A Queen

Chapter 1525: A fleeting moment

c_t; Dai Li heard the roars of a large number of sharks and other vicious beasts from the underworld coming from outside the cabin. [Fast updates, clean website pages, few ads, I like this kind of website the most, I must praise it]

King level, king level, lots of king level!

At a time of internal and external troubles, Shili Zheng wants to explode!

Hua la la, suddenly surrounded by endless sand!

Suffocate, squeeze!

People like Tanlang, Brahma, and even Daili were all wrapped up in that terrible sand.

Sand is the most terrifying bondage!

The sand took the initiative to push Dai Li to the door, and next to it was the fifth light sand.

"I have pushed them outside and will try to get in first later."


Dai Li and Wu Qingsha pressed the Pluto Crystal on the groove together, and then looked at the other person.

Desolate and endless.

Fifth Qingsha deliberately squeezed Bai Feng, Huang Wuji and her here, so that the four of them could work together to open the main cabin and take the lead. All three of them had already taken out the Pluto Crystal, so Naturally, it’s Huang Wuji’s turn

Come on, brother!

"I didn't." Huang Wuji looked indifferent. This person was very strong. Even if he couldn't force himself to become an immortal, he was definitely the strongest being below the immortal. However, his poker face made Dai Li uncomfortable.

What the hell?

Not in you?

On whom?

Just when Dai Li was thinking, a black shadow suddenly broke through the sand. The shadow was very small, about the size of a palm, snap!

It was thrown directly on the fourth groove and embedded perfectly.

The four Pluto crystals are back in place!


The door opened instantly.

No buffering at all

Fifth Qingsha’s eyes flashed,

The squeezing pressure of the countless sands suddenly increased.

Tan Lang and others who had already rushed over from the periphery immediately suffocated their actions. It was this suffocation that gave Dai Li and others time.

Rush in!

Don't even think about it! Xingchen Greedy Wolf roared, and a huge force suddenly blasted towards the front where Daili and the others were!

Greedy Wolf is very strong, maybe the only one here who can compete with him is Bai Feng, at least it seems like this now, this guy's attack in anger is really powerful, but

Couldn't break through the terrifying sand!

It's just that the power invades from the outside and twists the sands. This distortion makes the control of the fifth light sand somewhat deviate.


Being squeezed chaotically by the sand. Daili couldn't maintain his balance and was suddenly pushed

He crashed directly into the poker-faced Huang Wuji

Face to face, almost mouth to mouth

Aiya, I go!

Daili's first reaction was to cover his mouth at that 0.01 second.

And at that 0.01 centimeter distance. Daili is just a little bit in front of Bai Feng, just a little bit closer

As if his waist was being pulled down, Daili stepped aside, breathed a sigh of relief, and put down his hand. [ ]

Then he kissed on a piece of cloth.

Black cloth, cold eyes. Staring at her with an expressionless face

When did this female killer rush here?



At the critical moment, they were both covered by sand, unable to see each other, and their bodies tilted inwards.

It was also the same moment.

The water flows under the palm of the white phoenix and merges into the sand

Sand mixed with water, mud?

"Gate of Eternity" The fifth light sand is superimposed on the palm, light rises, and all the wild sands continue to merge and solidify.

Build a sand door!

This is not enough!

With the tip of Huang Wuji's fingertip, the great desolate technique arises!

"Desolate solid!"

Sediment into the door reads;. Desolate solid!

There was also Dai Li, who brazenly used the Six Paths of Samsara Eye at that moment and set up a nine-level Soul Eye Technique barrier.

The Samana of Eternal Reincarnation!

It will take some time for Greedy Wolf to rush in, and this time


Dai Li had been thrown to the ground by the sand, and soon felt a pain in his chest.

Someone was on top of her.

The fifth light sand!

They both stared at the same time.

Dai Li: Did you do it on purpose? If you want to take advantage of me, just tell me~

Fifth Qingsha: Haha.

Suddenly there was a fierce battle ahead.

brush! The two jumped up immediately!

At that time, Bai Feng and Huang Wuji started fighting!

Not fighting each other, but fighting Minggen!

Countless dark roots! It seems that this is the lair of a dark root, and it seems that all the dark roots under this dark pond are gathered here.

The black hair is so thick that it looks like a mess of hair at first glance

Each one is very powerful, as if each one is a fairy!

Colors vary. But the silver, black, and purple ones are especially powerful.

The black one has immortal level strength!


The whip is like lightning!

Of course, Daili avoids it quickly,

Bang bang bang, everyone was fighting hundreds of times without taking a few breaths.

"Why is this thing so powerful? Reads;. It looks like it has become a spirit." Dai Li originally thought that he could snatch the treasures after entering the main cabin, but he did not expect that Ming Gen would be entangled. If this time goes on, Greedy Wolf and others outside I'm afraid I'll be able to break in soon.

"There is probably a treasure inside that is specially designed to cultivate the underworld root, Mr. Bai Feng, what do you think?" Wu Qingsha turned to Bai Feng.

Bai Feng was fighting these ghost roots without covering up. He just said lightly: "There should be ancient soul crystals inside, which can nourish the spirituality of the underworld."

