A Queen

Chapter 1,496 Let them make trouble~

Chapter 1496

It was a huge change. Even the most ordinary old grandfather and grandmother suddenly became lighter and younger.

This was the transformation of living beings, and also the transformation of Nanlin.

Dadai Li used her eyebrows and fingertips to offer a large number of complicated and ancient Great Wilderness characters, which coiled around the Red Cliff

and pulled it.

After the characters, blood flowed from Dai Li's eyebrows. That blood was blood essence. A stream of blood essence flowed from her eyebrows and poured into the Red Cliff

So much blood essence made Ye Ziqing and Qianshan Muxue feel painful and worried. Blood essence is the foundation of their cultivators. What on earth was Dai Li going to do with so much blood essence?

When her forehead and the Red Cliff became a blood stream, the veins on the Red Cliff were finely divided by the blood flow, and then quickly penetrated. Gradually, Ye Ziqing and others saw a face.

A huge face.

A rough and heroic face that looked down on the world.



A giant's head appeared on the surface of the Red Cliff.

At this moment, many big men in the distant four directions of the world were awakened and shocked, including the gods, who were all shocked!

At that time, they were still investigating the inexplicable destruction of Tian Duyu, but before they found out, they sensed the breath of the ancestor of the Great Wilderness.

So they all went to Sparta.

In the magnificent hall, a group of powerful men with bright clothes and awe-inspiring momentum were very anxious, and they spoke to the man sitting above the main hall in a hurry.

The first impression of the man was that of a middle-aged man.

But in fact, his face was very young, with handsome and evil features, long eyeliner, and a head of dark golden short hair that was like golden silk.

The fair and delicate skin and the snow-white robe without any decoration made him look like a god king, and the amber pupils were like a gem. But his eyes were too indifferent and his temperament was too thick and deep. He was not at all like the vigor that the younger generation should have. Instead, he was gloomy, unfathomable, and frightening.

"God Lord,

This is the breath of the Great Wilderness Ancestor!"

"Didn't the Great Wilderness Ancestor fall long ago? How could it be..."

"It comes from the south. Could something have happened in the south?"

These people spoke enthusiastically, but the God Lord was very careless, dragging his chin with one hand. Squinting his eyes, as if he was taking a nap, but the people below did not dare to remind him

The God Lord's ruthlessness is best known to the people of their God Clan.

After a while. The God Lord said lightly: "Southern Xinjiang is still hanging on~"


Although someone mentioned the south before, they didn't think too much about it. Because Southern Xinjiang has fallen too thoroughly, and how could the breath of the Great Wilderness Ancestor appear in Southern Xinjiang.

Unless it is

"Could it be related to Jun Zili who controls Chibi?"

"It should be her"

"God Lord"

Their original intention was to send someone to kill Dai Li, to kill him completely, after all, the night is long and dreams are many.

However, one of the cold and powerful men said indifferently: "Didn't you send people to attack just four months ago? In the end, it was all in vain." "Jun Zili is very powerful. If you count the three clones, he can be regarded as the top ten among the immortals. For such a person, Dou Lanqiu Yiliu alone is not enough. I am sure that the Lord will send an immortal master to kill him completely." The Lord turned his head, glanced at this person, and said indifferently: "There is no need for that." What? "She will come to the door by herself. Besides, the luck of Nanjiang has not been destroyed and it is rising rapidly. If you want to completely destroy it, you have to uproot it when it is at its peak." "It's just a small fight at this moment. There is no point." "Leave it alone, let them make trouble." Let them make trouble! What a domineering and contemptuous! Everyone was stunned when they heard it, and then they all laughed. Yes, Nanjiang was beaten like a dog by them at its peak. Even if it is derived again now, there will be no second result. "For now, let's destroy the Blood Prison."

"We have trapped those bastards in the Blood Prison, haha!"

"Even Jiuxiao can't participate, let alone find Junzili, hehe."

Everyone was talking and laughing, but the Lord of God had already left.

Maybe they were also a joke in the eyes of this man.

How many people in the world can be taken seriously by him?

The God's Domain is the largest, most magnificent and brightest place in the world. It is located in the most prosperous place of the four directions, which is the core lifeline of the four directions, but its main city is in the sky.

——Sky City

At this moment, the Lord of Gods walked out of the main hall of the Sky City, and his figure flashed, appearing on the side tower of Langya Pavilion a hundred miles away. He stood there and looked forward, and could see some scenes in the small courtyard of Langya Pavilion. The window was open, and a young woman was sitting in the study, with her back straight, holding a brush and painting. Opposite her stood a woman with long ash-colored hair, holding a scroll, seemingly sleeping soundly, and seemed to be supervising. The breeze gently lifted their hair. The side was beautiful, and the years were quiet. As he watched, he smiled. As he smiled, he fell silent again and turned to leave. After he left, the Soul Master in the study opened his eyes, his eyes were cold, and he just turned his head to look south, a little worried. "Is the mother worried about her?" The woman who was writing asked softly. The Soul Master stroked his eyebrows and said slowly: "She doesn't ask for much, but she pays a lot. Such people are destined to be very lonely." She made such a big noise with Chibi, how much would she pay to restrain herself from doing that? "When is mother going to tell her the whole story?"

