A Queen

Chapter 832: Arrow Fight! (leszxrtheshibi+)

The two of them exchanged words, and soon they had nothing to say, because Xiaorou called Bai Jin away, as if something went wrong in some experiment...

After the two left, Dai Li lost the carelessness he had when talking to Bai Jin before. He raised his eyebrows. Liu Hongxiu had such a big background. If his hobby was so bad, he must be a difficult person to deal with. She Whether she can get away at that time is still a question, not to mention helping Mingjian win the first place among the young masters. Besides, she doesn't think that the other party spends so much effort just to get the first place among the young masters... there must be other motives.

"Chonglou in the mist... Gong Zangxue, Bai Jin... what are their backgrounds?" Dai Li frowned secretly. Suddenly, a chill ran down his back and he subconsciously turned his head...

call out!

An arrow shot through her cheek.

Broken hair falls.

She turned her face away and looked at Qingque who was sneering at her on the second deck. Qingque had a crossbow in his hand. There were many handsome men behind Qingque, all of them holding crossbows. They were all very hostile at the moment.

By the way, isn’t it just to be given as a male favorite? How are you so jealous?

Hurry up and make a duck!

Daili was really helpless about these people's life values, so he raised his eyebrows and said, "Your Excellency Qingque is good at archery."

I just don’t know why everyone is playing retro and holding ordinary mortal crossbows.

"It's easy to say, he was trained in shooting dogs in his early years." Qing Que sarcastically said, while drawing the bow and loading the arrow...the arrow pointed at Dai Li.

Contempt, humiliation, hostility.

The mocking looks from many people below.

This is the biggest humiliation Daili has suffered in so many years, especially now that she has no power.

However, even if her strength was blocked, she did not deliberately let anyone humiliate her.

Dai Li gently pinched the railing with his hand and narrowed his eyes, "Really? If that's the case, then Qing Que's archery skills should be very good."

"Ha. What do you think?" Qingque didn't take Dai Li seriously at all at the moment. Also, Dai Li was a useless person now.

And he is the Grand Master!

"What can I say... How about we compete?" Dai Li's sudden words stunned Qingque.

Then there was an uproar of laughter, and the others laughed too.

"You? Are you competing with us in archery? Are you out of your mind!" The jeers from so many people made many people on the flying boat look over after hearing the news.

certainly. Most people finally saw the handsome man who was said to be favored by Master Gong at a glance.

Jun Zili is beautiful, but his face is extremely pale and weak.

Pretty face among pretty faces.

And Qingque is the strongest among them!

"This guy is looking for death."

"It's just a show, no brains"

"Haha, I'll just wait and watch the show."

When watching the show, too many people want to see Dai Li being embarrassed. Just like Dai Li can't understand why so many people are obsessed with Gong Zangxue and want to buy their own apartments. These people actually don't understand why Lord Gong, who has always had a very high vision and is extremely picky about everyone, has a special affection for this pretty boy. bell.

As for the young ladies from big aristocratic families in the group area, there are not many who are enamored of Master Gong. There are many powerful people and extremely talented people among them, but...

"Ha, let's compete...I won't use my strength, so that you won't lose and then accuse me of bullying you!" Qing Que's proactive words made Dai Li smile, which was good. The man was more conceited than she had imagined.

"Then thank you, Lord Qingque, for your understanding... Do you have a bow?" Dai Li tilted his head and smiled, with a light smile on his lips, clear and demonic. Perhaps the color was really intoxicating, and many people and maids were stunned until a tall and handsome man in black laughed and threw out a bow and an arrow pot in his hand. There were ten arrows in the arrow pot.

"Here you go! Ten arrows determine the outcome!"

Dai Li Tanshou left, "Thank you"

Just when my fingers were about to grab the bow and arrow pot, phew! The green bird has already shot an arrow!

Like lightning!

Wow! Dai Li's foot slipped and his hand had already grabbed the bow, but the opponent's second arrow had already come out!

The arrow pot was hit with a clang. Ten arrows flew out of the pot, hula!

Dai Li has jumped from the third deck. Put your feet on the railing and jump up again. With a sweep of his palm, an arrow fell into the palm of his hand. He drew the bow and loaded the arrow!

call out!

The arrow breaks through the sky and falls!

It happened to hit Qingque's third arrow!

Straight, penetrating!

The third arrow was broken!

The arrow arrived as promised!

All the spectators exclaimed! What a fast arrow, what a precise arrow! Is this Junzili really blocked by Master Bai Jin?

Qing Que's face was dark and gloomy. He turned aside and had already avoided Dai Li's first arrow. He drew the bow again and loaded the arrow!

The fourth arrow!

She has no arrows anymore, I want to see how she fights me!

The fourth arrow comes out!


Dai Li had already landed on the railing. As the arrow approached, his body shot out like a ghost, and went around to the railing on the second deck, running quickly...

call out!

Qingque's fifth arrow came out!

The arrow speed is too fast! But people are faster! Those present only saw Dai Li's body turning into a perfect arc on the railing....

The fifth arrow, avoid it!

"Look at me guiding the arrow!" Qingque's eyes narrowed, and the arrow seemed to be condensed with green energy.

call out!

Break the sky!

Weirdly, the sixth arrow happened to be accurately aimed at the high-speed moving Dai Li, as if it had a radar eye!

