A Queen

Chapter 818 More than one rule

Pull to the opposite side! The giant kun flapped its wings, very unwillingly, and even roared, but it was difficult to prevent itself from being dragged over...

It’s not good to go on like this!

Although when it was about to be sucked into the huge whirlpool of the Bloodline Colossus, it turned around and bit at the Bloodline Colossus!

Fuck, if you dare to swallow me, I will bite you to death!


Dai Li tilted his head and narrowed his eyes...

The bloodline colossus raised a paw!

Snapped! ! !

Slap him in the face!

Hard, Hui Chang slapped her hard, just like Aunt Rong slapped Ziwei, fast and accurate!

a slap!

boom! The giant Kun was blasted into the mountain wall.

Dong Kun couldn't believe it, but he raised his eyebrows and suddenly moved!

The giant kun also rushed out of the pit, and a man drove the giant kun, flying into the sky and slashing through the sky.

Man and beast formed a perfect fusion of spirit, energy and spirit at that moment.

Come with a knife!

The strongest sword, use all your energy!

Cut, cut, cut! ! !

The power of 8000 clouds!

This was Dongkun's knife that blocked everything in him.

His dignity, his glory, his everything.

"Jun Zili, take a stab at me!"

At the same time, the air was suddenly sucked out, and everyone was stunned. Then they saw the bloodline colossus swallowing a huge ball of light in its mouth.

Power, power!

All swallowed.

When swallowing.

The black light on the Qianji sword blade in Dai Li's hand flowed into silver light, flowing from the hilt to the tip of the sword.

Light rises.

Her left hand was twisting the tip of the sword up and down. This posture was a bit strange, very elegant and very quiet.

Just like the solo woman dancing with her hands in her sleeves.

Her eyes. Ruthless and stateless.

Absolutely calm.

Facing Dong Kun, who was definitely coming to kill him, she seemed to slowly spit out a few words.

Everyone couldn't understand it because it was in English.

If translated. That's it...

"Sacrifice with my blood"

If the Shang Dynasty song is here. Just know that this is the second stage of the bloodline colossus of the king-level purebloods.

--Blood sacrifice.

Pulling, swallowing, sacrificing, the trinity, what comes next?


Dai Li can't make the colossus come yet, but it can half come. Such as now.

In such a quiet posture, she was half-fused with the bloodline colossus.

The sword points at Dongkun.

Come on!



Quiet departure, Dong Kun's majestic charge down.

One movement and one silence.

At the same time, on the other side, Yuan Qi and Ming Jian were already in the final stage of king versus king.

Now they are not far from Dai Li.

There is no blood on Yuan Qi's body, but there is blood on Ming Jian's body.

This is the difference.

However, Mingjian hasn’t lost yet, and neither has Yiru Daili.

They faced it all at the same time, and then fought back at the same time!

sword. Knife, Qi.

Coverage blends together.

The attack of four people finally turned against the king!

The moment of fusion...is like nuclear fusion. It exploded instantly!

Wow! ! !

Everything was swept away...

The light spread out and covered the entire Dragon Mountain Range.

The light is vast.

The people of the Dragon Slaying Tribe outside the mountain range, as well as those who had just arrived at the Dragon Slaying Tribe, were stunned.

They all turned their heads to look at the shining place.

There, could it be that they were distracted and fighting?



The dim light is vast.

The grass is luxuriant.

The water is dim and light.

Wow! The famous sword burst into the air... His body spun around, he released his strength, and the energy behind him exploded!

Flying in the sky.

Settle down and raise your eyes.

Yuan Qi's arm on the opposite side was broken and dripping with blood.

There was a large amount of blood on Mingjian's chest.

Seriously injured!

Both of them were seriously injured!

Everyone's breath tightened, and when they looked again... where were the other two?

"Over there?"

On the collapsed mountains. The huge giant Kun moaned mournfully, and Dong Kun, who was half-kneeling on its back, was covered in blood and flesh. Breathing heavily, his eyes slowly scanned everything in front of him.

"What about the bastard?"

Where is Junzili?

Became a scumbag?

Many people think this way...


Zi Weiyang and Zi Junhou both looked down at the lake two meters in front of them. Then, I saw a dark head emerging...

The first thing I saw was naturally the ink-black hair, and then, a face emerged from the water, and the water was flowing...

After moisturizing.

That look of water.

Zi Weiyang, who is a top beauty and is used to seeing beauties, was stunned.

this person..

Zi Junhou's pupils dilated...he stared at Dai Li absentmindedly.

The siblings all stared at him, and Dai Liyi's reaction was...


She spat out a mouthful of water.

As if he was full, he spat at both of them.

Zi Junhou: "!!!!!! Fuck!"

Zi Weiyang: "..."

Dai Li immediately saw Zi Weiyang's slightly narrowed eyes, and suddenly his hair stood on end. With a crash, he leapt out of the water, carrying the water, and flew into the sky.

And with a flick of his hand, Qian Ji pointed at Dong Kun in the distance.

"Hey, are you still alive? Are you going to come again?"

Such a powerful voice and such a proud and bright presence undoubtedly tell everyone that Junzili is still alive!


We can fight again.

Dong Kun stared at Dai Li, "Aren't you afraid?"

