A Queen

Chapter 1,507 The Stone and Jade that Connects to the Underworld

Chapter 1507

"Miss Yuan" Lanshan Dead Leaf called softly, Daili turned around and looked. There was a small pool next to Lanshan Dead Leaf. There was a stone plate floating on the pool, and a medium-sized jade stone was embedded in the middle of the stone plate. , 70% to 80% transparent, indigo blue, very beautiful when reflected in the water.

Dai Li stepped to the edge and asked, "This is it?"

Lanshan Kuye glanced at him and waved his arm lightly. All those people retreated, and Lanshan Jiye disappeared, leaving only their father, daughter and Dai Li alone.

"I checked the information about your mother many years ago."

Dai Li thought for a moment, "God clan?"

"Yeah" Lanshan Kuye nodded, "That's when I started to pay attention to you."

As soon as I finished speaking, I heard someone's pronunciation, and I suddenly realized what I was saying~~~.

Will this person die if he doesn't tease anyone for a day?

Lanshan Guye's expression turned green and red, and then he said angrily: "Do you still want to listen?"

"Ah~ you say~"

"I know Ye Ranqiu and have checked some of her origins, but I didn't know you at that time. It wasn't until you became famous in Penglai that I recognized you."

"Oh, I understand, you don't need to explain. I know you don't have any special thoughts about me, although your father said you like me very much~~"


Lanshan Kuye pursed her lips. After all, she was a very high-ranking person, so she quietly said: "People who are too nervous inside often use exaggerated and childish superficial words and actions to cover themselves up."


This girl is indeed of a very high rank. Dai Li's expression paused, and there was a moment of unnaturalness between her brows and eyes, and then her brows and eyes crooked again.

"I pretend to be calm, but some people are really nervous."

One game to win another game.

Lanshan Kuye glanced at her. No longer entangled in this topic, he just said: "The information here does include many areas in the Nether Realm, and it also includes information about the entry and exit of seven to ten dead souls, but Ye Ranqiu is not included in it."

Replacement itself is stressful;

At this moment, when he heard the words, he didn't care about covering up, and frowned: "I know, since the Gods have been looking for you and haven't found her, then they must have gained nothing. Either you are tenacious or you know nothing."

"Yes, I really can't find it, but it's not impossible," Lanshan Kuye said, pointing to the stone platform. Said: "This is the Underworld Stone Jade. You can use it to find out many secrets in the world. It is also the highest source of intelligence for our Lanshan clan."

Eh? Daili had noticed this piece of jade before, but

"it can?"

Lanshan Kuye was noncommittal: "Obviously I don't have a second method, and you have this question. The person from the God Clan also asked it."

Daili's breath froze for a moment: "Who is the person from the God Clan who contacted you?"

"Greed Wolf, the first divine general of the God Clan is also one of the top geniuses. Second only to the Prince of Tiandu."

After a pause, Arashiyama Kuye seemed to feel the need to add: "A very scary person."

"How can you see it? Did he come from you?"

"No." Lan Shan withered leaves shook his head, "I told her that the Underworld Stone and Jade is not omnipotent. It is necessary to search for Ye Ranqiu's soul breath through a close spiritual medium. Ye Ranqiu is eternally boundless and belongs to a special method of exile. , and even more so, you can’t trace what he said.”


"Can anyone find out if my relatives or people with close contacts are dyed with leaves?"

Dai Li was actually thinking about this question in his heart: "How do you answer?"


Dai Li's pupils shrank: "If this was the case, the gods should have looked for me or my cousin a few years ago."

"So this is the strangest thing. Nowadays, most people can guess a little about your origin. Your biological mother." Lanshan Kuye is too smart and knows too much. She can guess far more truths than others. , what she didn’t know she said at the moment was correct.

——Dai Li is not Ye Ranqiu’s child.

Since there is no blood relationship, the effect of the Tongming Stone and Jade is very small.

"And my cousin," Dai Li reminded lightly.

"Yeah, I was thinking that this greedy wolf god general with unparalleled killing would not mind arresting Ye Xuanji, the last generation of the Ye family, to search for Ye Ranqiu's traces. But as you saw, there was no trace."

Dai Li stroked his chin, looked at the stone and jade that connected to the underworld, and said thoughtfully: "Maybe someone doesn't allow it."

Did that woman intervene?

Hate to the extreme, either towards the vampires or the gods, but not towards Ye Ranqiu, right?

If Ye Ranqiu couldn't help but intervene after Ye Ranqiu was exiled, she might be able to get the Gods to let Ye Qing go.

After all, Ye Ziqing's threat back then was almost non-existent, and Ye Ranqiu was indeed exiled. Even the souls of the dead known as the Nether Realm were basically cut off from the path of immortality.

Ghost fairy?

How could Dai Li not know that ghosts and immortals are existences that are insoluble in heaven and earth, and the more they cultivate, the more they will reach their end, and in the end they will only lead to destruction.

"You should know this better than me." Lanshan Kuye didn't ask too much, because she knew that the secrets involved in this person were too deep and terrifying, enough to drag her into the abyss and not be able to climb out, or even drag the entire family with her.

