A Queen

Chapter 1527 Control

c_t;Not dead yet? who? The fifth light sand

But the fifth light sand controls the desert sand? What is she herself?

boom! The wild sand swallowed up the greedy wolf, but a strange, large red ray escaped from the dead shark's sphere.

The degree of exaggeration is no less than that of my aunt going upstream into a river.

What the hell?

Fighting, fighting breaks out from within!

Bi Xuan narrowed his eyes, and the gleam of the Desolate Yin in his palm became intense, but the fighting continued, and the terrifying swallowing sphere disintegrated. [There are almost all the books I want to read. It is more stable and updates faster than ordinary websites. It is full text and has no ads. ]

A person disintegrates and floats there.

There is also a light in the palm of my hand.

The lead of desolation.

At that moment, Yang Yun's eyelids twitched, and Huang Wuji's face became serious.

Dai Li, she actually knows how to complete Huang Zhiyin!

And it seems to be very powerful in control!


Bihyun moved!

Dai Li also moved!

Also moving at the same time were the shark crowd and the undead crowd!

Underwater groups are different from land groups, such as underwater fish schools. They know how to join forces to form a force, and now, Bixuan's force is undead! Cold and cruel!

The trend of generation and separation is the shark.

Bloody and cruel!

The momentum on both sides is surging!

Boom, boom!


The undead crowd and the shark crowd collided, causing hot and strong blood to flow out. The blood covered everyone.

At the same time, boom!

A star-greedy wolf tore the sand apart,

Roaring towards the fifth light sand, Bai Feng appeared in front of him, and his fingers joined together. What did he rely on?

White Phoenix, the most noble bloodline among phoenixes, the ultimate in wind and ice!

This finger is the freezing of ice and the rapidity of wind!

Edge and tear!

Greedy Wolf also stretched out his hand and grabbed it boldly!

Wolf attack and destruction!

Claw to claw!

The sand was tearing around them!

Open your mouth and attack with sound!

Many attacks. As a result, the water body was distorted, and traces of many concealments were leaked. For example, the number one killer, she faced Huang Wuji as soon as she appeared.

Bang bang bang!

attack. Attack, attack!

Dai Li flies upward!

Is she going to run?

This style is nothing like usual!

No, as expected, this person got the treasure that she had to protect!

Bixuan and Tanlang suddenly had some guesses in their minds.


Greedy Wolf feinted and chased after him!

The same goes for Bihyun.

Swish, brush, brush!

Beams of auroras rise from the ground of Hades Pond.

As if to cut through the water

Hundred-mile range breakthrough reads;. [Fast updates, clean website pages, few ads, I like this kind of website the most, must praise it] Daili just jumped out of the horizontal plane, and suddenly became aware of the presence of a person.

Fenghan Blade!

The water is frozen!

Quack quack!

Hundreds of miles of ice? The entire Hades Pond is frozen!

Oh, what a patient Ice Emperor, blocking this opening and suddenly freezing, the effect

And in the place where the water surface position is lifted upward and lifted again.

There was also fighting up there.

For example, people like You Ziyu, Ye Xiangrong, Guan Yujin, and Chi can't break through the hundreds of miles below, but it doesn't prevent them from intercepting and assassinating each other because of some conflicts of position or interest.

Kill the other person. It's just helping your own people.

Killing one of the opponents means one less competitor.

However, it can be seen that they are not alone, most of them have their own team, that is, those people with lurking power that Daili and Lanshan Kuye analyzed previously.

During the fight, they all suddenly felt the surging breath below.

Blood energy, murderous ice energy!

"No, it's the undead!"

"And ice magic!"


"That person in front is"

Panic, death crisis.

Ye Xiangrong didn't even look back and rushed straight up!

Originally, their role was to intercept the opponent's forces midway, and their main combat power and leaders had already reached the bottom. It's just not worth the effort. (Hmm, did you think of something from Ye Xiangrong?)

They rushed upward, and because they were close to the water, they rushed out quickly.

On the land of Mingchi. Xiangxi Palace was sitting and eating melon seeds. There was a luminous cup of grape wine on the table next to him. While he was eating melon seeds, he asked his assistant: "When do you think they will come up?"

"Maybe it will take a while." The secrets under the Underworld Pond are too deep. The person with the shark tooth has been protecting it for so many years. If the master hadn't been too ruthless and pulled so many people over. It is not our turn to be in this situation today.

No matter what, you have to kill a lot before coming back.

"No, I guess they are coming up soon." Xiangxi Gong poured the melon seeds in his hand on the table.

"Why is the shopkeeper so sure?"

"Women's Intuition"

The assistant had a strange expression.

This answer is actually quite perfunctory.

But what surprised the assistant was


There were literally hundreds of people scrambling to jump out of the water, looking as embarrassed as if they were running for their lives. Even people like Guan Yujin were no different.

So the following happened


The water flow suddenly surged into huge waves, followed by two terrifying giant beasts with dark shadows, rushing out from the water, dripping with water and ferocious black shadows.

Ye Xiangrong, who had just landed, couldn't care less about the voluptuous curves on her body that were soaked through her body. In fact, others didn't care to look at her. Instead, they all looked behind her in shock.

She turned her head.

Saw two giant beasts.


In fact, it was a huge beast formed by the overlapping of countless dead souls and countless mermaids. It flew out of the underworld pool and leaped hundreds of meters into the air to form two giant beasts. On top of the giant beasts, there was a person standing on each side.