The ancient soul crystal is not the soul crystal of the ancestors of the great wilderness, but the soul crystal left by the fallen strong men in the great wilderness era. Just like the soul crystal of the devil scorpion clan swallowed by the devil scorpion, its value is inestimable, and the brewing With so many dark roots, you can imagine how powerful or quantity the Great Desolate Soul Crystals inside are!

"No wonder the gods stretched out their claws as if they saw shit." Dai Li suddenly realized. The God Clan was obviously prepared for this move, and as she and Lanshan Kuye analyzed - their main purpose was not her.

The people in Fifth Qingsha were silent.

Can I not use such a metaphor? It inexplicably darkens my feelings.

"No matter what comes next, we have to deal with these dark roots before we talk about it."

As soon as Dai Li finished speaking,

"Kill me? You strange creature, don't think that because your skin is so thick, I can't do anything to you~"

This milky and milky sound

Strange and inexplicable creature me?

Thick skin, me?

Daili: "Who scolded me?"

Fifth Qingsha and others: It’s not us

Then it is

The Ming roots were organized into a face, and the expression was absolutely ridiculous.

"You stupid creatures, you dare to break into the Bone Boat. If I kill you here, I will defile this place!"

Let me read it!

This handsome and overbearing bastard is so angry!

Even people with noble hearts like Wu Qingsha and Bai Feng also have a rebellious spirit.

But a boat of bones? Why have I never heard of this term?

The same goes for generational separation.

Such an ancient boat must belong to some super figure from the Great Desolate Era. There is no record in history?

Is it another broken link?

But Dai Li noticed the change in Huang Wuji's expression at that moment.

Horrified, disbelieving?

Do it!

sand. white light


When it blasted into the underworld root group, Huang Wuji turned into an aurora and shot into the gap like a sword.

There are three levels of wild magic set outside his body!

"I didn't expect this poker face to be so cunning!"

Fifth Qingsha and Bai Feng were also surprised. The Wuji Domain of the Triple Desolation Technique was indeed the strongest inheritance left by the Great Desolation. but

Someone also turned into an aurora, and that aurora was faster than Huang Wuji!

The fourth ultimate thunder of the Six Paths - Baiju!

Time flies!

Unparalleled speed!

He caught up with the opponent in an instant, and with a flash of silver light, he suddenly pierced the desolate aurora.

Knock the opponent directly into the group of underworld roots, and then flick his tail. He slipped into the gap and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Fast and accurate!

Three or four times faster than before!

Haha, who is more cunning? Pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger


Bai Feng: "Sure enough, I have hidden my strength."

The fifth light sand: The world is declining, people's hearts are not as good as before, and people are their own

However, the two of them also relaxed while complaining.

In fact, who doesn’t have a hidden card?

Daili, you may not have too many advantages

Dai Li also knew that she could only hold a slight advantage with this hand, so when she burst out with strength and penetrated the underworld root group, she spun around, and the third avatar reincarnated and separated from the main body, and brazenly set up a soul pupil barrier. barrier. Then release six reincarnation tunnels.

Shocked by the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the large number of dark roots that emerged shrank back after being involved in some, and did not dare to rush towards Daili rashly.

But here, Dai Li saw the treasure in front of him as soon as he raised his eyes.

What treasure is it?

The cabin is not too big or too small. The walls are extremely clean and gray-white, as if they are separated from the dense underworld by a world.

Bright and atmospheric.

Well, if the floor is not tidy, it cannot be tidy!

There is a painted wall in the middle with eight holes hollowed out. Eight diamonds, each with a box embedded in it, plus the middle one, there are nine boxes!

rare. not much.

But each one contains terrifying pressure.

The whole room is like a sea of ​​souls.

The emitted soul energy forms a liquid state. How terrifying is this soul power?

Dai Li's body shook suddenly.

Damn it, Soul Shock reads;!

Dai Li gritted his teeth and forced blood from the tip of his tongue. It was too late to collect all the treasures in one second when his soul was in chaos, not to mention the auras of these treasures were terrifying.


The underworld root group behind was broken!


Dai Li's hands and feet are quick. He reached out and grabbed the box in the middle. The Four Directions Imperial Seal is the most noble thing, and that's it!

Ah, there is a forbidden magic seal on this.

Smash it and dig out the treasure box!


Of course, with both hands shooting, the middle one was plucked out with the tip of the Qian Ji Sword, and the other hand also grabbed another box. (Why do you think the gesture of snatching treasures on behalf of a girl is so country-like~)

There are two boxes, and Dang Li grabs the third box


Bai Feng and Fifth Qingsha rushed out of the Minggen group at the same time. Of course, their bodies also swayed.

Soul shock!

You've been hit!

Moreover, the souls of these two people were dizzy longer than Daili.

Dai Li was in chaos for just one second, but they were in chaos for three seconds!

Three seconds?

Dai Li has already dug out the third box!


Fifth Qingsha and Bai Feng have already rushed over.

Making a decisive decision, Dai Li gave up trying to snatch the treasure and instead turned to the side, "Three of us each. How about we join forces to deal with Greedy Wolf and those people and rush out?" (To be continued.)

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