A Queen

Chapter 845 Peerless Drum Sound!

It was placed in the open space below, located in the poetic and beautiful plum forest, which seemed a bit abrupt.

Dai Li took one look, smiled, and then walked over, rolling up his sleeves as he walked.

Walk through the whole place.

White, slender, and more beautiful than a woman's hand.

He is indeed a pretty boy!

"Do you have any sticks?" Dai Li asked again.

"Of course!"

Two sticks were thrown out, and Dai Li caught them casually.

When the two brown-gray sticks fell into the slender white hands, a strange visual impact came.

So what, does this soft-faced mortal really want to choose the most domineering and magnificent drumming?

Even if you play the piano and sing, that's fine.


Everyone is confused, drumming? It doesn’t matter if there are so many drums, each one is a different drum...


"I wonder if you want to attract the peerless plum blossoms with the sound of the drum?" Zhuqing gave the drum, so he was naturally qualified to ask.

"That's right, but give me some time to think about it first."

Still brewing it! I bet you've never played the drums before?

Everyone soon saw that this guy was using two sticks to hit the eight drums randomly. Not to mention the rhythm, even a random pig butcher could beat her in rhythm!

Many people covered their faces, many people chuckled, many people were surprised, and...

Instead, Gong Zangxue drank quietly, and Xiangxi Palace had some free time, waiting to watch the show.

Liu Zongyuan looked at Dai Li for a while. He also laughed, but the smile had no meaning, neither cold nor hot. Neither deep nor shallow.

The eye sockets are very deep.

Peng bang dong...

After various mixed percussion sounds tortured everyone's eardrums,

The sound finally stopped.

Dai Li held two sticks and walked over slowly...

Ya, gave up? still...

She didn't go far.

Chai Zijun watched her walk in front of him... turned sideways and stretched out his hand to the girl beside him.

"Miss Yu Ji, may I dance?"

Yu Ji was also very surprised when she came. Why does this person know that he can dance? Secondly. Why did you choose her to dance?

Is it just because of what she said before?

Little did he know, it was really because of those words.

But I only thought about it for a moment, when I met these eyes. Yu Ji accidentally reached out her hand and put her hand on the other person's hand.

"Xian Wu, you..." Zhu Yun intended to stop Yu Ji, but Dai Li glanced at her coldly, and his body froze in an instant.

"Okay." Yu Ji realized that she had responded.

Inexplicably, she actually trusted this person.

Perhaps, it's because of those eyes that are similar to each other,

Yu Ji sighed slightly in her heart. Under the surprised, disapproving and doubtful eyes of most people, he walked off the stage. Come to the clearing.

Open space, with dirt.

Even though Zhuqing was confused, he was not willing to let Yu Ji have anything to do with Dai Li. After all, he seemed to be protecting Yu Ji, so he just raised his hand.

On top of that land was a layer of white bricks that looked like white jade. .

The open space seemed to have really formed a stage.

Yu Ji was already standing in the center of the stage. She is very settled and quiet. He only glanced at Dai Li.

Are you ready?

Dai Li stood behind the drum stand, raised a stick, smiled at Yu Ji, the mask on his face looked enchanting, and she said something.

"See you in Lanzhizhou that year"

The drum stick falls neither lightly nor heavily, and a soft echo is heard, spreading...

With this sound, Zhuqing raised his eyebrows heavily.

this person...

A perfect tune.

It was so good that he was able to tune the sound right from the beginning. He concentrated his will so quickly!

Zhuyun frowned, he felt that this was not a good thing.

Up again, down again, the two drum sticks strike one after another... The rhythm of modern drums and the rhythm of ancient music are integrated.

Different drum sounds, different rhythms, coming gently and briskly, just like the duckweeds on the state and the generals on the shore when the orchid flowers bloomed that year.

Yu Ji only listened to the prelude drum sound and then took a deep look at Dai Li, then she stood up, spun, stepped, and her clothes fluttered.

See the sound of drums, and the dance will finally come.

Everyone was quiet because the dance was so beautiful.

Dai Li's action of playing the drum is also very handsome and cool!

And this dance seems to have become one with the drum sound.

"The face of the Jade King, the promise of my concubine's heart, will eventually be defeated by the dust and smoke of the troubled world."

The drumbeat started to sound more urgent, with a slight nervousness and hesitation.

"The common people are anxious. The king will caress his face, and the ghost will see his face. The world will be in chaos, and the sea will be divided. In the end, there will be no face..."

After the crisis, after the hesitation, comes separation!

Sad, extremely sad, extremely worried, but still pretending to be firm, saying goodbye to him, and waiting for him.

"There is no end to the killing, people are dying of hunger under the sword, there is no end to the chaos, iron horses are crushing the reeds, no life can be spared, and the rivers are full of blood."

The murderous intention finally arises!

Every time you fall into a dream, the warriors will rise and fall with you throughout your life.

And this is also the most glorious and glorious moment!

Her king finally put an end to the war!

He's coming back...

Feeling lighter and full of joy, she waited patiently for his return.

Is this the finale?

"On that day, the king will cry blood and kill everyone."

The murderous intention finally spread here.

A family is destroyed.

