A Queen

Chapter 854 I’m here to ask for money~~

How could people like Jiang Chuan not be angry, and they were trying to do something wrong with Lin Jiangxue and the others? Is this the virtue of these children from aristocratic families in the group area? Why does your brain already grow into the lower half of your body? Or has the sperm gone out of his mind?

However, the opponent is too strong!

The Blue Bird Territory... is the strongest medium-sized colony in their southern territory. The Chai family is also one of the top families and the richest family.

It's too strong, I can't bear it!

what to do?

You have to carry it even if you die!

Several men from Jiangchuan immediately blocked the five Linjiangxue girls from behind, pointing their swords at the three young masters of Blue Bird...

"It seems that we can't be kind today. If that's the case, let's fight to the end!" Linjiang Immortal, who is usually such an indifferent person, now also pulled off his collar and became angry.

"Fight to the death!"

"People from the Yellow River, people from the Blue Bird, if you have the ability, go ahead! If you can't kill us, you're considered a loser!"

Nanlin only had a few people, but at this moment, he had the evil aura of a madman.

Unruly and unyielding!

This actually made people on the second floor praise them, but they were not optimistic about it...

The gap between strength and weakness is too big...

I'm afraid they're going to die in battle, this group of people...

It turns out that the stewards of Qingyuan Building and others didn't care about this at all, they just watched the show. There was nothing they could do. They had seen too much of this kind of drama and were tired of it. But at this moment, it felt a little fresh, because the weak Nanlin was still a bit proud.

But can pride be eaten?

It was when the people from Blue Bird had murderous intentions towards Nan Lin and others and wanted to ruthlessly ravage them.

A clear and clear sound suddenly came from above their heads.

"Hey. What about the little dwarf...where's the meal money we agreed on? Didn't you say we'd share it equally?"

The sound was sudden, yet clear, sweet, and faintly heard. Everyone in the competition arena on the third floor, the second floor, or the first floor looked subconsciously, looking around, and finally settled on an inconspicuous pillar, leaning against an inconspicuous young master. , two slender long legs crossed.

He crossed his chest with his hands and looked up. The eyes were clear and faint, with a faint light.

Some are dissolute, some are clean, and some are bored and lazy.

On appearance. Ye Mang is better than him.

But it is such an ordinary person who catches everyone's eyes.

"I'm just talking about you...don't look at others...little dwarf"

Kong Kong'er had subconsciously looked at the others just now, but at this moment Dai Li's eyes paused and he immediately gritted his teeth. "It's you...what are you doing to stir things up?"

"You want money?" Dai Li took a step forward, leaned on the railing, and smiled at Kong Kong'er, "Why, you are allowed to fight with others, but you are not allowed to ask for money?"

How upright and confident. Linjiangxian and the others all looked at Kong Kong'er, "Brother, have you paid off your debt?"

Kong Konger is annoyed. I am also confused, what does this kid want to do? My brain is stuck, now add some input...

Didn’t you say you don’t want money?

"Who are you? Get out of here!"

A young man from Qingniao shouted coldly.

"I've never rolled before in my life... How about you roll over and show me?" As he said that, Dai Li put down his hands that were wrapped around his chest, and casually grabbed the young man with one hand.


A large golden dragon claw formed in the air. It's ferocious and terrifying, and it's a brutal grab!

The three young men couldn't control their bodies. Caught and sucked into the sky.

The posture of being sucked in is still spiraling in the air...

For a moment, everyone could only see Dai Li's spread-out fingers twisting casually.

Like a fist.




Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!

The three master-level figures had their bones shattered and their bodies splattered with flesh and blood...

The screams spread, stimulating the attention of many people who had not planned to come to the show before. The majestic pressure of the dragon's claw also made some people have to frown, such as the people in the VIP area on the third floor. Ji Gao, who prides himself on his status, originally didn't bother to get involved in such a low-level conflict, but now he can't. He walked over one by one and saw the scene of the three people being thrown to the ground like rag bags, and That dragon claw.

"What a powerful grandmaster. Who is that person? A third-level master? Or a second-level master?"

"Ha, Mr. Chai, this person is a slap in the face. Could he be your enemy?"

Many people are also lamenting Chai Zijun, such as several people who also have a strong background, including Huo Yanxiao, whom Daili has met before. Now he has Huo Yanwu accompanying him, and there are several people with the same outstanding temperament. There are one or two who are even more impressive than Chai Zijun.

With so many people coming, Chai Zijun was naturally unwilling to lose!

Chao Daili was so angry that he waved his fan and said, "Where did you come from, that brat, who dares to interfere in our Qingniao's affairs! You must be repaired!"

After that, the fan has been flying down from the air, from the third floor to the second floor! The fan bone protrudes into five-finger claws, which grow in size and tear towards Dai Li...

The people nearby had already been frightened and fled away, and it was Dai Li who faced this fan alone.

fan? A golden magical weapon.

Indeed, the Chai family is extremely wealthy!


When the fan was cutting towards her neck, but only a short distance away, Dai Li's face was calm, and he just swept his palm casually in the air.

Grasp the claw fan with your bare hands.


