A Queen

Chapter 581 The last one, the Prince of Qin!

After signing his name, the guy turned around and said to these people very coldly: "I was just joking with you before... I seem like someone who can avoid failure?"

Hehehe~~You are not a human, dear~~

But in fact, both Qianshan Muxue and Ying Zheng were a little curious as to why she came back so late.

Even Ye Ziqing and the others are here!

Ying Zheng stepped forward with graceful steps, glanced at the dying dragon eagle on the ground, and said slowly: "It looks like it has lost its strength...but it doesn't look too fat."

Dai Li actually wants to say, you don’t need to turn on Sherlock Holmes mode...Sister, I will explain it myself~~

However, after a pause, Ying Zheng turned his face, looked at Dai Li, and said thoughtfully, "Since it's not fat, then you are too fat... Look at how tired it is~~ No wonder you need plastic surgery, I feel very embarrassed..."

Grass mud horse!

Dai Li really wanted to slap this guy on the face with a slipper!

Will you die if you don't harm others for a day? (how about you?)

Ying Zheng's teasing of Dai Li was no stranger to people like Ye Ziqing, and even Shang Bielie and others were familiar with it. Everyone knew that this guy was Yu Wenyong. No matter what identity he became, it seemed that he would always treat Dai Li. I have the arrogance of being a bitch and being indebted to others...

--Like attracts like, I guess...

However, other people, such as people in Da Qin, were shocked. What, that arrogant and cool Gong Zizheng could actually joke?

Not far away, Dexi Qingyi glanced at Daili and the others, his eyebrows arched, "Is this a competition?"

"Is there a problem with the Dragon Eagle?" Qianshan Muxue was more considerate. She walked up to look at the Dragon Eagle and asked Dai Li briefly.

At this moment, someone from the beast-controlling family had already gone to Jiaolongying. After checking, a woman turned her head and Chao Daili asked suspiciously, "Your Excellency Daili, this is..."

Nodding, Dai Li spread his hands with a look of dismay on his face, "Yes, you guessed it right, it has diarrhea..."

And he pulled it all the way to the end.

She really didn't expect that she would carry it to this extent!

Have loose bowels?

"Thousands of dragon eagles have been selected through the assessment, why is it that you are the only one..." Qianshan Muxue was thoughtful, her eyes a little deep...

The same goes for Ye Ziqing, Shang Bielie and others.

I pondered for a while.

They all came up with a result.

Qianshan Muxue: "Too fat?"

Shang Biere: "I must have gained a little weight..."

Huang: "Jubi is fat! Look at this Dragon Eagle foaming at the mouth...it's so pitiful."

Ye Ziqing: "...don't you want to eat tonight?"

Generation and separation--(┬_┬)

How am I sorry for you?

"Who made it just a dragon eagle? If it were a real dragon, it might be able to withstand it..."

Ying Zheng Liangliang narrated...


When the people around him heard this, they were all stunned, and then many people laughed, and the female nuns covered their mouths and laughed.

Hahaha! ! !

Hahaha, I am addicted to ridicule.

Looking at Qianshan Wuxue and the other women, Daili only said, "Even if I am fat, I still have a dull brain, a thick chest, and a curvy front and back. I can't compare to the light bodies of some of them, piece by piece."

The cadence also rhymes~~

Who told Qianshan Muxue and other women to be beauties with temperament and appearance?~ If you talk about it based on your breasts, it is indeed a flaw.

Huang smiled: "This does not include me~~~me"

Before he finished speaking, Dai Li squinted his eyes and said, "It must have been caused by soaking in water, edema!"

"Heh, are you sure?"

"If it is true, it can only be because..."

Dai Li raised his eyebrows and said word by word: "You are older than me! You are in late stage of development!"


Solved the Phoenix,

Then he turned to Ying Zheng, lifted his chest, and smiled sweetly, "If there is a man thinner than me, then it only means that a certain part of his body must be very small and light, very! No! OK!"

The sonorous and powerful words echoed on the beach, and strangely enough, there was an echo.

Very small... light... no... no...

There was silence for a while.

Ying Zheng, Ye Ziqing and others were all silent.

Mainly because Dai Li opened his mouth and killed everyone in all directions until the blood tank was emptied.

Tang Junyi, who had just arrived on the beach, saw this scene... subconsciously looked at Linjiang Xue who was standing on the counter in front of the tavern not far away.

You scumbags with vicious mouths should fall in love and kill each other, then die together and build a harmonious society together...


Although he claims to kill everyone instantly, if he loses, he loses.

Gui Jianchou looked at Dai Li. Dai Li really didn't want to be ridiculed by this kid anymore, so he snorted coldly, "Isn't he the last one? I will continue~~ Now that the bet has begun, and now there is a result, then Let’s fulfill it now, where do you rank?”

No one answered her question directly. Young Master Fusu glanced at her and asked, "Why do you think you are the last one?"

"Eh?" Dai Li was stunned, but saw Lian Chengjue's depressed face.

