A Queen

Chapter 843 The gap between the gaps (Xu Yu Rousi and Shi Bi+)

The sudden sentence "Environment affects everything" raised eyebrows. Linjiang Xue shrugged, "That's what that person said... But it doesn't matter that these people are ahead of us now. As long as we work hard and find a good environment, we will be better tomorrow." You can catch up.”

For a person like her, having low self-esteem is a joke, but if these people come in front of her, she can still spew poisonous words.

This is her Linjiang Xue. For example, that person came to Da Qin with a mere identity of Da Xia, and was so domineering and cruel that he crushed all of them.

"You're right, she can do it, why can't we? Even if we can't turn our backs on others, we still have to not fall behind." Guique chuckled, his red phoenix eyes were long and charming.

Everyone laughed.

It's unimaginable that the person who made them itch and was so mean to death would now become their inspirational idol.

It felt really awkward.

The beauties and handsome guys in Nanlin here encourage each other, and the geniuses here have made many plum blossoms fall.

There are all kinds of achievements, some are worse than Chai Zijun and others, and some are better than them, but among a few, Chai Zijun and others are actually not bad at all.

Among them, Mr. Liushui and Mr. Tianhua had slightly higher scores than Chai Zijun, but the difference was only one or two flowers.

But the most amazing thing is Xiang Baobao’s result. This little girl has eight white plum blossoms!

The purity of her mind is astonishing, and it also makes people have a better impression of her.

Such a simple and lovely girl is indeed worthy of love.

There are relatively few people with pure hearts. They are all being slandered secretly, this person must be very evil...

Peerless plum blossoms are inherently peerless and unique. Incomparably wonderful, rustling in the air, floating, and entwined, it is extremely beautiful. In such beauty, Dai Li stretches out his slender long legs. Looking at that beautiful scene, I suddenly smiled. Turning to Gong Zangxue, he said, "You said you wanted to treat me to some plum blossom wine...Where's the plum blossom? Where's the wine?"

Do you have the attitude of being a man's favorite? Are you a male pet asking for something from your master?

Daili's words attracted the attention of many people.

Looking subconsciously, these people wondered whether Gong Zangxue would indulge this incompetent male favorite again?

Gong Zangxue glanced at Dai Li very coldly,

His gaze seemed to freeze the pink plum blossoms blooming around Daili.

"Is this the tone you should have?"

Yes, that’s the attitude you should have! Mr. Liushui and others were secretly happy.

However. The male favorite smiled casually, and that smile was really very charming, so charming...


"So, what should I say..."

In just one second, the beautiful, enchanting, and cool style of the handsome man in the tree changed!

"Dear master... I want to drink the wine you brew... please~~"

Three points hoarse, three points clear, and three points soft. There is also a bit of pity.

--This is her voice.

Pull into, hook up, **.

--This is her gentle and unhurried tone.

Honey..I want to drink your milk...

--This is the blur effect caused. Who told someone to deliberately have non-standard pronunciation~~

puff! Big squirt!

--This is the physical effect caused.

Cough cough cough, Qi Zhongtian and old man Xuan Qian both coughed. Next to them, Wen Zhiqiu looked at the person on the tree with an incomprehensible expression.

The plum blossoms on the trees, the human beings among the plum blossoms, the demon among humans. The evil among demons. (It feels a bit like a shemale...)

She thought for a moment that this man was using a charm on her.

Then, she glanced lightly.

people below. That expression...

Even though she said words that made people's hearts go numb, her person made people's hearts burn even more.

Both men and women seemed to be possessed by evil spirits.

Is this person really... a monster?

Chai Zijun came back to his senses after a while. When he turned his head, he saw Yu Ji's quiet gaze. Although quiet, it was slightly different. Some were surprised, some were thoughtful, and some were stunning...

Bastard, this male favorite!

The person who is most qualified to scold Dai Li as a bastard is undoubtedly the master Gong Zangxue. Her expression is very strange and quiet. She just looks at her for a while, and then curls the corner of her mouth, "It's just plum blossom wine... What’s the harm in getting some wine for you to drink?”

Sister, do you want Jiang Zi to be domineering? Is it really okay for Jiang Zi to pamper a male pet? !

"They say wine can strengthen the courage...I wonder if it can strengthen the virility." Gong Zangxue was very lazy, 90% sexy, 70% quiet, "You are too weak..."

Pretend, who can pretend!

At this time, even Zhuqing was frightened. Speaking of which, although it was said that Gong Zangxue liked beauties, especially beautiful men, and always attracted a large number of beautiful men, it seemed that there were almost no people that Gong Zangxue could get close to. , regardless of gender.

If you like it but don't touch it, it doesn't necessarily mean you like it.

I touched each other, and I wanted the other person to be stronger... It was more than just liking him.

Even if it is desire, it is not just love.

It's uncomfortable, it's so uncomfortable. How can this weak pretty boy have such love? Why...

And he is such a vain rabbit!


The sudden sound of slapping the table, neither light nor heavy, came from Nuoshan Bei from the Nuoshan Group. He smacked the table and stood up, looking at Jue Xue Ge opposite, "Jue Xue Ge, how about we compete too?"

One sentence, very cleverly attracted everyone's attention.

The two geniuses from the two major groups are naturally eye-catching.

At least it should be more dazzling than a male favorite.

Jue Xuuge was drinking at the moment. Hearing this, his expression was elegant and calm, "Although I know you have other agendas, it's okay to compare. Anyway, the result will not disappoint me." As he said that, he slowly put down Wine glass.

