A Queen

Chapter 825 The final secret!

Dai Li's abdomen, his palms overlapped, and endless blood began to flow!

The pupils in the eyes rotate, dual core!

In the dantian, there is blood, blood core, and dual core!

"Dual core, explode!"

Dai Li's most terrifying trump card, the one that was most hidden after the breakthrough, finally broke out!


1000 cloud body, instantly reaching 2000 clouds!

In an instant, everything about her was doubled in all directions, light and shadow instantly!

One sword strike!

2000 Cloud Ontology has twice the all-round improvement. What is the concept?

What is the result?

Brilliant! Brilliant! !

The terrifying aura even directly affected the two famous generals. When they turned around, they happened to see...


The Qianji in Dai Li's hand has been inserted into Hong Feng's chest extremely powerfully, and his chin was pinched by Dai Li's slender fingers.

Being so close, Dai Li's slender eyebrows were tilted up, his red lips were charming, his face was charming, and he had a charming look.

"Idiot, thank you for your contempt, letting me kill you...so easy!"


Sword, draw it out! Blood rises,

His body was put into the ring by Dai Li.

In an instant, the 2000 Yun aura on Dai Li's body also dropped suddenly.

With the power of the dual-core explosion, she can currently only maintain one breath.

It was really a luxury, but fortunately her opponent made a fatal mistake, allowing her to succeed with one move.

Under the glare of tens of thousands of people, he counterattacked and killed a great master instantly.

The bunker is shocking and incredible.

Even King Yan's eyes widened. No amount of Confucianism and Taoism mottos can describe the various things he is doing at this moment.

"Oh my God. What kind of secret skill is that? It's so scary!"

"Improved so much all at once, what's the difference between being possessed by a fairy!"

"I'm going! Hongfeng was killed instantly!"

"Everyone in Split Cloud will have to eat shit this time!"

By the way, if the reputation spreads this time, the leaders of Liyun may really...


Qingsong was blocked by Mingjian with one sword, and then knocked away with another stab!

Trouble, this swordsman is simply too troublesome, his swordsmanship is too superb, even if his energy reserves in all aspects are stronger than the opponent. Even though he matched the opponent's sword and realm, he was still suppressed!

These two pretty boys are so strong!

All of them are extremely capable!


Qingsong had to retreat.

As soon as he retreated, he felt the boundless pressure coming from behind him!

Qingyi Tower, Peony Pavilion, Yidao Pavilion, the three empires, and those who were eyeing him, finally couldn't bear it anymore!

In this way, he is a powerful master!

They finally understood that the Grandmaster was basically a food delivery person. If you think there are too many people, you can come and give them away.

Therefore, everyone who comes is a master. All in all, there are nearly thirty grandmasters.

This is a lot of people.

Ming Jian lowered his eyes and quietly held the sword. He heard Dai Li next to him say in a very weak voice: "It's the seventh point."


"I'm so weak..."

"Then what? You cover, you run?"

"Yes, yes..."

Ming Jian glanced at her and said, "Well, you can go."

"Okay, because you look so pretty, I'll stay," Dai Li sighed.

"Really weak?" Ming Jian asked lightly.

"I never tell lies"

Therefore, now so many people have actually seen that Dai Lixu is gone.

After that weird outburst, he disappeared.

So, now there is only one famous sword left.

If you don’t do it now, then when will you wait!

So, they all exploded.


What to do now?

Daili, do you want Famous Swordsman to be able to defeat thirty grandmasters by himself?

How can you bear it!

If she were an ordinary person, there would be no doubt that she ran away, but the opponent was a famous sword! But it’s the famous sword of a male god or a goddess!

"Then why don't you leave yet?" Mingjian has already met a great master, and together with Qingsong, there are two great masters.

However, she seemed to still have time to chat with Daili.

Someone who said he was weak was sitting there taking drugs at the same time, saying, "You are here, how can I leave?"

This is actually very simple.

Rough and popular version - If you follow me, you are mine, and no one will bully you!

Literary and sensational version--If you won't leave, I won't abandon you.

Of course, Mingjian knew that this guy talked so much nonsense, in fact, it was all for the sake of the next sentence.

"Besides, I can't move, but others can."

Then, while taking drugs, she shook her sleeves.

With a flick of his sleeves, ten thousand people came out.

Ten thousand non-human beings, to be specific.

Ten thousand non-human beings just like the previous generations.

The 10,000 vampires whose average strength reaches the sword immortal level are still second-level sword immortals. This is a surprise for Dai Li, but a shock to others.

So what, it’s just Ten Thousand Sword Immortals. Although it is a second-level sword immortal, but...


In one encounter, three of the lowest level masters were instantly killed.


Blood soldiers!

Ten thousand vampires sacrificed their blood soldiers!

Ten more people sacrificed the bloodline colossus.

What formation can be as powerful as a group of crazy vampires, and what army can be as ferocious as a group of vampires!

"Ah, this is..." Dai Li was stunned. She really didn't expect that these ten thousand people would give him such a big surprise. Looking at Jie, this guy had already joined the group of grandmasters.

Wow, the strength has reached the grandmaster level. The Marquis is at his peak, but with the top sword immortal realm of immortality, he has naturally reached the grandmaster level.


Kill kill kill!

