A Queen

Chapter 1,482 Unchained!

Chapter 1482

She looked at Chao Daili.

Wearing a purple robe and keeping a low profile from beginning to end, her origins were finally revealed.

The second owner of the Misty Rain Chonglou is a person who is inferior to one person but more than ten thousand people. His power is so huge that it is equivalent to one of the seven major clans.

She is second in command.

In the past, he was one of the forces living in the middle group area, and he had only the superficial strength of the distraction period.

Compared with Daili's counterattack all the way, this kind of person who pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger from the beginning is the most shameless.

If Xiangxi Palace knew this, he would definitely be so angry that he would vomit blood.

However, she is good-looking and has an outstanding temperament, so everyone can only think that she is low-key, so low-key that it is outrageous.

It just appeared at this moment, but it was their enemy.

Ye Ziqing looked at Zi Weiyang and said calmly: "Fortunately, you didn't take action before."

If it were before, none of them had grown up, and they wouldn't be able to control each other even if they were bundled together.

Fortunately, she has only come forward now.

Zi Weiyang closed her sleeves, and there was a ball of purple light on her fingertips: "There are no orders from above."

That's it? It feels like I want to get rid of the relationship.

Dai Li rolled his eyes: "Are you the only one in Yanyu Chonglou?"

"There is one more, but that person has rebelled a long time ago." Zi Weiyang rolled his eyes, Liu * was noncommittal.

This man is a weird one, he seems to be related to Penglai, but Penglai says he is a traitor and is related to Yanyu Chonglou, so he rebels again.

Now it seems that he is under the command of the empress

Dai Li breathed out softly, held Qianji's hand in his hand, smiled, and then her eyes fell on Dong Huang Mo Dao and the others.

"Have you rested?"

This is to get them to continue participating in the war.


It can be said that I haven’t rested yet!

However, Donghuang Qianjun and others compared the immortal combat power with the total combat power on their side.

Well, the advantages are quite obvious.

So, let’s fight!

To capture the thief, capture the king first!

When these people wanted to capture Daili first, they had already taken Tianduyu's lead. Undoubtedly, among the immortals over there, Tianduyu seemed to be the strongest!

However, he is weaker than Daili!

Not an opponent!

Tianduyu stepped back and blocked!


He retreated and flew out again, and the second sword came!

Zi Weiyang!

Purple Light Sword, Thousand Machine Sword!

boom! ! !


Dai Li raised his eyebrows, but the others were shocked.

This Zi Weiyang is so amazing!

"I knew that Yanyu Chonglou was very mysterious, but I didn't know that the owner of the second building was so powerful. I heard that you are familiar with that Junzili. How come you haven't had any interaction with her today?" Shuiyunxian muttered, he was indeed I feel strange. You know that Junzi Li is famous for his strong peach blossoms, and this guy is also loose and romantic by nature, so it is easier to recruit people. What is the result?

She actually ignored people like Qin Zhige from beginning to end.

Regarding this kind of problem, Qin Zhige could only touch the beautiful teacup with her beautiful fingers and sighed: "Maybe it's because I'm not tall enough."

The tone was a little light.


My dear, are you possessed by something dirty?

Dai Li is fighting fiercely, one is Zi Weiyang and the other is Tian Duyu, the pressure is not small, after all, both of them are very strong.

However, I suddenly felt a tingling sensation on my scalp, as if someone had recited a tight spell.

Okay, is someone drawing circles on her?


Tian Duyu was kicked away by Dai Li, and he used his backhand sword to block the purple sword that stabbed her between the eyebrows.

"Sister Weiyang, you are too cruel, you say hello to your face."

"The competition must be conducted smoothly, regardless of emotions. This seems to be what you said."

Zi Weiyang's purple energy is surging, her power is surging, and her moves are completely natural and have a deep foundation. She is twelve points more calm and sophisticated than Tianduyu, so it is difficult to deal with her. Dai Li probably used all his strength to deal with her, and then distracted himself. Attack Tianduyu

One person has two uses, but when she heard Zi Weiyang's words, she smiled charmingly: "So you admit that you have feelings for me? How embarrassing is that?"

Zi Weiyang is obviously of a high rank, and she does not belong to Linghu Bai, who is cold on the outside but cute on the inside, nor does she belong to the Qingxin category, which is cold and cold that Yushu Lanzhi cannot be blasphemed.

She was too profound and mature. When she heard this, she said, "Does the love between sister and brother count?"

Sister, sister, brother, brother, brother

Are you making fun of me for not being a woman enough?

Then Tian Duyu, who was constantly attacking at the side, heard Dai Li reply nervously: "I'm sorry, I also happen to be missing a little brother."

Zi Weiyang, who had calmed down all the way, finally shook her hand, and the attack was also shaken, and then Dai Li avoided it, and then used her backhand to force her back with a sword, and then suppressed it with a soul storm!

Zi Weiyang stepped back, and then Mr. Tianduyu was kicked out!

Hit the barrier again, seriously injured!

Sanshangxian: ""

Suddenly, I felt that this person behaved quite artistically that night.

Now this one is too obscene.

Yushu Langzhi's Qin Nan and the elegant Master Mo both paused to drink tea.

