A Queen

Chapter 811 Blood Soul

"Grab the dragon claw!" King Dong and Yuan Wang immediately realized that the situation at hand could not be easily controlled. The only and most sensible thing to do was to snatch the dragon claw!

As much as you can grab!

Anyway, a dragon claw is definitely a supreme treasure!

The two strongest kings rushed towards the dragon claws! It's like rushing towards a snake dragon! The gorilla is angry, and the king-level dragons are angry!

Other kings are not to be outdone.

Yuan Qi and Dong Kun also moved!

Daili and Xiangxi Palace are on the same dragon's claw.

What were they thinking at that time?

The look in Xiangxi Palace's eyes is like this - Do you still dare to rob me? Aren't you afraid I'll kill you?

The reaction of generation is like this...

"Look, your clothes are torn!" The tone was similar to "Look, there's a plane flying in the sky."

Xiangxi Palace immediately looked over her shoulder subconsciously... Is she actually that easy to divert attention?

Mainly because... her clothes were indeed torn, and she must have been seen a lot when she was face to face with Dai Li just now.

It’s hard for this guy to watch in silence for so long! !

Bitch~ people!

Looking at it from one side, Dai Li suddenly grabbed the dragon's claw... and gave it to Sajia!

Xiangxi Palace is such a calm person, now it’s time to blow up!

It's just that she just grabbed the dragon claw that was about to be put away by Dai Li, and her strength exploded, grabbing Dai Li's arm!

The attack of the kings has begun!

Yuan Qi, Dong Kun, and An Dagger are also attacking...

Chaos, extremely chaotic!

The chaotic attack swept across the land of Dragon Claws, both large and small.



The snake dragon's pupils suddenly bloomed with brilliance,

Dizziness, dizziness again!

At the moment when everyone is stunned!

Open your mouth!


Horrible swallowing!


One stick, two sticks, three sticks... five sticks!

Five dragon claws!

Swallowed one after another! !


What are the other four?

Previously, Daili and Xiangxi Palace each received one. Now Dai Li is fighting for one with Xiangxi Palace, and there is another one missing?

All right. Ignore the missing one, for now. There is one more...

The sixth root was held in Dai Li's hand.

The snake dragon stared at it and also at her.

For some reason, when Dai Li watched the snake dragon swallowing the dragon claw, a scene deep in his memory suddenly appeared in his mind. It seemed that the real dragon had also swallowed it before the battle with the purple-clothed strong man. what...

In a flash of light and shadow, these ten sessions of the Dragon Mountain Range. The evolution of a hundred years, the evolution of those monster beasts...is it because of the dragon claws?


Dragon Claw doesn't have the ability to transform bloodline like this!

In this case, could she imagine that the source of the fight between the real dragon and the strong man in purple was this thing?

And this thing seems to be inside the snake dragon, so much so that it even swallowed the dragon's claw!

Ordinary monsters can and will swallow, but do they dare to swallow dragon claws? !

It’s not like I have a brain convulsion!


Many thoughts bloomed like bright fireworks in Daili's mind, lighting up her world!

Almost instantly, she made a decision!

A dragon claw. Being madly caught in the snake's mouth!

Together with Dai Li, of course, Xiangxi Palace was holding Dai Li's arm at that time!

The two of them were naturally inevitably rolled into the snake dragon's mouth~~~.

How could a dragon claw make me fight so hard! Xiangxi Palace let go of his hand very directly... that is, he was freed from the suction. However, she thought that Daili would also let go of the dragon's claws.


A second later, a dragon claw and a person were eaten directly into the snake dragon's mouth.

Xiangxi Palace did not recover. He only stared at his empty hands and then at the snake dragon.

With a grunt, the snake dragon swallowed it.

Whether it's a dragon claw or a human.

! ! !

You can hear the ever-changing face of Xiangxi Palace!

You can see that Dong Wang and others look disheveled!

You can even see the snake dragon that swallowed six dragon claws and two people. After its belly rolled, it burped~~~.

--My dragon claw!

The whole place was quiet.

One second later.

pk. A vigorous PK!

A great war, a vigorous war!

In such a fierce battle. The king-level sub-dragon is undoubtedly guarding the snake dragon, and is creating a fighting scene with Dong Wang and others.

The prince Snake Dragon lay on the ground again.

The body is filled with golden light.


corrosion. Terrible corrosive power! The defensive shield that Daili constantly deployed continued to corrode, but in this smooth flow, Daili did not completely let it come. In fact, she was releasing her own consciousness.

But he didn't know anything. He only felt that his body was increasingly unable to withstand the terrifying digestive power of the snake dragon.

Dull pain in flesh and blood.


One of Dai Li's hands grasped the soft stomach, but it could not hurt the opponent's internal defense cortex at all - it seemed to be protected by a layer of magical power.

“There is indeed something fishy”

Dai Li clicked the lightning with his fingertips, and what he saw was the bloody world of the stomach and intestines. It was disgusting, of course it was disgusting.

Especially when her whole body was put into the stomach, what she saw was the rotten matter being digested... and the smell was so fishy that it smelled like ten toilets...

