A Queen

Chapter 1,548 The Six Paths of Reincarnation: Punishing Evil



Hui Yaoguang, the most powerful general known as the Prince of Tiandu, was kicked to the Six Paths of Reincarnation just like that!

That scene frightened the people of the Protoss, including Jiang Luoxian and Yanlong. If things go wrong, you should help.

However the fact is

Tear~~ Yanlong's right arm was cut off directly by the Sword of the Great Desolation!

As for Jiang Luoxian, Mo Shaoxuan directly suppressed the soul seal of the weak water in the river before he could use it!

Three wins out of three?


The roar that suddenly rose from under the hell magma was pulled out from the ground along with the corpse whip that pierced the space, snap! He wrapped his arms around Hui Yaoguang's body and pulled him down hard.

The magma turned into a huge bloody mouth, swallowing Huiyao Guang from below.

Then everyone saw the existence crawling out from the deepest part of hell.

Like a big mouth of flesh and blood, and like an ugly flower, it thrives from the depths of hell, with terrifying roots and eyes, piercing the surface, directly binding the ghost kings and ghost kings.

"what is that?"


Emperor Ming took a deep breath: "It's Corpse Tao! He's not dead yet, he's a ghost-eating ghost resurrected from the corpse-ghost path!"

Only then did the people present realize that many of the corpses of ghosts or human monks on the ground were missing - they had been dragged underground!

It is true that the corpse Tao is definitely a demon that people hate, but there is no way otherwise. This man is indeed talented. His original way of corpse ghost is unique in the entire history of the world, and his cunning and ruthlessness are also... Everyone imagines.

Who would have thought that after being almost beheaded by Qianshan Muxue, he would use a piece of bone marrow to secretly devour the corpses of other evil ghosts and creatures underground.

Now, he also took the opportunity to swallow the extremely powerful Huiyao Guang!

That's a fairy master!

The people from the God Clan were shocked, the people from the Demon Clan were also shocked, and the other two Immortal Lords were even more shocked!

Dai Li looked down at the huge corpse mouth.

It's as if you can see Shi Tao's ferocious face and proud expression.

The evil ghosts screamed, but were devoured in large numbers. In the blink of an eye, the corpse Tao appeared from the core of the corpse's mouth.

The flesh and blood of the heart is more terrifying than before, dripping with blood, and the facial features have been completed by him. It has a nose and eyes, but it is not as comfortable as before.

He flexed his skinless fingers. He licked the blood off it. He laughed loudly: "The flesh and blood of the Immortal Lord of the Hui Zhi Shen Clan is really delicious. It's much better than those useless ghosts. I really should thank you for being here, but I think your flesh and blood must be more delicious than his."

"After eating you, I can directly reach the strongest point of the Immortal Lord. Maybe I can even compete with the Divine Lord~ This is really a good idea~"

Men and women shouted together, neither male nor female, Daili looked at him and said: "You are disgusting"

Corpse Tao narrowed his eyes. He forced out a smile, the murderous intention smelled of corpses and blood.

It makes people below the immortal level feel dizzy and vomiting.

People on the periphery can feel the distinct aura from upper to lower.

superior. It's generational separation.

Below, is the corpse Tao.

The distinction between Jing and Wei is clear, the confrontation between heaven and hell.

"He is already the Ghost Emperor, much more powerful than ordinary immortal masters. Are you sure?" Mo Shaoxuan asked.

Dai Li nodded.

Mo Shaoxuan looked slightly relieved and raised his arm, buzz~! A tiny Heavenly Soul Realm separated all those corpse poisons. He said calmly to Jiang Luoxian: "Go out and fight."

Jiang Luoxian's complexion changed with this commanding tone in which he had a winning chance, but he still withdrew.

He would rather face Mo Shaoxuan than face a mutated ghost emperor like Zhi Tao.

Only Dai Li and Ghost Emperor were left in that small Heavenly Soul Realm.

When everyone, including the divine army, retreats from that area

"I hate the arrogance of you people the most. I'll deal with you first!" The Ghost Emperor's expression was ferocious, and the flesh and muscles on his body tightened, clatter! The huge fleshy roots beneath him rose from the ground!

Hundreds of meters high, there are tens of thousands of wriggling tentacles, with the Ghost Emperor at the top. He roars, and these corpses rush towards Chao Daili!

Put it between the fingers of your left hand.

A ray of cold air.

Linghu Bai subconsciously turned his head to look, and the violet pupils flashed.

Is it snow?

The fifth extreme thunder - Wan Xue!


All the corpses were instantly frozen by ice and snow.

Dai Li's figure suddenly turned into gray gas and seeped into the space.


The Ghost Emperor suddenly formed a shield of flesh and bones in front of him!


Dai Li's punch hit the shield hard

Cracked, but it was blocked in the end!

The Ghost Emperor twitched the corner of his mouth and suddenly

A whip struck him squarely in the face

That degree is more smoke than smoke and more space than space.

The cracks were drawn out of the flesh and blood, and the bones inside were so obvious. The Ghost Emperor's body tilted and seemed to fall down, and the head seemed to split.

But he blinked again, his body twisted and his arms squirmed.


The Ten Thousand Bone Knife sliced ​​off the dynasty!

Dai Li refused to retreat or evade, and with a moment of condensation in his palm, the chaos of the blood sea condensed and turned into a sword!

Swords everywhere!

But it's not a stream of consciousness like a sword intention or a sword intention, but a pure battle of power!