In an instant, he grabbed it in his hand, twisting his fingers, and the handle of the fan was in his hand. The power of ten thousand clouds, which was at the Grand Master level, was transferred out of thin air. In the unbelievable shock of everyone, he flicked the bone fan and raised his eyes. The eyes are idle and wandering.

"The fan is good, but the person is too weak."

After saying that, his figure suddenly shot out!

In an instant, they reached the third floor, soared into the air, jumped, and appeared in front of Chai Zijun with a face like a ghostly afterimage...

Not to mention Chai Zijun, even Lin Yishu and others were startled at this moment, and they all jumped back in fear.

Scared, scared!

It can frighten Chai Zijun, who has reached the Grand Master level. This shows how terrifying Dai Li's speed just now was, and he took a step back?

not enough!


The fan is folded together to form a small stick. A stab at the tip.

It was stabbed below Chai Zijun's Adam's apple.


Chai Zijun's body collapsed in an instant, and he vomited blood in his throat. His footsteps continued to retreat. Finally he stopped and vomited twice more. When he raised his eyes, he saw the man standing on the railing, playing with his fan.

Careless, idle and arrogant, such a person. It's like a ghost wandering outside, making people unpredictable. It also makes people want to destroy her!

"What a powerful person" Huo Yanxiao frowned.

Young Master Liushui and Young Master Tianhua also frowned. Where did such a character appear? He seemed ordinary, but he was so powerful.

Competition in the audience. Lin Jiangxue and others had also seen the scene on the third floor, and were naturally surprised.

"Kong Kong'er, how did you come to know such a powerful person?"

"Um... I met her when we were working together. She has a good temper, but her personality is a bit weird. But after eating her food, I feel full of strength!"

Kong Kong'er's performance just now was indeed far beyond his usual level, which made people like Lin Jiangxian very curious.

"...You can eat more of this kind of food in the future."

The people in Nanlin narrowly escaped death, but they didn't know that Daili had helped them. It just seems like he has a bit of a weird personality.

It's so uncertain that it's hard to figure out.

For example, right now, she is standing on the railing on the third floor. He smiled at Chai Zijun.

The smile was neither thick nor light, it seemed like a smile but not a smile, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

--Feeling despised, trampled on, and humiliated.

"Bullshit..." Chai Zijun is narrow-minded to begin with, let alone in front of so many people. With a frown, he shot out immediately. Attack Daili on the railing!

The steward frowned. Just when I was about to stop him, I saw that the handsome young man had already done a backflip so well that he climbed out of the third floor...

"If you want to fight, come here. Don't destroy the tables and chairs, otherwise I won't be able to pay for it... I'm too poor."

This sentence made Chai Zijun even more angry, "Poor man, am I still afraid of you?"


Chai Zijun had already followed Dai Li and rushed out of the third floor. He jumped into the air, put his hands together in seals, and used magic techniques to fire up the sky!


Fire attack!

Naturally, the sway cannot reach the circular floor, because the steward has activated the formation at this moment. Once it reaches the hollow central area, there is a layer of membrane to isolate all attacks!

Therefore, there are only Dai Li and Chai Zijun in the sky at this moment!

Chai Zijun is extremely murderous towards Dai Li and will show no mercy! Of course, the most amazing thing is that he took out another golden magic weapon!

Or a fan!

--Throw away one, I still have one!

The rich temperament is undoubtedly displayed!

It's really embarrassing, Dai Li is very unhappy because of this. He was already unhappy in Merlin, but now he is even more unhappy.



As soon as Dai Li opened the fan, it spun in her hands, with spiral fan bones, covered with thunder, and a fierce stroke...


Blatantly cut through the flames!

Ten thousand violent attacks! enough!


Chai Zijun was brutally torn into the wall by a fan!

boom! The membrane blocks... but the blood is real!

It was also at this moment that Dai Li turned sideways and faced Lin Yishu, who suddenly attacked him.

"I still wanted to find you, but I jumped out on my own. Why are you so considerate?"

Then, speed!

Before Lin Yishu could rush to him, she had already arrived in front of him. She grabbed Lin Yishu's neck with her palm, grabbed it, pulled it, lifted it and threw it!

From top to bottom, Lin Yishu, who had not had time to release a hand, was like a basketball. He was thrown from the third floor... to the first floor with a crazy attitude of one-handed slam dunk!

Explosive speed, critical hit!


Blood splattered everywhere.

The blood splashed onto the blocking walls on the first, second, third, and third floors, and flowed loudly...

Violent, brutal, cruel.

The people on the third floor were in dead silence.

However, the person involved just pulled up his collar at this moment and calmly came to Chai Zijun's side.

There are also people from Jade Bird here, and even Chai Zijun’s lackeys. They are afraid that Daili will be cruel to Chai Zijun again, but they don’t dare to come over. Texture shouts from a distance: "What do you want to do? Our young master is from the Chai family..."

Dai Li took a deep look at them, turned his face, and lifted the collar of seriously injured Chai Zijun with one hand, his movements were very gentle.

"How could I not know that your young master is from the Chai family, so I was so gentle..."


Soon, everyone saw that this guy looked calm and took off another magic fan from Chai Zijun's hand, then pulled off the magic belt from his waist, and then the necklace around his neck...

What is this called? (To be continued) ()

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