Bihyun in white is enchanting but cool.

Ordinary women, ordinary and ordinary.

Ordinary? Can an ordinary person control a crowd of sharks?

Are you still fighting with that man?


"It's Bihyun!"

Except for insiders like Hui Xuguang, how could Xiangxi Palace and the others think it was Bixuan.

A greedy wolf, and a Bi-hyun.

The Gods are trying to completely capture the Netherworld Pond. If you don’t know, you might think they are going to attack the Netherworld Realm!

Shark Wind's eyes flickered. Under the water of Mingchi, there were actually very restrictions on the magical beasts of the sky and land like Bai Feng and Jian. Maybe the benefits were all taken away by Bi Xuan and Greedy Wolf?

No, there's this woman


The ghostly screams of the dead and the screams of the sharks were intertwined.

Bixuan and Daili each waved their hands


The undead and the sharks both rushed toward each other.

Massacre again!

Blood splashed down

The greedy wolf is roaring in this bloody water!

In terms of strength, Dai Li is probably one of the top five among immortals, pretty much the same. To say that he is the first among immortals is a bit exaggerated. Because her own timing attack speed is not enough, if the pupil technique and the Six Paths of Reincarnation were not so terrible, her ranking would be further down. Greedy Wolf is the supreme immortal. Just when they were about to have a head-on confrontation, Dai Li was actually under a lot of pressure.

So she hid

The white horse passes through the gap.

He actually avoided reads;!

I hate this kind of pupil master who has abnormal body and abnormal speed. He is worse than a loach!

Dai Li perfectly dodged the sneak attack from Yang Yun behind him!

As the number one dog under Greedy Wolf, Yang Yun would not have risen to the top so quickly without a few tricks.

--His timing of sneak attacks is excellent.


The energy in Dai Li's body suddenly paused and then condensed.

He raised his hand. Push your elbow back.

Peng! ! !

His head was tilted, and his nose and mouth were bleeding, and his eyes were bleeding!

Everyone in the Yang family thought they were dreaming when they saw this scene.

Why was that handsome, ruthless and perverted Young Master Yang killed instantly with just one elbow?

It was an instant kill because Yang Yun's skull was cracked.

Being pushed into the six paths of reincarnation that can be opened at any time

After killing one person, murderous intent comes up.

With the treasure in hand, you will have confidence!

Once you are out of the water, the shackles on your soul are gone!

Hengpi - here comes her advantage!

Greedy Wolf is in front, Dai Li grabs Qian Ji with his right hand, takes a deep breath, buzz!

Dharma's blood sea, rise!

Qi and blood flow backwards. Energy countercurrent, demon evil, lightning, combination!


Fusion starts from the moment of integration!

Fusion of energy bodies!

Is she crazy? How to integrate energy bodies with different attributesreads;!

It’s like how to fall in love if your gender is different! (Forehead)

Greedy Wolf was startled, but this did not change his attack!

A claw shot at Dynasty Li's skull!


Seven million clouds of blood energy, seven million clouds of thunder energy, and seven million clouds of demonic power.

The energy balance she had carefully maintained merged at this moment!


The flesh and blood of the meridians are twisted and transformed at an extremely rapid rate! This requires absolute control of the soul!

A strong core support is needed.


The most important blood core and heart of the vampire family.

Tempering, tempering, tempering!

Fusion fusion fusion!

Finally buzz!

The tripled energy level is no longer a separate force. But integrated!

Three times the total!

The intensity after fusion depends on the effect!

Shoot left and right!

A thousand machines on the left, a sickle on the right.

Thousand Chances No. 31--Thousands of miles to the end!

The Thousand Machine Sword that spreads out like wings and cuts in a spiral, the cutting trajectory is turbulent and indiscriminate killing. It was a massacre of thousands of miles! A very technical and beautiful massacre.

Thousands of Machines No. 32--Thousands of Miles Floating and Revitalizing Blood!

The sickle cuts with one sword, but it is absolutely simple, natural, and domineering reads;!

Thousands of miles have passed with this sword.

It is also an opportunity for integration


The greedy wolf's claws split!

That’s a thousand opportunities a thousand miles away!

Cut off your head with a sickle!

That's a demon from thousands of miles away!


Shield cracked!

Greedy Wolf's neck was split in half, and blood burst out. However, the head could not be completely decapitated, because he grabbed the sickle with his hand, roared, and the Dharma Star Greedy Wolf expanded twice as much.

Peng! He pushed the knife away with both hands and shot back

During the retreat, the flesh and blood on his neck regenerated horribly, and quickly returned to its original state. However, when he touched it with his hand, there was still an obvious knife mark, and when he raised his eyes,

Many undead souls were slaughtered, and even the attacks of the sharks became more ferocious, seeming to faintly overwhelm the group of undead souls controlled by Bi Xuan.

Um, are you trying to replace Tanlang and Bixuan's rhythm?

These people in Xiangxi Palace are unbelievable

Lanshan Kuye and Yu Minglang were also surprised, especially the former. They compared the information they had obtained before.

Well, it seems that information means nothing to this person.

If the speed of progress is too fast, the significance of intelligence on strength will disappear.

But this seems to be a good thing for her if she chooses her position

This person's progress means that his luck is against the heavens. Does it also mean that

Where is the real goddess of victory on her side? (To be continued.)

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