A Queen

Chapter 857 Explosion!

"Xiang Jinghong, don't use your aristocratic habits against me... If you weren't from the Xiang family, you would be just like Merlin's male favorite... No, at least you can play drums!"

Inexplicably, why did the topic come back again? And it made Nuo Shanbei chuckle and agree: "That drum is really good...I even asked my servant to learn it when I went back."

Contempt, humiliation, never changed.

Um, is someone sitting still and lying down?

Xiang Baobao was furious and wanted to refute, but Xiang Jinghong patted her head with one hand. His eyes were fond and cold, and he opened his thin lips lightly, just as he was about to speak...

"That man is not playing the drum."

Everyone looked at the sound.

Dai Li has crossed his legs, folded his hands around his chest, and within his eyelids, there is broken light, broken into dots of stars. It is amber, glass, dust, or meteors, or it is the indifference that washes away the night.

"It's lonely"

lonely? Haha, someone laughed inexplicably, and then many people laughed, including people like Chai Zijun, because... Daili's words were really joyful, and even people like Tang Junyi thought this was weird and funny...

"Loneliness? I don't know where the loneliness comes from?" Huo Yanxiao looked at Dai Li and spoke again. Looking at Nuo Shanbei and others who were also dissatisfied with the male favorite, he naturally felt a little more courageous.

With a glance, Dai Li remembered these people who were hostile to him and said calmly: "To play music, you must be in love, and to be in love, you must be lonely. Since you are lonely, how can you not be lonely?"

The words are clean, the tone is crisp, and the logic is clear. It subconsciously changes everyone's thoughts...

It seems that this is correct. Qing Luo's eyes were already bright and she looked at Dai Li thoughtfully.


"Especially... so many people listening to the music don't understand her loneliness. How can she not be even more lonely?"

What Dai Li added at this moment slapped many people in the face.

Is this a mockery of us pretending to understand when we don’t understand?

Mr. Yushan was the most annoyed, "It's just the sound of drums. Although I haven't heard it, I guess it's just that. You've said so much, it seems like you understand it very well!"

Is this going to be a conflict?

The people who were isolated wanted to watch the show again, but Tang Junyi and others were holding their foreheads. Ah, they suddenly realized that this weirdo was the real talent. He had repaired Chai Zijun and others, and calmly conflicted with Huo Yanxiao. Now, Even more nonchalant about having to deal with people like Nuo Shanbei...

Who is she?

What ability?

How to deal with it at this moment?

Dai Li just took a cup of tea, took a sip, raised his eyes, and smiled. His face, which could only be regarded as delicate at first, became enchanting inexplicably.

Youyoude said: "Of course I don't understand her loneliness, but I don't understand your arrogance even more."

Before Master Yushan could change his face.

Daili had already pressed his hands on the table, and his voice suddenly became fierce!

"They say it's easy to play drums, why don't you just play one and see! I've never even heard of it, so I'm just thinking about it, thinking about your sister!"

They say that people are just beautiful. If you have the ability, why don't you be so ugly!

People say they only seduce women. Are women like fish? They just seduce women. Is your brain's fish bubble broken? What's coming out is shit? Just eat it, don’t let it leak out! No one else needs to eat? "

Who would have thought that someone who was gentle, gentle, and elegant before would suddenly explode!

Who would have thought that such a delicate, delicate and calm person would suddenly distort his style of painting...

Jiangnan ink painting has turned into a passionate Hong Kong comic animation.

--Young and Dangerous, Legend of the Storm, 108 Heroes Go to Liangshan!

The aura is so explosive!

The whole audience was shocked!

The wine glass clanged, clanged, clanged and broke!

Not far away, the steward and others had twitching expressions.

God, did I see it wrong? Is there anyone else swearing in Qingyuan Building?

But these curse words are really... subtle and domineering!

People like Nuo Shanbei had never been scolded like this in their lives, and they were a little confused for a while, but it was undoubtedly Yushan who was scolded in person.

He was stunned for a moment and then became furious!


"You bitch, I'll kill you!"

Get up, make a fist, and shoot out!

Draw your sword brazenly! Murder is coming!

Take action, actually take action!

Is Mr. Yushan crazy? He actually took the initiative in Qingyuan Building!

But that kid...

People like Tang Junyi were so scared that their faces turned green! Mr. Yushan is the top grandmaster, and when Furious appears, he takes action with the strength of 17,000!

Are you seeking death? This is weird!

Will Qi Pa die?


Tang Junyi and the others suddenly felt a force pushing them all away, and then they looked around.

That weird thing... turned the table over!


The table made of jade was lifted up with a bang!

However, when Mr. Yushan slashed with his sword, the jade table suddenly split into two halves...the moment they shot apart!

One hand brazenly grabbed the blade with 17,000 lethality from the middle.

See clearly, is that a hand?

No, it's a dragon claw!

The hand, which was more beautiful than a woman's, turned into a bronze dragon's claw. In full view of everyone, he grabbed the knife and squeezed the dragon's claw, wiping, wiping!

