robe directly covered He Jieyu's body.

Dai Li patted her head: "Get dressed and wait for me."

He Jieyu: ""

It's obviously a very romantic, warm and touching picture, but why did you change your style as soon as you opened your mouth?

He Jieyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he also backed away.

The fight between the two parties finally reached the stage where the immortal-level king meets the king.

At that time, the attack and killing of these people stopped quietly!

See the treasure box they fought for~~

He Jieyu frowned, less than them.

Indeed, Jingjing Yuan's side did have a dozen fewer boxes than the other side.

Although the number of people is much smaller, small means small.

It was already a struggle between the two sides from the beginning.

Both the beginning and the end are bad.

Daorong was not in a hurry to take action at the moment, not because of Ye Ziqing's Xuanji Heavenly Disk, nor because of Dai Li's Six Paths of Reincarnation.


"It seems that our side has the advantage." Dao Rong naturally positioned the leader as Dai Li. r1152

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