A Queen

Chapter 822: Attribute Spiritual Vein (Cute Beast Bai Yu and Clan Jade+)

However, compared to expensive commodities such as panaceas that have been processed later and require a lot of added labor value and market value, pure natural treasures like spiritual veins taught Daili what a natural price is.

--Ordinary small spiritual veins, one hundred dragon scales, ordinary medium spiritual veins, one five thousand dragon scales.

It seems that the price is not very abnormal. Although the gap between small and medium-sized is fifty times, it is normal, so it is not surprising, but!

Don’t forget~~There is a common prefix in front of it,

In Dai Li's inner impression, he does think that spiritual veins are spiritual veins. Is there any difference between ordinary and extraordinary?

And now, in the innermost row of cabinets, which is the place with the most people and the strongest defense, there are many people exclamating one after another.

"Huh?" Dai Li stepped forward curiously, but met the famous sword again who was scattered by the crowd and took advantage of the opportunity to go to see the treasure he needed.

"What's going on? With so many people gathered here, what kind of treasure is it?" Dai Li asked, Famous Sword tilted his head slightly and glanced at the cabinet, his eyes narrowed and he said, "Attribute Spiritual Vein"

"What is that?"


Ming Jian didn't say anything, but expressed her recognition of Dai Li with her eyes - you have always been so ignorant.

In a few words, Dai Li understood that most of the spiritual veins are pure, that is, they have no attributes. They are energy bodies. Immortal cultivators of any system can absorb them. After absorbing them, they turn into energy, but they still have to go through One step is to turn it into your own Yuan Power. That is the most difficult step, treasure. You do. But how do you turn it into something you can use? Then you can only rely on your own talent.

This is also the reason why although a person from a noble family has a lot of spiritual treasures, he may not be able to cultivate faster than a person with outstanding talent but little capital.

However, God always favors the wealthy.

For example, the attributes of spiritual veins are quite unbelievable.

--It originally has attributes. For example, take the fire spiritual vein. This spiritual vein existed in the land of heaven and earth spiritual energy from the beginning. However, to form a fire spiritual vein, it must be fire. A spiritual land with extremely strong attributes. Such as the land of magma, such as the land of sea of ​​fire...

By analogy, spiritual veins with various attributes must have an environment with strong attributes in addition to the strict spiritual energy environmental requirements...

The requirements are so strict,

It is difficult to form, and it is rare. Things are rare, so this thing is expensive.

Of course, the effect is overwhelming and can basically shorten a person's practice time dozens or even hundreds of times. If your talent is strong, this efficiency will be even more terrifying.

--It's simply because Daili is too lazy to practice slowly. It’s prepared by lazy people with very strong talents!

It seems that I have ten ordinary small spiritual veins. At present, attribute spiritual veins are hard to come by, so I can’t miss them!

Dai Li immediately became interested and took the initiative to join them. Fortunately, many people recognized the terrifying male god in black and the male god in white, so they made way for them.

In the cabinet, there were nearly fifty attribute spirit veins. It was not many, but it was already scary. After all, in Nanlin, Dai Li had never heard of attribute spirit veins. As a result, he saw fifty attribute spirit veins here. This Wanbaozhai is no ordinary trench!

Of course, the prices are scary.

Fire-type small spiritual veins, five thousand dragon scales.

Small water spiritual veins, four thousand seven hundred dragon scales.

Small metal spiritual veins, six thousand dragon scales.

Wood-type small spiritual veins, four thousand and five dragon scales.

Earth type small spiritual veins, four thousand dragon scales.

Small wind spiritual veins, seven thousand dragon scales.

Small ice spiritual veins, eight thousand dragon scales.


The first thing he saw was the price of small spiritual veins with attributes such as gold, wood, water, fire, and earth in front of him. As soon as Dai Li took a look at it, his eyes turned white. There were also many people wailing around him.

"Why is this like this? The prices of spiritual veins with different attributes vary so much!"

"The earth element is so cheap, only 4,000! I am a gold element, and the price is actually 6,000!"

"Dang it, I'm a fire type, I want five thousand!"

"Get out! I am an ice type...don't you want to die?"

There are all kinds of desires to live and die, especially the rare monks of the ice and wind types. They are all wiping blood and tears. The ice type is twice as powerful as the earth type~~ This is going to drive people to death. The rhythm!

However, there is a reason why the price gap is so big. The earth type is the cheapest, because the most abundant thing in the world is earth. By analogy, the ice type and the wind type have much less natural spiritual environment, and their spiritual veins are also If it’s less, the price will naturally be higher.

Maybe someone said, "Damn it, the price difference is so big, the investment in cultivation is too high, isn't it a loss?"

But you can't deny that people of the wind and ice types are indeed more powerful. Just like feeding a local dog at home with tofu dregs, a Tibetan mastiff must be served with good meat and bones. The rewards are also different. The local dog can only If you scare the chickens and ducks, the Tibetan Mastiff can take on the special forces alone.

So right now, these people from the ice and wind types are calling out all kinds of Mary Sues, which arouses complicated looks from the people from the earth type.

Of course, there were also some ice and wind types, it didn't matter. Immediately, they heard a pleasant but sad voice.