That collision!

The hell of flesh and blood beneath Corpse Tao surged upwards!

And the chaotic blood sea in the sky controlled by Dai Li dives downward!

At first glance it looks like a sandwich~~


Crush the heaven and earth space!

With absolute murderous intent and violence!

There is only one comparison, which is to see whose energy and origin are stronger!


The small heavenly soul world is broken.

The energy storm swept through hundreds of millions of people and were blasted out

Central core of two people.

Who will win or lose when the body is covered by energy dust?


Shi Tao was blasted out, his body was bloody and fleshy, and the original condensed human figure was gone in the blink of an eye, and the bones were seen again

However, the flesh and blood recovered very quickly, and half of the injuries were recovered when it was blasted out

His expression was ferocious, perhaps he didn't expect that he would be defeated by Dai Li!

Everyone didn't expect that such a terrible Shi Tao was still at a disadvantage, but Shi Tao's recovery ability was terrifying. The outcome was still uncertain.

"Shi ghost, Dao Dao Dao!!" Shi Tao roared, shaking~ The sky and the earth suddenly darkened, like hell floating up and down, all the evil ghosts had red eyes, and flew towards the open root mouth under Shi Tao

Hiss! Shi Tao's breath became much stronger in the blink of an eye, but at this moment Dai Li sacrificed the Six Paths of Samsara Eyes between his eyebrows.

That eye rotated.

The soul was vast.

The sickle of the Six Paths King. Aimed at his root

"Six Paths of Samsara to punish evil. Cut it for me!"


The bloody mouth that was madly devouring the evil spirits was cut off along with the stem by the terrifying sickle of the evil-killing sword. The terrifying corpse qi pressed down on Dai Li like a broken ocean. "No! I am invincible!!!" Shi Tao roared, and the corpse qi turned into a huge corpse face, rushing down towards Dai Li. It was close at hand. Dai Li closed his eyes. He held the Chaos Qianji tightly with both hands, took a deep breath, and raised the sword. Facing this powerful and almost invincible corpse face. She did not step back or dodge. As if to show her determination, "No one can stand in my way, whether it is a human, a demon, a ghost, or a god!" The way to save her, the way to become an emperor, no one can! Boom! Qianji raised his sword, and the arc of light shocked the world. Like a sword that could support the sky, swish~~ the corpse road that almost represented a hell was under the sword that was advancing forward. Wan Si closed his eyes, and he seemed to see the man invincible back then. Invincible no matter how many years had passed. They actually didn't change. Boom!

The face of Shi Dao was broken

Shi Tao's body was also torn apart, and began to turn into powder inch by inch

He stretched out the ghost claw. Pointing at the sky, and also at Dai Li, "Heaven treats me unfairly. If I was born, why would I be like a demon and a ghost? In the name of Shi Tao, let this world be an eternal hell!! Dai Li, you can't save her. Hell will not be destroyed, and evil ghosts will disturb the people. I want you to be cursed by heaven and earth like me and be lonely forever."

In fact, genius is the existence with the strongest endurance, because it has to endure all kinds of "God, you treat me unfairly" every day

Others can't understand why a person as evil as Shi Tao still blames God a little, but it is undeniable that his curse is very strong.

Dai Li listened to his curse, pursed his lips, and the murderous intent on his body became more and more bitter, but he saw that the hell under the ground was about to surge to the surface

"Not good, he wants to pull hell to the human world!" The Hades was the one who knew Shi Tao best. When he saw this scene, he flew out. A large number of fine runes appeared on his skin, and the drop of cinnabar between his eyebrows was like blood sacrifice

Boom! A huge platform was offered on her body. The platform was eight-diamond shaped, and it suppressed with infinite netherworld power!

"No, Emperor," Buddha called urgently


The netherworld platform suppressed hell!

The hell rushing to the surface was suppressed, but it was only for a moment, Bixuan and others suddenly attacked the Emperor of the Underworld!

What a joke, this hell out of the surface will definitely benefit them!

At least it can increase the chaos of the order of life and death.

Of course, the biggest loss of Shi Tao's death was that they failed to bring down Dai Li and others, and they also lost Hui Yaoguang.

"Master Hui has died, Dai Li is too strong, we can't fight him, just kill those remnants in Nanjiang" Bixuan said coldly, looking at Dai Li in the distance: "Ye Ranqiu's death is already the biggest blow to her"

The gods positioned themselves so quickly, that is, they aimed all their forces at those people in Nanjiang

For a time, the casualties of the Vatican were heavy.

Apart from the high-end combat power PK like Dai Li, the Protoss is still much stronger in the comparison of mid- and low-level combat power. At this moment, it is a one-sided suppression.

Handan Xuanye clenched his hands. The two little demons had amazing killing power, but Bixuan and his people were also very difficult to deal with. The number of the other party's immortals was much greater than theirs, not to mention that they had fought several fierce battles, while the other party was in the strong period.

Ji Qingxin had already stood up to fight again,

and it seemed that no one could stop Shi Tao's curse.

The attacked Hades Emperor spit out a large mouthful of blood, and the cinnabar between his eyebrows dimmed. The Netherworld Altar could not suppress it and was soared into the sky by Hell.

No one could suppress the Hell rushing to the surface, unless Hades Emperor restored his original strength, but

that was wishful thinking!

The sky and the earth changed color, and corpses floated all over the world. (To be continued)

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