A Queen

Chapter 827: A group of unknown origins

Lin Yi waited for Lin Xue to finish eating, then said: "The merchant is calling me over there. In half an hour, the caravan will leave. Xiaoxue and I will go down first. You two come quickly."

Dai Li nodded, and then Lin Yi left with Xiaoxue, who was reluctant to take a step and looked back...

When leaving, Lin Yi was actually thoughtful.

According to Lin Yi, a person's behavior can reveal a person's character and origin. The person wearing white must be from a noble family with a deep family background. He has been influenced by strict aristocratic demeanor since he was a child, so he has such a noble spirit. Look down.

As for the former...

I can't see through it, because I am too casual, my style is also casual, my joy and anger are unclear, and my mood changes are very light, but it can give people a sense of charm that changes like clouds and winds, like a dream, which is elusive.

The most terrifying thing is... He has seen the other person's eyes and expressions, which can make many people feel charming and unforgettable.

Regardless of male or female.

This man is either a monster or a devil. Like the young man in white, he is not something that my niece can mess with...

As soon as the two left, Dai Li suppressed his smile, looked sideways at the team that was already resting below, and smiled faintly, "I didn't expect Feihuang's cultivation level to be so high... and so many businessmen heading straight to Fen. Sichuan..."

"The Qishan Road assessment is a grand event, and it naturally attracts the attention of monks all over the world..." Ming Jian has already put down his chopsticks.

"However, Lin Yi and the others went to Fenchuan not just to see the excitement of the assessment, but also because Fenchuan is a place with a medium-sized community. It is extremely prosperous and is where the world's opportunities lie... Powerful people like Wanbaozhai are among them. There is involvement..."

Fenchuan is not big. To be precise, it is not a group domain, but a special place. It can be described as a holy place.

It is said that Fenchuan is the location of the first pavilion where the Qishan Pavilion meets in a medium-sized group area. All the powerful forces have their bases in it, and the strong ones gather there. The swordsman is like a dog, and the master is everywhere. It's a very scary place.

Dai Li's words made Ming Jian pause for a moment while wiping his mouth, and his eyes narrowed slightly: "Aren't you considering going later?"

Regarding what Dai Li encountered in Daxia, Mingjian never mentioned it, nor did Dai Li. Both of them knew it. The most terrifying enemy was undoubtedly the group of killers that Dai Li had no clue about so far. By.

All medium-sized groups are scum in front of it!

It is also because of this,

The existence of generation and separation is even more dangerous.

"It's the same whether you leave late or come early. Moreover, there is a limit to the other party's access to our group area. It is expected that the manpower has been withdrawn by now, otherwise it would be a matter of minutes to find me, and it would not be delayed until now. Maybe they will In your eyes, I am already dead." Dai Li said coolly, his eyebrows were frivolous, but there was a coldness in his eyes.

"Even now, I am still an ant that can be ignored in their eyes."

Thoughts of fairy spirits. The real body must be a fairy. It would be too easy to kill her. It would be better to replace her instead. I will be so idle that I will let this grasshopper jump around for a few more days.

Ming Jian was not satisfied with Dai Li's words. He frowned slightly and turned around...

"I would rather you not go." She went because it was necessary for the assessment, but leaving was...

It's for those people.

"What, are you afraid something will happen to me?" Dai Li walked behind, with his sleeves rolled up and a smile on his face.

"I don't like collecting corpses," Ming Jian said lightly, as if he had thought of something. The breath dimmed a bit, and Dai Li's footsteps paused. Suddenly smiled bitterly.

Is this guy thinking about Die Wu again?

Everyone said that Die Wu was killed by a famous sword, but they all guessed that Die Wu committed suicide. But the details, the sadness and regret caused by the famous sword made her feel that it was not that simple.

Outside the inn, there are crowds of people. Sword Immortals, Dharma Immortals, Golden Elixirs, and Grand Masters are all walking around. You can’t tell which one is the strongest, because everyone is very good at hiding. For example, the famous swordsman and Dai Li, the people in the caravan in front of you. It seems that they are just two second-level sword immortals.

--Hide very cruelly.

"Hey, Mr. Jun, we have to leave, hurry up~~" someone in the caravan shouted.

Each group area has a special environment. Feihuang is a desert oasis that occupies 70% to 80% of the land. The mud and sand are rolling. Flying over the desert is the stupidest thing to do. No one dares to do this when distracted, because the sky Among them are Sharon and Sand Ghost, which can silently eat any living thing in the air. They can also ghostly track monks, chase caravans, and then massacre...

Therefore, most caravans travel on land. Land is the desert. Deserts are very dangerous. The most terrifying dangerous place is the Death Demon Sand Swamp. If you step on the air and get sucked into the sand swamp, don't even think about it!

In addition to sand swamps, there are actually storms, underground monsters, and sand thieves on the ground. All kinds of dangers are endless. This road is also necessary to go to Fenchuan. Any business trip must go through it...

