A Queen

Chapter 814: Then you have to wait for a long time...

Regarding the words of the stone giant, Huo Lieri agreed for the first time, "If you need to talk nonsense with them, just kill them! You can naturally find treasures!"

These three people have never had a good impression of Dai Li and wanted to kill him quickly. Now that they have the lure of the treasure, they can naturally win the support of many people.

People are always profit-oriented.

Even Mo Tian, ​​Ran Yexiong, or other murderers in place all had murderous intent on their faces at this moment.

"Let me count~~ The people from the three empires and the nine murderous kings are all here. This lineup is not bad." Dai Li put one hand on his waist, his fingers slightly touching the hilt of the sword, "Well, now comes the problem... Which of you will make the first move? Or, together?"

"Come together, you are worthy!" Huo Lieri shouted fiercely, his body lengthened, he shot out, and his hands formed seals.

"A sea of ​​fire!"

The Fire Cloud Empire is naturally the best at fire techniques. Once it strikes, it is a domineering fire attack technique. The body is also more than 500 clouds. It is also a mysterious fire element combined with the flame ring on the finger. The fire element aura released is very powerful.

In an instant, the destructive power of fire magic increased to two thousand clouds, and it will exceed one hundred!

According to the strength that Daili showed before, he would indeed be killed instantly by the fiery sun!

The Third Prince Huoyun is not a cover-up!

It’s just that he is too old to take the Nanlin assessment.

But this person's arrogance is extremely strong, and he is very jealous of his younger brother Huo Yanxiao, let alone Jun Zili, who everyone speculates is a genius!

He's going to kill her!



The sea of ​​fire instantly swept through the plane space, and the flames reflected the lake below, sandwiched by countless white gases.

It’s truly an ethereal fairyland.

It’s just that beauty can be broken, and fairyland can be destroyed!

Because of a sword!

A thousand opportunities drawn by a sword.

How strong is it?

Today’s Qianji,

The magic weapon Thunder Dragon Sword that can cut off Ying Hai with one sword!

How strong is that?

500 clouds of blood energy will be good.

One sword is enough.

Birds flying over thousands of mountains!


Critical hit!

2300 clouds!

The sea of ​​fire cut open a river of swords!

A blooming flame. They all turned into a fire owl that was torn apart by the sword energy, roaring and going crazy. Shame on the blood!


The sword light arrived as promised, faster than any attack Huo Lieri had ever seen that killed him. It was almost too late for him to retreat, but the treasure armor on his body responded.


On the chest, the outer clothing burned, and a flaming lion on the inner armor glowed and roared, and slammed into the sword.

boom! ! !

The burning sun was knocked out, and its chest was sunken. The flame lion was like a defeated kitten, its arrogance weakened. Wow~~ After rushing out of a path of gas explosion in the air, after a pause, Poof, Huo Lieyang spit out a large mouthful of blood, and the blood fell on the lake and spread.

As soon as he raised his head, he saw on the opposite side, except for the beautiful woman who didn't know who she was, with her legs crossed in the air, there was only one Jun Zili who raised his sword flat and pointed it at the almost one hundred thousand people on their side.

"Tell me. Who else?"

Who else?

"Sure enough, it's amazing." The stone giant clapped his hands and walked out, "Just let me, the stone giant from the giant earth empire, come and meet you for a while. Otherwise, people like you, who are just trying to gain fame, really think you are a superior person and underestimate him. There are nobles like me in the world..."

He is a noble, Dai Li, so naturally he is a pariah.

Most of these people who come from imperial dynasties, if they are from the ruling class such as the royal family, have a very bad habit - excessive pride.

Qia Qiadaili hates this kind of people the most.

When she turned her wrist, the blade also slowly turned, and blood flowed. She smiled: "A giant earth empire? As its name suggests, it is really earthy. Your empire must be so poor that you can't even afford to wash clothes."

The khaki robe he wore looked like he had crawled out of a latrine. Will you die if you wash it?

Upon hearing Dai Li's words, not to mention an extremely arrogant person like the Stone Giant, even the other people from the Giant Earth Empire were extremely angry! They all clamored for the Stone Giant to kill Daili!

In fact, this is what the Stone Djinn does!

Extremely angry, he stepped out, the momentum was as heavy as a thousand mountains, and the yellow sand was rolling in!

One move...

A big rock ax, held in both hands, slashed and chopped in the air!

"Chongjueshan! Split it!"

With one axe, it would be an exaggeration to say that it created the world, but it definitely had the momentum to split the mountain!

That aura...


That attack!

Extremely strong!

2700 clouds!


If Fiery Sun is said to be the second level of Kankan Grandmaster! Then the Stone Djinn is 100% always the second level.

One ax can break through the previous sword of Dai Li!

However, Dai Li still used a sword.

However, this sword is not that sword.

All traces of people are gone!

A stronger chain sword!

Will all traces of human beings disappear?

An ax versus a sword.


3000 cloud attack!


Destroy you!

One axe, broken!

The Stone Giant Spirit's face turned pale instantly, and the people of the Giant Earth Empire were also stunned for a moment.

A second-level master as powerful as the Stone Giant Spirit was defeated? Still defeated with one sword!


Tanaka Yabu suddenly took action!

Different from the arrogant head-on challenge of the previous two, he used a vulgar and sneak attack~!

