A Queen

Chapter 804 Something is wrong!

Being tricked by Dai Li, Zi Junhou could only give her a fierce look. In fact, he could not speak, but he could use his hands. The problem was that her force value was obviously stronger than his, so the noble Marquis also I can only swallow this breath.

Dai Li naturally doesn't care about Zi Junhou, because she has more important things to do.

The next day, the second wave of beasts began!

It is much more powerful than the first wave. I don’t know exactly how many sub-dragons will be coming. It’s just that the sub-dragons will obviously have reduced power levels. The number of sword immortals will be at the bottom and the number of grandmasters will increase. Yesterday’s dragon slaying is still considered good. It's hearty, but today is a bit stressful. More and more people are injured or killed. Under this situation, there are many things Li Qing can do, such as...

Gather people!

The people of the caravan did not need Xu Long to inform them that they had been defeated, even if the dragon-slaying battle was not over yet, even if Dai Li had not actually produced two thousand and five dragon scales to block it, even if...

Who cares!

No one will lie!

She loses two thousand and five thousand, so she must have two thousand and five.

Xu Long was really not too cautious to deceive himself, so he had no choice but to admit defeat in advance. However, his subordinates were obviously much more anxious than him. Before dawn in the morning, all of them had taken the initiative to join Dai Li.

Because they are strong!

They were similar to the people in the caravan. Compared with the lonely Mo Tian, ​​Dai Li showed a little more accepting attitude, and the adventurers of the Dragon Slaying Tribe lost their reserve one by one. As soon as she walked out of the yurt the next day, she saw in front of her eyes At least one of the ten dragon-slaying tribes belongs to her.

--Li Qing and Li Qing have pretty good construction abilities.

Recruiting people from behind to strengthen the organization, Daili and Jie were at the forefront as always. After a Hongmen Banquet that went against the theme last night, Daili took a look at the people who were active in the dragon-slaying battlefield. At least they were not so unfamiliar. I have seen several people who can name each other by name, and the other party obviously did the same to her. When she joined the battlefield, many people always greeted her.

"Mr. Jun, how was your rest last night? Are you fully recovered?" In fact, Nian Hua Gongzi just asked politely. Subconsciously, he hopes to get a negative answer...

It's a pity that a certain person is born to like to make people angry. So her answer was Jiang Zi.

--"Which aspect are you asking about?"

The young man was stunned for a moment.

Then it immediately became bright and clear.

Nima, did you play with women last night?

Not far away, Huo HuoWu heard this and said, "Sex!" Men are not good things!

Moreover, this pervert immediately ignored people like Nian Hua Gongzi, and instead politely greeted Huo Huowu, Yan Qi and other female cultivators: "Good morning. Did you girls sleep well last night? Are you tired?" "

How many women; "...."

How will they answer? Lei, are you still not tired?

The expressions of the female nuns... are simply wonderful. ,

This second-rate guy!

But this second-rate guy still looks serious and innocent...

"Is Mr. Jun bullying these little girls again this morning?" The faint smile from behind made many people suddenly feel respectful.

--Although I still don’t know who this woman is.

Dai Li turned his head to look at the charming Xiangxi Palace, and out of habit put on a charming smile.

"I just want to say hello, just like I must also say hello to Miss Xiang. Did you sleep well last night?"

Ever since he knew that this guy was Xi Qingyi's mistress, Dai Li felt that he needed to show his image more clearly.

--For example, a disgusting color embryo.

so. She asked this beauty who looked very noble but was actually very noble - "Did you sleep well last night?"

The whole place was quiet for a while, including Zi Junhou, who had not yet recovered from his bruises and swelling. He stood there stunned. What, I heard you right, this guy is teasing Xiangxi Palace?


Xiangxi Palace obviously didn't expect that she would be molested!

Of course, she is a witty and majestic woman, so she raised her brows frivolously and said with a slightly slanted corner of her mouth, "Last night... I slept next to the young master. The soundproofing of the house was okay. But maybe I should thank the young master for not causing too much trouble. movement”

For example, you can't make much noise.


Are you yellow? How awesome! , I am more yellow than you. More luxurious! !

Everyone's breath was suffocated, and immediately they heard Dai Li's expression pause again.

Deflated? Ha, you will be deflated too!

Li Qing is frustrated, but Xiang Mei is so powerful!


Daili's tone was very cute, confused, and surprised...

Repeating the previous sentence again: "You mean...you've been listening?"


Xiangxi Palace: "...."

If she wasn't so curious about this person's specific origins, she might have killed her~~

Everyone: "...."

Why haven’t you Xiangmei killed this monster?

Zi Junhou: "...."

Haha, where's the domineering promise? Are you so cruel to me? !

Obviously, in terms of shamelessness, Miss Daili has reached the pinnacle.

In private, Li Qing sent a message and asked: "Master, why do you want to offend this Xiangxi Palace?"

"She has begun to doubt me... I am really a terrible woman... so I can only pretend to be lecherous and obscene to make her disgusted and treat me as another person."