No wonder the people at Qishan Hall said at that time that it was very dangerous to burn, and it was best to go together. The so-called companions meant finding business travelers. For example, Dai Li and Ming Jian blended into the group of thousands of business travelers in front of them. They were very small. There are not many masters in the business trip, only four masters.

What Daili and the two coveted was the experience of the other - neither of them knew the way to Fenchuan.

Moreover, there is also the opponent's Shatoma.

It's almost the same as an ordinary mortal horse, just taller...

"It's even fatter..." At this moment, Dai Li patted the belly of his Shatuo horse with his palm, put his foot down, turned on the horse, pulled the reins, walked side by side with the famous sword, and followed the caravan with the flow of people. left this small town.

Because Dai Li and Ming Jian rarely interacted with people in the caravan, they only had close contact with Lin Yi, so now the four of them are riding horses side by side. If this is the case, it doesn't matter. The main thing is...

"Those two...are so handsome!"

"What a handsome young man!"

"Black and white, which caravan are you from?"

The town is small, and the inn street is bustling with people. People coming and going can see the passing caravans. Naturally, Daili and the two have completely entered the eyes of everyone. They are already stunningly beautiful, and they are different from everyone. The two different temperaments immediately aroused the admiration of people on both sides.

Amazement will spread, that is, the cheers of blockbusters...

Fortunately, the people in the caravan were used to it, and the caravan owner turned towards Dai Li and the two of them with a smile: "Master Jun, thanks to you two, our caravan has become famous... We directly sold most of the goods along the way. goods"

The two of them are used to such teasing. Not many people in the caravan seem to think that the two of them are of high origin. Although they will call them pretty girls in private and look down on their strength, they will be more or less afraid of them. They dared to confront each other head-on, so...the two of them were very comfortable along the way.

But it was also because of such cheers that it attracted the attention of many people.

For example, when leaving, Dai Li and Ming Jian both looked towards the corridor of an inn.

There was a group of people standing in the corridor.

To be precise, there was a row of people standing neatly in the corridor, maybe a dozen or so, silently, five meters apart, at the end of the corridor, where the two Dai Li were riding horses facing each other.

Hearing the sound of cheers, those people who had their backs turned turned around...

Because they are directly opposite, they face each other.

The man at the end of the corridor also looked up.

A man is wearing a man's attire. The robe is casual, the collar is loose, and the collarbone is exposed. The curvature of the chest seems to be looming. There is a slender red rope hanging around his neck. There is a bead on the rope. It is difficult to tell what kind of bead it is. Looking up, there is a face with a mask, a gold and jade mask, very gorgeous, full of aristocratic luxury, and flamboyant and coquettish. The nose is straightened, the lips are red and sexy, the eyes are cold and charming, looking down at the representative. When we are apart from each other, there is a sense of self-centeredness and contempt for everything.

Such gazes made both Dai Li and Dai Li frown, and the two of them suddenly heard a rough cry from the demon spirit. When their eyes turned, they could see the other's hand gently raised, as delicate as white jade, beautiful. On the palm of the hand, the fingers are slender and graceful, and the nails are decorated with coquettishly blooming flowers.

That's all. The most terrifying thing is that there is a layer of diamond-shaped golden armor on the back of her hand, which is shining brightly. On top of the golden armor, there is a flying eagle-sized... double-winged monster, dragon tail, Luan head, eagle claws, shape like a bird, sound like an eagle...

There are thousands of monsters in the world. If such a monster is, it will not shock Daili and the two of them. The main thing is... this thing has no blood, flesh or feathers!

It is formed from white jade bones!

The whole body is just white jade bones, only two eyes are like rubies, shining brightly.

Both the tail and the wings are as sharp as swords.

Dai Li thought of his sword dragon.

It's almost like this, except that the Stegosaurus is dead and forced by the sword energy, but the one in front of him is a real monster and alive.

Is there such a monster in the world?

Yes, this thing is called the Jade Bone Demon. Such a word immediately popped into Dai Li's mind.

After thinking about it, there seemed to be some understanding in the memory given by the old man Zhenlong.

One of the top secret and rare monsters in the world.

"It is said that this thing has a bloodline that breaks through the immortal level... It is one of the closest monsters derived from the true dragon and the true phoenix... It is almost the same as Qingluan. I originally thought it was only in myths and legends. I didn’t expect to see it here.”

When Dai Li communicated with Mingjian like this, Mingjian was also shocked. His background was so big? So who can possess such a monster...

Both of them looked at the woman, but found that the other woman had turned around, and her body was surrounded by more than a dozen people in the corridor. They couldn't see anyone, but they could only feel the condensed momentum of the more than a dozen people.

Both the spiritual eyes and the six senses captured the other party's terrifying aura.

The two looked at each other for a while, then looked away and looked at each other, so strong.

"There are at least ten great masters"

"There must be at least one distraction."

Dai Li and Mingjian's hearts sank. Such a powerful group of people, as well as the Jade Bone Dragon, who didn't know their origins, appeared in Feihuang. It was already extremely scary. It was best not to encounter...

But what impressed Dai Li deeply was the woman leaning on the railing.

There is no doubt that this is the master. (To be continued) ()

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