The drum sound is too loud! Because it’s too miserable!

Yu Ji closed her eyes, danced, and kept dancing, so that she would never forget it!

Dai Li also closed his eyes, and the drum stick in his hand flew up and down. The force became heavier and heavier, the anger became deeper and deeper, and the murderous intention became more and more intense.

Chaos, killing, hatred, regret, come with the sound of drums!

The people in Xiangxi Palace were all in dead silence, just looking at the boundless plum blossom sea. With the sound of the drum, it went from quiet and beautiful, to agitated and uneasy, to rolling rage!

Finally, it turned into boundless killing intent!

Kill kill kill!

Kill everyone! Leave no one behind!

My heart is like a drum and thunder!

The sound breaks through the vastness!

That sound. The news spread far and wide, reaching as far away as the bustling streets outside Merlin. In the prosperous Burning State, in the inn, a large number of masters had to raise their noble heads, and those who were fighting had to stop their sharp swords.

The person who is drinking forgets to drink.

The person who is writing. One word with a shake of the hand. It's just ruined.

Such drumming destroyed Fenzhou's fixed prosperity and bustle, making everything quiet.

Extremely quiet.

Only it is angry and hateful. He was killed!

But this is not the climax...

"The country is not destroyed, the family is gone, the person is dead, the concubine mourns, the bright fire, I can only dance for you..."

It was a dance in the sea of ​​fire, a dance for you, a dance of destruction.

Yu Ji dances. The body is like a phoenix in the blazing fire, like a burning butterfly, like a moth fluttering into the flame. Even though I know that falling in love with that person will eventually lead to death, but...

"This life, hold on to this life"

The hand was raised, slender and white. Weak, but strong. Drop the drumstick in your hand...

Just like her, she never has a way out and never refuses to retreat. Now that she has taken that step, the sword in her hand must be cut down!

Never compromise!

"not regret"


End with a drum!


The wine glass cracked, the lake trembled, the rice paper torn, and the strings of the piano broke!

Has the dust settled?

No, it's total silence.

It will take a long time, maybe not long, but who can say that it will last forever?

Someone saw the presence of a person.

He stood on a plum tree, standing on the plum tree on the right side of Zi Weiyang, not far but not too close. He was dressed in a blue and white splendid robe, with a face as white as jade and cinnabar between his eyebrows. The best word to describe it is Without his supreme Tsinghua University, all the best colors fade away beside him.

Liu Zongyuan, Jue Xuuge, is considered the most outstanding young master here, but he is defeated by Yiyan Juechen.

He has no pressure at all, and there is no hint of charisma in his appearance. He is not Ruoliu Fufeng, nor is he handsome and graceful. He just casually holds a piano with one hand, one hand hanging down, and you can see the slender and beautiful figure. finger,

He just stood there silently, blending with Merlin and the blue sky and white clouds to form a timeless scenery.

Scenery asked.

"What's the name of this song?"

Yu Ji had also paused, put down her sleeves that were touching her face, and faced the man.

this person! It's him...

Subconsciously, she turned her head and saw Dai Li opening his eyes. There seemed to be a mysterious light flashing past. The valuable aura on her body that agitated with the sound of the drum suddenly subsided, and instantly changed back to that beautiful color. But the weak little girl slowly put down the drumstick that fell on the drum.

"Lanling Dazzling" (I love this book the most, and the King of Lanling the most!).

Lanling is confused, such a name... has no origin, but it fits inexplicably.

The man pondered for a moment, holding the hand holding the piano, and curled his index finger slightly, as if he was grasping a certain rhythm.

There is no one here who dares to say that he is not shocked by this song or enchanted by this dance.

"How could this male favorite..."

"I must have heard wrong just now."

Chai Zijun, Mr. Liu Shui, or whoever it was, were gritting their teeth and sullen at the moment, very unwilling to accept everything that had happened before.

Xiang Baobao, on the other hand, looked at Dai Li curiously with his eyes wide open.

Zhuqing's eyes were full of shock, and the way he looked at Dai Li was like a wretched uncle who had taken aphrodisiac and suddenly saw a beautiful lady.

Qi Zhongtian was also full of shocked emotions. Although there were rows and rows of mountains, there were some things in common, such as the shock caused by this drum music.

Soul shock!

"Soul resonance, peerless sound, very good..." At this moment, Xiangxi Palace put down his clenched fists and took a deep breath.

That man indeed had a good eye as always.

A person whose strength has been banned can play such a song just by relying on his will.

How strong is her soul? How strong is your will?

Horrible, terrible!

As for Gong Zangxue, the wine in the glass was empty. She raised her eyes and looked at the person near Zi Weiyang.

That person must be a peerless person.

Even such a beautiful person as Dai Li paled in front of him.

Who is this person?

Most of the local people in Fenzhou were hesitant and confused, but the expressions of the four people in the two pavilions and Xuan Qian were very obscure.

Swish, brush, brush! A large number of strong men shot from all around, obviously coming for this song.

However, their movements immediately stopped because Gong Zangxue said something.

"If there is no chaos in the world, there will be no chaos without Qin... If there is no chaos in Fenchuan, what are you doing with Qin Zhige running out?" (To be continued) ()

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