"Oh,~~Mingming, tell me, this is not true!"


"Thunder Element, they actually want 10,000 dragon scales! This is a robbery! It's so cruel!"


"Ten thousand dragon scales... If I add another two thousand, I can buy three earth-type ones? Are earth-types so cheap? How can I let the earth-type people feel embarrassed? Mingming, tell me this is not true!"

The earth-type people watched silently with blood on their faces as the alluring and beautiful Mr. Jun supported the unparalleled and elegant Master Swordsman and made all sorts of complaints...

Mr. Mingjian frowned slightly and said with an indifferent expression: "Don't call me by my name."



She calmly pulled out the collar of someone who was lying on her shoulder, and Mingjian also lightly patted the shoulder she was leaning against.

However, Dai Li suddenly came back to life with full health and was full of energy. Everyone was curious and heard this man pointing at a sign with a bright smile on his face.

"Sword spiritual veins...15,000~~~"

So..are you balanced? Are you happy? ! ! !

Mingjian turned his face and really didn't want to look at the face next to him.

--The sword comes out of its sheath (you know Miss He's impulse~~).

"Ten thousand, ten thousand,... the person who set this price must have forgotten to bring paper every time he went to the hut~~" Although he was mentally balanced, Daili couldn't help but complain about Wanbaozhai, and then, a cool voice came from behind him. Come.

"I think the person who said this must also go to the hut every time he eats."

Going to the hut for dinner?

Poison, too vicious, these words!

Dai Li turned his head and saw the beautiful woman from Hunan with her hands folded across her chest, looking at her with a stern look on her face, her features were like a painting, and her eyes were like knives.

Although Dai Li was said to be a fighter in the world of poisonous tongues, she still shrugged her shoulders and refused to fight back against the beauty who was obviously a trench and possessed extraordinary fighting power.

"Is it possible that Mr. Jun is so gentle and generous today? Is it because he has beauty by his side?"

Xiangxi Palace glanced sideways at the famous sword next to him. Who didn't know that this male god who enchanted everyone was actually a woman, a woman with a very unique temperament.

When Ming Jian heard this, he raised his eyebrows lightly, and when he looked over, someone already responded: "Miss Xiang has good eyesight~~, our little Jianjian has always been beautiful~~ although she is not as good as me. A little bit..."

I don't know why, but she has a pretty face, a cool and soft tone of voice, and a very ascetic and handsome temperament, but once they work together, they both have the urge to slap her in the face.

It can only show that this person is cheap to the core, and no temperament can make up for her natural aura.

The spiritual veins were very attractive, and soon even Yuan Qi and others came over.

The number of thunder-type spiritual veins in the small-sized spiritual veins has reached as high as 10,000, and the sword-type spiritual veins have reached 15,000, which is comparable to the number of ordinary medium-sized spiritual veins. This is scary enough, and the medium-sized attribute spiritual veins... .

Dai Li stared straight at the price tag of the medium-sized thunder-type spiritual vein - five hundred thousand dragon scales.


Why don't you show it off as the treasure of the house?

We couldn't afford medium-sized spiritual veins anymore, and the total number of dragon scales on Dai Li's body was 250,000. He couldn't beat the price, so he had to look at it with envy.

"Buy a small one." Mingjian's eyes turned red when he looked at the medium-sized lightning-type spiritual vein that Daili was staring at.

"Yeah" Dai Li nodded helplessly, and then quickly found someone from Wanbaozhai to deal with it. After she came back from the transaction, people like Yuan Qi and Dong Kun also bought the spiritual veins they needed.

Of course, like Daili, he was convinced in front of the medium-sized spiritual veins. Those medium-sized spiritual veins were prepared for kings. For example, now, Daili saw that King Yuan and others had just decided to buy medium-sized spiritual veins. , have already dealt with it with the people from Wanbaozhai...

Passing by Dai Li, the eyes of these kings were very complicated. Dai Li lowered his eyes and walked to the famous sword.


"Well, come here to get the spiritual veins." Speaking of the sword, the people from Wanbaozhai had already opened the cabinet, and in full view of everyone, they took out two spiritual vein plates and handed them to Dai Li.

"Master Jun, these are your lightning and sword small spiritual veins."


Dai Li took it over, but others were shocked, two? Thunder type? Sword system? This man is very rich! I bought two thunder veins and sword veins at once, but they were still so expensive.

But what is even more shocking is that this man took over the two spiritual veins and handed the sword veins directly to the famous sword next to him smoothly and naturally.

Ming Jian was slightly startled and subconsciously looked at Dai Li.

"Two, one for each person, take it."

"You can keep it, I don't need it."

"Are you stupid? I'm a swordsman. Should I take it? If I don't take it, we'll end our relationship~~" Dai Li glanced sideways at the famous sword with an indifferent expression.

Ming Jian looked at her for a while, then reached out to take it, "Thank you very much, I will return it in the future."

"If you don't agree with me, don't mention it."


Others were stunned when they saw it, and sighed to themselves, this is the style of rich people, giving away a huge sword worth fifteen thousand dragon scales as soon as they say...

You can buy a magic weapon~~. (To be continued...) ()

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