A Queen

Chapter 849: Rescue, kill! escape!

Well, to be specific, she was covered with a quilt, but her calves, shoulders and arms were exposed, and she slept peacefully.

It should have been very springy, but this person even slept very quietly and peacefully, and became extremely noble and elegant, like a pure and flawless sleeping beauty.

Daili thought that this person was really beyond recognition. Is this girl pure? He looks like a pretty girl, but he is a master of poisoning!

Moreover, if you like to sleep naked, most people have extremely selfish personalities, which is **.

Most of these people are difficult to deal with.

Dai Li didn't look again, because this woman was undoubtedly distracted, and it was okay to be asleep now. If she stayed for a long time, the other party would easily find her.

But if this is Bai Jin's residence, then the famous sword is...

She flew outside and suddenly saw the inner door on the next door. She paused and flew in.

Suddenly I saw the person next door.

He sat cross-legged on the blanket on the ground, with his back to the door and the moonlight outside the window.

Sitting quietly, the moonlight lengthened the outline of her figure.

Slender, lonely, but unyielding.

Dai Li hung for a moment, then flew over and landed on the window.

Mingjian naturally saw the bat, but was stunned for a moment, then frowned and signaled with his eyes.

How did you come? But he immediately realized that Dai Li could transform into a bat, which meant that she was free from the forbidden technique!

Dai Li didn't dare to say anything at all, but his figure was curled up with the famous sword... and the blood light escaped!

The next second Biao shot out of the window. It fell into the rockery thousands of meters away.

After escaping a little further, Dai Li put down his famous sword and the two of them stood in the garden.

"You've recovered..." Mingjian's eyebrows stretched.

Dai Li also laughed. "Yes, good luck... I can't stay here for long. That pervert Liu has already arrived in Fenzhou. I have to go to bed with him tomorrow... Damn it!"

Ming Jian rarely listens to Dai Li and swears in front of others. It can only be because he is too annoyed.

Or don't treat her as an outsider.

"In that case, let's go." Mingjian heard that he was about to leave.

"Wait a minute. Your strength hasn't recovered yet... I'll take you out..." Dai Li hurriedly held on to the famous sword, although it consumed a lot of money. It's easy to be exposed, but it's the only way...

"No need, I" Ming Jian was about to say something when he saw Dai Li's expression change. And she herself saw something in Daili's pupils.

"If you want to leave, why bother? I can give you a ride."

The outstanding man in red, standing at the tip of the plus, looked down at the two people in front, and followed her voice.

Swish, brush, brush!

Figures shot out from behind her.

Astonishingly, it was Qingque and these guards!

It seems that it has been prepared from the beginning.

Dai Li and Ming Jian looked at each other, this woman. terrible.

"Have you known this for a long time?" Dai Li stopped in front of Ming Jian and asked Gong Zangxue.

She asked herself that she was covering up perfectly, but the other party could still see it...

"You are afraid of death. But you are brave and cruel, so you pretend to be so obedient. Naturally, you don't want to sit back and wait for death. Instead of suffering a crisis tomorrow, you might as well give it a try..."

Only then did Dai Li understand how wise and cunning Gong Zangxue was underneath his arrogant and unruly appearance. And, it’s only a few days. Her character is quite similar...

"Ha, I didn't expect you, Miss Gong, to pay so much attention to me~~" Now that we've broken up, Dai Li's true nature is revealed. His evil nature comes up, his smile is neither light nor thick, and he is frivolous and sarcastic.

"Bold! Jun Zili, the Lord is so kind to you, but you dare to run away, so disrespectful!"

Qingque can be regarded as having caught Dai Li's hand, and his murderous intention is clear.

Dai Li didn't even look at this guy, he just said lightly: "Please speak human words."

"Bastard!" Qingque tightened his grip on the bow in his hand, but didn't dare to make a move first. He looked at the bow with blood...

Gong Zangxue narrowed his eyes, "Not bad...ha, this will make you more like the first day I met you, a true gentleman."

"Your Excellency is the real Gong Zangxue at this moment. With your strength, you can crush both of us with one finger." Dai Li smiled.

Is it sarcasm?

Gong Zangxue folded his hands and put them in front of him, looking very casual and high up. "I don't even bother to take action against you two... these people are enough"

"You mean, you won't take action?" Dai Li's eyes flashed.

"Of course...go ahead and kill them all, leaving no one behind." Gong Zangxue pointed with an expressionless face.

Killing order, this is a killing order belonging to Gong Zangxue!

Extremely cold!

Qing Que and others were already very unhappy to see Dai Li and the famous sword, and now they were rushing towards Dai Li like tigers out of their cages, extremely ferocious!

A full thirty-man guard!

All are great masters!

This is pure massacre!

Among them, Qingque is the strongest! With one arrow, Biao shoots out seventeen thousand attacks!

"Well done..." Dai Li has been holding back for a long time! Especially this green bird!

He stepped forward, guarding the famous sword behind him, and raised his left hand, thunder, explosion!

A hook with the right hand, Qian Ji, come on!

Breath, elemental power, or blood energy, blast, blast, blast!

1,000 cloud blood energy, 1,500 cloud energy!

Bloodline Colossus rises! The absolute realm opens!

Eye of the moment...

A moment of light!


Thirty great masters! Ten of them settled!

Ten! If before, I could only fix the weakest one at most! But Dai Li, whose souls have skyrocketed, can now hold ten of them at once!

