A Queen

Chapter 800: Life is scary, but I don’t know whether to live or die!

Although this man's demeanor was very heroic, he was preparing to seek revenge against Dai Li in a heroic way.

How did you get killed, then how do you get back!

This is the rule of the world and the rule of the Dragon Slaying Tribe!

Dai Li glanced at him, the slender fingers on his palm moved slightly, and the joints creaked back and forth.

"I'm not interested in the ninth position. If you compete, you have to be first. Besides, it's boring to be famous. If you lose, the caravan will belong to me."

First! It’s also boring because of its false reputation! I still want my caravan!

Xu Long's breath was suffocated!

The other murderous kings scattered in the distance all reacted after hearing this!

It’s simply unbearable!

The other party is so crazy!

"The future life is terrible," the Taoist priest in gray robe sighed, and with a flick of the fly whisk, a dragon died suddenly.

This is people who don’t know.

"It's a pity that you overestimate your capabilities." The ugly short old man sneered sinisterly and licked his scarlet lips. He dug into the heart of a dragon with one hand, took out a heart, and stuffed it into his mouth...

This is the heart-eating old demon.

"Old demon, can't you be more polite? It's so ugly to eat someone's heart..." The beauty is very beautiful and charming, and she speaks in a soft and charming voice that can make you cry.

"He's just ugly, it has nothing to do with what he eats..." The white-headed old man sneered, looking at Dai Li, his gray brows raised, "I said, boy, your courage is commendable, I will fight with you. Fight! It’s time for this dragon-slaying tribe’s murderous reputation to be changed!”

Those of them who can become the king of murderers, no matter how polite and elegant they are, are used to murdering heads in their hands, and they are also violent in their hearts, so Dai Li's provocation only aroused their inner ambitions.

This young kid dares to provoke us. There’s no reason why I’m still willing to be inferior to others!

If we don’t fight back hard, what will people from all over the world think of us now?

A timid young man?

“Since we don’t know whether to live or die, why be sorry?

Motian, it’s time for you and me to compete today! "The skinned swordsman Ran Yexiong. He is a burly and majestic middle-aged man. He wears a tight-fitting leather jacket on his upper body. He has a bucket-sized scimitar in each hand. The sword is as wide and narrow as a crescent moon. At its widest point, it has two points. meters wide, it looked like a weird carved disk at first glance, but he had just finished speaking at this moment. Turning his left and right hands in turn, the scimitar was swiping on both sides...

Cutting the monster's head is like cutting wheat, and the dragon scales are rolled up with a rustling sound!

Very strong, really very strong. He is the top class among the first-level masters. 2000 clouds to reach the top?

He may not be sure, but that Demonic Sky must be like this.

Dai Li took off the dragon scales of the hammer sword dragon with his palm, but his eyes were looking at the man in long gown with a sword diagonally in front of him.

Mo Tian, ​​this person's name is very legendary in the Dragon Slaying Tribe.

Black hair, black clothes, and a black sword. Dressed in black, he took action, and the sword energy and black flames surged. Ordinary grandmaster-level dragons are like chickens and ducks in his hands...

To Ran Yexiong's provocation, his reaction was very dull. He only locked his dark pupils for a moment, and then cut off the head of a grandmaster-level dragon with a sword.

So easy!

——Silent suppression.

Ran Yexiong snorted, and the other murder kings had different expressions.

Dai Li put away the four dragon scales and narrowed his eyes, Mo Tian? Top ten murderers...

No, it should be regarded as the nine murderers.

If she wants to get what she wants, she must suppress these nine murderous kings. Standing on the top of the dragon-slaying tribe, time fell. Only with capital...

"Then let's compete! Let's see who has more dragon scales! Ha, let's go!" Sword Maniac Xu Long shouted. It has turned into a sword light and rushed into the group of sub-dragons...

The other killer kings naturally refused to lag behind. Even the beauty was twisting her waist, exuding deadly poisonous gas, and frantically plundering the dragon scales of the sub-dragons. However, the master-level sub-dragons were not so easy to find, and the most common ones in front of them were the big ones. Energy level, Sword Immortal level sub-dragons. These sub-dragons have huge bodies and amazing defenses. They can be suppressed by their numbers. Even the killing kings have to be afraid, let alone other monks.

Boom, boom, boom!

Battlefield killing!

The trumpet keeps blowing....

Dai Li turned his head and saw all kinds of Yalong...

On the side of the Dragon Slaying Tribe, there was a large square table, surrounded by many people. There were richly dressed Dongyuan nobles, wealthy bosses with astonishing wealth, and ladies from extraordinary backgrounds who came to learn more. They were surrounding At this table, I heard the fat shopkeeper waving his fan and greeting with a smile: "Everyone, I have decided to leave my hand, I have decided to leave my hand! Let's see who is the most powerful among the top ten murderers! Come on, come on! Can’t lose!”

"You don't have to be the King of Killers! There are so many masters here... I think the masters from Ziyi Palace and Qingyi Tower are very powerful."

"No matter who it is, after this first wave of beasts has passed, it will be obvious which masters can take the lead... Now you make a bet first!"

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there is gambling.