It's shameless, shameless, the strongest person in the empire, the strongest among the three, actually carried out a sneak attack!

And it was a sneak attack from behind Dai Li!

The handsome and gentle Mr. Tanaka was leaping behind the famous sword, and struck a blow with his sword.

Such as Ye Gucheng's flying fairy from the sky, ethereal and beautiful, with a graceful sword.

--If you ignore his hypocritical face and wretched fighting style...

This is still very pleasing to the eye.

This is true for those who sensed the aura of fighting in the nearby Dragon Mountains and rushed over, and have already arrived.

Of course, Dai Li doesn't think so.

"In this life, I can sneak attack on others, but others can sneak attack on me. No!"

No, I will kill you!

Therefore, at the moment when Tanaka Masabu's sword energy stabbed past Dai's body. Her body disappeared into place.

Simultaneity appears in the sky behind Masabu Tanaka.

With the same posture of flying fairy from heaven. With an even more beautiful and graceful posture and unparalleled aura, he raised a sword and slashed with it,

Fairy from heaven?


It's Stegosaurus.

Thousand Machines’ 12th Sword Technique—Stegodragon!

Dragon is the dragon of magic weapons, and also the swordsmanship dragon that linked the Thousand Machines Swordsmanship before.

It was the stegosaurus that became so powerful after she absorbed the dragon bone.

That was a very dragon sword.

Domineering, majestic, and superior to everyone in front of everyone in the world... No grandmaster present can deny the strength of this sword.

And Jue Ran.

--Although, she also attacked from behind.

Tooth for tooth, eye for eye!

Ang~~~The stegosaurus roars!

Tanaka Yabu's pupils dilated, and when he turned his head, he saw...


Stegosaurus hit his chest!

The dragon was so domineering that it penetrated his body!

The killing power of the sword is 3500 clouds!

The inner armor shattered instantly!

It cracked into large pieces of golden light...

Masabu Tanaka was nailed down from the sky with a sword... Brush! Stabbed directly to the ground!

In a big pit.

die. Absolute death!

Before, I felt that I had saved my life by relying on my inner armor, and I was glad in my heart, "Haha. Junzili, I still have the armor to protect me, you can't kill me." The anus was tightening!

Stone giant, my balls hurt.

Of course, they are also almost crazy!

"Jun Zili, you actually killed Tanaka Yabu!!"

"Oh my God!"

"People from the Empire of the Rising Sun..."

The people of the Empire of the Rising Sun are naturally crazy!

"Bastard! He actually killed the prince!"

"Damn, damn. Damn!"

"We must kill him!"

"Insult my rising sun majesty!"


Tens of thousands of people from the Empire of the Rising Sun are about to take action! but. Someone is faster than them!

Dai Li, there is already a huge blood pupil on the top of his head.

Eye of the moment.

--A moment of fire.

Sea of ​​fire. The sea of ​​​​fire that is several times more terrifying than the blazing sun.


In an instant, the people who came forward to the Empire of the Rising Sun were killed...

The double burning of soul and body!

That's purgatory.

During the massacre, her left hand was raised, not with a sword, but with thunder.

The first formation, a thunder knife formation!


In the past, you have seen how she brutally slaughtered those dragons. You felt amazed and overbearing. Now, when you yourself are slaughtered on a large scale like the dragon, how do you feel?

--Like a chewy dog, like fish on a plate

How could these people understand that no matter who they were, whether it was the Empire of the Rising Sun, the Empire of Giant Earth, or the Empire of Laushizi, in the eyes of this non-human vampire, they were really no different from chickens, ducks, and dogs?

This is a racial difference. You can't force some people to think about how sad I would be if I were a pig when eating pork...

Therefore, these people must die!

All kinds of deaths!

Dai Li rushed into the tens of thousands of people.

Strength in numbers?

There is strength in numbers!

Indeed, this is the truth.

But there is a necessary prerequisite.


She has seen through your body, your body, your elemental swimming speed, your attack weaknesses, and all your attacks.

Moreover, she has this speed that is faster than all of you.

How is this broken?

A flash of thunder, a sword of thunder!

With unparalleled speed, she was like a bolt of lightning, traveling among tens of thousands of people.

Everywhere he passed, he was paralyzed, all kinds of paralysis!

With one sword strike, thousands of birds will fly away.

With one sword strike, all human clans will be destroyed!

A flash of light, a flash of fire.

With a flick of your fingertips, the Thunder Knife Formation is coming!

Is the attack she uses fancy?

Nothing fancy, just a few back and forth, but it is the most perfect killing feast.

Group killings are all group killings.




He couldn't survive ten minutes at all. In just three minutes, the army of 100,000 was defeated!

It’s not that they are invincible, but if they join forces, they can slaughter Daili without limit!

The problem is... Under the threat of Long Wei, people's hearts are divided. Under the triple mass killing, everyone is falling. People's hearts are afraid, lest they be the next one.

This is to strike first to gain the upper hand and attack the heart first!


What a defeat!

A defeat that surprised everyone!

Including Zi Weiyang, who was hazy in the white air on the lake. She looked at this scene in surprise, with colorful eyes.

I didn't expect that the scumbag had such abilities!

But it’s not without any counterattack, such as... (To be continued) ()

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