However, at the moment when everyone thought that this arrow was bound to hit Dai Li.


Dai Li's feet stopped, her body froze, and the strong wind flew away, lifting up her clothes. She reached out with her hand, pinched her fingertips, and twisted. The sixth arrow had already reversed its direction. The tip of the arrow was facing the target. With a green bird.

Second arrow!

call out! Like thunder on a cold night!

Qingque's expression was stern. If he didn't use his own power, how could he avoid this arrow?

too fast!


There was another person in front of Qingque... It was a feminine and beautiful young man. He was pulled by Qingque and stood directly in front of him, blocking the arrow. Before anyone could react, Qingque had already come from behind. Jump up and shoot three arrows into your bow!

Three arrows fired in unison!

Instantly. Just arrived in front of Dai Li!

Three arrows?

Three movement trajectories, three strong and weak auras, and three speeds!

How to clean it up together?

speed. Strength, skill. An explosion in an instant! Even if there is no Yuan Power or Blood Energy available, Dai Li still has the strongest physique, the most sensitive senses, and the Eye Technique!

Jumping into the air, three afterimages!

In fact, it only took one second. The afterimage flashed and the three arrows disappeared!

One was already on the bow and the other two were...on the guy's mouth.

Depend on!

Caught two arrows with his mouth!

You are such a fortress!

Talk. At this moment, the man in black clothes is floating in the air, his feet are in the void, his black hair is like flowing wind, and his jade face is like jade. There are two arrows in his mouth, his face is dull, his eyes are like stars, he is stringing the bow in his hand, and his body is twisted in a perfect arc. shape...

That scene was no ordinary stunning sight.

Almost everyone present breathed heavily. Including the people on the third deck at this moment.

And after the beautiful scene, phew!

That arrow is not ordinary beautiful!

Shoot directly between Qingque's eyebrows!


Qingque sensed a crisis!

Can't hide!

But in his eyes was an extremely talented and beautiful person. He is not willing to give in!

Absolutely unwilling!

"go to hell!"

The tenth arrow, the strength explodes! A big master-level arrow!

Phew~~I missed Daili’s third arrow...

In an instant, I arrived in front of Daili...


Directly shoot Dai Li away... out of the railing... thousands of feet into the sky!

"not good!"

"She's down!"

"Oh my God!"

Some people subconsciously floated into the air and wanted to rush down...

On the other side, Qingque took Dai Li's arrow forcefully, but it was just a dull pain in his chest, because Dai Li's strength was blocked after all, so...

"Die!" He felt so happy when he saw Dai Li being knocked away!

But soon. His face turned pale because he was on the railing of the second deck. One person was left behind.

The character is as bare as jade, with flying red gauze. The man turned his face, his eyes...

Qingque was so furious that she knelt on the ground, sweating all over her body.

At this moment, Gong Zangxue didn't seem to care about Qingque, an ant. He only tilted his head, turned his face, and looked at the sea of ​​clouds below...

Everyone thought she would be angry, but in fact she was not.

Everyone thought she would save her, but in fact she didn't move.


Soon, a Jade Bone Dragon flew up from below, and there was a person hanging below. The man grabbed the claws of the Jade Bone Dragon, came up from below, landed on the deck, clapped his hands, and took off the three sticks on his mouth. Arrow, she turned her finger, and three arrows whirled at her fingertips. She smiled bloody at Gong Zang, "The psychological quality of your men is quite good~~ They broke the contract so easily..."

Gongzang gave her a white look and smiled, "Your physical fitness is quite good~~ Let's go to bed tonight."

Snap, three arrows fell to the ground.

The jaws of everyone present also dropped to the ground, and they were all silent and did not dare to speak.

Dai Li had a look of horror on his face, his body went limp, he was probably holding on to the railing, gasping, "Ah~~ my waist hurts so much, I have no strength anymore..."

"You can just bear it, you don't need to move your waist..."


--Suffering also has dignity.

Dai Li held on to the railing and stared at Gong Zangxue, whose eyes were uncertain about whether it was hot or cold. He frowned but the Qingque's voice came...

"Lord, just now I..."

Before he turned the corner, Gong Zangxue turned his face and gave him a look.

The three arrows falling on the ground suddenly shot through the air...


Traveling back and forth on Qingque's body..

Blood holes appeared one after another, and lines of blood shot out like sieves, but no one died.

After half a minute like this, the bloody green bird fell to the ground softly.

Blood was pouring out.

The men immediately took Qingque away quietly, and the blood on the ground was quickly drained out. In the blink of an eye, everything returned to its original state.

On the third floor deck, Bai Jin glanced at Gong Zangxue, "Isn't it better to kill him? Why do you keep him and cause me trouble?"

"Isn't it okay to cause you trouble? Why do you want to kill me?"

Gong Zangxue had a nonchalant look on his face, and while looking at Dai Li, what he saw was a gloomy face.

"Why, you think I'm cruel and you're scared?"

"No, I just feel like I'm at a loss...it seems like I still have seven arrows to shoot."

"..."(To be continued)

ps: leszxrt and Shibi will be updated~~~

The latest chapter of a female emperor is released at high speed. This chapter is Chapter 832: Arrow Fighting! (leszxrt and Shibi+) The address is ()

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