At the moment, these people are all making bets in a lively manner. Most of them take Motian as the leader, and some are looking at people from the two great families of Dongyuan and Yuan...

Anyway, he is a master among the masters, and it has nothing to do with distraction. Considering the range, the number of people is extremely large, but there are not many people who placed bets on Jun Zili, who made a powerful move just now.

Because others are too powerful!


A chubby hand pressed down a card, "I press Junzili."

The fat woman naturally recognized that the person pressing the treasure was Li Qing, so she smiled: "How much?"

"Ten million high-grade spiritual stones from Wanbao Trading Company," Li Qing said with a beaming eyebrow.

But it frightened everyone.

Although they are all wealthy people with extraordinary backgrounds, ten million high-grade spiritual stones is still a considerable amount of wealth. How could this person simply put pressure on Dai Li?

"The bet was wrong," Fan Li suddenly said.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out that the bet was wrong...

"There are still 20 million here...a total of 30 million, which is enough to overwhelm Junzili," Fan Li said calmly.

Everyone is quieter.

The fat woman paused for breath, then shook her fan fiercely, "I'm so tired, I'm determined to leave! We'll see the results when the time comes!"

"Brother, aren't you afraid that the money will go down the drain? Are you so optimistic about Jun Zili?" Others shouted at Li Qing and Li Qing.

Li Qing raised his eyebrows, "Because he is our son!"

What she wants to do. It’s never impossible!

Everyone was sighing after hearing this...

Suddenly, someone sneered, "I think your money is really going down the drain... Look what Jun Zili is doing..."

what to do?

Everyone turned to look.

In the battlefield. Dai Li's figure was flowing in the battlefield, with many Yalongs chasing behind him...

There must be a hundred of them. A big blockbuster at the powerful level, a small piece at the sword fairy level...

And the number is increasing!

She was running in front, with Yalong chasing behind her. She was so menacing and so large in number that even other masters had to avoid her edge.

What is she going to do?

Don't you know that chasing so many dragons behind you is stimulating the sensitive nerves of the gregarious dragons?

They will go crazy!

"Sure enough, I am still too young and have no experience. So it is difficult to escape from being targeted by so many Yalongs."

"Fortunately I didn't bet on her..."

Whether it is the gamblers, the fat shopkeeper, or the dragon-slaying warriors, they are still very unfavorable about Daili's current predicament...

"It's her... Her condition is terrible, she is really crazy!" Mr. Lu Song and others commented.

Yan Qi was silent. He was naturally extremely crazy, but...

"You are a fool, Huo Wu, you were defeated by such a person. Sure enough, it was because your strength was too weak!" The proud Huo Lieri shook the people of the Fire Cloud Empire and said this after seeing all this. One sentence.

Sparkle Dance glanced at him, but smiled.

Are you brave or foolish?

Instead, she felt that this was... the prelude before the storm!

but. There are some exceptions, such as the fat shopkeeper, who are completely in deathly silence at this moment.

Because there was a hand that could be called a work of art holding a business card, placed it on the table, and pressed it on Jun Zili's name.

"100 million high-grade spiritual stones, bet on her to win"

Her voice just fell.

On the battlefield, Dai Li, who was shuttled back and forth, finally stopped and turned around. In front of him were three hundred sub-dragons.

There is no grandmaster or anyone else nearby. Because such a group of Yalongs is too difficult to deal with, even for Motian. It also mainly attacks alone, and it will be difficult to deal with it once it is chased. Moreover, the most terrifying ability of the Yalong group is group pressure. When they gather together, they will have terrible power, and the power that bursts out is very astonishing.

And how can people who have the ability to deal with these Yalongs help Dai Li get out of the siege?

Therefore, there was a strange scene of three hundred dragons chasing Dai Li.

Make you crazy and proud! Let you die!

Now, she stopped!

The dragons are still approaching!

The distance is very close, the terrifying roar, the large attack rising into the sky...

"about there"

Dai Li flicked his sleeves, raised his fingertips together, and thunder came!

A thunder knife array!

Large thunder knife array!

Swish, brush, brush! Thirty-six thunder knives pierced the edge of the range of three hundred dragons! Internal cross shuttle...

It's a blockade and a strangulation!

The mystery of paralysis sweeps across!

Aang ang ang!

The powerful sub-dragon kills them all in an instant!

Sword Immortal-level sub-dragons, one by one!

Three hundred, two hundred and fifty, two hundred and twenty, two hundred...

In an instant, a hundred of them were slaughtered!

One hundred, one hundred, those are one hundred dragons that are extremely difficult to kill! It’s still based on groups!

One hundred dragon scales?

It must be at least a hundred dragon scales!

Just massacred?

A group kill, a group kill with a very gorgeous thunder method!

Thunder, violent, astonishingly lethal, invincible with a single attack!

Thunder array, an upgrade of thunder attack, technical brutal group killing, the ultimate in group killing, paralysis, swiftness, and I will destroy you without any hesitation!

If placed in the game, this thunder array is a unique skill that can only be activated after reaching the full level of 100.

Once released, it’s an instant kill!

The other murder kings reacted. (To be continued) ()

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