A Queen

Chapter 1,477 Dharma Blood Sea

Chapter 1477


"Are you scared? Junzili, no, I should call you Daili." Nangong Huang was still not used to calling this person Yuan. After all, both Junzili and Daili had traces, but the name Yuan came from inexplicably.

"Afraid?" Zuo Wei said calmly: "Things that can make me afraid have already happened. What is there to be afraid of now? It's you people, the ones in the upper position and the stubborn ones, who can never lose the challenge or the challenged. That’s the difference”

She can lose. If she loses, she can come back.

But people like Nangong Huang can't.

It's like defending a city in a game. The attacker often has several chances. However, once the defender fails once, the system will declare the opponent's attack successful.

This is the gap.

"That's not necessarily true. If you fail once, you will die? Do you think I will let you live today?" Nangong Huang smiled gently, but no one could forget that one of Nangong's immortals was killed by Zuo Wei.

Zuo Wei was noncommittal: "It seems that we have reached a tacit understanding on this point."

I can't let you live~ Nangong Huang, just because you united with the Yin family to scheme against the Ji family

"I don't know whether to live or die" If you can't fight with words, you can only take action. Nangong Huang takes action without saying a word. His tyranny has already been observed in Xiao Penglai before, and now he is even more unrestrained.

In the end, Zuo Wei couldn't defeat him. A light flashed between his eyebrows, and he held out a thing behind his back.

In fact, it is a drop of blood in the blink of an eye, and then it is a huge sea of ​​blood in the blink of an eye!

It directly covered the entire Jade Lotus, with turbulent waves, blood, thick and fine, like countless dark red blood rolling

That scene was too terrifying, and Zuo Wei floating above the sea of ​​blood was even more terrifying, because her body system was soaring at a terrifying speed of two, four, eight, or ten times!

Just three breaths!

The blood energy of the main body's seven million clouds has skyrocketed to nearly 100 million!

Nangong Huang's eyes widened, but he felt a terrible sense of crisis. He couldn't wait to launch the attack in his hand.

That fireball was like a flint,

The energy intensity has been fused to a solid level, that is, it has turned into a stone.

The stone is like fire jade, crystal clear, with flames burning on the outside. When it passes through the space, it seems that the space has been burned with black scorch marks, and the temperature suddenly rises. The three layers of fire mysteries in the three poles of the void come from immortals. The strongest blow

Heavenly Meteor Flowing Flame!


The sea of ​​blood is churning and huge waves are rising! Form a wall of blood!


The flowing flame meteorite hit the blood wall, and the terrible temperature burned and burned violently, hissing! The blood wall was consumed violently, turning into a large amount of blood volatilizing toward the sky, as if the sky suddenly turned bright red.


The sea of ​​blood will never end, and the wall of blood will never be destroyed!

The Heavenly Meteor Flowing Flame was blocked, blocked easily!

"Dharma, is this Dharma? How can there be such a Dharma? It's from the source system, right? It can directly enhance her body energy, but it can also defend itself."

The people present were probably all in knots. They couldn't understand and were extremely horrified. At that time, Zuo Wei had disappeared!

Sea of ​​blood surges


A sea of ​​blood gathered around her, and in a flash of blood, it appeared and fell in front of Nangong Huang.

not good!

The clone replaces and escapes!

Nangong Huang's clone should be used as a scapegoat. The main body is separated and the main body of the clone is exactly the same. This is the strategy of many monks, because in this way, it can have the effect of confusing and escaping at some critical moments of the fight. Like Mr. Jun, the two will be separated. It is extremely strange for a person to have a different personality and appearance due to his doppelgänger.

But now the clone has to die for the main body


Zuo Wei moved her left and right hands to move the space. The movement was so handsome that it is indescribable. All she knew was that her two slender hands easily moved through the space. Two swords, one left and one right, were the peak-level king's blood in the later period of the prince - king's blood!


Absolutely greedy! Absolute control! The abnormal energy control of the fusion of two blood and two spirits is explosive!

The sword is blood, the blood is the sword, she is the blood, she is the sword!

One sword! Two swords!

Chapter 29 of Thousand Opportunities--The flames of war are rising from ten miles away,

Thousand Chances No. 30--Hundred Miles of Killing Fields!

With Zuo Wei as the core, the sword flow of the two swords combined twisted into a huge sword field, and within a hundred miles, thousands of swords flew together in a sea of ​​blood!

How can it be described as a county?

The peak of the combined stage is 100 million counties. What about the Mahayana stage? It’s worth tens of billions! Where is the fairy?

County is no longer enough to describe the power of Xian, and Zuo Wei's swords

Strong as an immortal!

Swish, brush, brush!

Thousands of swords cut into flesh, and flesh and blood fly everywhere!

An immortal was cut into bones in the blink of an eye!

The soul is still there, but the sound of flesh and blood has been lost. How to attack?

Soul storm!

Then Nangong Huang could only use his soul to suddenly attack Zuo Wei

Zuo Wei, who was holding the sword in both hands, still maintained the stance of raising the sword with both hands. Flesh and blood were flying around him, the sea of ​​blood was churning under his feet, and the blood and gas were everywhere on his head!

"Do you share your soul with me?"