Daili smiled back, flashed, and bang! The foot had already stepped on Dong Kun's chest, and he stepped on Ju Kun's back. With a slight exertion, both Dong Kun and Ju Kun spit out a mouthful of blood.

"You are so stubborn. If you could still move, you wouldn't be kneeling..."

Master! The boss's people are angry!

But when Dong Kun glanced at him, he didn't dare to move.

Can you still move?


"Why don't you kill me?" Dong Kun gritted his teeth.

"I always only make the most beneficial choice," Dai Li said lightly, turning his head to look at Yuan Qi in the sky.

A fight between two tigers is at least better than one tiger being dominant.

Dong Kun suddenly understood, looked at Dai Li, was silent for a while, and closed his eyes.

"You won. Since I, Dong Kun, have been defeated, I will not cause trouble for you again."

Give up!

Dongkun gave in!

The host family was speechless.

Many people think - if there are still people who say that Jun Zili is an ordinary person who fishes for fame and comes from an unforgettable place. I'll take a sip of salt soda and spray him to death!

"Haha" Yuan Qi laughed.

Now, seriously injured, he has to face two opponents.

A seriously injured famous sword. There is also Jun Zili who has great morale.

A lot of pressure.

He still laughs.

"Do you know that many games actually have more than one rule?"

Finished this sentence.

Many people are quiet. Many people are not quiet.

Those who are not quiet are king-level.

The king level finally appeared.

According to the rules, it is indeed enough to defeat Daili and the two, but there are many ways to defeat Yuanqi and the two. can also be...

Come to the king level!

Even if you are not at the King level, you are at the distraction level, or at the King level, it is still very easy.


Dong Wang glanced at Dong Kun and snorted. It was not that he was dissatisfied with his young master, but he was very hostile to Dai Li for defeating Dong Kun.

Their boss's people can be defeated, but the other party must die!

King Yuan was also very unhappy because Yuan Qi could do nothing to these two people. Now they actually want them to act like kings!

This is so embarrassing.

One by one, all the kings are here.

I've been watching the show for so long that I can't stand it anymore.

Ming Jian and Dai Li looked at each other. No rush either.

Mingjian didn't speak. She never liked talking, so it was Dai Li who spoke sharply.

Before these kings appeared, and they were so tall that they were ready to suppress them with their own pressure, and asked these two people to call out the treasure obediently before they could be spared.

Dai Li said something first.

"I know there are many kinds of rules, but some of them are not all decided by you, because we look at the situation magnified. This is the Dragon Slaying Conference, isn't it?"

Facing such a powerful enemy, Shi Shiran, the unparalleled and beautiful Jun Gongzi, inserted the long sword into the scabbard on his waist. There was a smile on his face that made the kings very unhappy.

It's not actually a smile, but it makes people feel like she is smiling.

While smiling. She said: "There is an iron rule in the Dragon Slaying Conference, which was set by the founders of the first Dragon Slaying Conference, that is - anyone who has made outstanding contributions to the Dragon Slaying Conference will be able to own the Dragon Slaying Conference." The highest honor, adherents, above the king's level, treat each other with courtesy, and do not criticize for personal reasons because of greed, so as to hurt the original intention of me as a cultivator."

As soon as these words came out, many kings changed their faces. Others and everyone present began to think about it. Well, it seems that this is really happening. However, will these kings abide by the rules now?

Are you kidding!

But he didn’t wait for Prince Yuan and others to refute.

Dai Li touched his chin again and glanced at several kings with frivolous eyes, "By the way, if I guess correctly, those founders may be the predecessors of your predecessors~~ I don't know about these ancestors How would you feel if you knew that you planned to violate this rule? What would the world think of you if you betrayed your ancestors?"

“There are so many people here, I don’t know if someone would come out and say that again.”


Such a talker!

At least several kings had strange expressions on their faces, but on the other side, Yuan Qi raised his eyebrows, glanced at the many people present, and smiled, "Others? What do you think?"

Who dares to say anything more? Stand up and try it!

Does anyone dare? !

no one.

There was silence.

King Yuan looked at Yuan Qi with satisfaction, and then looked at Dai Li.

Now, what do you think?

Dai Li was not in a hurry, he folded his hands and placed them under his waist and abdomen, so that he could take some time off.



A huge crowd of people!

Twenty thousand and nearly thirty thousand.

Fly out of the mountain!

The predecessor was a slender and delicate girl, Yan Qi.

She slightly bowed towards the kings, not afraid of the pressure of so many kings in front of her. She just asked softly and in a slightly questioning tone: "The commander-in-chief is the commander appointed by the kings. Among them, the leader More than 20,000 of us broke out of the siege and entered the Dragon Mountains, killing no less than 50,000 sub-dragons. When we finally faced danger, we did not hesitate to save one person and let us retreat safely."

She spoke slowly, and after finishing speaking, she looked at the kings in front of her with burning eyes.

"I wonder what mistake I have made now that makes you seniors want to criticize me?"


Could it be said that she got the treasure and we snatched it back first?

The chess king smiled bitterly, they would not be able to say this even to death.


I can't afford to lose face like this.

Even King Dong and King Yuan were speechless at this moment. (To be continued) ()

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