Dai Li calmed down his thoughts and looked at her, "So now it seems that this stone jade is useless to me?"

"That's not necessarily true. The Tongming Stone Jade is most sensitive to the blood source, but the soul aura is also very effective. Do you have an object that can attach her soul aura? After all, you are the closest person to her."

Dai Li frowned. Back then, the Ye family was destroyed. Ye Ranqiu and she had never been as coy and pretentious as ordinary mothers and daughters. There was no way they would keep anything from each other, let alone what they had. After so many years, they would have already dissipated, unless they could absorb souls. The living spirit body of breath such as

Lanshan Dead Leaf didn't bother Dai Li to think about it, and just arranged some scrolls by herself. When she was looking at the 101st top secret information, she was suddenly pulled by her sleeve.



"I have it!"

"Hmm, how many months?"

"A dozen years ago!"

Even better than Nezha~


Dai Li turned over his hand, and there was a pot of orchid in his palm.


"This is my mother's favorite orchid. When the Ye family was destroyed, there were only a few pots left. I kept them, but I have never been good at growing flowers. I gave them to others to help raise them. I met him not long ago, and he gave them back to me. a basin"

Lanshan Kuye felt that Daili was really lucky, and the happy look on his face made her unable to bear to say such depressing words that even though the probability was very low, she just smiled and said: "This is the best. , you can put the orchid on it and let’s give it a try.”


Dai Li carefully placed the pot of orchids on the stone jade and rubbed his hands. He calmed down his tone. Say: "Trouble"

Be polite and careful.

Lanshan Kuye suddenly remembered that the intelligence mentioned that this person had a very good relationship with Ye Ranqiu's mother and daughter. Which mother and daughter would have a bad relationship?

like one's own mother

Suppressing the inexplicable and astringent thoughts in his heart, Arashiyama Kuye, who has always been aloof and indifferent, now also hopes that someone can get what he wants.

What's more, the dead leaves of Arashiyama laid down complex talismans as activation talismans. Then the light on the jade gradually became brighter, and there seemed to be a wheel spinning in the jade. During the rotation, the lines and formations inside became clear quickly, and then they followed. The pot of orchids seemed to be wrapped in the light below, gradually melting into the stone jade. The orchid's pale color is exaggerated in the jade, like ice water wandering, and then


Dai Li couldn't help but get closer to Shi Yu and looked down. I wish I could stick my eyeballs on it

The fog is getting thicker and thicker

"Something's not good, maybe it's not working yet, it's helpless" Lanshan Kuye said softly. Suddenly the sound stopped.

The fog cleared.

It's hazy, but at least 70-80% transparent. You can vaguely see the vast green forest, the towering black mountains that cover the sky, the mysterious Tianchi, the densely populated buildings, the beautiful empty courtyard, the orchids on the shelves, and the wind chimes hanging on the door. , when the wind comes, the wind chimes jingle, the door seems to be opened, and a person

Dai Li breathed nervously and widened his eyes, just when that person was about to appear.

The fog suddenly covered me!

A lot of gray.


Dai Li couldn't help but swore. He raised his head a little fiercely and met the face of Lan Shan's dead leaf.

"Sorry for bumping into you?"

"Of course." Arashiyama Kuye touched his nose lightly with the back of his hand, "But I'm sorry that your excitement is excusable. Did you see it?"

"It's still a little short, but I'm pretty sure that the one just now was my mother!"

“It seems hard to see people”



If your intuition works so well, why don't you rely on your intuition to find your mother?

Lanshan Kuye smiled, "But I didn't see clearly what kind of residence it was just now."

"I can see the general geographical area clearly. It doesn't seem like you are in Fengdu."

"It is true that Fengdufeng is not the core of the Netherworld, but it refers to the core of the throat. As for the lifeline and the most important secret place, it should be the Nether Pool."

"Underworld Pond? Isn't that where the underworld is? It's also the place of reincarnation."

"Yes, the Nether Pool is a very dangerous place. What I mean is that it is very dangerous for us people inside the Nether Realm. As for outsiders like you, it is even more dangerous."


"The place where the underworld is, where living people are forbidden to enter, where the souls of the dead are hooked, where the pool of hell is, where reincarnation is, where heaven and earth are locked up. Do you think it is dangerous or not? That place only welcomes dead people who deserve to be reincarnated, and living people who deserve to die."

"It sounds very dangerous." Dai Li smiled: "But I still want to go."

"Of course you want to go, otherwise I would be sorry for your efforts." With a faint smile, he brushed the dead leaves of Arashiyama with his hand, and the light of the stone and jade faded away, and the original orchid

"The orchids are gone?"

"Well, this is the price of accessing the underworld," Lanshan Kuye said slowly. He did not explain that accessing the underworld once would cost her a lot of effort and soul, and she would not be able to make up for it in decades.

On the surface, her aura and demeanor were not revealed at all, and Dai Li, who was in excitement, would naturally not notice it.

However, if someone saves her future, it doesn't seem to matter if it takes decades. At least Arashiyama Kuye thinks it is a small matter. (To be continued)

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