"I'm afraid I can't say it anymore, at least not now."

The woman was silent for a while, then she said: "Mother, I want to go to the Netherworld."

The soul master was startled, then frowned: "If you go, he will probably suspect you, and you will be in danger."

But she paused and thought thoughtfully: "But you really should go there, maybe you can find a reason." (Are you thinking of something?)


In the Southern Forest of Great Xia, the giant face of the ancestor of the Great Wilderness on the red cliff hangs in the sky, and thousands of people kneel down to worship it.

Dai Li raised his hand, and his body seemed to have merged with Chibi. When the palm was raised, Chibi boomed.

Press again.

"Nanjiang, come back!"

Press this hand, buzz~~~

The color of the sky and the earth changes, the earth shakes, and the mountains and rivers are ups and downs!

That was the vision of all great changes.

Ye Ziqing and the others only felt that the spiritual energy in the air was rising at a terrifying speed, and the plants were growing and mutating at an abnormal speed. That sky. The land, the mountains and rivers are all sprouting with vitality, no. It should be said that it is an atavism!

In the distance, Lou Lanting looked at all this and was dumbfounded: "Is this, Creation? She wants to re-create a southern border?"

Southern Xinjiang has been destroyed long ago. Where can we return to the original state? Even a BT character like the Soul Master who can control time and space cannot make Southern Xinjiang return. It is even more impossible to change history in a big way, so southern Xinjiang is not a return at this moment. But build it again!

"There is the spirit of the wilderness in Red Cliff, and she is using part of the ancient wilderness to create a new southern border." Shang Chaoge looked at the huge Great Xia, which was turning the world upside down. Spiritual mountains and beautiful mountains appeared for no reason, and the air was like the inside of the four directions. Fresh and rich

The scope of transformation is expanding. With Daxia as the core, it quickly spread throughout the Southern Forest.

That change shocked thousands of groups, and they all looked in the direction of Nanlin.

They were aware of it now.

Southern Xinjiang is coming back!

"Who is it?"

"What a big deal. Horrible!"

"Is it the Gods? Impossible!"

The one who creates and destroys the world is the true overlord, no doubt. Although generation and separation is not considered creation, it has also achieved domain creation!

Create a new group domain!

Although small, the interior quality is high.

Because it was built on the model of Southern Xinjiang, maybe not many people have seen Southern Xinjiang. It is too far away, but Daili has seen it. There are images of Southern Xinjiang in Red Cliff.

It is an ancient and mysterious place, with vibrant nature, beautiful and powerful creatures, and brilliant and mysterious culture.

That used to be the core of this world, and now, Daili wants it to return!

Only in this way can these people have a real base camp!


Dai Li folded his hands and pulled up


Mountains, rivers and tsunamis have caused the earth to rise. When the spiritual energy has exceeded the average level of the four directions, when all the creatures have reached the Nascent Soul stage one by one, when

Daili's body glowed, and Chibi also glowed, finally releasing the last light.


That light covered Daxia, Nanlin, and all areas in the south. It expanded rapidly like nuclear fusion. It penetrated the barrier and reached Fenchuan. It then passed through the barrier and reached Sifang Tiandi, Siam, Demon Realm, Penglai, etc., all felt like it. To that terrible breath.

Penglai, Mikami looked south.

“What a big deal”

"I still underestimated her. The descendant of Dahuang Chibi really deserves her reputation."

"It's just that she is still young after all. With so much effort, isn't she afraid of damaging her foundation?"

The three of them were discussing, and the Immortal Lord in the cabinet shook his head and smiled bitterly. That person had not only damaged his foundation once, but the other party was very lucky and had such a character that he did not suffer any disadvantages. How could he treat himself in vain?

I'm afraid that this time I have to pay for something else.

On the other side, in a small city in a certain territory, Liu Hongxiu looked at the south and said in surprise: "She really plans to create another southern territory to fight against the gods. She is too impatient."

"Urgent? The so-called military aircraft always depends on timing, not time."

Liu Hongxiu smiled, "The empress is talking about what we should do next? After all, Southern Xinjiang has returned, should we?"

"The protoss has an extraordinary heritage. If we start now, we will be asking for death." The man played with the flying catkins and said casually: "As for what to do next, you can do it according to the original plan. As for me."

"Wait for her to come to me"

She put her hands behind her back and walked slowly into the bustling crowd.

Liu Hongxiu was thoughtful, then turned around and said a few words to Yuan Qi and others who were following behind, and the group left quickly.

All parties are moving, and the game of chess in the world is about to come to an end.

Jian Chi.

At the top of the sword-shaped tower, the sword master looked to the south and sighed: "The place where Zhong Ling used to be the most beautiful is now coming back. But being able to raise a swordsman like Qianshan Muxue should be a blessing." (Unfinished) to be continued)

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