Can you imagine a knife being bent by pinching?

A silver magic weapon grade knife.


Everyone was almost stunned by this scene, and people like Nuo Shanbei also came to their senses.

Dragon Claw!

This person is...

After all, Nuo Beishan was very powerful, and he quickly reacted, grabbing the knife with one hand and unsheathing it...


The dagger was also unsheathed, and there was another person in front of him.

Xiang Jinghong!

The two people's eyes met, and their momentum collided at that moment!

There was an uproar behind Xiang Jinghong!

They both looked at...

That strange young master had already crushed the magic sword with one claw, then followed the trend and slapped it with his palm!

The speed was so fast, so fast that both of them just saw the knife break and heard it before they even blinked...

boom! ! !

One sound!

Young Master Yushan, known as a hard-working and talented person among casual cultivators, was slapped against the wall.

The walls are not damaged at all, because this is the Qingyuan Building and its defense is strong.

But... Mr. Yushan vomited blood, and his face was bloody, because his head was slapped on the wall, and the wall was smeared with blood.

It's like swatting a fly, it's so easy!

Instant kill!

He didn't die, but he was killed instantly.

One lift of the table, one slap, instant kill.

Haha, everyone present didn’t know what to say.

People like Chai Zijun, who had a bruised face, didn't know what to say. If they said now that they really felt psychologically balanced, would they be silenced? ?

However, Xiang Jinghong and Nuo Shanbei stared directly at Dai Li's hand. No, it should be said that the dragon claw is not actually a real dragon claw, but a hand with a dragon claw attached. You can see the beauty of the original hand. It looks like a dragon claw, but it has a layer of dragon claws attached to the outside.

But they didn't see anything else from this dragon claw.

That's why Nuo Shanbei found it difficult.

What speed was that just now? Also, this claw crushed the magic sword with a lethality of 17,000, and directly knocked away Mr. Yushan, who was not bad at strength?

Dragon Claw... This person has dragon blood?

Sparkle Dance has a weird expression, Dragon Claw? She naturally knew what happened at the Dragon Slaying Conference, and she also knew that the ultimate treasure was the dragon claw, but she didn't know if it had anything to do with it here.

This person gave her a strange feeling after all.

But if she saw the blood energy condensed by the dragon claw, she might not be so hesitant.

Clatter. Clatter.

In the strange silence, the stewards of Qingyuan Building came, with strange expressions on their faces. Well, this is the first time in these years that I have found myself so busy~~

But before they could say anything, they saw the man who had just suddenly lifted the table and killed others in an instant. He was neatly arranging his somewhat messy sleeves and said slowly: "I feel jealous when someone looks handsome." Forget it, you just tease someone else's girl because she's pretty. Do you have any quality at all? What's the name? Why don't you say that you two are exactly opposite genders! It's fate~~ Such a lousy way to pick up girls With all the technology out there... I really want to spit on your face!"

puff! At this time, everyone was really squirting, and even the people in charge couldn't help laughing. Hey, this young man's ability to complain is really awesome!

You're not even out of breath, just cheat, brother~~.

The most unexpected thing is that after this guy finished complaining, he turned his face and looked at the good-looking Hua Yushang...with an indifferent expression, clear and clear, "Girl, actually you are also wrong."

Um, are Huamei people at fault? Many people were shocked.

What kind of temperament does this young master have? He is so evil!

"Please give me some advice, sir."

Hua Yushang spoke softly, relaxed her eyebrows, and smiled calmly. She seemed not to be disturbed by the previous changes, nor was she panicked by the current accusations.

Temperament, this is the dignified atmosphere of a lady from aristocratic family.

Dai Li glanced at Xiang Jinghong's curious and slightly unnatural face next to him, then tilted his head again, looking serious.

"You look so good-looking"

Hua Yushang, who had been prepared to have his mistakes pointed out, had even begun to reflect on the shortcomings of his previous performance. Under such solemnity, he was suddenly said like this.

She subconsciously looked up at the young man in front of her who had obviously helped her breathe a sigh of relief. He looked so young and young, but she really didn't dare to forget how he looked like before. However, the other man's eyes were really beautiful and clean, so she I can't treat her as Mr. Yushan.

It was also because of this that when she looked at the serious face of the other party, she suddenly felt that she was both laughing and crying, and her heart was tense and suddenly softened.

The beauty suddenly smiled, and the pear blossoms bloomed in the spring breeze overnight.

The female cultivators present actually smiled, and then they were all drunk. After all, there are few women who don't like to be praised for their good looks. What's more, this man's eyes are not lewd, unlike Mr. Yushan's naked lust.

So... the impression is completely reversed.

The psychotic weirdo immediately turned into a violent, powerful, humorous and romantic man...

Look at the smiles of these female nuns.

Many male cultivators: "...."

Damn it, this is the most advanced technique for picking up girls!

Someone like Yushan is so weak!

The people in Nuoshanbei were also drunk. Where did this pervert come from...

But fortunately, this guy can't get away easily. R1152

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