The expressions are somewhat similar, probably because they are thinking deeply about what these words mean.

With their IQ, they can instantly list ten possibilities, but it is difficult for them to know the most correct one instantly.

Fifth Qingsha lightly covered her mouth to stop herself from coughing up

This person really is, Qing Yan must have released her because she couldn't bear it!

The three extremely powerful people here were fighting in a strange way, but the famous swordsman and others on the other side were more enthusiastic.

Because there were too many immortals on the other side, the strongest immortal was replaced, Shang Chaoge and Yun Jilian were restrained, and there were more than 20 remaining immortals.

And the real immortals on Ningjing Yuan's side are Prince Beigong, Wufeng, and the one from Soul Realm!

Differs greatly!

Unless the most perverted combat force substitution can free up your hands

And they must hold on until then.

How to hold on?

Qianshan Muxue and Ye Ziqing can resist an immortal even if they join forces! The rest had to join forces with four or five to barely resist!

Now, Qianshan Muxue and Ye Ziqing were facing an immortal alone.

This is a helpless situation.

But what's strange is that they don't have any problems!

"what happened!"

"This Ye Ziqing and Qianshan Muxue!"

"Their strength is improving!"

If Daili's strength comes from the Great Leap Forward in those five years, then Qianshan Muxue and Ye Ziqing are the ones who have been building momentum for five years to explode today! !

Various secrets began to be exposed. For example, Qianshan Muxue's glazed sword always felt more and more transparent, turning from transparent to silver, and then becoming transparent again.

But the sword energy became more and more terrifying.

It's so pure, it makes people feel like she is the only sword in the world.

And other people's swords

Chi Shixian is probably among the top ten in Tianduyu. He would have been slightly inferior to Yun Jilian in the battle, but the swordsman's combat power is already high. Losing does not mean that he is invincible, so he is involved. There was a Yun Jilian living there to prevent him from burning many people to death, but he felt more and more powerless.

because of his sword

"Do you feel that your sword is getting worse and worse, as if it doesn't belong to you?"

Chi glanced at him: "A lot of this has nothing to do with you."

"It really doesn't matter, because it's not me who is responsible for the horror of the Three Thousand Sword Clan. I just heard that you swordsmen will one day see how powerful she is, maybe today." Yun Jilian rolled his eyes, and the one on the other side Qianshan Muxue is able to cope with the pressure of the Balu clan.

Who knew that this woman, like Jun Zili, always likes to push herself into desperate situations before breaking through?

On the other side, Ye Ziqing looked very strange.

That fairy almost wanted to cry.

Damn it, what bastard said that Ye Ziqing needs to be paired with Yuan to kill immortals, and paired with Qianshan Muxue to resist immortals?

What the heck, someone relying on the Xuanji Heavenly Disk can actually make him helpless.

"Are you really using the Xuanji Heavenly Disk?"

The previous Xuanji Tianpan wasn’t so perverted, right?

Ye Ziqing glanced at him, but didn't respond, very coldly.

"Impossible, your Xuanji Heavenly Disk wasn't so powerful just before. Could it be that you have been hiding your strength before?"

"Are you not allowed to understand the Xuanji Technique?"

What is this?

Xuanji Tianpan and Xuanji Technique?

"When did this happen!"


Immediately, this fairy felt a sense of embarrassment: "My opponent has an artifact in her hand and is very aggressive in trying to compete with me, but she just activated the super skill of the artifact, what should I do?"

Cousin Ye and Qianshan Muxue are taking it easy, but the others are dancing on the tightrope

Pressure at every step, crisis at every step!

Some people who were previously afraid of being abused by Dai Li suddenly felt the pleasure of finding abuse in her harem, so they were very happy and their offensive was astonishing.


Ning Jingyuan looked at Mingjian, Luan Qingyi and others.

"It's almost time, come on!"

What's coming?


Swish, brush, brush!

Jing Jingyuan formed a seal in his hand, Mingjian and others did the same, one by one, seals were formed on their palms!

It was just a formation, obviously, when their hands were pressed to the ground one by one.

Formation, form!

But what formation is it?

Everyone on Daili's side was filled with vitality and blood!

Those who are more sensitive, such as those who recorded some battles in the materials, may have reacted at the time.

Military aircraft array!

Zi Weiyang frowned when she sensed the aura, and she said to Dai Li: "It's better for you to teach me everything that others would like to hide. It's really touching~"

Dai Li smiled back, then raised his hand, and there was also a formation seal on the palm of his hand!

It's just the core formation seal.

The most powerful military aircraft in the military aircraft volume - the ultimate military aircraft!


The brilliance burst out, and the military aircraft array rotated in the sky!

An arrow chasing the clouds, thousands of troops and horses come to meet each other, how heroic!

And to churn all these thousands of troops, all it takes is one military plane!

There can be no delay, the military plane will win!

Dai Li's hand was raised, and the military aircraft in his palm glowed. The light was like a navigation tower in the deep sea at night, guiding the direction and being the greatest hope.

"Kill them!"

This is the ultimate military aircraft!

The soul was released, and the soul penetrated into the military plane. The military plane formation blessed by the soul power was so powerful that Qingyuan and others changed their expressions slightly. r1152

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