A Queen

Chapter 1546: 10 times the sea of ​​blood!

In Mingchi, the sword energy was overwhelming, and Blood Phoenix, Bai Feng and others were horrified.

As a demon race with a longer history than the human race, they know very well what this sword means.

And in the distance, a thousand meters high in the sky outside the Heavenly Soul Realm, a man lowered his flying sword and watched from a distance.

"The origin of the sword, this is what the Great Sword is!"

By the way, who is Qianshan Muxue?

The last royal family of the 3 Thousand Sword Clan~~ inherited all the hopes of destroying the fallen clan. He has been hiding alone since he was a child. He is cautious and deliberate. After coming to Daxia, he became anonymous.

If Daili's counterattack is on the surface, and she continues to break through the shackles with strength and growth, then her growth is contrary to her.

She is suppressing, suppressing at all costs, but also building momentum, gathering momentum at all costs, until she has enough momentum, and then breaks the shackles.

What shackles?

The sword of prehistoric times.

She is that sword.

The sword that was born with the ancestor of the Great Wilderness from the beginning of the world.

"It is said that the Sword of the Great Desolate is the weapon used by the ancestor of the Great Desolate, and the bones of the 3,000 Bone Clan come from the ancestor of the Great Desolate, but the talent of swordsmanship is inherited from a wisp of the Sword Qi of the Great Desolate. But who would have thought that the Sword of the Prehistoric will be reincarnated in the 3,000 Bone Clan In the bloodline, the Sword of the Desolate is added to the Desolate Bone Clan. Haha~ It was a huge mistake for the God Clan not to kill them all back then." Wan Si raised his head and said to the Xiangxi Palace next to him.

Xiangxi Palace was shocked. Damn it, it turns out that Qianshan Muxue has such a big background!

No wonder I've always been able to do it with ease

Wan Temple added: "Actually, we are all making a fuss out of a molehill. She is the Sword of the Ancients, tearing apart a cycle of life and death. Heaven and earth cannot directly send down divine punishment to destroy her, so we can only let these ghosts attack her, which is just punishment in the end. Instead of destroying those who can destroy the Sword of the Great Desolation, there have always been only existences of the same level as her."

What kind of brain circuit did you use to say such a thing?

Xiangxi Palace: "Do you know who said it's a dead end?"

"Then I didn't expect that her origins are too high and hidden too deeply, haha~"

"I think the gods must be filled with regret now."


If it weren't for the collision of so many ghosts, she might not be able to awaken in the prehistoric era. The most annoying thing in the prehistoric period is these ghosts, they are too irritating~~"

The ambiguous uncle and nephew ignored the looks of others. Talk about it openly. Then the gods' intestines and faces became increasingly blue.

Qianshan Muxue has awakened, do you blame us?

Even the immortals have no appetite for food.

After the Great Sword was struck, the bones shattered into pieces. The falling ghosts howled and lost their leader. Their strength was not weakened, but they just lost their control. It was very chaotic, and my biggest instinct was to rush out!

The aura of prehistoric times makes them fearful!

Today there are about 2.8 billion ghosts alive and well. Out of control, they all rushed towards the Heavenly Soul Realm desperately, which made the Netherworld Army and others change their expressions.

It's over, I can't hold back my hatred anymore.

The consequences of not being able to control the mob's hatred value are still very serious, causing the troops on your side to be unable to achieve the desired effect. What's more, the existence of Tianhun Realm is almost over, and its effects are beginning to weaken.

Some of the evil spirits have already escaped

Fortunately, Gong Zangxue and others blocked the road and sniped!

Internally, the Fifth Peerless works very well with Ying Zheng's Human Emperor Qi. The fifth light sand swept the evil ghosts over with the wild sand, and then slaughtered them

But no matter how powerful you are, you can't defeat so many evil ghosts.

Gong Zangxue and their men have limited manpower. Qin Ji and others helped each other, but soon they couldn't hold it anymore.

Just then boom!

The blood sea suddenly expanded and opened up the entire Hades Pond, covering Qin Ji and the others. Looking up, Qin Ji and the others saw a huge spiral vortex appearing above the blood sea, with circles of complex runes on it, like It's special.



The ghosts that escaped from the Underworld Pond were still sucked up by the ghosts inside the Underworld Pond. The others were not injured at all. They just watched millions of ghosts wailing and being sucked into the sea of ​​blood. middle.


The sea of ​​blood opens again!

Directly expanded ten times!

Ten times the size of Hades Pond!

Above the sea of ​​blood, Dai Li is like an emperor who controls the life and death of the common people and the souls of the dead. His soul is powerful and the sea of ​​blood is boundless.

That aura is even on par with Qianshan Muxue's ancient sword energy.

Qianshan Muxue held the sword and looked at it from a distance. Suddenly, she turned her face and looked outside the Tianhun Realm.

The Heavenly Soul Realm disappeared at this moment. When it disappeared, she saw Huang and others outside, as well as the man with the sword floating in the air.

Looking at each other, Qianshan Muxue seemed to feel something, but she frowned slightly, this person

Wow, wow, wow~

One hundred million, two hundred million, three hundred million

In the blink of an eye, 500 million evil ghosts were sucked into the sea of ​​blood. However, the sea of ​​blood has a huge appetite. Even after being sucked into these evil ghosts, they still had no food and clothing. The whirlpool was turning faster and faster, and the soul aura on Dai Li's body was getting stronger and stronger. horrible.