Dai Li blocked his sense of smell and glanced at him.

Saw six dragon claws.

But she couldn't get through at all. It was deep in the stomach pool. She estimated that as soon as she passed, her whole body would melt. Even now, her body is gradually being corroded...

"Old man Zhenlong, you must have some purpose in giving me that memory. Now, let's show it..."

"The heavens are spirited, the earth is spirited, the real dragon boss is coming to show his spirit!"

Dai Li was mumbling like this, but he felt a warm current suddenly coming from deep within his bones.

Her bones are dragon bones, and they may have some affinity with that object.

But this sense of connection is in the stomach.

"Does this mean I'm going to die in the stomach pool?" Dai Li grimaced and weighed the pros and cons.

"Wealth is gained through danger, extraordinary treasures are obtained, and great benefits are obtained. You have to pay something..."

The sight of Ye Ranqiu turning to stone flashed through Dai Li's mind, her pupils condensed, and she took a step forward. Lower your legs a little and jump up!


Entered that terrifying stomach!


How does it feel when your flesh and blood is corroded away?

What does it feel like to have all your flesh and blood corroded away?

It is estimated that not many people in this world can experience it. Because it's too cruel.

However, He Jieyu had experienced it before. At that time, she didn't shed a single tear, and Dai Li even said she was brave.

In fact, isn't she the same?

The stomach pool was mixed with acid that could corrode any master-level body, and the flesh and blood hissed. Under the pain of the powerful corrosive effect of flesh and blood, Dai Li's dragon bones were forced to release warm currents. Just like in the past two years, she had regenerated flesh and blood in the tower of the Zhenling Sect's forbidden land. Now, her flesh and blood has been corroded, and she is also Rebirth.

It was the ultimate pain.

Dai Li only stared at the crystal that was getting closer and closer. It was blood red and seemed to be burning, but the light was very dark red. Coquettish, full of charming and magnificent coquettishness.

This is a charm that Dai Li, who loves red, cannot refuse.

It comes from the appreciation of her hobbies and the desire of her body.

How eager are you?

The blood in the body keeps burning. The heart beats violently, and the Vampire fangs are exposed unconsciously, as if they are in a hell demon state and are as hungry as sucking blood!

What the hell is this! How could she have such a terrible *!

It was as if she had seen the person she absolutely loved, and then every part of her body was screaming to push him down, fuck him, and eat him!

The next second, her hand had no restraint and was holding the red crystal, which was only the size of a pigeon egg. With a touch, the corrosive effect of flesh and blood stopped instantly.

She felt the roar of the snake dragon! Stomach churns!

Shaking violently...

This red crystal has been put into the mouth by Dai Li.

The moment it enters the body!

Get rid of the world in your mind. Collapsed instantly.

It was a world of endless blood, a boundless sea of ​​blood. It’s the vast world of Cangqiong Gang.

"The great wilderness was destroyed, and the ancestors of the wilderness were divided into seven souls. One of the seven clans was the blood clan. The reproduction of the blood clan depends on the blood, and this is an extremely precious piece of blood. The blood is extremely rare and precious, and it is the most precious treasure in ancient times. level, it has the function of creating blood. I got it, but was discovered by that person, and was hunted to death. But in the end, I swallowed the blood, activated all my potential, and used my body to work with the blood. Annihilation is actually forcing the blood to be hidden on the dragon's claws. As other parts of the body are dispersed, it is hidden from the person, and then it is retained. If there are descendants of my dragon clan who can get what I have today. "Yu, I used this blood, but remember, don't let anyone in the world, especially the seven tribes, know about this, it will be extremely dangerous, remember, remember~~~"

Daili finally got useful memory information, although he immediately fell into terrible pain again.

--Blood Soul, Seven Souls, Blood Clan?

Dai Li suddenly felt that the vampire physiques of her and Augustius in this world were not inherited from the vampires on the earth. Or maybe the vampires on the earth were also related to this vampire?

The amount of information was so huge that Dai Li couldn't even wrap his head around it. He could only grit his teeth and drag the blood into his dantian...

The Dantian is the blood core!

The blood core devours the blood?

of course not!

It's the blood soul that actually wants to swallow the blood core directly!

This scene almost scared Dai Li to the point of peeing!

If a vampire has no blood core, can they still be called a vampire?

Blood soul replaces blood core?

You can't do this!

Dai Li rolled his eyes and his consciousness started to move! Under the interference, even Lei Yuan used it to hold back the very domineering blood spirit!

When Lei Yuan moves, so does the cold current!

The result is that the energy in the body is intertwined and chaotic!

In the chaos, the blood core and the blood soul still touched together...


Devour each other!


Daili felt that his soul was throbbing!

This is not swallowing in the ordinary sense at all, but...


Blood and light collide in front of my eyes!

The blood core and blood soul are completely integrated!

At that moment, Dai Li's flesh and blood transformed rapidly at a rate of one kilogram of flesh per second. The flesh was not getting more and more, but when there was more, it was rapidly overlapping and transforming! (To be continued)

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