In an instant, the fire of the moment has come!

The flames are roaring and the breath is majestic.

In the never-night building, many people who were deep in the gentle land were suddenly awakened and leaned down to the window to take a look.

Killing, extremely fierce killing!

The fire is as bright as blood, the giant beast roars, and the light of blood eyes sweeps across...

That moment...


Dai Li pressed with his left hand!

A thunder knife array!

Sword, knife, knife, kill, kill, kill!

Buzz~~The thunder array is pressing down! cover!

1500 clouds of energy. The Eighth Level Hanyue Transformation Sect, the terrifying thunder array!

What kind of destructive power is that?

A group kill of 15,000!

Combined with the moment of fire and the moment of light...

Puff puff!

The ten weakest Grand Masters exploded instantly!

This is the first breath...

Second breath. The twenty stronger Qingques have already shot to the front, ambushing them, or leaping into the air to kill them!

Although the previous scene of ten people being killed instantly shocked them, it only added to their murderous intent.

Wow! Twenty arrows! A powerful attack by twenty great masters!

Far attacks, all are long range attacks with bows and arrows!

The weakest one is as strong as 13,000 clouds. Such a powerful attack by twenty great masters...

in the second.

Wow. Dai Li's clothes are fluttering, and his right hand has been revealed! The Dragon of Thousand Opportunities! Not so much that the Thousand Machine Sword Dragon is several times more powerful. It would be better to say that her right hand was covered with a layer of dragon claw light, like a dragon claw sheath.

The power of dragon claws!

The dragon transformed from the Qian Ji Sword has dragon claws!


Dragon roars. Tear!

Dual core, explode!

2000 cloud blood energy, explode!

The dragon's claws are so powerful that they can explode the 2000 cloud blood energy again!

Thousand Machine Swordsmanship....

The 12th Thousand Machines, Stegosaurus~!

brush! The sword is like a dragon, and the sword comes out of the dragon's claws!

Shuttle... crit!

A straight line...through!

He shuttled towards a straight line of arrows, and even the man, sword and dragon passed through these arrows.

Puff puff!

The Stegosaurus tore its claws apart and cracked the arrows.

Instant puncture.

The bodies of the three great masters exploded~! Three great masters were seriously injured...

Swish, brush, brush!

The three strongest Grand Masters have been ejected from all three directions. With a swipe of his finger, the strongest arrows that Dai Li had avoided instantly reversed their attack direction, swish, swish, swish!

Joint penetration!

Snapped! This is the third second. Daili's feet paused, and he turned back. In a flash, he escaped from the gaps between these arrows, but he was already facing the strongest Qingque!

Ah, this guy has some tricks up his sleeve. It was actually planned!

Qingque is the strongest and is already determined to kill him. The second and third strongest people put their arrows on the bowstring and assisted in the killing!

The other ten people were ambushed and killed!


The arrows are set up one by one!

"Junzili, go to hell!"

Qing Que smiled triumphantly and with a killer smile, but Dai Li looked behind him, his eyes suddenly dimmed with a bright glimmer, and he smiled.


The left hand strikes again!

Come on!

Come with the sword!

The sword light began to bloom from the backs of Qingque and others.

That neglected swordsman, that peerless majestic swordsman, stepped forward, and his body moved like moonlight. He hooked the sword with one hand, and when the sword came out of its scabbard, the sword's light was also like moonlight.


From behind, come!

And in the front, the corresponding, almost parallel lines come from Daili.

Thousands of thunder lights gather together, the light is bright!

Sword, sword, sword, thunder sword!

Lei Lei Lei! Brontosaurus!

Dragon dragon dragon! Double Dragon!

The sword is booming, the thunder is burning, and the dragon is roaring!

"Double Dragon Thunder Sword Formation, let's go!"


The hundred-meter-diameter thunder sword formation instantly covered a circular area, covering those dozen people!

Thousands of thunder swords! Shoot!

Spiritual eyes open! Target their absolute weakness!

Point your finger!

Thunder double dragons shuttle.

The world of thunder dragons and swords is an extremely bright world of deep blue thunder.

Parallel to the world is a sword that is brighter than the moon in the sky.

The sword without regrets, the absolute heart-killing sword realm, the ultimate sword-killing intention, the talent of six senses and heavenly knowledge, can inscribe all soul auras, and see through everything.

Absolutely kill!

Thunder formation, one sword.


The thundering man in black, the swordsman in white...

Traveling under the moon.

After shuttle, overlap and overlap, both sides...

Qingque’s head exploded! The body is covered in thunder!

The five people around them were interspersed and surrounded by thunder swords and thunder dragons, and they exploded!

Dead or seriously injured?

On the other side, the second strongest and the third strongest shot sword energy through their chests, and the other three people were directly killed by a sword energy...

This scene became a nightmare for many prostitutes in the Evernight Building for a long time.

After the nightmare, Dai Li and Ming Jian turned their heads and saw the murderous intent behind Gong Zangxue's expressionless face.

Behind her, a large number of experts flew in. The number of experts was at least four or five times that of Qingque and others before!

People who never sleep at night!


Daili and Mingjian never hesitated...

Turn around and shoot out!

Gong Zangxue tilted his head and said indifferently: "Chase, kill! If you can't kill in ten minutes, come back."


Swish, brush, brush!

A large number of masters are like locusts crossing the border, chasing after them like crazy! (To be continued) ()

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