No, what is more obvious is the blood.

Just like the ghost energy stimulates the ancient power of Qianshan Duxue, in fact, the same principle is true. The blood sea is a devourr, swallowing nearly 700 million evil ghosts before and after. The blood evil and ghost evil in them are not the same energy. !

In addition, she is now taking the path of fusion. Once these powers are fused,

The body's aura grew horribly, and the speed of growth made the space in Mingchi a little unstable.

"She is going to break through! Break through the vampire emperor! Stop her quickly!" Tiandu Ni, who knew the vampire clan very well, turned green with fear.

If this person is still at the prince level, he can fight against the immortal at the immortal level. If he is at the emperor level,

Tiandu Ne can almost see the terrifying scene of the birth of a new generation of Blood Lords in the Blood Prison!


Hui Xuguang wanted to complain. The corpse Tao was dead. The Immortal on their side was not chopped up by Qianshan Muxue with a sword. How could he stop it?

"Faceless Him"

"It is impossible and impossible for him to take action when they come," Bi-hyun said suddenly, two important points in one sentence!

After saying this


Large teleportation array!

The magnificent teleportation array was smaller than Long Zu's teleportation array, but the number of people sent there was twice as many!

And the breath is stronger and more terrifying!

Especially the first three

As soon as one of them waved his hand, the space was distorted

Ye Ziqing suddenly put away the Xuanji Heavenly Plate. Avoid this twisted space.

Look up at them

The Immortal Lord of the God Clan is here!

"It's the divine army of the gods!"

"It's true that we've broken our skin!"

"The nine hundred million divine army is led by three immortal masters. I really want to give them a middle finger!"

What a bully!

"F*ck! I didn't expect the Gods to be so generous. If we had known, we should have sent more people!" The monsters from the Monster Clan were very unhappy. Blood Phoenix and Bai Feng looked at each other. They were afraid that the Gods knew who they were. How many people did it take to send so many people?

Correspondingly, if they send a billion people. The other party will send three billion!

Use the strong to bully the weak. The Gods are very good at doing this kind of thing.

Especially when the situation in the Nether Realm is chaotic, the Gods are not as easy to fool as they were in Penglai.


The situation is worrying.

"Just get rid of these ghosts"

"Ghosts are only a superficial threat. The real threat is the disappearance of the order of reincarnation. The advantages of the gods have been highlighted, so they have nothing to fear. These 900 million divine troops are the beginning of their ambitions!"

Such remarks were quickly spread among many powerful people, and at this moment. Mo Shaoxuan looked at the three people at the front of the divine army and said: "Hui Yaoguang, Jiang Luoxian, Yanlong"

Mo Shaoxuan called them by their first names. In fact, Sifang Tiandi always addressed these four people by their honorific titles.

For example, Immortal Lord Yanlong and Immortal Lord Jiangluo. There is also Immortal Lord Yaoguang.

Oh, it’s worth mentioning that Hui Yaoguang comes from the Shenhui clan and is also Hui Xuguang’s uncle.

He is the commander of this divine army. He is also a general under the command of Prince Tiandu.

He is here now to determine the outcome of this battle.

So his eyes were directly fixed on Dai Li and Qianshan Muxue.

The generation is separated from the sea of ​​blood. Nearly 1.5 billion evil spirits have been trapped in the sea of ​​blood.

His face twitched, probably aroused by the big scene.

"Jiang Luo, you deal with Mo Shaoxuan, Yanlong, you deal with Qianshan Muxue," he ordered lightly. The two people behind them nodded in agreement, and in an instant they attacked and killed these two people!

The battle between the Immortals and Lords is destined to not require the intervention of others. Once they intervene, they will chop off their hands!

Fortunately for Qianshan Muxue, he had killed the Corpse Tao with a sword every minute. He was probably strong enough to withstand the Immortal Lord. No matter how bad he was, he was still the original body of the Sword of the Great Desolation. His survivability was worthy of trust.

As for Mo Shaoxuan, no one else was worried at all. It was probably because of the ambiguous political relationship between the Soul Clan and the God Clan.

The most dangerous thing is displacement!

--This unlucky kid is 100% listed as the first target to kill.

He was targeted by the famous Immortal Lord Hui Yaoguang.

There are about 780 million evil ghosts left that have not been absorbed. Although they are not many, they are mainly the strongest ghost kings and ghost emperors, so there is a lot of pressure on the demon clan and others, not to mention the existence of the divine army.

He casually lowered his eyes and met Hui Yaoguang's cold eyes.

If there is no murderous intention at all, that is the biggest murderous intention.

They looked at each other silently for three breaths, and there was another person next to Daili.

Hui Yaoguang's expression changed at that time!

It was Bi Xuanxun who reminded: "Lord Yaoguang, that is her third clone."

Not that one

Hui Yaoguang's expression was calm. In fact, he was really frightened just now.

If that person were here, he would really be crushed to death in minutes.

But it also proves that this person is really that person’s child. Look at the clones, they are all similar in appearance.

"Samsara, it seems you scared him" Dai Li smiled.

"Yeah" Samsara seems a little careless, and I don't know what I'm thinking about all day long.

"Do you want to come back?"

Lun San turned to look at her, Dai Li smiled.

After a while, the corner of Samsara's mouth curled up.


Then she merged into Daili's body.

Fusion with the clone fusion method!

The three major clones are one body together with the main body, and the four bodies are one body.

What changes will there be? (To be continued)

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