Well, it seems that someone is not here.

"He's not back yet," Lian Chengjue sighed. Could it be that her Dragon Eagle also had diarrhea?

It's not that evil.

And coincidentally, at this moment, there was a dragon eagle flying from the other side of the dragon path.

There is only one.

The people on the Dragon Eagle....

Someone quickly ran to the edge of the beach, waving a small handkerchief~~~~


That high-spirited look is still as depressed as before...

Yiye* fell to the ground in confusion. He looked at Daili and raised his eyebrows, "It seems I am the last one."

The difference between a goddess being more amusing than a female being is obvious.

The goddess who won the last place will be calm and calm, while the female goddess who won the second to last place is...

"I'm in front of you~~" Daili was so happy that he found Yiye* here. Although I was the last one, he was in a beautiful mood.

"How much are you?" Yiye* frowned slightly.



Then you are so happy!

Liancheng came forward, looked at her, and asked slightly worriedly: "What's going on? Could it be that your dragon eagle is also..."

"Too fat," Dai Li added next to him.


Yiye* twitched the corner of his mouth and rolled his eyes at Daili, "It's not because of this, but... Anyway, it's a foregone conclusion, so let's leave it like that."

It seemed a little hard to say, but she didn't say anything in the end, and just walked over and registered her name.

However, when the member of the beast-controlling family who had inspected Daili's dragon eagle went to inspect hers, the woman looked shocked.

After a while, his face turned red.

"What's going on?" This situation between Dai Li and Yiye* is a bit strange. It is also related to the third assessment. Naturally, we need to be more careful. The situation of Jiaolongying also needs to be checked and registered as the standard for assessment results, so the supervisor asked the woman.

The woman hesitated for a moment before saying, "I'm pregnant."

The dragon eagle is different from humans. How is it different? It's just that...the fertile period is very short.

Basically, if you mate, you can get pregnant on the same day.

Since these dragon eagles are the tamed objects for the third assessment, they have naturally been inspected. Basically, there will be no pregnant dragon eagles, so...

"It's on the way..." Dai Li subconsciously glanced at Yiye* whose name was registered.

"It seems that race and gender are also..."

Yiye* raised his eyebrows, hooked his fingertips, and flicked the pen behind him!

The tip of the pen flies away.

So what, Miss Yiye, are you going to stab this guy to death with a brush?


When the pen tip was about to poke at Dai Li, the man dodged. The pen tip was dotted with ink, smearing the sky and passing by Dai Li's side. When Dai Li was dodging, she turned aside and happened to see Long Dao's body. Over the water next to it, another dragon eagle appeared!

who is it?

But not in their direction.

But on the back side of Poseidon Island.

"Our side of the island is not the only place to rest?" Dai Li asked.

"Yes...there are four directions, southeast, northwest, and everyone is divided...

We are on the north side here, and examinees can choose their own place to live. However, once one side is full, they cannot choose. It is just the east side where the person was supposed to go."

After the steward introduced it, everyone suddenly understood, but it also proved that this person seemed to be very aware of this rule, otherwise he would not have given up the north and picked the east...

And when the dragon eagle flew over the sky, it seemed that it did not fly directly over, but hovered in the sky for a moment. No one was seen, only sounds were heard.

"Where is Linjiang Immortal?"

Who is this person? Call Linjiang Immortal by name! The voice was deep and sharp.

The dragon eagle seemed to be particularly large and strong.

The color is much darker than the others.

Someone from the beast-controlling family called him the Dragon Eagle King.

Eagle King?

So this person's momentum...

Not seeing anyone, just talking, it made everyone feel as if they were being suppressed even though they were thousands of feet high in the sky and thousands of miles away.

"Prince, long time no see"

A quiet and elegant voice came from inside the tavern, and Dai Li and others suddenly realized that in front of the tavern window not far behind, Linjiang Xian, who was dressed like snow, stood in front of the window.

He raised his head slightly and looked at the person on the dragon eagle in the sky.

The moon is shining brightly, the jade is covered with snow, and the man fishing alone by the river is an immortal.

And when he said this, others didn't know that the person on the dragon eagle was the Prince of Qin.

The Prince of Qin Dynasty is the most noble person among the nobles of Nanlin.

The expressions of Shang Bieli and Daili changed slightly.

The former is due to lingering fears, while the latter is due to fear and curiosity.

However, the opponent obviously didn't pay attention to them, and simply said: "The first round is boring, and then it's time for us to show off."

After that, he took control of the Dragon Eagle King and flew eastward in an instant.

"Prince of Great Qin, Ying Hai..." Dai Li sighed secretly and sent a message to Ying Zheng, "This is Ying Hai... He is your brother? Boss?"

"Everyone who could be born before him has been killed. Naturally, he is the eldest son and the eldest son." Ying Zheng's tone was a bit sarcastic.

Without the powerful killing ability of the Queen's lineage, now Emperor Qin's children would be able to form a group to take the Qishan Road assessment. RS

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