Li Qing was silent for a moment before saying a word.

"Sir, I really don't want to tell you... In fact, your previous image was Jiang Zi. There is no need to pretend, it's true."



Fortunately, the Yalongs had already arrived, which relieved the weird atmosphere caused by Dai Li.

And the nearly one hundred master-level dragons that started running wildly had no time to let these people care about Jun Zili's romantic affairs.

Only kill!

The more they killed, the more obvious the differences between the teams became. Faintly, a certain number of monks were besieged by the Yuan, Dong, three empires, a dynasty, and the Purple Clothes Palace. Groups were formed.

On the other side, the top ten murderers also have supporters around them.

For example, Mo Tian and Ran Ye Xiong. Follow Daili.

"Jun Zili, today you and I will compete!" It turns out that Luan Yexiong only regarded Motian as his opponent. Now there is obviously another generation!

"The competition has already begun!" Dai Li stepped away from his feet, turned into thunder, and rushed into the group of sub-dragons.

Others are not to be outdone.

The number of 2,500 dragon scales surged to more than 3,100 in less than an hour, and soon it became 3,990, about to break through 4,000...

This is personal income. What about the rest?

ps: Now in the black market of the Dragon Slaying Tribe, a piece of dragon scale is already worth 100,000 high-grade spiritual stones.

It’s a huge profit!

Just like the stock market storm in Wall Street, it is enough to make a penniless pauper become a Wall Street tycoon overnight!

So happy, so happy!

Daili felt that his blood was burning...——Juebi was stimulated by his ambition to get rid of poverty and become rich.

However, the more they kill, the greater the pressure. During the attack and kill, the increase in the number of master-level dragons significantly changes the situation of the battle.

Instead of being surrounded by several monks before, it immediately became a monk being besieged by several dragons.

Therefore, when every dragon scale is peeled off, one person may have been killed!

And the number of people dropped sharply. not a problem!

——More people are coming to slay the dragon tribe.

Because the matter of slaying the dragon could no longer be suppressed, some people had already received the news when Yalong rushed out of the Dragon Mountains. Coming quickly now.

——Perhaps he had already set off a few days ago.

This was a gluttonous feast, and Daili was glad that she could catch up, even though she still couldn't get what she really wanted in this feast...

Even, at this time, she was already in danger.

For example, now, when Dai Li was surrounded by three master-level dragons that had increased in number and had the time to attack her, her figure flew around, the fingertips of her left hand passed across, and a thunderbolt twisted and whipped in the form of a long whip. in the air. He blocked the master-level sub-dragons coming from both sides, but a crisis suddenly emerged behind him...

The dragon is angry! The fishy smell is very strong...


Dai Li turned around. Thunder formed a spiral protective flow line on the body, and was ready to receive the next blow... just in time to see the cold light coming. The dagger that instantly twisted the neck of a dragon...

The man in black has a cold face and simple eyes, but his feet are filled with hidden dark light, drawing beautiful and clean arcs in the air.

The Yalong head flew up.

When the blood splashed out...

Dai Li saw the man's glance from the side.

That look made Dai Li's heart skip a beat.

This dead facial paralysis...


The sudden violent roar interrupted Dai Li's thoughts. He turned around and looked, boom boom boom!

The ground shook.

what is that?

Grandmaster level dragon?

From the middle of the Dragon Mountain Range, a group of people suddenly appeared.

It's completely different from the original behavior of those dragons rushing out from the mouth of the mountain. They are flying out!

The kings who were still drinking tea calmly had fixed eyes, and their expressions suddenly changed!

"Damn it, it's the Pterodactyl Clan!"

"Alert!!!! It's a pterosaur!"

What is a pterosaur!

Flying monster...Flying dragon-shaped monster, a dragon with two wings.


This is a monster beast that is closer to a real dragon than any sub-dragon that has appeared before, which also means...

The weakest is also the Grandmaster level!

And this amount is still...

Fifty thousand heads?

Not anymore.

There's something wrong with this...

King Dong smashed the teacup with his palm, "Something's wrong! The pterodactyl tribe has never left the Dragon Mountains before, and there are even a small number of them. They are alien species with very little evolution. How come there are so many suddenly..."

King Yuan, who had always been in opposition to King Dong, rarely agreed: "It can only mean that this time is different... What happened in the Dragon Mountain Range? Ten times, six thousand years..."

"A hundred years is enough for a lot of things to happen." After this sentence was inserted, some kings present looked at the person in front of them. (To be continued)

ps: I will tell you that I watched the movie version of Pride and Prejudice all day today because of my brain cramps, and also read the novel? I actually read it back and forth three or four times! Absolutely not! Otherwise, aren’t you looking for scolding~~~~Aren’t you seeking death? .....Well, I'm really sorry, I'm trying to die...Today, I'm going to try my best to type again...You can look forward to the second update, but there's nothing you can do about the third update, and don't wait for the Royal Treasure. ..I will make up for it tomorrow~~ ()

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