Fierce massacre!

Bloodline Colossus, all kinds of Bloodline Colossus come down!

And in the distance, a weak person opened his eyes.

"Left left...right right..."

Sweep the light of the moment to the left, and then to the right...

If you sweep to that side, the grandmaster on that side will be unable to move, and his body defense will drop by more than half. Then. Thousands of ferocious monsters rushed up. The bloody soldiers roared, not afraid of death or pain, and fought one after another...

This is simply a beast-like battle!

The masters are drunk!

Grass mud horse, you don’t play like this!

Go back, go back quickly!

Forced back!

Thirty grand masters were forced back by ten thousand bloody soldiers!

In fact, among these ten thousand blood soldiers, the top combat power is not weak. A Jie is already almost invincible at the first level of the Grandmaster. He has thirty or forty newly promoted top-level sword immortals under his command. Each of them has a variety of strange vampire talents, which are beyond the imagination of immortal cultivators who follow the orthodox route.

Caught off guard.


This is Daili's strongest trump card that he has never been afraid of not being able to get out of TECO from the beginning to the end.

But, this ended up scaring a lot of people.

"The universe is in one's sleeves"! ! Yan Qi's eyes widened and he told the curious King Yan about the previous chess game.

After hearing this, King Yan raised his eyebrows and smiled. "I know that the Qiankun in the Sleeve is a very mysterious and complicated secret method. The old man who is the chess king has taught many people. He actually has more than a hundred direct disciples under his command, but no one has learned it. I didn't expect him to teach just anyone. I actually learned it directly. If I knew it, I would probably vomit blood."

Later, the chess king did vomit blood, but he regretted vomiting blood. Damn, if I had known that I was meeting such a geek, I would have shamelessly decided to become a master and apprentice... Now it's better, I let such a good person go for nothing. Successor of the mantle.

The blood in the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys is all drained...

Grandmasters, retreated.

Thirty grandmasters, after encountering and injuring ten people, but none of them could get within a hundred meters, they all stopped and retreated. Even the two grandmasters who besieged the famous sword had already given up and ran away!

paralysis! I have never seen anyone so difficult to beat!

It is said that there are two people, one is worthy of a Grand Master, and the other has only 8000 cloud combat power. What is the result!

Both of them dropped a Grandmaster in seconds!

One of them released such a group of monsters!

Also, where is the promised king level?

Where the hell did you go!

Where are the people from the Yuan family!

Where have they all died?

Resentment, endless resentment, many people here feel that they have been cheated!

After a while, Dai Li swallowed the last pill and glanced at him, "Hey, there's no one here?"

The famous sword is holding the sword, his face is pale, his face is not stained with blood, and his white clothes are as old as before.

Ten thousand vampires, all licking their tongues, wanting to lick the blood off their own bodies...

The scene was a little breathtaking.

The tens of thousands of people retreating tremblingly in the distance all had stiff faces.

Dai Li sighed helplessly, stood up, and patted his clothes, "It's only the eighth point... I thought you could hold on to ten points... It seems that your king level will not come. In this case, Xiaojian Sword, let’s go”


Ming Jiantou couldn't look back and left. Dai Li smiled and waved his hand towards Yan Qi, "Farewell, Miss Huo Yun, farewell, girl of the Yan family, farewell, the incomparably beautiful Ziyi Palace." Lord, farewell, Xiangmei, farewell, Dongyuan..."

With her back waving lazily, one black and one white, she just walked into the emerald field where the flying sand danced wildly.

Behind him, many people were silent. After a long time, someone finally said,

"What the hell, she only said goodbye to beautiful women!"

"Well, it's true!"

"Didn't you hear what she said... She only dates beautiful women..."

"I feel the deep malice in this world"

Ugly, yet pitiful.

The treatment of being told goodbye is gone~~

And after these two people left, several beauties who were bid farewell to...

Spark Dance sneered: "A dog can't change its habit of eating shit."

Yan family: "Third uncle, don't look at me like that, I'm really not familiar with her."

Zi Weiyang: "Interesting boy"

Hunan beauty: "You won't give me two dragon claws. You are a stingy person, but Huahuachangzi is not stingy at all."

On the other side, those who felt that they had been cheated died. Those who crawled out of the trap are now flying towards the Dragon Slaying Tribe one by one...

We have to "report the good news" to those people in Dongyuan and let them die too!

In fact, all those people in the Dragon Slaying Tribe who were pretending to be polite and smiling were now silently vomiting blood, including the three major empires and other forces.

Yuan Qi, on the other hand, was playing with a small ball with an expressionless face. There were no kings like King Yuan around him.

He had a bad premonition.

So, where have all the promised kings gone?

A deserted place in Feihuang.

"By the way, have you taken advantage of famous swordsmen and kings?"

"It's not me, it's those Yalongs"

"Those king-level sub-dragons!? That's right, the color dragons are all in your body...are they your spiritual pets?"

"Yeah" (To be continued...)

ps: The cute beast white feather children's shoes and He's Bijia have been updated~~Unfortunately, the inflammation and cold recurred today~~~You can't eat all kinds of fruits, all kinds of desserts, and all kinds of hot pots...for half a month I'm drunk~~Suddenly I feel like I'm really possessed by Lin Daiyu ()

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