When I stood up, the sleeves moved with the movement, and the flowing snow flew, as if they were alive.

So, what methods will these two people use to attract Peerless Plum Blossoms?

Maybe, it's not just these two people.

"Zhiqiu, you usually study in the pavilion. Now it is said that the peerless plum blossoms are blooming, so you are willing to come out for a visit, but now you want to get the plum blossoms. You have to do something..." Qi Zhongtian said this in a joke, but It's heart-wrenching.

Wenge is a pavilion in Fenzhou, how can it show weakness to other groups, even the northern group.

Therefore, when Nuoshan was about to take action with Jue Xuege, Wen Zhiqiu, the representative of Wenge, had to take action as well.

But Wen Ge took action, how could Yin Ge lag behind?

"Sister Wen has already taken action, why don't I, Zhuqing, join in... Xian Wu. Let's join together." Zhuqing stood up and said to Yu Ji beside him. Having said that, his original intention was to let Yu Ji collaborate with him once, that is, to play the flute music. Zhuqing is also very optimistic.

However, when Yu Ji heard this, she frowned slightly, and then smiled elegantly, "I'm not good at music, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to match Mr. Zhuqing's music, so let's forget it..."

She refused, but it was a very gentle and reasonable refusal. Zhuqing frowned, a little unwillingly. But I didn’t force it, I just took action on my own.

Four people, two geniuses from a medium-sized group. Among the two geniuses in Fenzhou Pavilion, who can win the most peerless plum blossoms?

Wen Zhiqiu was from Wen Pavilion, so she was naturally close to Wen Ya. She checked the air with her fingers, and there was a cyan liquid condensed on her fingertips. Is that Yuanli? Also mixed with mystery.

She wrote two sentences into the air.

The sparse shadows are horizontal and the water is clear and shallow. The faint fragrance floats at dusk. (I like this sentence best, borrow. Borrow).

If it is just poetry, then it is reading words.

But this is not just a poem. When the two lines of words were written, ponds, streams, bright moon, and faint fragrance were all formed in an instant.

"Mysterious simulation, beauty of artistic conception"


Zhuqing was the first to praise, and Liu Zongyuan couldn't help but nod his head in appreciation. As for outsiders, they were even more surprised. This is too mysterious. Can the scene be recreated with just a few words? Is that what Wen Zhiqiu can do at this stage of strength?

It can only be because of one possibility!

Wen and Xuan'ao have been perfectly integrated by Wen Zhiqiu!

What a sharp home girl!

Zhuyun plays the flute. The sound of the flute is very beautiful, extremely beautiful and immersive. If there were people who played the flute before, they are all instantly killed by Zhuyun's flute sound. Compared with it, it is almost like the sound of killing a pig.

Compared to the elegance of these two people, hehe, Nuo Shanbei and Jue Xuuge are completely violent!

knife! Nuoshan was knifed! Jue Xuege uses a sword!

The two of them were fighting with each other, fighting with swords!

He didn't use any energy, just used sword skills and sword skills to give everyone a very exciting fight!

As these four people compete, the peerless plum blossoms bloom! The number of blooms is almost one-third of that of the twenty or thirty people before, which is shocking!

Immediately, peerless plum blossoms fell around the four people.

Wen Zhiqiu, 7, 5, 7, 7, 7.

Bamboo cloud, 6,5,6,6,6.

Nuoshan North, 7,7,6,5,5.

Jue Xue Ge, 8,7,6,6,7.

The gap, the gap is out! Killing means the person's murderous intention and fighting spirit. Nuoshan Bei and Jue Xuege are undoubtedly far better than the previous two, but they are more pure than the previous two, and lower than Wen Zhiqiu. In terms of talent, temperament and character, Wen Zhiqiu ranks first. Regarding peach blossom luck, Miss Wen and Jue Xuuge are also number one. In terms of nobility, Jue Xuuge and Nuo Shanbei are better than the other two.

Environment affects everything.

Compared with Wen Zhiqiu, Zhuqing was a little worse.

Compared with Juexuege, Nuo Shanbei was a little worse.

This is the gap.

The two of them were a little unwilling to be inferior to each other, but Zhuyun's unwillingness still made him clasp his fists at Wen Zhiqiu and sigh, "Zhuyun is not as good as Miss Wen."

But Nuo Shanbei could not bow down to Jue Xue Ge.

People like Chai Zijun are even more unhappy. They are all in the same class. The gap is so big?

Is this the gap between the geniuses in the mid-sized group between the north and the south?

“What a high score”

"The south is really not as good as the north..."

Many people lamented and sighed.

At this time, Liu Zongyuan said: "Our results are deserved. To win more peerless plum blossoms, it depends on your actions."

He looked at Qi Zhongtian and others,

Now regarding the location, one can see some tricks.

Liu Zongyuan sat on the far left, and past him were Qi Zhongtian, Zhuqing, Xuanqian, Ziweiyang, Xiangxi Palace, and finally Gong Zangxue. (To be continued)

ps: Thank you for the He's Bi from Xiaoyu Rousi Children's Shoes on the night of the 31st, and thank you to the cute beast Bai Yu for the Langyuan Xianpa. Please take your time to add more. Of course, thank you for everyone's support during this period, no matter it is Pink tickets are still rewards, and even subscriptions, sq~~~Happy New Year~~ ()

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