She just smiled, turned her wrists, sheathed her swords, and raised her eyes.

The 19th Eye Technique of Six Paths of Reincarnation - Binding of Six Paths~!

A soul whip popped out from between her eyebrows!

A whip whipped the soul storm!


The soul storm defeated Biao and dispersed, which was the aftermath of the soul. Except for Yulian, everyone below the Mahayana stage was almost facing death. It was the strongest people like the last immortal and King Li who took action to protect them, but the Mahayana stage was more unlucky.

You are all Mahayana, go and protect yourselves!


Puff puff!

Everyone vomited blood!

Souls were dizzy and nauseous and wanted to vomit!

Their faces turned pale

In the aftermath, Xiao saw that Nangong Huang's soul had been entangled and pulled by the soul entity whip!

Zuo Wei casually drew a space.


The six reincarnations came out!

Clean and neat, as always, just like throwing Nangong's fairy in before, everyone could almost foresee that scene

Nangong Que was horrified: "No!"

"Stop it," Tian Duyu said, and then Zuo Wei's action paused, looking at her, Tian Duyu smiled: "It's just a fight, no need"

Someone just swung his hand, and the long whip pulled Nangong Huang's soul and threw it into the six reincarnations.

The whole audience was silent.

Tian Duyu didn't say anything, but narrowed his eyes and looked at Ruan lightly. Ruan smiled slightly, and Dao Rong shuddered

"Jun Zili, you are too vicious! I"


The soul whip was swung by her and whipped directly on his face!

The whip was the soul!

Pain! It hurts so much!

The immortal was so painful that his expression was twisted in pain

"It's just a fight. Since you don't care about life and death from the beginning, why bother to complain now?"

"If you can't afford to lose, don't fight"

Zuo Wei smiled faintly, his eyes drifted over, and Tian Duyu instantly lost his original calmness.

Contempt, he actually saw absolute contempt in this woman's eyes!

However, she had two demon swords inserted behind her waist, and a soul whip coiled around her. She killed Nangong Huang in the previous second, slapped Dao Rong in the face in the next second, and spoke contemptuously to Tian Duyu in this second!

Those who thought that she could only be comparable to a half-immortal without the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and even if she had the Six Paths of Reincarnation, she had to join forces with Ye Ziqing to kill the immortal now felt that their imagination was simply weak!

This girl is a natural counterattack professional!

"Haha, it's really amazing. It's worthy of being the heir of Chibi. She can fight against one immortal, but I don't know two immortals"

Tian Duyu seemed to be joking, swish!

Hua Xian jumped onto the stage

Together with Dao Rong, that means there are two immortals?

Donghuang Modao said that it was impossible for these people to go forward to join the battle. It was a joke. Their small bodies were not even enough for this strong woman to hold in one hand. Donghuang Qianjun wanted to dig a hole and bury himself in it.

He had been so bold and provoked her repeatedly before!

This woman could kill an immortal in a minute!

Then they made a bigger space for the three people in a minute.

In fact, Huaxian and Daorong also had some cold sweat in their hands, because the sea of ​​blood under the feet of the woman and the six reincarnations behind her seemed too scary.

"Is your Dharma image from the source system?" Huaxian suddenly asked.

"I don't know." Zuo Wei touched his eyebrows and smiled.

I don't know!

You are cheating!

"But what series of Dharma images is it? You will know if you try it?" Zuo Wei hooked his fingertips, and the soul whip twisted, turning into a knife and a sword.

Damn, it's too scary!

This soul weapon can also transform!

Conquering the enemy without fighting, Daorong and Huaxian immediately felt weak in their hearts.

They didn't want to be sent to the six reincarnations.


cough cough!

Tian Duyu coughed lightly, and the two could only grit their teeth. They had already attached themselves to the gods, and had torn half of their faces with Da Penglai. If they did not listen to the gods and were abandoned, they would face Da Penglai's complete revenge.

There is no way out!

Take action!

After all, they are two people. If one of them is bound by this guy's soul, the other can still be rescued. In fact, the danger is not that great.

And the Dharma image cannot exist forever. As long as they consume her soul, whether it is the terrible and strange blood sea Dharma image or her six reincarnations, they will not be able to last too long. Once these two killers disappear, Jun Zili will be their fish on the chopping board!

"Jun Zili, you are a person after all, so" Hua Xian figured it out, and then she became confident.

But soon her eyes bulged!

She is not a person!

When a lightning bolt jumped out from Zuo Wei's side, and this lightning bolt turned into a person, and sacrificed a Dharma image behind him!

Dharma image——a beam of thunderbolt, a simple lightning mark, but it lacks a few gaps, but it does not hinder its breath

"Original thunderbolt?"

"Is it the natal Dharma image?"

Lightning does not move the sword or the knife, she has always respected the thunder method, the dragon body and martial arts are just to maintain the melee and body defense capabilities, and she is best at the thunder method long-range attack.

At this moment, two fingers are put together!

Swish, swish, swish, three consecutive strokes in the air!

The first extreme thunder, storm!

The second extreme thunder, thunder mountain!

The third extreme thunder, sky support!

A thunder storm, bind!

A thunder mountain, suppress!

A thunder sky support, destroy! r1152

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